Rout of the Dem-Shyr (The Ascendant Series)

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Rout of the Dem-Shyr (The Ascendant Series) Page 8

by Raine Thomas

  Giving her a considering look, Vycor nodded. “It would be my pleasure to advise you, Ma’jah. You have only to name the time and place.”

  She didn’t need her abilities to determine that he was insinuating something lecherous. The fact that his gaze roamed over her barely-covered body spoke volumes. Even though he was closer in age to her than he was to her parents, the thought of doing anything intimate with him creeped her out. She had to struggle not to show her reaction and alert him to her true motives.

  “Very well,” she said. “Let me get through this…celebration. Then I’ll arrange a meeting.”

  “Excellent. I look forward to it, Ma’jah.”

  Kyr watched him go, deliberately avoiding Ty’s gaze. She would explain later that she believed she would be able to read Vycor’s mind when she was alone with him. She was sure she would finally get to the bottom of everything that was going on at the palace.

  Because despite the fact that they had no proof of it, she was certain the Advisor was at the heart of it all.

  * * *

  Ty wanted to question Kyr, but no sooner did Vycor step away from them than Juwal walked up. He ground his back teeth in frustration. What was Kyr planning with Vycor? Didn’t she understand what a dangerous viper he was?

  “Well, this has been a tremendous success,” Juwal said, clapping her hands together in enthusiasm. “I had no idea it would be so easy to pair you, Ma’jah.”

  Kyr’s confusion flowed through Ty. He felt it even with her mental shields up. Their connection to each other had definitely grown since their joining that afternoon. He knew it even if she didn’t yet.

  Mimicking Ty’s thoughts, Juwal continued, “I’ve never seen such a strong connection between two people before.”

  Ty couldn’t resist exchanging a glance with Kyr, who now stood at his side. Had Juwal somehow picked up on their connection despite their attempts to block her?

  “LeoVawn is clearly your match,” Juwal declared.


  Kyr sounded as incredulous as Ty felt. Nothing about the interaction between Kyr and Leo should have sent Juwal any signals. What was the female Mynder up to?

  “It would be remiss of you not to at least interact with the remaining males who took the time to attend your celebration, Ma’jah,” Juwal said, taking Kyr’s arm.

  Irritated, Ty took Juwal’s hand and removed it from Kyr. “No one touches Ma’jah.”

  “My apologies, Dem-Shyr,” Juwal said, lowering her gaze in a submissive manner. “I wasn’t thinking.”

  A feeling ran through Ty as Juwal’s eyes again lifted to his. He intuited that she had touched Kyr on purpose, knowing he would in turn touch her. Sensing that she had gotten a thrill from their contact, he quickly released her and once again took Kyr’s arm. He thought he should say something, but he wasn’t sure what.

  I told you, Kyr thought.

  There was no tone of victory in the thought, though. Instead, she radiated sadness. She had suspected that Juwal had feelings for him. It appeared she had been right.

  Without another word, Kyr once again began making the rounds. She took one Vawn to the side, told him he wasn’t her match, and moved onto the next. Before too long, even those males she hadn’t talked to clued into what was happening and left after they had eaten their fill, not bothering to wait for Kyr’s rejection.

  Through it all, Juwal shadowed them. Ty wondered why. His question was answered when one of the Vawn drew Kyr into a lengthy conversation to determine why he wasn’t her match. Juwal took the opportunity to move up to Ty’s other side.

  “I’m sure this isn’t easy for you, Dem-Shyr,” she said, touching his arm in a gesture of sympathy. “As Advisor Vycor mentioned at the judgment of the Shelvaks, it was inevitable that you and Ma’jah Kyr would develop some level of feeling for each other after so much time together. Once she’s paired through the Proce-Amanti, you’ll be free to finally focus on your own happiness.”

  There were many things Ty wanted to say, especially when he felt Kyr’s pain as she overheard the words. This entire celebration was a study in misery for both of them. Juwal was exacerbating it with her own motives, something he didn’t appreciate in the least.

  “I know that not just any person would suit you,” Juwal added. “You need a match who is as strong-minded as yourself.”

