Dementor (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham Book 1)

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Dementor (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham Book 1) Page 3

by Candace Blevins

  I blinked my eyes to clear them of a little excess water, and blew out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding.

  “If this were the Olympics, you’d get an eight point five. You didn’t block me or my view, so we’ll let it stand. Even a tiny bit more movement won’t be acceptable.”

  I nodded, and he set up with his left hand this time, prepared to strike the right side of my clit. I caught myself holding my breath, and I closed my eyes and breathed in. He’d do this on his time. Not mine. I’d given up control, but it was my responsibility to breathe.

  The pain was just as sharp this time, but easier to handle. I knew what to expect. Both legs stayed in place.

  “Good girl. Excellent.”

  I wiggled my toes a little. Usually, I wiggle fingers and toes to deal with pain, but my fingers were otherwise occupied.

  “One more and we’ll be halfway through. Don’t you want to open your eyes and see me set up?”

  I shook my head. I had a feeling he’d either come from below or straight down on it this time, and it’d be better if I didn’t know when or where or how.

  He waited until I’d breathed in and out four times before he struck the next time, and it came from above, smack-dab in the center, smashing it flat. My feet stayed planted but my ass came up, off the bed. My scream echoed back at me. As my butt landed back on the bed, my right hand folded my labia over my clit to protect it.

  “Fuck. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Damn. Shit. Fuck!”

  “Breathe through it, but you need to bare yourself to me again.”

  The next three came from above instead of from the side. I was openly crying by the time the final one landed. I didn’t remain open for any of them.

  “My cock will get some lube, and I’ll put a few drops on the outside of your asshole, but none inside. You don’t get prep. Knees and elbows, with your knees on the edge of the bed so I can stand beside it while I ream your little bottom.”

  Chapter Three


  I assumed she was used to having a fat cock in her ass since birds with a cloaca are reportedly short and fat. Mine is fat and of decent length. Not super long, but certainly not short. She’d probably have trouble with the length, but she’d survive.

  She was still sobbing a little when I put the coconut oil away and lined up. I was rock hard because there’s just something about ass-fucking a woman who’s crying before you even start. If I hadn’t scented arousal on her, it wouldn’t have worked, but she wanted this.

  And she had a safeword. I wasn’t relying solely on scent.

  She was an experienced toy. I wouldn’t impress her by being hesitant. Not in this. In other things, I’d be a caretaker, but her scent told me she needed to be taken and used in this moment. I grasped her hips, lifted them so her knees were several inches off the mattress, and shoved inside her, driving with my hips while I pulled her towards me with my arms. I ignored her abbreviated scream and thrust again. This time, I found myself all but about an inch in. Close enough for the first time. The scent of pain, lust, and submission filled the room. My granite-hard cock throbbed inside her tight little ass.

  I pulled nearly all the way out. Slow, so she could feel every inch. Right to the head. I massaged her lower back with my left hand. “Relax, little swan. You’re going to take me whether you think you can or not. All of me, this time. Ready?”

  “Yes. Please.”

  I hadn’t asked her to beg, but it was a nice touch. It also gave me a better idea of where she was mentally. Her scent had told me, but her words assured me I had it right.

  No mercy this time — I shoved in until my thighs were against the backs of her legs. Her screams were a mixture of pain and pleasure, but I didn’t check in with her again. I pumped — out and back in. Fast. Hard. Another series of screams, yelps, and gasps, but she was fine.

  I fucked her twenty minutes, and I have no idea how many times she came. She asked permission to touch her clit, and I allowed it. It had to be super sensitive, but she figured out how to pleasure herself through the pain. Or, maybe someone in her past had abused her clit, so she already knew. Despite the fact she’d miserably failed my little test, I had a feeling it wasn’t the first time she’d experienced impact play to her sensitive little clit.

  We hadn’t talked about whether I’d come in her or not, and since she’d be up and on skates later, I pulled out and came on her back when I finally blew. I still hadn’t taken her shirt off, but I pulled it up to get it out of the way. It felt important I scent-mark her, which should’ve been a red flag. I rarely feel territorial over women.

