Mate For The Feral Barbarians (Celestial Mates)

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Mate For The Feral Barbarians (Celestial Mates) Page 13

by Scarlett Grove

  My mates sat on either side of me, offering me meat and berries from baskets. There was a few other female Zimbre within the crowd, most of them heavy with child or carrying babies on their chests in slings.

  They were as tall and muscular as my blue-skinned mates, their features blunt and bold, unlike my delicate ones. Compared to the rest of the clan, I was pale and small and plump. Zimbre women were tall and covered in ropey muscle, nearly flat bosoms and narrow hips. Unlike me with my massive boobs, rounds hip, and big ass.

  I noticed the Zimbre males staring at me. Even though I had been mated to Zimbre twins, I was still an unknown female among the clan. If the chief’s reaction was any indication of the general attitude of the males here, then I had to believe that they would have snatched me up at the soonest possibility.

  I gulped nervously as I glanced at their hungry eyes. I sank back further into the cover of my mate’s broad shoulders, not wanting to be seen by these males.

  The singing and drumming continued and a female singer stood at the center of the drum circle, her higher pitched voice rising above the fray. The sound of it sent a thrill through my heart and gave me a new sense of what this world really was.

  You don't really know a people until you understand their culture. Music, dance, and festivities are all part of what gives a society its identity. Now that I was hearing the music and seeing the dances of Zimbre, I understood them so much better than I had before. I did have my mates and my all-consuming heart bond to them. But that was not the same thing as understanding their culture.

  The sound of the music and the sight of the woman dancing settled my mind and made me feel more at home than I otherwise would have. A passing male Zimbre handed us all cups of liquid, which I accepted. I took a sniff and realized that it was alcohol. I raised an eyebrow at Vock and he nodded.

  “It is an intoxicant,” he whispered.

  I took a small sip, tasting the fresh flavor of berry juice fermented into wine. Delicious. I took a long draw of the berry wine and then let out a deep breath.

  “That's good,” I said, the wine warming my chest and bringing a smile to my lips.

  Konko slapped my back, almost too hard, but it made me giggle. The music filled my heart and mind with exotic rhythms, pounding through my body and into my desire. Sitting beside my mates in their clan did feel good. I was finally home and even though my men still had work ahead of them, I knew that we would all survive if we worked together.

  My mates were heroes. Warriors and scientists of the clan. They were the males that the cupids had brought the codes to. They were the ones who were given a mate from Earth. That meant something. And it was all that mattered. After the singer finished her song, she picked up her baby from the lap of a big warrior and slowly walked through the crowd towards me.

  “Is this the new female?” she asked, looking down at me with wide eyes.

  I didn't know if I liked her scrutiny, but at the same time I knew that I needed friends. Konko motioned for her to sit down with us and she did, cradling her young child in her arms. It gripped her hair and gurgled happily at its mother.

  The baby, who looked to be about eighteen months old by human standards, was so adorable it made my heart ache. Just thinking I would have the child from my mates, and perhaps already had their seed growing strong inside me, filled me with so much warmth and happiness I could barely stand it.

  “Did the cupids bring you here?” she asked.

  “Yes. My name is Kimmy. I come from Earth.”

  “I'm so sorry to be so rude. My name is Vero,” she said tilting her chin down in a sign of greeting. “This is Mar. The only female born in this generation.”

  “Your baby is adorable,” I said.

  “Thank you,” she replied. “How do you like Zimbre so far?”

  “I love it. It's different. You don't have cars or TVs or the Internet, but it's a beautiful simple way of life. I have my mates. What else could I ask for?”

  Vock and Konko got up and went to speak with some males on the other side of the bonfire. Vero and I sat and talked about the differences between Earth and Zimbre.

  She even let me hold her baby. The feel of her weight in my arms filled me with an aching longing for a child of my own. Now that I had my men, I knew that it wouldn't be long until I grew ripe with child. I couldn't wait for that day to arrive.

