Jack Frost

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Jack Frost Page 1

by Angela Blake

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Jack FROST

  A Second Chance Holiday Romance

  By Angela Blake

  I’m Angela Blake and I love a good steamy story. Why? Coz life is hard enough as it is. I don’t want real. I want to escape. Into a world of love, sexy cat-and-mouse and the explosive, satisfying reward at the end of it.

  Between working from home and juggling two tiny kids and a Labradoodle, writing is my escape.

  I write an enticing blend of all things naughty. The things we’re not supposed to want but do. The things we deprive ourselves of but crave. Acting out on paper the dirtiest, darkest parts of my mind for your pleasure.

  Join my Naughty Little Secrets Club, where naughty dreams cum to life: http://bit.ly/2rvjbUp

  Stalk me on fb at https://www.facebook.com/kateblakepublishing/

  Wishing you all a MERRY SEXY CHRISTMAS!

  Some of my Books:


  Falling for the Beast

  Bang & Bounce

  Grunt & Grind

  Slap & Swallow

  The Virgin’s Contract

  The Virgin’s Promise

  The Virgin’s Arrangement


  Breaking Daddy’s Little Virgin

  Table of Contents

  Jack FROST

  Breaking Daddy’s Little Virgin

  The Virgin’s Arrangement - Teaser

  WARNING: This book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language. It may be considered offensive to some readers. This book is for sale to adults ONLY.

  Please ensure this book is stored somewhere that cannot be accessed by underage readers.

   Copyright 2017 by Angela Blake - All rights reserved.

  In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.

  Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

  Jack FROST

  Chapter One

  Cara Tyler blew a loose strand of hair out of her face as she bent down on her knees to fix the plug and find out why her computer wasn’t working.

  Cara muttered under her breath as she realized that she would need to get a new extension cord if she was ever going to get ahead of her busy schedule.

  At twenty-five, Cara knew that she had a rather unusual job working as a part time interior designer. It wasn’t that her job was unusual, it was just that her clients were. With her brown eyes, blonde hair, and plump figure, Cara wasn’t exactly what most people would call supermodel pretty.

  However, her zest and general enthusiasm towards her job made her stand out amongst her colleagues. That had its drawbacks. Some of her clients tended to request rather odd designs, and since they had a don’t ask, don’t tell policy, literally anything was fair game.

  Her current client had requested a room that was very much like the one featured in the movie Fifty Shades of Grey. It wasn’t up to Cara to judge, but she was sure that some of those playthings and devices that were meant to be used on people were a bit too much. She tried to look up playrooms online to get some inspiration, but the internet took her to a whole other world full of dark kinky fetishes, and Cara quickly found herself feeling vaguely uncomfortable till she shut down the tab.

  She sat up in her chair and cleared her throat as she took off her glasses. She sighed as she polished them, an amused grin threatening to burst out.

  She knew that sometimes people had to take odd jobs to make ends meet, but knowing this much about a client was well, too much.

  “Are you constipated, or did you just get another bizarre request?”

  Cara’s head whipped up as she caught sight of her best friend of ten years, Michael Anes. Michael stood there, with his brown hair brushed to the side, dressed in a pair of ripped jeans, and a polo shirt, his brown eyes sparkling with amusement.

  Cara grimaced. “Unfortunately, it’s the latter. We really should have people who specialize in the dark and kinky side of decorating to avoid giving the rest of us visuals we could’ve done without.”

  Michael chuckled in amusement. “Another Fifty Shades of Grey enthusiast?”

  “Something like that. Although I do believe he’s taking it to a whole new level. I mean there’s enthusiast, and then there’s obsessed.”

  “Can I see?” Michael leaned over the desk to peer at her computer, and the corners of his mouth tilted into a wicked smile as he whistled. “Damn, Car. Who knew you had it in you?”

  He gave her the once over. “Sweet, innocent, little Cara has got a wild side.”

  Cara blushed. “It’s not like that. I just did my research to make sure I was getting it right.”

  Michael’s gaze studied the screen critically. “Well, I like the soft undertones of green and brown, but I also like that you added red which is a very vibrant and vivid color. It makes it far less intimidating given the former masculine colors, and definitely gives it an aura of sensuality that it obviously needs.”

  Both eyebrows went up. “How do you know so much, Mike?”

  Michael shrugged. “If you don’t want to know, don’t ask.”

  Cara paused. “Yeah, you know what? I don’t want to know. I mean, I know best friends share everything, but this is one thing I won’t get mad at you for keeping private.”

  Michael reached over and ruffled Cara’s hair. “Good girl. I have taught you well, my young apprentice.”

  Cara scowled at him as she patted her head to make sure her hair was back in place. “You taught me nothing. I taught you everything, you little ingrate.”

  “Little? Who you calling little, you midget?”