  I lifted her in my arms and settled her in bed the right direction, but then sat her up long enough to take her shirt and bra off.

  I expected her to comment or ask why I’d waited, but she let me manipulate her as I wished, without comment. In truth, with only an hour, I wanted to focus on one part of her body, and if I’d bared her breasts then I’d have ended up torturing both her clit and her nipples.

  Now, I was focused on taking care of her. I went to the bathroom, cleaned my dick and the front of my body, and then took a warm washcloth into the bedroom so I could clean her up.

  Her scent registered shocked surprise when I began to clean her, and then intense gratitude. She wasn’t used to being taken care of. Asshole owls. I focused on her and away from them because I didn’t want my scent to reflect my irritation with them.

  I returned the washcloth to the bathroom and draped it over the sink along with the one I’d used for myself, since I didn’t know what she’d want me to do with them when wet.

  And then I finally crawled into bed beside her and pulled the sheet over us. “Short session today because I wanted to use part of the hour you gave me to take care of you. I play rough, but I also take care of my toys.” Her scent went off a little, so I backed up some. “Not that you’re my toy for more than the hour you gave me, but I played with you and now I need to take care of you.”

  “Yeah. I’ll have to start getting into the right mindset for the match this evening soon, but this is nice. I wasn’t expecting it.”

  “No one took care of you before?”

  “It isn’t that. I mean, Able did sometimes, if he had time. The others, not so much, but Able’s staff was in charge of making sure I was okay physically. I was taken care of, but not like this. No one cleaned me up unless I was really out of it, and then it was usually someone on the staff.”

  I tucked her in closer to me. She said she’d need to start getting into the mindset to skate, so aimed the conversation in that direction. “Tell me about the rules of roller derby. How are points scored?”

  “Each team has five skaters out at a time. Four blockers and one jammer. The jammer wears a star on her helmet. The blockers help their own jammer get through the pack, and they try to block the other team’s jammer. Once the jammer’s lapped the field one time, she gets a point for every person on the opposing team she passes.”

  “Sounds pretty straightforward, but I bet there are a lot of rules about how you can block someone.”

  “Yeah, but some refs are sticklers and others let things slide. If they call you for something, you have to sit in the penalty box for thirty seconds and leave your team short a blocker. Some stuff, they can kick you out of the match for.” She turned a little in my arms and met my gaze. “You wouldn’t believe how the women on the team are. We shop together. We party together. We hang out. We’re there for each other. There’ll be an after party, and you can come, but don’t do anything stupid to make me regret it.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it. I know how I am with my brothers. I get it. Let me know the rules and I’ll do my best to stick to them.”

  “You mean rules for the party? Just don’t be a dick. Some of my teammates have girlfriends. One has a wife. If you aren’t okay with that, you shouldn’t come.” She met my gaze and there was nothing submissive about it. “And no jokes about girl-on-girl action. It just makes you sound like a cave ma

  “Well, no jokes about me being a cave man. The kids in school who didn’t know how good my hearing was got their own faces rearranged.” I didn’t mention my hour wasn’t up and she wasn’t being submissive anymore. I was fine with it. We’d dropped out of the sexy stuff, and I wasn’t interested in having a doormat for a girlfriend.

  Girlfriend? Whoa. She’d agreed to have sex with me and pretend to be my girlfriend for a few days as a smokescreen. I needed to slow the fuck down, but I didn’t want to.

  “Damn, that’s harsh. Kids can be total fuckwads. You struck me as interesting from the first moment I saw you.”

  Interesting? Better than grotesque, at least.

  “Fuckwads? Aren’t you, like, a princess or something?”

  “Yes, but I don’t use the title, so no.” I scented dishonesty and she must’ve realized it, because she pushed a stray hair away from her face and started again. “Legally, yes, but my title is only used during formal shit. Sophia’s negotiations meant I was seen as Able’s girlfriend in public. Only his inner circle knew of my status as toy. She asks me to show up for a handful of royal functions a year, but otherwise, she doesn’t impose. She’s done so much for me, I attend the few things she asks me to show up for, and I mostly behave and follow the fucking rules, but I don’t want to be a princess. I’ve kind of been the black sheep of the family since a few years before I hit puberty.”

