Dementor (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham Book 1)

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Dementor (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham Book 1) Page 20

by Candace Blevins

  But then I got serious with the conversation again. “Will it change the dynamic between me and Dementor? I haven’t even told him I’ll be changed into a dragon at some point. Will our relationship be the same?”

  “It will and it won’t. Aaron didn’t know to warn me about the psychological changes, so I had to figure it out myself. Now, we know what to tell swans when we turn them. Your morals will stay the same, but your identity won’t. Swans can’t accidentally change when someone confronts them, and even if we could, it isn’t like we’d scare them so badly they’d drop to their knees and beg for their life. However, a dragon can change at will. I mean, you can’t around humans because of the Concilio, but the knowledge you could turn into a house-sized dragon and either burn them to a crisp or eat them changes your whole attitude. Toss in the impatience, quick temper, and other dragon personality traits, and it can take a while to find a balance.”

  “Aaron seems like he has infinite patience.”

  “He’s ancient. You’ll need to look to a younger dragon to understand.”

  “I only know you. I assumed the changes were because you’re Queen now. You’re powerful now, and they went out of their way to keep you naïve and powerless, before.”

  “Much of it is, but being a dragon...” She lifted her arms and held them out a little. “The first time I flew as a dragon, everything changed. You need to talk to your grizzly bear about it. He’s the biggest and most formidable now, but you’re going to be after the change. The dynamics shifted between Aaron and me, but it made us something closer to equals. It’s going to completely flip the balance between the two of you.”

  “I’m not ready to talk to him about it yet.”

  “Make it sooner rather than later. He needs time to get used to the idea.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  She was sound asleep when I got home, but she didn’t have to be at work until three the next afternoon, so it was safe to wake her for a little playtime. The spa’s dungeons are usually booked during the day and in the evenings, but they’d be empty at three in the morning.

  Other than the cinnamon oil, I hadn’t messed with her clit for anything beyond mild play. After the things Frost had told me, I wasn’t comfortable pushing too far, but it was time I got us both past that. Or, maybe it was that I needed to get myself past it. As far as I knew, she wasn’t opposed to extreme clit torture. I’d never tried though, so I had no idea.

  If she was, she’d have to explain it to me. We needed this information out in the open between us.

  The MC’s neighborhood is one hundred and fifty acres and completely fenced in. We’re protected by wrought iron, concrete, and brickwork. The spa is within the fence, though there are barriers to keep customers away from the residences, and it has its own entrance. For security and legal reasons, the BDSM rooms are in the basement of one of the residences, with hidden tunnels leading to it from the spa. We’d head to the spa from my basement, and then the purple room.

  But, she hadn’t been voted in to see those secrets yet. My fault, because I hadn’t asked my brothers to vote. They’d probably give her the okay, but I’d never asked the club to give a woman that much trust, and I was hesitant to do so until Ember had been with Drake Security a while. I was worried she’d get into a situation with divided loyalties.

  So, I made my way into the bedroom and put her wrist cuffs on her. This wasn’t the first time I’d put them on her while she slept, so she roused a little but didn’t completely wake. I fastened her ankle cuffs on and put a carabiner between them, sat her up, connected her wrists behind her back, and pulled a bondage hood over her head.

  That woke her up, but she couldn’t do anything about it. This hood left her mouth exposed so I didn’t have to worry about her breathing, which also meant she could speak at will.

  “We’ll be walking by cameras monitored by whoever’s in the control room. Beg and plead all you want, but know that at least one of my brothers will be able to hear you at times.”

  I slung her over my shoulder and made my way to the level under my basement. She didn’t know where it was, so I walked around the house and turned in a complete circle once or twice to confuse her. Once we were in the tunnels, I turned around once at every junction, whether I turned or went straight.

  When we made it to the largest dungeon room, I secured her to the gyno chair before I took her hood off.

  “The lights are bright. Be careful about opening your eyes.”

