Repeat Offender

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Repeat Offender Page 1

by Vale, Lani Lynn

  Table of Contents

  Repeat Offender



  Other titles by Lani Lynn Vale

  Author’s Note

  About the Book

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


  What’s Next?

  Text copyright ©2021 Lani Lynn Vale

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  To all the ladies that begged for Lynn. Here you go.


  Golden Czermak - Photographer

  My Brother’s Editor & Ink It Out Editing- My editors

  Cover Me Darling - Cover Artist

  My mom - Thank you for reading this book eight million two hundred and twenty-two times.

  Kendra, Lisa, Laura, Penney, Kathy, Mindy, Brandi, Jen, Barbara & Amanda—I don’t know what I would do without y’all. Thank you, my lovely betas, for loving my books as much as I do.

  Other titles by Lani Lynn Vale

  The Freebirds


  Highway Don’t Care

  Another One Bites the Dust

  Last Day of My Life

  Texas Tornado

  I Don’t Dance

  The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC

  Lights To My Siren

  Halligan To My Axe

  Kevlar To My Vest

  Keys To My Cuffs

  Life To My Flight

  Charge To My Line

  Counter To My Intelligence

  Right To My Wrong

  Code 11- KPD SWAT

  Center Mass

  Double Tap

  Bang Switch

  Execution Style

  Charlie Foxtrot

  Kill Shot

  Coup De Grace

  The Uncertain Saints

  Whiskey Neat

  Jack & Coke

  Vodka On The Rocks

  Bad Apple

  Dirty Mother

  Rusty Nail

  The Kilgore Fire Series

  Shock Advised

  Flash Point

  Oxygen Deprived

  Controlled Burn

  Put Out

  I Like Big Dragons Series

  I Like Big Dragons and I Cannot Lie

  Dragons Need Love, Too

  Oh, My Dragon

  The Dixie Warden Rejects

  Beard Mode

  Fear the Beard

  Son of a Beard

  I’m Only Here for the Beard

  The Beard Made Me Do It

  Beard Up

  For the Love of Beard

  Law & Beard

  There’s No Crying in Baseball

  Pitch Please

  Quit Your Pitchin’

  Listen, Pitch

  The Hail Raisers

  Hail No

  Go to Hail

  Burn in Hail

  What the Hail

  The Hail You Say

  Hail Mary

  The Simple Man Series

  Kinda Don’t Care

  Maybe Don’t Wanna

  Get You Some

  Ain’t Doin’ It

  Too Bad So Sad

  Bear Bottom Guardians MC

  Mess Me Up

  Talkin’ Trash

  How About No

  My Bad

  One Chance, Fancy

  It Happens

  Keep It Classy

  Snitches Get Stitches


  The Southern Gentleman Series

  Hissy Fit

  Lord Have Mercy

  KPD Motorcycle Patrol

  Hide Your Crazy

  It Wasn’t Me

  I’d Rather Not

  Make Me

  Sinners are Winners

  If You Say So

  SWAT 2.0

  Just Kidding

  Fries Before Guys

  Maybe Swearing Will Help

  Ask Me If I Care

  May Contain Wine

  Joke’s on You

  Join the Club

  Any Day Now

  Say it Ain’t So

  Officially Over It

  Nobody Knows

  Depends Who’s Asking

  Valentine Boys

  Herd That

  Crazy Heifer

  Chute Yeah

  Get Bucked

  Souls Chapel Revenants

  Repeat Offender

  Conjugal Visits (Feb 2021)

  Jailbait (April 2021)

  Doin’ A Dime (May 2021)

  Inmate of the Month


  Somethin’ About That Boy

  Author’s Note

  Hey, gang!

  So by now you’ve all probably figured out that this is finally Lynn’s book. Truly, I wouldn’t have been able to write this book had y’all not begged for it.

  In all honesty, I never planned on writing his book. I just thought to leave him as that character that everybody always wanted more of. The one that showed up out of the blue and sometimes saved the day.

  But then I got to thinking during the corona virus that I should write him. That maybe y’all needed him.

  So I started writing.

  Which means that his book is out of whack timeline wise.

  Technically, he should be as old as Silas. (Counter to my Intelligence.) But in LLV world, anything goes. And that means that Lynn is not a grandpa. He’s a sexy alpha beast that’s here to help save Six’s day.

  That means that this timeline is really going to be kind of wonky. So please do not think that this series will go well timeline wise with previous series, because it doesn’t.

  Happy reading, y’all!

  About the Book

  Lynnwood Thatcher Windsor has lived a lot of lies. Seen a lot of good men go down.