  “But, publicly, everyone sees you as a Swan Princess.” I didn’t mean for it to sound like an accusation, but it kind of did. I wasn’t sure how to soften it.

  “I’m not in line for the throne. Well, I guess I am, but I think I’m like eleventh now.”

  Chapter Four


  I enjoyed the roller derby match more than I thought I would. Ten fit, athletic women battling it out on skates? What’s not to love?

  Also, these women were all human — except for Ember — and they were all bad-ass. Mostly though, I watched their camaraderie and how they worked together as a team.

  Ember wore the star on her head to become the jammer several times, and she didn’t bother taking names as she lapped the field, over and over. Other than her ability to heal faster, and perhaps a little better balance, I wasn’t sure her status as swan gave her much of an advantage over the human women. This sport was about skill, strategy, and aggression, and not so much brute strength, though I had to admit the strength didn’t hurt. Still, I don’t think she had to hold back in order to keep from being way better than the women. The Concilio was right to let her compete.

  Out of fourteen players, three girlfriends and four boyfriends had come to watch. Ember had introduced me to them when we arrived, and they welcomed me to sit with them. No snark, no bitchiness. I was immediately accepted. And yes, most of them reacted to my face, but they immediately hid it, which was cool.

  Ember and I had devised our backstory before we left — as close to the truth as possible. We met when we were both helping a mutual friend, and we’d instantly clicked. It’d only been a few days, but we were seeing where it went. I was shocked to discover her teammates had met Aaron and Sophia. It seemed the royal couple sometimes came to her matches.

  Would they approve of me? Aaron had obviously set us up, but was it just business? Would I be expected to walk away and not look back once Tess was safely somewhere else?

  The Birmingham Hellcats easily won the match, and the afterparty was full of adrenaline filled females whooping it up. We went to a bar to start, and I paid for a round of drinks for everyone. We had four people out of twenty-one who were sticking to non-alcoholic drinks, and I made sure to cover them with another cola when I bought a round. The girls all ordered food, and Ember put away several pounds of fried shrimp, potato skins, and fried cheese sticks. She also ordered a Mudslide, and seemed to relish the ice cream and chocolate concoction. Most shapeshifters don’t like sweets, but it appeared this one loved her desserts.

  I could have fun with that.

  Ember drove us in her car, and I was a little disappointed to find out she drove a Subaru Crosstrek. I was expecting something a little more adventurous or unique, I suppose. However, when I asked her why she’d chose it, she informed me Aaron had insisted she get one of the top five safest SUVs, and the others were ridiculously expensive.

  “I have a trust fund, but it isn’t huge. I can live fairly well since I don’t have to pay for an apartment or house, but I don’t need to be stupid about expenses. I wanted an SUV, and Aaron offered to buy me one of the more expensive cars on the list, since he was the one dictating my choices, but I couldn’t let him do that.”

  “What will you get when you’re making your own money and have more to spend?”

  “I’ll probably keep the Crosstrek so I’ll have something with cargo space, but my dream car is a Maserati GranTurismo. I doubt I’ll ever be able to afford a new one, but based on what I should make once I’m full time at Drake Security, I might be able to swing a used one.” She sighed. “I had access to one when I was with Able. I miss it. I also enjoyed driving the Jaguar F-Type, and the Lamborghini, but the Maserati was my favorite.”

  No way in hell could I compete with her ex. I’m not hurting for cash, but shit. I didn’t even want to have a garage filled with more than a million dollars’ worth of cars.

  “I have four Harleys and a Ford Super-Duty F250.” It seemed important she know who I am. My vehicles don’t necessarily define me, but they’re a mirror of my personality. Sort of.

  “Why four bikes?”