  When Vock and Konko were done with whatever it was they were doing across the bonfire, they came back and asked me if I was ready to go back to our private chambers.

  “It was nice to meet you Vero.”

  “If you need anything,” Vero said, “come to me. I'm here to help you. We females need to stick together. It is imperative that we give healthy children to the clan. I only want the best for you. As do all of the other females.”

  I thanked her profusely as I stood, feeling a little lightheaded from the wine. She smiled at me as we walked away, her baby gurgling and giggling in her lap. I walked with Vock and Konko through the public square, down the hall, and back to our treehouse.



  I looked into the rooms where Vock and Konko had their separate beds, wondering where I was supposed to sleep.

  “Which room will be mine?” I asked.

  “We should give you your own private space,” Vock reasoned. “You can have my room.”

  He went into his room and began packing his things.

  “I don’t want to put you out,” I said.

  “You aren’t. We want you to be comfortable.”

  I moved into the room that Vock had cleared out for me. I was still wearing the leather dress that Konko had given me when I’d first arrived. I didn’t have anything else to wear, and I didn’t have any possessions to fill the room.

  I sat down on the pallet, feeling sad and lonely. The twins left me to myself, and I slipped out of my leather dress to wash off with a cloth and fresh water from a clay vessel.

  When I was clean, I slipped under the furs, still feeling lightheaded and a little lonely. I tried to sleep, but kept tossing and turning in my bed, unable to calm my mind.

  Tomorrow, the twins would leave me to whatever fate they would have at the hands of the sky devils. I didn’t want to think about what would happen to me if something went wrong. But what choice did I have? I couldn’t stop them. The entire clan, and the entire planet, was counting on them.

  Just because Kimmy Simms wanted her mates all to herself didn’t mean she got that. My men were heroes, and I had to allow them to be.

  I pressed my eyes shut, trying to push out all the dark thoughts swirling around in my head. But it was too much, I couldn’t sleep. I needed to be in their arms for this last night. I didn’t care how much sleep they needed, I needed them more.

  I threw the furs off and stood, tiptoeing naked through the treehouse. I moved around to the other room, pushing away the cloth that covered the door.

  The twins lay in bed, their backs to each other in the dim light of a single candle. I climbed into the bed between them. Just the feeling of their bodies near mine made me feel more relaxed.

  I hadn’t meant to wake them, but Konko turned to me and rolled up on his elbow, looking into my eyes.

  “I was lonely,” I said. “I didn’t want to wake you up.”

  “Don’t apologize,” he said, kissing my forehead.

  With that, Vock turned over on the other side of me, wrapping his arm around my waist. I took a deep breath and let it out, feeling their hardness rise against me on either side. This was what I needed. If it was the last time we were together, I needed it to count. I needed to remember every detail of our love.

  Vock slid his hand up my naked hip and over my thigh as he cupped my sex. Konko ran kisses over my forehead and cheeks until he claimed my lips. His tongue flicked between my lips and plunged into my mouth.

  Vock’s fingers found my slick wetness, moving his fingers between my folds, rubbing my ripening bud. I groaned into Konko’s mouth. Vock’s
cock pressed against the cleft between my ass cheeks.

  I leaned back against him, arching into his erection. I needed to be filled by my two mates again. I never wanted to forget them or the desire they kindled deep in my soul.

  Vock moved his thick shaft between my legs, rubbing it back and forth against my slick, wet core. This thick cock thumped and throbbed against my ready pussy and erect clit. Konko grasped my breasts as he kissed me.

  Arms, hands, cocks, tongues, they slid over me, tantalizing and awakening my deepest desires.

  In the darkness, lit by the orange light of a single candle. I reached down and gripped Konko’s shaft, sliding my fist up and down over his massive erection. I needed their cum inside me. Both of them. I needed it like a hunger that wouldn’t let me go. I wanted to carry their child, and feel it ripen in my belly. If this was our last night together, I wanted to know I’d given myself to them. My body was ready to take their seed.

