Mate For The Feral Barbarians (Celestial Mates)

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Mate For The Feral Barbarians (Celestial Mates) Page 6

by Scarlett Grove

  “Claiming?” I asked, confused.

  “To be seen as the rightful mate of both of us, we must both claim you together. It would require an act neither of us believes your soft human body could withstand. For a Zimbre female, maybe, but a human, never.”

  “Why don’t you let me be the judge of that,” I said.

  “You would have to take our cocks at the same time. One in your cunt and one in your ass,” Konko finally explained.

  I gasped, blinking. When they put it that way… I looked at their massive bodies and tried to imagine how that would work.

  “Maybe you have a point,” I said. “But that doesn’t mean we couldn’t try.”

  “Never. We would tear you apart,” Vock said.

  I looked up at their six foot six, broad-shouldered frames, and then down at their massive, impossibly thick cocks. It had been a challenge to get one of them inside my pussy. I couldn’t imagine having one in my pussy and one in my ass. But I also didn’t want them to fight. I knew they were close, and always had been. They were twins. I didn’t want to be what got between them. I could never live with that.

  Besides, maybe in the right situation, after a few glasses of wine… I could probably make it work.

  “Why don’t we just take this one day at a time, guys. I don’t want you to fight over me. I’d never forgive myself if I drove a wedge between two brothers,” I said, rubbing each of their arms.

  “Too late,” Vock said.

  “But it isn’t your fault, Kimmy. Don’t ever blame yourself. You are the first priority for both of us. Neither of us wants to see you hurt.”

  “Shouldn’t we just go back to your treehouse city and figure things out there?” I asked.

  “No. The other males cannot see you. You are yet to be claimed. With so few females, we cannot risk it.”

  “I’m confused, guys. And I’m tired. Can we just go to sleep and talk about this in the morning?”

  “Fine,” Vock grumbled.

  “I have no objections,” Konko said, his tone superior as he eyed his brother.

  I let out a weary sigh and lay down on the bed, pulling the furs over my shoulders. The brothers lay on either side of me. As I drifted off to sleep, I considered ways that I might be able to keep the peace between my two hot, sexy lovers.



  I slept deeply for several hours, but woke to the feeling of hands on my body. Thinking the brothers wanted to go again, I groaned and stretched with a broad smile on my face. The hands lifted me up from the bed and I gasped.

  My eyes shot open. I couldn’t see anything in the darkness. The only light was from the dying embers in the fire pit. A hand covered my mouth and lips pushed against my ears, shushing me.

  “I’m taking you away from here,” I heard Vock say.

  I groaned against his hand, angry that he would try to steal me from his brother.

  I pushed against him, but he held me tight, carrying me out of the treehouse. He used his strong legs to leap from the treehouse and we were on the ground in a matter of seconds. He jumped onto the back of his mount and held me against his chest, reining his beast away from the treehouse.

  “Vock, why are you doing this?” I whispered.

  My best bet was to hear him out. I still hadn’t decided if I wanted one of them or both. But my instinct was to keep the peace between them.

  The Celestial Mates Dating Agency thought we were all supposed to be together. I had to believe there was something to it. The cupids had brought me here and had given me to these two men. Now I had to choose?

  I wanted to calm Vock down, not make matters worse. I liked him as much as I liked Konko. They were brash and uncivilized, but there was something about them both that heated me hotter than the South Carolina blacktop in July. I couldn’t help that I wanted them both, even if they told me it was impossible.

  I had to go along with whatever Vock had planned right now. It was the only way I was ever going to be able to get to the bottom of what was going on here. I still didn’t understand this planet, who the sky devils were, and why there were so few Zimbre females. It was all very confusing, and I’d been too distracted by my own sexual awakening to ask questions.

  The guys might not really understand any more than me. They were obviously from a very primitive civilization. They had a lack of females and had to “claim” me to keep me safe from the other males in their clan. I did want to find a way to be with my twins, but the idea of an entire clan of men wanting me made me more than a little nervous.

  I would have to be “claimed” by someone before I could even see their city. So for the time being, I’d have to try to get as much information from Vock and Konko as I could. That meant keeping them both calm and open to communication.

  Instead of screaming, or fighting Vock, I decided to be gentle with him.

  “Why did you take me?” I finally asked after we’d ridden quite a way away from the treehouse.

  “You will see I am the better choice. But you will not be able to see it clearly with my brother around all the time. I’m taking you away so we can be alone.”

  “Are you going to force me to choose you?” I asked carefully, trying to gauge how far he was willing to take this kidnapping.

  “Of course not! I cannot force you to choose me. Any more than Konko can force you to choose him. It is not the Zimbre way. I only want to convince you.”

  “Convince me?”

  I wondered what he meant by that. Taking me from the treehouse was obviously coercive.

  “I will never force you, Kimmy. No Zimbre male would force a female. I only want you to see I am the better brother between us.”

  “Okay. Where are we going?”

  “Somewhere Konko will never find us,” he said.