  Michael and Cara began to laugh. “The wand chooses the wizard, Michael.”

  “That’s what she said,” Michael said as he waggled his eyebrows.

  “Seriously? Isn’t that joke getting old, already?”

  Michael swiped one of Cara’s apples and began to munch on it. “It’ll get old the day it stops bothering you, and I can’t see that happening in the foreseeable future, do you?”

  Cara shook her head. “I guess not, but still, I mean come on. Isn’t it kind of juvenile?”

  Michael choked on a piece of apple. He began to hack and cough till Cara handed him some water.

  “Juvenile?” he glowered as he wiped a trail of dribble off of his chin. “You’re calling inappropriate jokes juvenile? Need I remind you that I live with you, one of the biggest Disney fans in the world?”

  Cara shrugged. “Yeah, so?”

  “Pot calling the kettle black, Car. You and I both know that.”

  Cara began to laugh. “Disney movies are universal, dude. Everyone knows that.”

  Michael pushed himself off of her desk and began to brush the crumbs off of his sh
irt after he tossed the core of the apple in the bin. “Yeah, keep telling yourself that, Car. Universal.” He used air quotes for the last word.

  “Anyways, we still on for Kong Island tonight?”

  “Do we have to, Mike? I mean you already have a date, and I read the synopsis. The plot doesn’t really sound all that original.”

  “Yeah, I know I have a date, Sherlock, but it always makes me look better when they find out I have a feJacke best friend. It makes me more desirable, you know. It’s like this secret code or something with women—they automatically assume that because I know and live with my feJacke best friend, I’m privy to the wonders of the feJacke species.”

  Cara sighed. “If you’re planning anything weird, keep me out of it, Mike. I mean it. You’re my best friend, and I love you to death, but I don’t want to be a pawn in your conquests.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it,” Michael replied, all too quickly.

  Cara narrowed her eyes in disbelief knowing by the exaggerated calm in his walk that he was probably planning something. Unfortunately for her, she probably wouldn’t know until it was happening.

  Cara hit the save button and leaned back in her chair as she contemplated what she wanted to eat for dinner that night.


  Cara’s arms hung out of the t-shirt at awkward angles as she tried to slip it back on. She huffed as she tried to maneuver herself, and began letting out a stream of curse words that would make a sailor proud.

  Michael came bursting into the room, and froze as he began laughing.

  “A hand would be nice.”

  “Well, you already have two, Car. I don’t see why you’d need a third.”

  Cara tried to glare at him from her position, but her head was stuck in the opening, and only her hair was showing.

  “Is that you in there, or are we going to have to call the exterminators?”

  Cara began flailing her arms about. “I’m going to kick your ass, Mike, if you don’t help me out of this thing.”

  She heard Michael shuffle as he moved forward. “You know, it amazes me that at twenty five, you still struggle to dress yourself. I mean, how did you make it this far, anyway, with such poor basic skills?”

  Cara scowled as she felt Michael’s hands try to pull down her shirt. She heard him huff as his feet moved away.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I might just get a crowbar or something. That thing is wedged good. Did you buy the wrong size, again?”

  Cara blushed. “No, I must’ve gotten my hopes up too high with the diet I’ve been following. I thought I lost enough weight to finally try on my new shirt.”

  “The eternal dilemma,” she heard Michael say. “You do know who we should call now, right?”

  “Mike, I swear if you sing that song, one more time—” She didn’t get the chance to finish her sentence because Michael interrupted her. “If there's something strange in your neighborhood…Who you gonna call? (Ghostbusters)….If there's something weird…..And it don't look good….Who you gonna call? (Ghostbusters).”

  Cara yelped as she finally managed to free herself of the shirt, and she shucked it in the corner of the room and glared at Michael, who was too busy belting out the chorus to notice her standing there with her hands on her hips. “When you’re quite finished.”

  Michael jumped around to face her. “Oh, how nice of you to give me time to finish. Now then, where was I?”

  Cara’s eyes narrowed into slits. “I’m going to kill you.”

  Michael pretended to be scared. “I know you’re like my little sister and everything, Car, but have I told you that you look hot as hell, recently? I mean, come on. I’m a straight guy, and if we hadn’t known each other since like, forever, I’d totally be hitting on you right now.”

  Michael paused. “Wait, that didn’t come out, right. I don’t mean to sound like a creep.”

  Cara began to laugh. “Kissing up will get you nowhere, Mike. Although I do appreciate the compliment, and I’ll take it anyway, but don’t worry, the Jamie and Cersei Lannister comment was not taken the wrong way.”

  Michael looked visibly relieved. “Thank God. Because you know, even though we’ve known each other a really long time, women still confuse me, dude. You never know when a comment might set them off.”

  “Or when an action might set them off,” Cara commented mildly as she rolled her eyes and stalked to her closet.