  But he will not stand by and watch as the world he’s built from the ground up burns to ashes before his eyes. Even if he has to build an army to combat the problem he sees brewing around him.

  One step at a time, he carefully lays out his plan, building layer after careful layer until everything is where he wants it to be.

  Every part is impeccably played, his pawns are in the perfect place, and then she barrels into his life, totally scattering every single piece he’s set in motion.

  The bad thing is, she doesn’t even realize how badly she’s messed up until she’s roused the beast.

  • • •

  The day that Six Ines Broussard met Lynnwood Thatcher Windsor was the worst day of her life.

  First, she has a public breakup with a man she’s not even dating. Second, she has to deal with a black-tie event that she’d rather gouge her eyes out than to go to. Third, she then has to sit at a table with the one man she despises for hours on end.

  Just wanting a break, she thinks she’l
l lose herself for a few hours and do what she loves to do best—spend time by herself and go for a walk in the middle of nowhere, spot some birds, and get a little sun. Only, her day doesn’t go nearly as planned.

  She walks right into the middle of hell, and at the center of it? Lynnwood Thatcher. The mayor. The man that she took one glance at on the night of his inauguration and dismissed as boring. A total stick in the mud.

  Only, he’s not so boring shirtless, in the middle of nowhere, doing things that are very illegal.

  At first, she’s appalled. Then her interest gets piqued. Stuck-Up suit is hot! And he has tattoos. Oh, and let’s not forget one hell of a mouth on him!

  Then he goes and kidnaps her, and she realizes that nobody is quite as hot as you thought they were when they’re now holding you hostage.


  Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

  -Six’s secret thoughts


  “I think we should break up.”

  I blinked.

  “Okay,” I said, unsure whether this guy realized that he was talking to me or not.

  “I know that we’ve been dating a while…” the man continued.

  But my concentration was caught not by the guy breaking up with me that I’d never seen before in my life, but by the man that was currently standing beside me, dressed in the three-piece suit.

  I had no clue who he was.

  But holy crap, could the man fill out a suit.

  I’d never really been attracted to men that were so well put together, but this guy? And he was a man, there was no doubt about that. Whew, he was good-looking.

  He was tall, a little over six foot two or three. He had silvering black hair that was more silver than gray, perfect hair that had a slight wave to it and piercing green eyes that made my heart start to hammer when I saw them directed at me.

  “…I know that you’re a great lady,” the man breaking up with me said. “But I…”

  Mr. Three-piece Suit’s lips twitched at my attention.

  He brought a lowball glass of amber-colored liquid to his mouth and took a shallow sip.

  That’s when I saw the cigar in the hand that was holding the glass.

  It wasn’t lit, but it was obvious that, at one point, it had been.

  On his hand closest to the tip of the cigar was a gold ring, not on his ring finger, but his middle.

  It had a circle and some swirls on it, and I wanted to walk over to get a closer look at it.

  Though, I wasn’t sure if it was the man’s ring that I wanted to look at, or the man himself.

  He was deliciously tall, very well built, and looked as if he’d be just as exciting as getting a root canal. IE—not at fucking all. He looked Boring with a capital B.

  His eyes turned to the man that was in front of me. The one saying ‘it wasn’t me, it was him.’

  When the older man turned and dismissed me completely, I returned my gaze to the man in front of me.

  “What’s your name again?” I asked.

  “Uhh.” He paused. “Brighton.”

  “Well, Brighton,” I said. “I think you need to lay off the alcohol for the evening. You’re drunk and you’re talking to a woman that’s never met you before in her life.”

  “I’m not drunk,” Brighton said. “This isn’t funny, either. Jesus, Linda.”

  I was already rolling my eyes.

  “Listen, Linda,” I said as I polished off my beer. Yes, I said beer. If I was going to be somewhere I didn’t want to be, I was going to drink. “My name isn’t Linda. It’s Six. I’d appreciate it if you left me alone, k?”

  Brighton’s eyes narrowed, and his cheeks went red.

  “You don’t have to act like this, Linda,” he continued.

  I was already walking away when he said that.

  “Linda, don’t walk away from me when we’re talking!” Brighton growled, grabbing me by the hand and tugging.

  Training took over—I didn’t tolerate stupidity easily and was trained in mixed martial arts—and I twisted my wrist out of Brighton’s hand. Seconds later, I had his thumb in a lock and his arm behind his back.

  Twisting it viciously, I said, “Keep your hands to yourself. Especially when it comes to me.”

  “Brighton, dude,” some random man said. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m trying to break up with Linda, but she assaulted me and won’t take no for an answer,” Brighton growled.

  I snorted. “Yes, you’re trying to break up with Linda. I’m not Linda, you moron. Like I said earlier, my name is Six. I don’t even know a Linda.”