  We rode through the deep night, the stars above shining bright and close in the velvety black sky. I gazed at the stars as Vock held me to his chest. The constellations were completely foreign to me. Not that I was a big star gazer, but I didn’t see the big dipper or Orion’s belt or anything like that. I didn’t even see the milky way. Was I even in the same galaxy? I would have asked Vock, but I doubted he even knew what space was.

  We continued riding through the thick jungle, his Kong beast somehow seeing through the pitch darkness. The only light was from a crescent moon, twice the size of Earth’s moon. The celestial bodies in the sky seemed so close compared to how they looked on Earth. Or maybe it was just because I lived in the city and never saw the stars at night.

  Vock held me close, his masculine musk filling my lungs, and his strength wrapping me up in a vast feeling of protection. I gazed up through the forest canopy at that sky. I could look at it forever. It made me realize how much modern civilization had lost. Back on Earth, we couldn’t see the stars anymore. Men acted like children and women had to do everything for themselves. I’d spent six years in college, racking up a ton of student loan debt, just to get a lousy job as a legal secretary for the douchiest lawyer in Charleston.

  The only thing Earth had on Zimbre was Cherry Garcia ice cream, and after eating those orange fruits growing under the treehouse, I wasn’t sure Earth even had that on this place anymore.

  After about an hour, Vock slowed his mount. We approached a dark wall in the distance at the edge of the forest. He slid from the back of the mount and pulled me down with him. Vock took the beast’s reins and led it through the darkness to the edge of the dark wall. Vock knelt and I heard the sound of hard objects banging against each other. A moment later, a spark flew through the darkness, illuminating Vock’s face. He used his flint to light a torch. He tied up the beast and then led me to the rock wall.

  “What are we doing here?” I asked.

  “This is my private cave,” he said, handing me the torch.

  He pushed against a massive boulder, slowly, inch by inch, moving it away from a cave mouth. I held the torch aloft, watching Vock’s blue muscled back strain against the weight.

ith one final grunt, he pushed it away. He took the torch from me and motioned for me to follow him into the cave. A pallet with furs sat beside a fire pit. There was a trunk in the corner and not much else in the room. It smelled musty inside and more than a little damp.

  “I don’t like it here,” I huffed.

  I was still more than a little irritated that he’d taken me away from Konko. I wanted to go back to the treehouse with the clean furs and fresh air. I wanted to go back to Konko and try to figure this thing out between the three of us.

  “You’ll get used to it,” Vock said, settling beside the fire pit.

  He began chipping at his flint over a bundle of kindling he’d arranged in the fire pit.

  “What if I don’t?” I asked indignantly.

  He clearly wasn’t getting the picture. If his purpose in bringing me here was to convince me to choose him, he was failing. At my words, he stood and turned to me. The dim light of the torch the only thing illuminating the cave. He placed his hands on my shoulders and looked into my eyes.

  “Kimmy, I have waited my whole life for you. I would do anything for you, and if that means letting my brother have you, then that is what I will have to do. But until you make your decision, I must do everything in my power to convince you to be with me.”

  “What am I supposed to do in this place?” I asked, looking around.

  It was cold and dark and there wasn’t anything to eat.

  “We can explore this part of the forest in the morning. There are groves of Orgo fruit trees. I know you like those. I’ve brought plenty of Cocoche meat for us and I will cook some in the morning. For now, we should sleep. You need your rest.”

  “Are those furs even clean?” I asked, stepping over to the pallet.

  “I would never bring you to a dirty cave,” he said, his tone offended. “In fact, I have clothes for you in the trunk.”

  He walked over to the trunk and pulled out a leather dress that he handed to me before he knelt back down beside the fire. I slipped it on over my shoulders and it came down just below my knees. It fit better than the leather I’d had tied around my chest for most of the day. At least now my nakedness was covered. Vock finally lit the fire and it filled the cave with light and warmth. I sat cross legged on the pallet, watching him as he stood and climbed in beside me.

  “I need to understand what is going on here. Think about it from my perspective. Yesterday evening, I was sitting at home in my apartment, watching TV and scrolling through my social media feed. Now I’m on this barbarian planet with two strange men who claim to be my fated mates. Yet they want me to choose between them. Then you kidnapped me from your brother and brought me here. I don’t even have decent clothes to wear, let alone shoes. This whole thing is just starting to get to me. No matter how much I like you and Konko and appreciate all you’ve done for me, I’m afraid I’m going to lose my mind.”

  “What is a social media feed?” he asked, rubbing his chin.

  “You’re missing the point! Do you have any idea how much more advanced my planet is than yours? Do you even know what a planet is?”

  “I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

  “And what are these sky devils you were talking about? And what is the deal with those cupid creatures? Are they magical or something? Do you have magic on this planet?”

  “Do you mean the Celestial Mates Agents?” he asked.

  “Yes, those flying babies who brought me here and gave me to you and your brother.”

  “The cupids came to us and told us of a way to bring back our females and to defeat the sky devils who caused their deaths. The angels gave us the secret codes of the ancients. And then they brought us you. All we had to do was agree to their…terms and conditions. They are sent from the ancient gods. The entire clan agrees. Even the clans on the other side of the jungle agree. The angels have blessed us with their gifts and have brought you to us.”

  “Secret codes of the ancients? What does that even mean?”

