The Sheriff's Sweetheart

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The Sheriff's Sweetheart Page 4

by Cheryl Wright

  If he’d been in the car with her, they’d have both been killed, and he wouldn’t constantly go through all this pain. This torture he endured day after day, night after night.

  He shook his head, trying to get rid of the memories. Of the vision of his darling wife lying in the morgue after the accident. Having to identify her.

  “Chase.” She touched him lightly on the arm. “Are you okay?” She whispered the last words, and it was enough to pull him back into reality.

  “Yeah,” he said quietly. “Just thinking back to that day.”

  He shuffled in his seat. “Ready to go? It’s getting on. Maybe dinner first?” He had to work hard to put himself into the right frame of mind. He wasn’t willing to spoil their first date. Isabella deserved to be treated like the princess he knew she was.

  “Whatever you like. I’m not fussed.”

  He’d noticed she didn’t eat much lately, and Missy had told him as much. Perhaps tonight he could spoil her and get to indulge herself, although that seemed highly unlikely.

  It was worth a try.

  * * *

  At the restaurant, they were escorted to their table.

  It was by the window, facing out over the mountains. In the twilight, it was beautiful. Isabella could only begin to imagine what it would be like in darkness.

  The moon was beginning to rise behind the mountains to the east, at the same time the sun was setting to the west. The color of the sky was a sight to behold.

  She’d lived near the city most of her life. On the outskirts anyway. She’d never seen a moon so big and so bright. It made her feel melancholy. And bewitched.

  She felt emboldened.

  Isabella reached across the table and put her hand gently onto Chase’s. She softly rubbed her thumb across his palm. Looked at his strong arms, and then looked into his face.

  The moonlight was playing in his eyes. It was magical. She knew their night would be magical too.

  She really wanted this friendship to go further than just being friends. But there were roadblocks and she didn’t know how to get rid of them.

  “Chase....” She said, but then changed her mind. Would he run a mile if he knew what she was going through? Or would he try and help her?

  She lifted her hand and waved it in the air. “No, don’t worry. It’s alright,” she said under her breath.

  He leaned into her. “Tell me,” he said. “I won’t bite, I promise.”

  He smiled at her and lit up the room. She felt safe with him, and with every moment she was with him she felt more and more drawn to him.


  “Your menus, Sir, Madam.”

  She leaned back. The moment had passed. She couldn’t speak now. Besides, she would spoil the whole evening. And Chase deserved a night out. Missy said he never did anything for himself. Worked all sorts of long hours at the Sheriff’s Office, even working Sundays.

  No. This was not the time.

  “Thank you,” Chase said abruptly, obviously annoyed at the interruption.

  “Would you like tonight’s specials, Sir?” The waiter looked uncomfortable, as though he’d picked up on Chase’s irritation, and was trying to make amends.

  “Sure, thanks.”

  As the waiter reeled off the night’s specials, Isabella closely watched Chase. His face was so beautiful. Not that you’re meant to call men beautiful. But he was.

  She stared at his nose. His tiny button nose. And those eyes, those brown puppy dog eyes – she could easily get lost in them.

  She startled as the waiter leaned over and placed a glass of water in front of her. “Isabella, are you okay?” It was Chase. His hand covered hers, and she felt the gentleness and the warmth it brought to her.

  His thumb gently stroked her palm, and she felt less stressed. Much more relaxed. His nearness made her feel comfortable. Made her feel as though anything was possible.

  “I apologise, Madam. I did not mean to startle you.” The waiter nodded and walked away.

  Chase slid his chair close to Isabella. “No reason we can’t sit together,” he told her. “It’s cosier this way.”

  She smiled at him, reassured by his closeness. His proximity.

  * * *

  As she perused the menu, Chase saw her look over the top of it at him. It was as though she needed reassurance he was still there. He slid sideways, even further, toward her until their shoulders touched.

  She smiled.

  He wouldn’t move from her side if that’s what it took to make her feel comfortable. She had quite obviously been through some sort of trauma, and Chase would ensure he got to the bottom of it, and make her life better.

  It killed him to watch her go through this pain. This hell she was enduring. Heck, if it was his Jenny, he’d do everything he could to stop it, and he would do the same for Isabella.

  He’d even do it for a stranger.

  Isabella had some sort of pull on him. He was enamoured with her, and he couldn’t shake her. If he thought about it, he didn’t want to anyway.

  He was comfortable with her. Felt that pull he hadn’t felt for some years.

  But he would take things slowly. If Isabella decided she wanted to see him again, that was.

  No matter what, he would find out what was going on, and he would deal with it. He owed her that much.

  “Are you ready to order yet?” It was that pesky waiter again.


  “Yes, I’m ready,” she said, sounding less than confident, and closed the menu.

  * * *

  Whether it was the food or the company, Chase didn’t know. At first Isabella pushed her food around her plate. Played with her food, almost. He’d mentioned how good the food was, and she tucked right in.

  It made him happy, because she sure could do with a good feed. Right now, she was skin and bone.

  If it meant he needed to take her out every single night to get her to eat, so be it.

  Whatever it took.