  Brighton sneered at me.

  The new man walked over and said, “I thought you were kidding when you said Linda was here.”

  This other man looked at me like I was Linda, too.

  Jesus Christ.

  Pushing the man away from me so he wouldn’t get another chance at a grab, I stalked off, hoping that I got far enough away from him before he tried for a third round.

  Luck was on my side as I wound myself through the crowd.

  I was out of beer, and I needed another if I was going to deal with staying here.

  I most certainly didn’t want to be here, though.

  I had quite a few other things that I’d rather be doing at this moment in time. Like watching The Witcher for the fourth time. Or alphabetizing my spice cabinet. Folding the laundry in the dryer that’d been there for four days. Scrubbing my base boards clean. Hell, I could even go for pulling the mats out of my outside cat’s fur.

  What I did not want to be doing was attending the mayor of Kilgore’s inauguration.

  However, despite what I wanted, I didn’t have a choice. It was either be here, or never hear the end of it from my father. And sometimes, just keeping him happy and out of my life for the most part was easier than the alternative—him actually paying attention to me.

  But, saying that, just because I was here didn’t mean that I didn’t want to mess with him while also being me.

  If my father was going to force me to be here, then I’d be here. He didn’t get to choose what I wore, though. Or who I spoke with.

  Which was why I wore a corset dress with a deep purple bustier underneath it that was on the shorter side in front, reaching above my knees, and on the longer side in back.

  I was wearing four-inch sky-high black heels that were also the same shade of purple at the bottom.

  I had on heavy makeup with the same glittery shade of purple eyeshadow, deep purple lipstick to match, and my purple contacts.

  I wore the contacts because it pissed my father off.

  He liked it when I wore normal colors, so I made sure to put on stuff that would drive him insane.

  At least I was wearing the normal eyes today. The last dinner party he forced me to come to I wore the cat-eyed pupil contacts, causing him to turn red in the face and ask me to leave.

  But with this dinner party being on the heels of the last one, I decided to be nice and not make his blood pressure rise twice in one week.

  “All right, ladies and gentlemen.” I heard over the loudspeakers. “It’s time to get this party started.”

  I rolled my eyes and moved toward the table I knew Dad had gotten for us.

  But on the way, I did stop for another beer.

  Actually, I got two.

  Double-fisting them, I walked to my table, took a seat where my name ‘Six Broussard’ was on my spot, and plopped down.

  Then I started to drink.

  I was so focused on my task of drinking, too, that I didn’t notice when someone sat at the table with me until a low, deep chuckle had me glancing up.

  When I saw the David Gandy looking older gentleman, this time with his whiskey about halfway gone, laughing across the table from me, I took notice.

  The man truly was hot.

  Too bad he looked too uptight. Too stuck up. Too like my father.

  Speaking of my father, he finally took a seat next to me and growled.

  “What?” I snapped.

  “Do you have to embarrass me?” he asked. “Two beers, Six? Really?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “What’s wrong with beer?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with beer,” he grumbled under his breath so nobody would see. “If you allow them to serve it to you, one at a time, in a glass. You, on the other hand, are drinking it like an uncouth child straight out of the bottle.”

  I took a sip of my bottle. “It tastes better in the bottle.”

  At least, it did to me.

  “It tastes no different and you know it,” he countered.

  I ignored him as the dinner courses started to be served.

  I ignored the plate of what-the-fuck-ever and instead pulled a bag of Classic Lay’s out of my purse.

  My dad stiffened beside me when I ripped open the bag, but otherwise didn’t say anything as I happily ate my chips and stared around the room in curiosity.


  In a world full of roses, be a thorn.

  -Coffee Cup


  “Who’s that?” my assistant, Bruno, asked.

  He had this really weird look in his eyes, though. As if he knew exactly who it was but he was trying to act all nonchalant.

  He should’ve known better than to act that way with me. I knew all of his tells. But I’d give him that play. For now.

  I looked over at him and shrugged. “I’ve no idea.”

  “You were looking at her like you knew her,” he mused.

  I had been. But not because I knew her, but because she was utterly captivating.

  She was of average height and build, but that was where the average part ended.

  She was dressed in head-to-toe black and purple. Her eyeshadow was purple. Her hair was a light whitish lavender with dark purple roots. Hair that was put up into two bun-like pigtails.

  Her dress was black, and showing off a lot of leg, but the shit underneath the dress was purple lace. Oh, and so was the silk and lace around her breasts.

  I’d never been around someone that liked purple before, but the little punk-rock looking chick wearing it so well across the table from me was capturing and holding my attention.


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