  Like her, Ty thought. She was trying to state her case for pairing with him once Kyr was out of the picture.

  He knew then that Juwal would never agree to perform the Proce-Amanti for him and Kyr. Even if they got the Guardians to agree to their match, which he was beginning to believe would take a directive from the All Mighty Yen-Ki, Juwal would never allow it to happen. The obstacles against him and Kyr being together continued to pile up.

  He couldn’t help but think it was becoming a mountain they wouldn’t ever conquer.

  Chapter 13

  By the time Ty led her to her chambers that evening, Kyr was physically and mentally exhausted. While most of the interactions with the males hadn’t taken too much of her time, a few of the Vawn had resisted her rejection. She had spent quite some time explaining why she didn’t feel that a complete stranger would be a good match for her.

  None of it made any sense. She had thought that the Proce-Amanti process was done more carefully than this. Candidates were supposed to be paired with people they knew…people who had similar interests and mindsets as they did. Most of the Vawn in that room had been much older than her and clearly only interested in the position of power that they’d inherit by joining with her as her amanti. From the conversations she’d had with them, she determined that they were close friends with her parents, which was presumably what had earned them the invitation to her Day of Life celebration.

  There seemed very little to celebrate, she mused as she entered her chambers. Even Ty was subdued. She knew he’d been dealing with his own challenge in the form of Juwal. The female Mynder hadn’t left their side after Vycor’s departure. That had been quite some time ago.

  “Welcome back, Ma’jah,” Zasha said, avoiding Kyr’s gaze as she bowed. “Would you like to be prepared for bed?”

  Kyr’s heart wrenched again when she picked up Zasha’s thoughts. The Wrym had seen her talking to Leo and feared that she would soon be paired with him as the Faire-Amanti. Although Kyr had no idea how Leo and Zasha had come to know each other and obviously fall in love, the last thing she wanted to do was come between them.

  “That would be great, Zasha,” she said. “I can’t wait to get out of these shoes.”

  Ty led her to the closet, where she was disrobed by the Wrym, dressed in a silky nightgown, and wrapped in a coordinating robe. From there, they took her into the bathing chamber so they could remove her makeup and brush her hair. Zasha was the one who held the brush. Kyr met her gaze in the mirror.

  Zasha, I won’t be paired with Leo, she thought, aiming it directly at the younger female.

  The brush stilled. You won’t?

  No. I don’t love him. He loves another. I think you know that.

  Glancing around, Zasha hurriedly returned to brushing Kyr’s hair. Her color rose, turning her cheeks almost as red as her hair.

  Can you tell me when you and Leo first had feelings for each other? Kyr thought. When Zasha looked uncomfortable, Kyr explained, I’m trying to find out when the repressions were lifted. There’s obviously something going on around here.

  Relief flowed through Zasha. Oh, I see. Well, it was before you returned, Ma’jah. A good while ago. I’m not sure I could say exactly when.

  Kyr read Zasha’s sincerity. In truth, she would have been surprised if Zasha could pinpoint the exact moment her repression had been lifted. Until she met the right guy, it was unlikely she would have even noticed.

  That’s okay, Zasha. Thanks. Just rest assured that Leo isn’t going to be the Faire-Amanti.

  The Wrym smiled and nodded, then went back to brushing Kyr’s hair. She didn’t seem surprised by the fact
that Kyr knew about the repressions being lifted. Did the Wrym know more than she was letting on? Or was she just so relieved about Leo that anything Kyr said was acceptable as a reason?

  She shook her head, which was pounding. All of the exertion that day was starting to get to her. Was it safe to lower her mental defenses now?

  Don’t worry, Kyr. You’ll be fine.

  Ty’s thought came through like a healing balm. She glanced at him in the mirror and gave him a grateful smile. Through all of the drama, he was her rock.

  I’ll teach you some techniques to block all of the thoughts around you, he told her. I can tell you’re receiving more and more as your abilities grow. It will become more natural for you as you train. You won’t tire as easily.

  That would be wonderful. I’m pretty sure my head is going to explode.

