Mate For The Feral Barbarians (Celestial Mates)

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Mate For The Feral Barbarians (Celestial Mates) Page 8

by Scarlett Grove

  “I do.”

  “Your tiny body would be torn apart, Kimmy. Vock and I agreed we wouldn’t attempt it when we first saw you.”

  “You guys both keep saying the same thing, but don’t I get a say in this?”

  “Do you really believe you could take two Zimbre cocks at once, little human?” he asked, jumping up on the mount behind me.

  Before I was able to answer, we were running through the jungle at breakneck speed. He did have a point. They were huge men. Not only were these brothers at least a foot taller than me, they were built differently than human men of the same height. They were wider, broader, thicker.

  They’d managed to get inside my pussy with some effort and a lot of lube, but both of them inside me, in my ass and my pussy at the same time? Maybe it was impossible. When I thought about it, I had to agree with them. It was a terrifying prospect to say the least. I’d never had a regular-sized cock in there, let alone a Zimbre-sized one. Definitely not two at once.

  But my heart just wouldn’t give up.

  “Can’t you both claim me another way?” I asked desperately.

  “There is no other way to make the mark that will be a signal to other males that you belong to us. We both must enter you, come inside you, and mark you with our teeth. Only then will the pheromones of claiming mark you. These are well-known processes among the Zimbre. You don’t understand because you aren’t one of us.”

  That last statement hurt me more than I wanted to admit. I suddenly felt so inadequate. It didn’t matter that these two men wanted me and I wanted them. Just because I was small and human, I could never fulfill my role. It made the tears run down my cheeks anew.

  “Where are you taking me, Konko?” I finally asked as we sped through the jungle.

  “I have my own private hunting lodge,” he said. “My brother isn’t the only one with secrets.”

  It was half a day’s ride through the jungle before we stopped. Konko hadn’t spoken much for most of the trip, and I felt sore and tired by the time we arrived.

  He stopped in front of a tall, viney tree with a treehouse high in the limbs. We slid from the back of his mount, and I could barely stand when I found my feet. My knees buckled, and Konko caught me.

  “My poor mate. I am sorry you have to go through this.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and he jumped up onto the rope ladder, climbing quickly until we were in a treehouse similar to the one where they’d first taken me. It was smaller and didn’t look as if it was used very often.

  I sat down on the fur covered pallet and looked up at the ceiling. Konko busied himself making a fire in the fire pit. I rolled over on my side and watched him, wondering what he was thinking.

  I felt so full of despair and hopelessness. The time I’d spent with Vock had bonded me to him. I couldn’t imagine not choosing him now. But here I was with Konko. I didn’t know if I was angry or what. My feelings were too confused to know for sure.

  I knew Konko had a point. I hadn’t exactly been thrilled with Vock when he’d taken me away from Konko, but now I just wanted to be with Vock again.

  None of this was fair. How was I ever supposed to choose between them? As the fire in the fire pit began to flame and spark, a tear slid down the bridge of my nose and dripped on the furs under my face. Konko looked up at me and frowned.

  “Please don’t despair, Kimmy. Once you’ve had your time with each of us, it will be easier to choose,” he said.

  I huffed and turned over onto my other side, facing away from him. I didn’t want to talk to him. I didn’t want to talk to Vock either. For the first time since arriving on Zimbre, I just wanted to go back home.

  Working at my stupid office job was easier than this. How was I supposed to choose between two men like Vock and Konko? They were both mythically amazing. I knew it was a high quality problem, but that didn’t make it any easier. I lost no matter what I chose and that wasn’t easy to stomach. Not at all.

  I smelled the familiar scent of cooking Cocoche meat soon and felt Konko’s big hand patting my back. I turned over, expecting to yell at him. But instead of screaming, I wrapped my arms around his waist and started bawling.

  “Kimmy…” he said, not knowing what to do.

  “I’m so confused, Konko. I don’t even know where I am.” The tears were coming down fast and hard now. My breathing was ragged, my voice close to hysteria. “I’m never going to be able to go home again! Are there even other people on this planet? Am I dreaming? What are the sky devils? Why am I here?”

  The words just poured from my mouth like a torrent of emotion. Konko patted my hair without a word. I guess he’d never seen a hysterical human woman before. I couldn’t stop crying and was close to hyperventilating when Konko made me sit up and look him in the eyes.

  “Kimmy. You must pull yourself together. You have no idea how important you are to us. You are the first bride the angels have blessed the Zimbre people with. You will bring us a female child. You will help us rebuild our race. And you will be the first of many brides. The angels have promised us this much. We only have to defeat the sky devils, and then we will ensure the arrival of many more females.”

  “I don’t understand,” I said, gasping for air.

  “I don’t really understand myself,” he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. “But I believe the cupids. They brought us you. They’ve kept their promises so far. There is no reason to believe they will break them in the future.”

  “What are the sky devils, anyway?” I said, sniffing away my tears.

  “They are silver circular beings who fly through our skies. We are on the edge of their territory now.”

  “Is it safe to be here?”

  “For the time being. Now, I want you to eat and regain your strength. Tomorrow, we will go to the lake to fish for more meat. We will have our time together, just like Vock. And when it is done, I will take you back to the hunting treehouse. There you will choose between us.”