  When she could finally look around, she muttered, “Holy fuck. Where are we?”

  “Dungeon, and that’s all I’m telling you.” I held her chin and held her gaze. “You won’t tell a soul that this room exists. Not Sophia, not Aaron, not any of your derby friends. No one.”


  I nodded, let go, and put a wedge under her back to lift her body about forty-five degrees. I adjusted the leg pieces up and out, and the mechanism to release and engage them is loud. She jumped all four times. I rubbed her shoulder. “Relax, Ember. I’m going to hurt you, but I won’t let you fall. You’re secured in and you aren’t going anywhere until I say so.”

  I tested the strap below her breasts, over her hips, and finally the piece that fit over her shins to make sure she couldn’t take her legs out of the stirrups. I connected her wrist cuffs to the edge of the table near her hips while I was at it, and she visibly relaxed.

  It was possible to restrain her head, but I wanted her to watch what I was doing to her today. Not much compares to the pheromones released while a submissive watches a needle moving towards her private parts. Even the ones who don’t like pain emit fear and sex pheromones at the same time. And the ones who’ve been conditioned to like it? Damn.

  “I asked one of the prospects to gather some supplies for me.” I walked to the table just inside the door and smiled. He’d done exactly as I asked. I lifted the baskets and returned to her.

  “I’ve been rough with your clit, but I’ve never seriously tortured it. I figure it’s time we remedy that.”


  First, he had to put a butt plug in, but not just any old plug. Oh no. He wanted my ass held wide open, which means the inside part had to be a whole lot fatter than the neck so it didn’t fall out. I was nearly in tears three minutes into our session, and this was just the prelude.

  Begging him had never made him relent in the past, but this hurt badly enough I had to try anyway. “Oh, please. Can’t we use one a little smaller? It’s been in at least two minutes and it still hurts! It isn’t getting any better! Please, Sir! It’s too much!”

  He rubbed the inside of my thigh. “Dear, sweet Ember. I know it’s too much. Everything tonight is going to be too much, but you’re going to suffer for me, aren’t you?”

  “Shit. Please don’t make me. You know I will, but please — I’m begging!”

  “And you beg so pretty. Let’s get some suction going on your nipples.”

  I screamed and begged when the first suction piece went on, and I expected him to put the second one on right away, but he made me wait for it. Sometimes, the anticipation is worse than the event. That wasn’t the case this time, but having to wait made it hurt worse. It always does.

  I relaxed a little when he went at my clit with an electric toothbrush. Yes, it hurts and it’s overwhelming, and I screamed and cried and writhed within my bondage, but I’ve had my clit truly tortured, so this was easily survivable.

  However, this was Dementor, so he didn’t stop there. Oh no, he waited until I was wrung out from my asshole and tits hurting while he forced orgasm after orgasm after orgasm on me, and then brought out an intravenous bag of saline solution and an assortment of needles.

  My head shook no and my fear levels slammed into the ceiling. I wanted to take a deep breath but I could only manage fast, shallow ones.

  “I smell your fear, but I won’t stop unless you use your safeword. Tonight isn’t about me knowing when to stop, but about you telling m
e when I go too far.”

  I finally managed a deep breath. I held it a few seconds and then slowly blew it out. He sounded reasonable. It helped anchor me.

  “What are you going to do with that?”

  “I’m going to inflate your clit. Probably your tits, too. We’ll see how it goes.”

  I watched as he pulled my clit hood back and inserted the cannula. A short scream surprised me when the needle went in — it’d been a long time since anyone had seriously fucked with my clit. I once beat a submissive’s balls for daring to touch his teeth to my clit while he was supposed to be licking it. He hadn’t bitten down, just ran them across it.

  “I can’t, Sir. Please don’t do this.”

  He connected the tubing to the saline bag he’d hung high above me, and put his finger on the clip that would release the saline into my clit. “I haven’t heard a safeword. Say the word and this doesn’t happen.”