  After they’d eaten the main course, Isabella was full to the brim, she’d said. So they ordered coffee and decided to have dessert later if they felt like it.

  Chase paid the bill, and they walked down the road to the movie theatre. “What would you like to see,” he asked, as they arrived in the foyer.

  Isabella looked around at the posters, then turned to him. “Whatever you like. I haven’t been to a movie in years, so anything is good to me.”

  Chase bought two tickets to the most recent movie, bought some popcorn, drinks, and chocolates, and they moved inside.

  They arrived just in time to see the end of the advertisements, and wandered down the carpeted steps.

  The theatre was almost empty so they had a choice of wherever they wanted in the whole place. As they entered, Isabella scrutinized the place. She held tight to Chase’s hand as they continued down the steps, and looked up to check out any balconies that might be there.

  There weren’t any.

  He was totally aware of her actions. She was making sure no one could come at her from any angle. These were not the actions of a regular person. He, more than most, knew that.

  It reaffirmed his suspicions there was more to Isabella’s injuries than she was letting on. For the sake of his sanity, and her happiness, he let it ride.

  For now.

  “Let’s sit here,” he said, indicating seats in the middle, about half way down. He didn’t say anything to Isabella, but it was most unlikely someone could creep up on her when they were in that spot.

  Hell, it was most unlikely someone would creep up on her with him there. He’d be on them in a flash.

  He felt his blood boil, and knew for her sake, he had to calm down. This was meant to be a fun night out for them both.

  Right now, all he wanted to do was hold her in his arms and make her whole world better. Make her life perfect. Make their lives perfect. Together.

  As the movie began, the lights began to dim. There were only two other couples in the same
theatre. It felt more intimate that way, and Chase liked intimate when he was courting a woman.

  Sure, he was all rough and tumble when it came to work. The Sheriff had to be like that. He was leader of the gang. He had to make sure people followed orders, and he had to roll with the punches sometimes, but when it came to women, especially women he cared about, it was a totally different ball game.

  He glanced across at Isabella in the darkness. Her silhouette beside him made him melancholy.

  He surveyed her soft outline. She was pretty. Really pretty. Even despite her massive weight loss.

  Was he pretending she was Jenny? Or was he really seeing Isabella for herself?

  He shook his head, and closed his eyes. He knew it was Isabella he saw. As much as he had loved Jenny back then, and still loved her now, he needed to move on. As hard as it would be.

  He was sure his darling Jenny would understand. She would want him to lead a happy life, and not mope around for the rest of his days.

  His brothers had all told him as much, but he wouldn’t listen. Now that the right person had come along, it all made perfect sense.

  His hand slipped into hers, and he moved his knee across, so their knees touched.

  “This is nice,” she said, turning her head toward him. Without thinking, he leaned in and kissed her gently. She reached up and touched his cheek with her hand. It was cold from the cup of soda she’d been holding, but he didn’t care. Only cared that she had reacted this way. “Really nice,” she added.

  She tasted of soda, and her lips were cold, but again, he didn’t care. He only cared that he was here with Isabella. Alone.

  At least, almost alone.

  And in the dark, no one could see them, so they had time together without interruption. He continued to kiss her, and they missed the start of the movie, but neither of them cared.

  The more he held her, the more he wanted her, but he wasn’t going to rush it. She was fragile, in more ways than one.

  Her hand came down from his cheek, and rested in his hand. “We need to watch the movie,” she whispered, and turned her head back toward the giant movie screen.

  “Do we have to,” he whispered back, a big grin on his face.

  As she turned toward him, she must have seen his smile, because she smiled, and looked down into her lap, in a coy sort of way.

  Coy suited her, he decided. It was sexy in its own sly way.

  They both sat back and enjoyed the movie, their hands still encased in each other’s, sipping their drinks, and sharing a giant cup of popcorn.

  As the lights came up, Isabella turned to Chase. “That was beautiful,” she told him, tears in her eyes.

  “What’s this then,” he asked, wiping the stray tears from her cheeks. “I know some women cry at sad movies, but this one had a happy ending.”

  “Yes, it did,” she said. “Very happy. Some people have all the luck.”

  Chapter Five

  As they wandered out of the theatre, holding hands, Chase had an idea. “Shall we go up the mountain to the lookout,” he asked. “Then maybe to Aunt Lizzie’s Kitchen for a late-night snack.”

  “Don’t you have to get up early?”

  It was just like Isabella to worry about him. Her eyes said yes, but her words said otherwise.

  “Don’t you worry about me. I’m a big boy, I can look after myself,” he said, laughing. “What do you say? It won’t take long to drive up there once we’re back in River Valley.”

  She nodded her agreement.

  “You’ll get to see the whole of River Valley, which isn’t a lot. But more than that, you’ll get a much better look at that big ol’ moon you adored so much at the restaurant.”

  They moved toward his truck and quickly went on their way.

  Isabella hardly said a word on the way up the mountain. But that was okay. Chase left her alone with her thoughts. He was sure she had a lot of stuff rolling around in her mind. Things he wanted to know. Maybe one day she’d trust him enough to tell him.