  The thick head of Vock’s cock slid into my opening as he flicked his fingers over my clit. It felt better than anything had a right to as he sank deeper inside me. The flood of desire overtook me as Konko kissed me from behind. I pumped my fist up and down on Konko’s cock, groaning with need.

  Vock thrust into me, pinching my nipples between rubbing my clit. The hands on my body, the cock inside my pussy, the tongue in my mouth. It all pushed me hard against the edge of my desire. I was split open and on fire.

  With a sharp burst of lust, my orgasm was set free, burning through me like wildfire. I groaned loud into Konko’s mouth, his tongue sliding over mine like velvet heaven, slick and smooth and warm. It made me come harder.

  Vock thrust harder and deeper, his teeth biting hard into my neck but not breaking the skin. I felt my panther growling ferociously inside my mind. She loved this even more than I did, if that was even possible. These men, these warriors, they belonged to me. They claimed me as their own and they would protect me until their last breaths.

  I felt their absolute bond to me as Vock let his cum burst inside me, shooting hot and wet into my core. His seed filled me and my own body exploded into a new level of pleasure.

  My hard nipples pricked and gooseflesh covered my skin. I was oversensitive to touch as Konko pulled me up on top of him. Vock’s seed dripped down my thighs as Konko pulled me over his lap, sliding his cock against my core.

  I was so wet, Konko slid inside without hesitation, pushing me down on his thickness in an instant. He held my hips and watched me as I sat astride him. Vock was behind me, kissing my ears and grasping my breasts as I moved my hips over Konko. I leaned against Vock’s chest for support as Konko thrust up under me, making my head spin.

  I was weak at the knees, and barely able to stay on Konko’s lap without Vock’s hands on my body, keeping me upright.

  Konko thrust, pushing his cock deeper and deeper with each pump of his hips.

  I cried out as he thickened inside me, the pleasure too intense to bear. He released his load deep in my core, shooting against my cervix with the force of an exploding star.

  I slid away from my lover and lay between them. I let out a long, low moan.

  I’d taken their seed. I prayed it would find my womb and plant there. I didn’t care which twin’s child I carried as long as I carried one for them.

  I needed their baby in my womb like most people need oxygen. It wasn’t just to repopulate the clan. What I needed was to be closer to them. I wanted us to be so connected, we could never, ever be pulled apart.



  I held Kimmy in my arms as the first rays of morning sunlight broke through the windows of our treehouse.

  Climbing from the bed was difficult, but I finally pulled myself away from my mate’s luscious body. Vock followed me out of the bed and we went to the front room, pulling on our loincloths as we walked. Vock stoked the fire and I made us some invigorating tea of Iquor bark and Timtim root. Once it was boiled, we both drank it down quickly, offering a cup to Kimmy who sat in the corner at the table looking downcast.

  “Fear not, heart mate. Your males will return to you,” I said, trying to reassure her.

  “I know,” she said softly, trying to convince herself that she believed it.

  We needed her to believe we would prevail. She had to have faith that her mates would solve this problem and bring an end to the tyranny of the sky devils. The cupids told us that it was the only way we could get more mates for the rest of the males of our clan and the other clans across the jungle. There was nothing to do but succeed. Her worry set a pit in my heart that made me doubt myself.

  I looked at her and knelt in front of her, gazing into her eyes. I took her hands gently in mine as was her custom.

  “Kimmy, I know you are worried, but you must know the strength and intelligence of your mates. You must have faith in our power.”

  She let out a deep breath and looked down. When she looked back up at me, her expression was set with resolve.

  “You’re right. I’m being selfish. You need me to support you and believe in you now. And I do. I believe in you more than anything in the universe. I had the courage to find a way to be the mate of both my men. And now here we are. We solved that problem. I believe that my mates can bring an end to the sky devils too. Don’t doubt my belief in you. Please don’t.”

  She gripped my hand tightly, giving me her strength.

  “Good girl,” Vock said, kissing the top of her head.