  I shook my head, and he released the saline.

  I’ve had my boobs inflated before, and this shit burns like fire while it’s going in. I mean, it’s basically salt water, so it isn’t surprising. The outside of my clit was completely raw from the toothbrush, and now he was burning it from the inside.

  And then the stretching started. The body can take a surprising amount of saline solution, and I have no idea how much he put into my clit, but it swelled until it was freaking huge, and it hurt, and it felt good, and it was wrong. Tears flowed down my cheeks though I wasn’t openly crying.

  And I begged him, over and over, not to do this to me, but he kept reminding me I had a safeword.

  Long after I thought he’d put as much in as my engorged clit could possibly take, he finally removed one of my nipple pumps and then transferred the cannula from my clit to just above my poor, abused, swollen nipple. The tissue on the inside was already raw from the pumping, and the saline solution added insult to injury. I screamed and thrashed, begged and pleaded. The pain was bad enough, I forgot about my clit for a short time.

  “Be. Still.”

  I opened my eyes to see he had another bag of saline and another cannula. He removed my other nipple suction device, inserted the fucking needle, and got the saline started on that breast as well.

  Now the pain was double, but he wasn’t finished with my clit.

  I’m pretty sure my heart stopped beating when I saw the scalpel in his hand.

  “I’m just going to split your clit hood so your clit has more room to grow. I’ll let you change tomorrow so it’ll heal.”

  “Sophia. Red.”

  He put the scalpel down. “Just for the clit hood, or for everything?”

  “No scalpels.”

  He massaged the area around my clit. “Okay. No scalpels. I’m proud of you for speaking up. What I’m about to do isn’t punishment, but it’s become the only way to get you to open up to me about your history.”

  My stomach and heart changed places in my body when he clamped my clit hood up and away from my clit, and I saw the electric toothbrush again.

  “I’m already raw, Sir. Please don’t.”

  “You know how this works, Ember darling.”

  Right, but I’d just used my safeword for the very first time. No way was I going to use it again.

  He ran the toothbrush all around my exposed, swollen clit and I screamed at the top of my lungs until he pulled it off. “What did Able do to your clit?”

  I glared at him. He was right — this was what he’d had to do to get me to tell him about other things Able had done to me. He’d beat the bottoms of my feet until I told him how Able had forced me to take enemas until I looked nine months pregnant. D then taught me to enjoy small enemas, and it’d taken a long time for me to orgasm while he gave me one, but we’d both been so pleased when it’d finally happened.

  Another time, D had kept using hotter and hotter pepper oil on my asshole and pussy until I’d told him why I was so averse to speech restrictions. Able and his inner circle had once spoken Russian around me for months, and had forbidden me from speaking. If I said a word they could understand, my tongue had been put in chopsticks for twenty-four hours. You can’t do that to a human, but I’d survived it because of my shapeshifter status. They’d turned me into a pet for real, and he’d had to bring a therapist in to get me to act human again when he tired of the game.

  And now, Dementor wanted to know what had been done to my clit that had made me safeword for the first time ever, but that was okay. I could handle the electric toothbrush. It hurt ever-so-much more on the stretched, distended tissues, but not enough for me to tell him how badly I’d been mutilated.

  I closed my eyes and settled in, accepting the fact my boobs were growing fast enough I could feel them stretching, and my clit was about to become the center of my universe. Once you accept the fact you’re going to hurt, it isn’t as bad. Fighting it makes it hurt more. Well, except for extreme pain. Nothing can help that.

  I don’t know if he’d planned to do more than the toothbrush, or if he changed tactics when he realized I was settling in for the long haul, but the next thing I knew, the huge buttplug was being eased out of my ass. It’d been in long enough, it hadn’t been a major focus since the original ass-spasms, when the muscles decided to protest particularly loud.

  My body had soaked in the lube, which made the plug hurt so much worse coming out. It opened already-strained muscles even more, and my high-pitched screams echoed back at me.