  “One’s for long road trips, one’s for playing on curvy mountain roads, one’s just for riding around town. The last is a classic machine from the sixties. I rebuilt it myself with a little help from a brother to get the engine put back together right. I put it in shows every once in a while, and I ride it when the mood strikes me.”

  “Is it okay for me to ask you to take me for a ride? I seem to recall there being biker etiquette, different from the rest of society, and it means you don’t ask?”

  “If Mad Dog rode another woman on the back of his bike, his ol’lady would have his balls. To her, that’s tantamount to him having sex with someone else. Single guys all have their own rules about who they’ll ride. So, yeah, there’s protocol, but you can ask me anything you want. I’d love to ride you on the back of any of my bikes.”

  We both watched for signs of being followed, and she didn’t take a direct route home. She talked to Mac through the camera system at the outer gate, and still needed a palmprint and passcode to get through the inner gate.

  “Do you resent the heavy security when you host people for Aaron?”

  “Nope. I enjoy making scared people feel safe. Turns out, it’s kind of a calling for me, I think.”

  “Do you have to fuck someone different every time Aaron sends a client?” Again, it sounded more like an accusation than a question. I was going to have to do better.

  “You’re the first, and I didn’t have to fuck you. I wanted to.” She sighed. “Pretty sure Aaron knew I would. I’m also pretty sure he was making a point. He’s been amused by what he calls the pretty boys I’ve been playing with, but he never took any of them seriously.”

  I wasn’t pleased by this. Aaron had used me to make a point. And yet, if he hadn’t, I might never have met this perfect little swan shifter.

  “Am I going to be invited upstairs or sent to my room?”

  She pulled into the garage and turned off the ignition. I noted the door closed behind us a second after we came to a complete stop. Interesting.

  “I’m exhausted,” she said. “I need sleep. I have a Krav Maga class at ten in the morning. You’re welcome to get some condoms from downstairs and meet me upstairs, but it needs to be quickie sex and then sleep, please.”

  “I hope we have an opportunity for a two or three hour playtime when you can go to sleep and crash afterwards. I took it easy on you, but if I’d known exactly what was involved in a derby match, I might’ve cut it a litt
le shorter.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t. It was perfect and I was fine for the match. I hope we can find time for a longer session as well, but it isn’t going to be tonight.”

  She finally opened the door to get out, and I followed suit. I listened for activity in the house, but didn’t hear anything.

  Once we were on the main level I started to get a little worried. Even if they were asleep, I should’ve heard their heartbeats.

  “Soundproof,” Ember told me. “You’ll hear them once you’re on their level. I’m gonna fix some chocolate milk before bed. Do you want anything?”

  I shook my head. I’d had plenty to eat while we were out. “No. Should I shower downstairs? Or bring clothes up and shower in your bathroom?”

  “Clothes and condoms. Don’t forget the condoms.”


  I had bacon, steak, and eggs for breakfast. She had steak, bacon, and a stack of waffles dripping with real maple syrup. I quizzed the beautiful little swan about her favorite desserts while we ate. She couldn’t list just one, but she likes anything that combines chocolate, caramel, and sea salt. She’s a huge fan of chocolate, and she listed a million ways she loved it. I also noted sweets involving cream cheese frequently came up, but the single biggest ingredient after chocolate seemed to be ice cream.

  I wasn’t in the mood to be rushed, so I’d fucked her face until I got off, and then I’d jammed four fingers in her cunt and pummeled her until she came so hard her eyeballs rolled back in her head.

  The first time I wet my dick in her pussy, I needed time.

  We left for Ember’s Krav Maga class around nine thirty, and I sat in the SUV so she wouldn’t have to explain who I was and why I was watching. While I waited, I hit the internet for recipes. I found one that called for pouring half the brownie batter in the pan, lining it with caramel candies, and then pouring the other half in. This would give them a caramel center. While it baked you melted caramel in heavy cream, and then you iced the brownie with it once it was out of the oven. And then, finally, you sprinkled chunky sea salt crystals over the top. I considered putting ice cream on top of it, but I thought that would interfere with the salty/sweetness she apparently liked so much.


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