  “There is much in this jungle that even the Zimbre do not understand. The ancient stone ruins hold many secrets. The angels have told us of an ancient weapon that can defeat the sky devils. The codes will allow us to activate them. But first one of us must claim you,” he said, poking at the now blazing fire with a stick.

  “I’m so confused!” I groaned, throwing myself back on the fur covered pallet.

  I was too tired to keep talking about this. I felt like we weren’t getting anywhere. Vock had woken me up in the middle of the night, and now all I wanted to do was go back to sleep.



  I watched Kimmy sleep, her luscious curves moving up and down as she breathed. My cock hardened at the sight of her. The smell of her cunt filled the air and it took all my strength not to pull back the furs, lift away her dress, and lick her until she screamed my name.

  The thought of her picking my brother filled me with a sense of dread I’d never known before. I needed her more than the air I breathed. I couldn’t give up so easily. If, after all this, she still chose him, then at least I would know I’d done everything I could to convince her.

  As the morning light streamed through the cave mouth, I stoked the fire and put Cocoche meat on a spit to feed my mate for breakfast. For the Zimbre, nothing was more pleasurable than watching your mate eat. Except sinking inside her warm depths.

  Kimmy stirred under the furs and turned to me, blinking the sleep from her eyes.

  “Good morning,” she said with a yawn.

  “Good morning,” I replied.

  It must have been a common greeting in her land, but it felt strange on my tongue.

  “We say ‘bless the sunrise’ on Zimbre,” I told her.

  “Oh,” she said, snuggling deeper in the furs.

  Coming to our land was taking a toll on her and part of me regretted putting her through further stress. She wanted to return to Konko and the treehouse. But I needed some time alone with her. It was the only way she would know me without the interference of my brother.

  As twins, we were very alike in most respects, but not completely alike. I wanted Kimmy to know what lengths I would go to for her; even betraying my brother. I wouldn’t go so far as to forcefully claim her. I would never do that. But I needed her to see me as my own man, away from my brother and from the clan. And I think part of me needed to prove it to myself as well.

  There were so many men on Zimbre and so few women these days, I didn’t want the only sexual experience of my life to be shared with my brother. Perhaps it was a selfish desire, but I had to know what it was like to be with her alone, just her and I. I needed to feel that connection to my mate at least once before I died.

  If all I ever had was this one opportunity to know her inside and out, it would be enough to sustain me for the rest of my life. If she chose my brother, I would have the memory of this time to keep me warm even if I did not have her sweet curvy body in my furs.

  “Are you hungry?” I asked, slicing a piece of Cocoche meet from the spit and offering it to her.

  “Starving,” she said, sitting up.

  She accepted the meat from my fingers, taking it with her luscious mouth. Kimmy flicked her tongue over my fingertips, the sensation stiffening my cock under my loincloth. I took a sharp breath and watched her chew. Everything about her was tantalizing. I could watch her eat all day. I offered her another bite, this time she sucked it out of my fingers, no more coy games. I knew what she wanted.

  I growled at her and threw a slice of meat in my mouth, chewing greedily as I watched her eat. My cock was rock hard and tenting my loincloth unmistakably. Kimmy’s eyes grazed over my erection and her mouth twitched.

  “What are your plans for the day?” she asked, clearing her throat.

  She was obviously changing the subject. Was she afraid of what would happen if we rutted without my brother’s interference?

  “We can pick Orgo fruit in the jungle. Bathe in the waterfall by the river. Fuck until your soul
screams for my fangs to claim you.”

  “Um. That sounds…nice,” she said, giggling. “I could really use a bath, I think. My hair is gross and I’m starting to smell.”

  “I will bathe you with fine oils and lavish you with pleasure.”

  “Okay,” she said, taking another bite of meat. “I wasn’t crazy about leaving Konko, but I kind of understand why you did it now. I think. It must be hard for you to know you may never have another woman again if I don’t choose you.”

  “It is,” I grunted.

  “I still don’t understand why you both can’t have me.”

  “I explained this to you, Kimmy. You are a small, soft human. My brother and I are huge compared to you. The claiming of two Zimbre men would break you apart. Both of us would have to be inside you to claim you at the same time. Your body cannot take it.”

  “Why don’t you let me be the judge of that?” she muttered.

  “No,” I said. “I don’t want to hear any more about it. Konko and I agreed as soon as we saw you that it was impossible. You must choose. We refuse to hurt you.”

  “What if I refuse to choose?” she challenged.

  “You must choose.”

  “I think you guys underestimate me.”

  “The claiming makes a male even larger than normal, Kimmy. Do you want that?”

  She looked down at my already thick erection and then looked into my eyes, biting her lip.

  “I know. I know. I just want everyone to be happy and if it means…”

  She didn’t complete her thought. Not out loud. But I knew what she was thinking, and I didn’t think it would work.

  The Zimbre were a practical people. We were not given to perversion or pain in love-making. We would never willingly harm a mate and both Konko and I were convinced that claiming her together would do just that. It was unlikely that Kimmy would change our minds.

  “How about that bath?” she asked.

  “Of course,” I said, rising to walk across the cave to riffle through the trunk.


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