  As they pulled into the look out car park, she started to speak. “Chase, I....” As the truck stopped, she leapt out of the vehicle. “Oh my gosh, this is so beautiful!”

  Damn it. Every time she started to tell him something, she was interrupted.

  She jumped up and down, and ran over to the rail, taking in the panoramic views. She looked up into the moon, and he saw the joy written all over her face.

  She ran to him, and put her arms around him. “Thank you. Thank you so much for bringing me to this gorgeous place!” She hugged him with all her might, and Chase glowed in the simplicity of it all.

  He stood there momentarily, his wits had suddenly left him. But then he came to his senses and wrapped his arms around this beautiful woman he’d had the good fortune to spend the evening with.

  She looked up into his face as he looked down at her. He brushed a wisp of hair out of her eyes, and stared at her for long moments.

  “Isabella,” he whispered, seconds before his lips descended on hers. Her lips were warm this time, but still tasted of cola.

  He gently brushed his lips against hers, running his tongue along her bottom lip, then pulling it into his mouth. He wanted to taste more of her. Get to know her better.

  He heard her groan moments before she sank into him. He smiled beneath the kiss. She was feeling more comfortable with him every time they were together.

  That made him happy.

  More than happy. Ecstatic.

  They stood there in the silence. With nothing but the trees and the owls and the mountains surrounding them.

  Why then, did Chase suddenly hear a twig snap? As though someone had stood on it. They were out there alone, so it shouldn’t happen.

  He put a finger to his lips, and shook his head. He didn’t want to scare her, but he wanted to be sure.

  There it was again.

  He leaned in to her and whispered in her ear. “We’re going back to the truck. As quickly as you can.” He put his fingers under her chin and lifted her eyes to his face. “You okay,” he asked quietly.

  She didn’t speak. Didn’t indicate she was scared. Just nodded and did as he asked, and did it quickly.

  He locked the passenger side door as he helped her in, then moved to the driver’s side as fast as he could. Again, locking the door. All the doors.

  Chase started the engine, then left the car park without another word.

  As he looked in the rear-view mirror, he saw the silhouette of a man standing in the car park.

  Chills went down his spine.

  When they were far enough away that he felt Isabella was safe, he looked to her. She was shaking, but stony-faced.

  “Chase,” she said.

  But he put up a hand to stop her. “Not now,” he said. “Let’s make sure we’re home-free and then we can talk.”

  It was a bold move to stop her when she was finally ready, but he needed to get them out of there, and out of danger.

  * * *

  Isabella sat across from Chase at Aunt Lizzie’s Kitchen.

  It was private, since it was so late, and they were currently the only customers. She was still shaking from the experience on the mountain, but she breathed deeply trying to calm herself.

  Chase sat there watching her. Quietly waiting until she was ready.

  Lizzie had served their coffees and left them to it. Chase could tell she knew something was wrong, but she didn’t mention it.

  She came back soon after bringing a plateful of petit desserts for them to share.

  “Nice to see you out and about, young Chase,” she said, smiling broadly. “I see my little gift the other day worked well. Very well indeed.”

  She scampered off before Chase could answer. He leaned over the table and placed his hand on Isabella’s. He could still feel her trembling, and knew she would probably be like that for a while after such a scare.

  “Tuck in,” he said quietly, knowing once she started telling her story it was unlikely she’d feel
like eating.

  He dished up several of the petit delicacies onto a small plate for her. One thing he loved, and that was Aunt Lizzie’s food.

  He’d been going to that café for as long as he could remember, and wasn’t going to stop going any time soon.

  He looked over to the woman standing behind the counter. She smiled and gave him a little salute. She’d been trying to hook him up with eligible young woman for the past few years. This time he was happy with her interference.

  He smiled back and returned the salute. Good ol’ Aunt Lizzie, she is a kind old bird.

  “They are so yummy!”

  Isabella’s words interrupted his thoughts, and he was pleased to see she was eating the dessert. He picked a few and placed them on his plate and began to tuck in.

  “They so are,” he said, shoving yet another dessert in his mouth. “We might have to get seconds.” He smiled at her and she chuckled, dropping her eyes in that sexy way she had about her.

  Once they’d finished, he asked Lizzie to refill their coffees. He was sure they were both going to need it.

  He’d asked his deputy to join them after their supper, which didn’t go down well.

  “You’ve been investigating me?” Isabella was annoyed, but it was the least of Chase’s worries.

  “I had to keep you safe,” he said quietly. “And just as well. Look what happened up on the mountain.”

  She pushed non-existent stray hair back off her face. “I know,” she said. “And I’m sorry. So sorry I got you tied up in all this.” She stared down into her lap, twisting her hands as she did so.

  Deputy Chris Dolan pulled out his notebook, and began to act very official. “If you don’t mind me asking, Ma’am,” he said. “When did this all start?” He had his pen poised, ready to write notes.

  “After I went back home after the wedding.” Isabella squared her shoulders and sat way back in her chair. “I really fell for Chase, and wanted to get him out of my head. I had to work anyway, so did the best thing I could.” She licked her lips. “I went home, and found myself a boyfriend.”

  Chase looked up sharply, and stared at her for a few moments.


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