  “I really liked that shirt.” She gazed at it longingly.

  “Forget that shirt. You’ll be fine, whatever you wear, okay?”

  Cara tossed him a look over her shoulder. “I think you’re obliged to say that, you’re a guy. All you have to do is throw on jeans and a t-shirt. No worrying about hair or make up or accessories.”

  “And thank the lord for that, too. I mean I appreciate make up on a woman, but only if it’s natural, not caked on. Sometimes, it looks like face painting gone wrong.”

  Cara choked on a laugh before she coughed to hide it. “That’s not very nice, Mike,” she called out over her shoulder. “Even if you do feel that way.”

  “Well, it doesn’t make it any less true. Besides, I’m not going to tell a woman. Hell, no. Women like that romantic crap, not the “where’s your face” question.”

  Cara peered at him from behind her closet door. “How very astute of you.”

  “You know how I do.” He pretended to pop his collar.

  “All too well,” Cara responded, very dryly.

  “So, look, we’re going to go see the movie then grab a quick bite to eat, but don’t worry, we won’t stay long. At least, I’m not planning on it because I’ve been playing my cards right, and I think tonight might just be my lucky night.”

  “It’s only been four dates,” Cara called out as she found another shirt and changed into it. It wasn’t as pretty as the other one, but it would have to do for a casual date. It was green, and it was a bit loose. She stared down at her blue jeans and decided on a pair of black ballet flats.

  “Exactly. Do you have any idea how hard it is to wait sometimes?”

  “I would imagine not. Guys have a different kind of sex drive.”

  “Damn straight. Anyways, I’ll let you finish getting dressed.”

  “I’m already done.” Cara stepped out from behind the closet and reached for her brush.

  “That fast?” Michael looked confused, as if she was playing some sort of practical joke on him.

  “Don’t women take forever to get ready?”

  Cara began untangling her hair and running her fingers through it. “I’m not telling you the secrets of the trade.”

  “You know you’re going to anyway.”

  Cara met his gaze in the mirror. “And what makes you so sure of that?”

  “One, because I’m like your brother, and you want to help a brother out, and two, I’ve got blackmail material that could make you quiver in your shoes.”

  “You’re bluffing,” Cara scoffed.

  “You want to try me, Tyler?”

  Chapter Two

  “I do believe the gauntlet has been thrown.” Cara raised an eyebrow. “I don’t think you can handle it, Michael.”

  “Oooooh, you just used my full name. That’s when you know things are serious.”

  “As serious as Gollum was about the precious.”

  Michael pretended to look shocked. “Did you just use a lord of the rings reference on me, Tyler? You did not just go there.”

  Cara gave him a toothy grin. “I did, watcha gonna do about it?”

  “I so want to kick your ass right now. I can’t hit you because you’re a woman, but if I don’t, it’s sexist. I can’t win either way.”

  “So get a sex change operation. I’d win either way.”

  Michael scowled, and gave her the finger.

  “Hahaha, very mature Mike.”

  “Who said anything about mature? Now, come on, bring it.”

p; Cara gave him an amused grin. “Not just yet, I think. Anyways, look to clarify about our earlier discussion women take a lot of time if they’re really into products, make up and such. Believe me that stuff takes a lot of time, and there’s literally something for everything. Those who prefer the natural look, like myself, don’t bother.”

  “It’s like Pandora’s Box has been opened,” Michael replied.

  “Not quite that deep, no. Remind me again why I agreed to go on a date with you and your date?”

  “Because of my awesome persuasion techniques, and because I told you that Laura is bringing a friend along, and we didn’t want her friend to feel left out.”

  Cara shook her head. “How I let you talk me into these things is beyond me.”

  “I’m going to go grab my jacket, and we can head out, okay?” Michael called out as he left the room and headed towards his own.

  Cara patted her pockets and made sure that she had everything she wanted in her tote bag. She slipped her feet into the pair of black ballet flats and grabbed her leather jacket off of the coat rack.


  “Isn’t the movie supposed to start soon?” Cara asked as she looked at Michael who was pacing back and forth and checking his watch. He’d pause every so often to peer at the door hopefully, but then his face would fall, and he’d resume his pacing.

  “No, we’ve still got time. She’ll be here. She’s probably just stuck in traffic.”

  Cara knew that Michael wouldn’t admit it, but he actually really liked Laura, and she could tell because of how nervous he was. Michael only got that anxious when he was crushing, and he was obviously crushing big time. He had met Laura about a month and a half ago while he was out auditioning for a play, and she was trying out too.

  Neither of them got the parts, but they met each other, so some good came out of it at least. Laura was a Russian who had been living in America for a while. She was tall, leggy, and had classic supermodel Russian good looks. With her long wavy blonde hair, and her piercing green eyes, she caught the attention of most guys who passed her on the street.


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