  She stood and hugged us and kissed us both firmly on the mouth.

  “My brave strong men, you will save the day. I know it. You will.”

  “Thank you, Kimmy. That is just what we needed now. Now, we must ride.”

  She held onto my hand as I began to step away, her face tensing for a split second. But she didn’t let me see her fear for long. She smiled at me and let go of my hand, putting her own hand to her heart.

  “Do me proud, my heart mates,” she said.

  I turned away, not able to take the look in her eye. I knew she was afraid, but she was doing her best to hide it. I appreciated her effort. It was the most either Vock or I could ask of our little Kimmy.

  She was a strong woman. Being left alone in this unknown clan, surrounded by strangers, was an act of heroism in itself. I had to commend her for how well she was taking it all. Even if it had been hard for her to accept at first.

  Even with Kimmy’s brave face, I still felt the sting of fear as Vock and I made our way down to the stables for our Kong beast mounts.

  If something did happen to us, and we failed, Kimmy would be without mates. She would be given to another warrior and would be forced to live the rest of her life with a strange man who was not her heart mate.

  That fact alone gave me the resolve I needed to face whatever lay ahead. I knew the sky devils patrolled the ancient ruins every day now. Getting in would be difficult. Deciphering the codes and activating the weapon would be even more so.

  I climbed onto the back of my Kong beast; the beast master already had our mounts ready for us. Vock and I rode out of the stable and away from the clan treehouses.

  It was up to us now. The cupids had blessed us with Kimmy and tasked us with the responsibility of our world. We could not fail. It wasn’t an option.

  I kicked my mount in the flank, encouraging him to run faster. Vock rode beside me, his face set as firmly as my own. I knew what he was thinking. Our twin bond let me know the emotions and desires of my brother similar to my mate bond with Kimmy. It was even stronger now that we shared a mate bond with a female.

  We had our minds set. We were unwilling to accept anything but success, but there was still fear and doubt underneath it all.

  I had to admit it myself that I was afraid of what would happen if we failed. Not only to Kimmy, but to our entire clan; our entire world. The sky devils had been sucking up entire areas of the jungle. The poisoned gas they’d used to kill off our females was only the first assault. They intended to destroy our planet one tree at
a time.

  We rode fast through the thick jungle, a gentle rain falling through the canopy and wetting my hair. I wiped the water away from my eyes as we approached the clearing where the ancient ruins stood against the backdrop of the thick jungle.

  Gray stone stairs reached up to the temple at the top of the ruin. We already knew that the weapons were located under the pyramid. On the opposite side of the pyramid was a small entrance, almost too small for a Zimbre warrior to get through. Vock and I rode to that entrance and tied our mounts to the trees outside.

  I looked around, inspecting the sky as I slid from the back of my mount. There was no sign of the sky devils anywhere. That didn’t mean it would stay that way. They had been far more active since Kimmy had arrived. Almost as if the two were connected.

  Perhaps they were. Perhaps the sky devils somehow knew the cupids were helping us. I knew nothing about either race or their relationship to each other. But what I did know was that the sky devils had poisoned our women, destroyed our land, and shot at us with lasers. The cupids had brought us Kimmy and given us codes to defeat the sky devils. As far as I was concerned, that was all I needed to know.

  Vock slid through the narrow opening in the stone, disappearing into darkness. I followed after him and found Vock inside, striking his flint over a torch. Once lit, he lifted it into the dark confined space.

  It was a long, dark tunnel that led deep under the pyramid. Vock started down the tunnel, holding the torch high above. I followed, recalling the codes the cupids had implanted into my head.

  They’d given us the codes but hadn’t told us how to use them. Why, I didn’t know. But just like with Kimmy, it seemed we had to take some responsibility for our own survival. The cupids said something about a prime directive. I had no idea what that meant, but what I assumed was that they had some kind of moral code of their own.

  So be it. They had helped us more than anyone else. And I was willing to accept whatever help our race could get.


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