  I rose before sunrise, turning over on the furs to look down at Kimmy’s sleeping face. I had never seen anything so beautiful. Her closed eyes were blushed pink and her lashes were full and thick. The pale tone of her skin only accentuated how fragile she was.

  The night before, I had let her sleep instead of trying to rut with her. The tiny woman needed to rest. Her human emotions were raging inside her, and I didn’t want to be the cause of any additional stress.

  I brushed a strand of hair away from her face, and leaned down to press my lips to her head. She smelled of fragrant oil and my brother’s musk.

  I drew back, growling. I wanted her for myself so badly I could taste it. The smell of my brother on her made anger rise inside me.

  It shouldn’t have been this way. If a Zimbre female was mated with twin males, it was not this way. The female would take both males. But we couldn’t do it to our Kimmy. It was breaking tradition to make her choose between us, but neither Vock or I believed the fragile female could take us both in the way she would need to in order to be claimed by both of us.

  I regretted that fact more than anything else I’d ever regretted in my entire life. My brother had always been my closest friend and ally, and I feared that this situation would tear us apart. The last thing I wanted was to feel animosity for my brother. But when it came to Kimmy, I was willing to lie, cheat, and steal to make her mine.

  As far as I was willing to go, I could never betray her trust. The connection and commitment a Zimbre felt for his mate was not absent in me because my brother and I were forced to compete for her.

  I felt exactly the same level of attachment for this woman that I would have if she had been Zimbre. I adored her. I felt desire for her deep under my skin. I could never hurt her. That was what made this whole mess so hard to bare.

  The cupids hadn’t told us how to handle such a tiny female. Vock and I were left to decide it on our own. We both felt instantly attached to the woman, insanely protective
, and sensitive to her needs. We could not hurt her, even if not doing it meant losing her forever.

  Nevertheless, I was determined to win her for myself, regardless of my loyalty to my brother. Kimmy was everything to me now.

  I briefly considered what I would do if she chose Vock as I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood. The possibility of losing Kimmy stabbed at my heart, and I had to shake the thoughts away. I would die without her. That much I was sure of. I would go to the east and there I would fight the Horix dragon. It would be my final act to bring honor to my family and my mate. And then it would be over. I could not go on without her.

  Kneeling beside the fire, I threw more wood into the still burning coals. A moment later, I had the fire burning hot and bright.

  Kimmy stirred in the bed and looked over at me, her face brightening into a faint smile.

  “How are you feeling, my heart mate?” I said.

  “Better, I guess. I’m still trying to understand what is going on here. I didn’t have much going on back on Earth. But it’s still hard to leave everything I know behind and never see it again. When will I get to meet the rest of your clan?”

  “As soon as you choose between my brother and I and one of us claims you. Only then will it be safe to have you around the rest of the males.”

  She sat up, still covered in fur and faced me, her hair a dark curtain over her pale pink skin.

  She was so lovely in every way. My cock went rigid at the sight of her curves as she stood from the pallet and crossed the room to kneel beside me by the fire. I wanted to take her right then and there, but I knew that it was not the time.

  Kimmy was still shaken by the confrontation between me and my brother. I could not ask her to rut now. No matter how much I wanted to see her pink cunt weep for me as I licked and sucked her tight little bud.

  I put more Cocoche meat on the spit for our breakfast as we sat near the fire on a pile of furs. I pulled a cooked slice off the spit and offered it to Kimmy. She took a bite of the piece of meat with her straight white teeth, pulling it away from my fingers.

  The sight of it was so arousing, my cock twitched painfully, springing to attention under my loincloth.

  “What are your plans for today?” she asked pulling at the meat on the spit carefully with her bare hands.

  “We are almost out of Cocoche meat so we can go fishing in the pools at the edge of the forest.”

  “That sounds fun,” she said. “You guys spend a lot of time hunting and fishing, don’t you?” she asked.

  “What else would we spend our time doing?” I asked. “We need to eat.”

  “That isn’t what people spend their time doing on my world,” she said with a giggle.

  “What do you do then?” I asked, dumbfounded.

  “We go to jobs in office buildings and push paper all day. When we come home, we watch TV and surf the internet. We call it civilization.”

  “I don’t know what half of those words mean,” I said scratching my head.

  “It doesn’t matter. It’s just different than it is here.”

  “Is it much better?” I asked, feeling sad that this lovely woman would never see her world again. The cupids were clear that this was a one-way trip.

  “I don’t know,” she admitted. “I think there were parts of it that were good. Like running water. Refrigeration. Global communications. That kind of thing. But life here is much simpler. I do like it here. It’s beautiful. I think I’m just sad because everything is so different, and I don’t know what to make of it.”

  “What can I do to help?” I asked.

  “I don’t know if there is anything you can do. I hate that I have to choose between you and Vock. But the more I think about it, the more I think you might be right. Just getting one of you inside of me is a feat. I can’t imagine what it would take to get both of you inside me at the same time.”

  “I’m glad you are beginning to see the truth.”

  “I just wish there was another way.”