  You’re a quick healer, he returned. You’ll be fine in a minute.

  She wanted to give him a teasing comment about not really caring about her, but the truth was, her headache eased almost instantly when she lifted the mental barriers. There was an undercurrent of mental activity running through her mind, but since most of the thoughts were from far away, it wasn’t overwhelming. She should have known that Ty would be right. He had dealt with this for much longer than she had.

  It occurred to her that many of her abilities as the Ascendant mimicked Ty’s. She was growing in strength and mental power. She could heal from things no other Alametrian could. Were there other things? Could she influence people to do what she wanted?

  Kyr, the Guardians are strong enough to know when you’re using your abilities on them, Ty warned her as he deduced where her thoughts were heading. Many Alametrians are. Influencing involves a deeper intrusion of a person’s consciousness than just perceiving thought.

  But you influenced Shaya to spill her tea on that horrible dress, she reminded him. She didn’t seem to realize it.

  He sighed. There are ways you can accomplish subtle influencing while implanting the suggestion that it was an accident. But that will take training.

  Fine. Then you’ll train me.

  “Did you get enough to eat at the celebration, Ma’jah?” Zasha asked as she put the brush down.

  The truth was, Kyr hadn’t eaten anything at the celebration. The thought that it could be poisoned was enough of a deterrent. Her stomach was still twisted in knots over the entire ordeal, as well.

  “Actually, Zasha, I’d just like some tea before bed, if that’s all right.”

  “Of course. Heshi has some waiting for you.”

  Kyr wasn’t surprised. Her every wish was anticipated by the Wrym. Although it should have been nice, she had to admit that she missed the level of privacy she used to have on Earth. At least on Earth, she and Ty could have entered a life together without it becoming a planetary ordeal.

  Zasha led her out to the couch, in front of which sat the tray of tea. Ty had already prepared the beverage with sugar and was taking a sip to test it. Her body tensed until he handed the cup to her, telling her that it was okay to drink.

  That he was okay.

  “Is there anything more we can get you, Ma’jah?” Zasha asked.

  “No, thank you. I’m going to bed the moment I finish this tea. It’s late. Why don’t you go to your chambers and get some rest?”

  Zasha and Heshi, the only two remaining Wrym, both bowed. “Thank you, Ma’jah,” Zasha said. “We’ll see you in the morning.”

  Kyr sipped her tea and nodded, waving the two females out of the room. Not long after their departure, Ty also excused the two Mynders who had been standing inside her chambers. This had become standard procedure at night ever since Ty started sleeping on her couch. She had come to value this time alone with him, even when all they did was sit together in peace and silence.

  What a day it had been. She pondered the fact that her parents hadn’t been at the celebration. There was no way her mother was still too ill to participate. It had been many days since Hemmel reported that she was healthy enough to receive visitors. So why was her mother continuing to avoid her?

  Never mind her father. He didn’t even have poor health to blame for not bothering to stop by to wish her well.

  Was it really so ridiculous that she longed for more support from her parents? Her Kyndred, Wyk and Ullah, had treated her with so much love during her lessons. Coming home to anything less than that seemed cruel.

  But here she was, alone and depressed on her own Day of Life.

  You’re never alone, Kyr.

  Her eyes moved to Ty at his thought. He hadn’t joined her on the couch, but remained standing near the doors. It was like he was waiting for an invasion from which to protect her. Would there ever come a day when he could just relax with her?

  Putting down her empty cup, she rose. “I’m ready for bed,” she said.

  He headed to her bedchamber to do one last scan before she entered. As he completed his search, she moved into the room and closed the door behind her. He paused as he got to his feet after looking under the bed. Confusion colored his thoughts.

  She walked over to him, untying her robe as she went. She let it drop from her shoulders, leaving her in just the thigh-length nightgown.

  Ty’s throat worked as he tried to swallow. Kyr, we’ve already pushed our luck today.

  I know, she agreed, reaching out and unfastening his velvety tunic. But after everything we went through at that celebration, I think we both need this. We need each other.