  “Can you be nice to me for just a minute or two, please?” The request sounded pathetic even to my ears, but I couldn’t help it.

  As soon as the plug came out, he removed his gloves and he was at my side, one hand on my belly, the warmth of him soaking in, and the fingers of his other hand resting on my cheek and jaw. “I’m here. I’m always right here. I love watching you scream and writhe. It makes my dick so hard. It’s also important I know the dark parts of your history, so I can either avoid them or help you work past them. This is one of those cases, my beautiful little swanling. I’d ask you to do this the easy way, but I’ve learned over and over that you need to do it the hard way, so I’m here to help you through it.”

  “I don’t want to tell you.”

  “Which is exactly why you must.”

  I was tempted to tell him, but I needed to know what he’d planned before I could make an informed decision. “How are you going to try to make me?”

  “I have an anal speculum large enough a basketball can fit inside when it’s fully extended. We’re going to stretch your ass until you tell me.”

  Right, and I’d spill my guts long before he managed to open it that wide. I took a breath and told him a little bit of it. I thought maybe it would be enough to satisfy his questions.

  “Able cut my clit hood off. Sometimes, he’d let me change in a day or two. Sometimes it was months.”

  “What else?”

  “Why does there have to be something else?”

  “Because I’m sure that hurt and caused you long term humiliation and extra-sensitivity, but it feels like it would take more for you to refuse to tell me.”

  I took a breath and blew it out. If I told him that was the worst thing Able had done, I’d smell as if I were lying.

  “Did he do more? Or was that it?” he asked.

  Fuck. So much for trying to make him think that was it. I stared at the ceiling so I wouldn’t have to look at him.

  He patted my belly, released the clip things on the tubing so the saline solution filled my boobs faster, and went to the wall. He came back with a speculum, and he opened it to show me how wide it would go.

  He hadn’t been exaggerating. Fuck.

  “He cut my clit completely off and sewed up my inner labia and most of my outer labia — there was just a hole for me to pee out of. I was anal-only for months. Without a clit or vaginal penetration, I couldn’t orgasm.” Some women claim they can orgasm from anal stimulation alone, but I’m not one of them. It helps my orgasms along, but it can’t be the sole sensor
y input

  He came back to my head and caressed my cheek again. “Thank you. As a reward, I’ll flog your inner thighs while your tits finish, and then I’ll stand you up and flog the fuck out of your back.”

  This might sound like hell, but it’s one of my favorite things — especially if I have a vibe inserted, and he put a medium sized vibrating plug in my ass before he started.

  “You have permission to orgasm whenever you want.”

  The extreme pain from earlier had primed me for the flogger, and I came at least a dozen times in the thirty or forty minutes he let my boobs keep growing. The flogger strands gave me both stinging, burning pain and the most intense caress you can imagine. The sensations all built on themselves until the pleasure was too intense to survive, and my orgasms came practically one after another, each more powerful than the one before.


  Her tits were huge when I finally situated her in the center of the room, her arms attached to a spreader bar over her head, and the winch tightened until she stood on the balls of her feet. I wanted to see her dance under the whip, and not allowing her heels to touch the ground was the fastest way to make that happen.

  I love Ember’s figure the way it is. I don’t especially care whether a woman has big tits or small tits, since I’m most interested in the nipples, and my little swanling has beautiful nipples. Still, the sight of her with huge tits and deep red nipples had my cock so hard it throbbed, but I wasn’t ready to find my own relief just yet.

  Ember could turn any way she wanted, and I struck whatever she put in front of me, which meant I managed to strike her tits fairly regularly. I hit hard and fast and didn’t give her a chance to recover for at least ten minutes, and then she only had the time it took me to put that flogger down and pick up my matched set.

  She saw me with them and knew what was coming, but she didn’t ask me not to. We both knew she loved this. Her scent also told the tale.


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