  “I know, Kimmy. But the sooner you are able to choose, the easier it will be for all of us. I guarantee it.”

  “What will you do if I don’t choose you?”

  “I will handle it in my own way. It isn’t something you need to worry about.”

  “Of course I’m worried. I care about you as much as I care about Vock. God. I barely know either of you, but everything in me wants to be with both of you. Does that sound crazy?”

  “No. I think it’s perfectly natural. If there were a way to turn you into a Zimbre female, then you wouldn’t have to choose. But I’m afraid that is not possible.”

  “Turn me into a Zimbre female? What do you mean?”

  “It doesn’t matter, Kimmy. It isn’t possible. It’s just a myth.”

  “Wait a minute. You brought it up. Tell me about this myth.”

  “There are old stories about how to make a non-Zimbre into a Zimbre, a shifter like Vock and I. But like I said, it’s just a story from the time of the ancients. No one believes those stories anymore.”

  “Just tell me the story,” she demanded.

  “Okay. I’ll humor you. The legend goes that if a Zimbre chooses his mate from a non-Zimbre race he can transform her. He must bite her, suck out most of her blood, and then feed her his own blood. That will turn the non-Zimbre into a shifter.”

  “It seems like it would be worth a try, don’t you think?”

  “It won’t work.”

  “Has anyone ever tried?”

  “No. You are the first non-Zimbre we have encountered in our history.”

  “So how do you know it won’t work?”

  “No one believes the stories of the ancients anymore.”

  “Wait a minute, didn’t you tell me that the cupids gave you some codes to activate an ancient weapon? If you believe that weapon could work, then why not believe that you could change me?”

  “Kimmy. Even if it’s possible, it would be dangerous. We would have to remove most of your blood.”

  “It’s worth a try. I think.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it again. There is no point in getting your hopes up.”

  “Fine,” she said, obviously angry.

  “Please don’t be angry, my heart mate. I cannot withstand your anger.”

  “I’ll drop it for now, Konko,” she said, lifting an eyebrow.

  I knew she was up to something, but I couldn’t waste time trying to control her every thought. It was natural for her to be curious about these things. Even if they were dangerous and most likely simply impossible.

  “Why don’t we go down to the pools?” I suggested.

  “Okay, I’m ready,” she said.

  We stood and I picked her up when we approached the doorway in the treehouse. I held her close to me and jumped down to the ground. Before we made our way to the pools, I fed my Kong beast a pile of forage and the last of the Cocoche meat.

  Kimmy took my hand in hers and held it as we walked. I looked down at our hands, amazed by the strange gesture. The feeling of her soft little hand in mine as we walked through the jungle filled me with protectiveness for my Kimmy.

  It also made my cock twitch in reminder of what I’d brought her here for. I needed my time with little Kimmy, just like Vock had. And I knew that she had rutted with him. To be fair and balanced, I would have to rut with her as well, something I was more than looking forward to. I could barely contain my need for her as it grew with each step we took toward the pools.



  I had to admit to myself that spending time alone with Konko was just as nice as spending time alone with Vock. Not that I suspected it wouldn’t be. I was just so angry at both of them for putting me in this position.

  It wasn’t anyone’s fault. They were just trying to protect me, which, at the end of the day, was kind of sweet. What woman doesn’t want two hot men protecting her? But in order for my two hot men to protect me, they had to compete. And the ultimate result wou
ld probably end up with someone getting hurt, if not all of us.

  Now that Konko had told me about the possibility that they could turn me into a Zimbre, I had a renewed sense of hope. He might think it was an impossible myth, but I wasn’t convinced. If the cupids could help them activate the ancient weapons, then maybe there was something to the myth about changing a non-Zimbre into a Zimbre. It made sense to me. I just had to convince the guys to give it a try.

  When we came out into the clearing behind the massive palm leaves that covered everything in this part of the jungle, I gasped with surprise. The view in front of me was absolutely magical.

  There was a large lake in the distance, but between me and the deep water was a series of shallow pools spread over the face of the stone shore.

  Beyond the stone slab, the wide expanse of a smooth, crystal blue lake spread out so far I couldn’t see the end.

  I skipped forward, eager to get closer. The wonders of Zimbre never ceased to amaze me. I’d seen so much beauty already, and I’d only been here for two days.

  “This is so beautiful!” I gasped as Konko came up beside me. “How are you going to fish?” I asked, looking up at his towering form. “That spear?”

  “Yes,” he said, hefting a pronged spear he’d carried from his mount.

  We walk together over the stone shore, my bare feet on the smooth surface. I looked down into the crystal clear water and saw a multitude of fish swimming in the shallow pools. As we approached, startlingly large fish began to jump from one pool to the next.

  I giggled as Konko crept toward the pool with his spear held aloft over his shoulder. I watched him with a growing sense of awe for his strength and ability. He threw his spear and it cut through the air with slicing precision.

  I gasped as the spear sliced through the surface of the water. Konko lunged forward and grabbed the handle of the spear, pulling it out of the water to reveal the wriggling fish he had impaled on the tip. He smiled as he turned and showed it to me. Konko pulled the fish from the spear tip and threw it on the shore at my feet.


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