  His expression showed how conflicted he was. She knew he wanted her as much as she wanted him. The pants he wore were tight enough to show her that much. But he stopped her hands before she could fully remove the tunic.

  No, Kyr. You don’t understand. The repercussions—

  Are severe. I get it. But we’ve faced them before and it didn’t stop us. Why now? She couldn’t help but think of Juwal’s open interest in him. Has something changed?

  He made a tortured sound in the back of his throat before he pulled her against him and claimed her mouth. She felt mildly guilty for trampling right over his reservations, but then she sank into his kiss and felt nothing but pleasure.

  His tunic fell to the floor as they kissed. She ran her hands over his hard chest, marveling in his strength. She could touch him all day. As it was, they just stood there kissing for the longest while.

  When her hands started moving lower, though, Ty apparently decided that wasn’t going to work for him. He pressed her back until they both ended up on the bed. He settled himself between her legs, causing her nightgown to ride up to her hips. She wanted to continue driving him crazy by caressing him, but he took her wrists and pinned them above her head as he kissed her. His thoughts told her that she was pushing him too far.

  But this was what she wanted. She needed him.

  Suddenly, he stiffened against her. His head lifted from hers. He must have heard something. She tried to shove him off of her, but it was too late.

  The door to her bedchambers burst open. Kyr’s world came crashing down as she watched the Guardians and a host of Mynders rush inside.

  Chapter 14

  The light of multiple de’llums filled the room as the Mynders saw what was taking place on the bed. Ty felt Kyr fighting against him, trying to get him off of her to minimize the damage, but his instincts had him wanting to protect her. The best place to do that was right where he was. Besides, the damage had already been done.

  “What in the name of Yen-Ki are you doing, Dem-Shyr TaeDane?” Brunyr demanded, his eyes wide. “Remove yourself from the Ascendant this instant.”

  Ty wanted to know what the Guardians were doing in Kyr’s bedchambers at this hour, but he was in no position to question anyone. Easing off of Kyr so he stood beside the bed, he kept himself between her and the armed Mynders. His fear mingled with Kyr’s, creating a riotous storm in his chest.

  Shaya stepped forward, looking remarkably well for someone who couldn’t attend her own daughter’s celebration. She was fully dr
essed. Her cold blue eyes honed in on him, accusation all over her face.

  “Yes, Dem-Shyr,” she said. “We order you to tell us what’s going on here. Did you just attempt to rape Ma’jah Kyr?”

  The question snapped through the air like a whip. It made the breath seize in Ty’s chest. It also gave him the out he needed in order to spare Kyr.

  “No!” Kyr cried, scrambling to get off the bed.

  “Yes,” he said in a louder voice. His heart clutched over the awful lie.

  “No!” Kyr shouted again, now standing beside him. “Ty, we need to tell them the truth. Don’t—”

  “I used my abilities to influence Ma’jah,” he said, the words tripping over themselves as he rushed to talk over her. “I manipulated her…made her think she’s in love with me so she wouldn’t fight me.”


  Kyr’s gasp came out like a sob. Her sharp pain over his words made his throat tighten. Silently, he begged her not to fight him.

  Shaya stepped closer to him, her nostrils flaring. “How can this be? We trusted you!”

  “Don’t listen to him, Mother,” Kyr insisted, trying to get around Ty so she could face her parents. “Let go of me, Ty! Let me talk to them. Guardians, I’ve been trying to tell you that we love each other. Ty, please.”

  Her tone and her attempts to get past him grew more and more desperate with each word. He saw the tears trailing down her face, the despair in her lovely eyes.

  But Ty knew. He read it in the Guardians’ thoughts. Someone had put them on the hunt, and they wanted blood.

  “She doesn’t know what she’s saying,” he said, struggling to keep his voice steady. “My influence is too strong. She’ll continue to argue until you intervene.”

  Shaya’s lips pressed together. She nodded at the Mynders, who turned towards Kyr. It took everything Ty had to keep from moving to protect her.

  God, Kyr. I’m so sorry, he thought as he stepped aside to let the Mynders past.

  “No!” she screamed as the guards moved in. “Don’t come near me.”


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