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Eden Page 12

by Bobbi Smith

  Eden felt shy. She blushed as she tried to cover herself, but Logan took her hands in his and leaned over her to kiss her. When the kiss ended, he stood up and took off his own shirt. He wanted no barrier between them. He saw her eyes widen as she stared at him standing before her naked to the waist, and he realized her truly untouched state. Leaving his pants on, he went back to her and gently gathered her to him. Her naked body was a searing brand against him, and he was hard put to control the need that was driving him to make her his in all ways as quickly as possible.

  "Eden, if you want me to go, say so now, for if I kiss you again, I won't be able to leave you." His voice was a hoarse rasp as he fought to rein in his runaway desire.

  Eden was on fire with wanting him. She lifted her arms to loop them around his neck and draw him down to her. "Kiss me, Logan," she whispered.

  Her words were all the invitation Logan needed. He kissed her hungrily, letting her know by the intensity of the exchange how very much he desired her.

  Eden was holding herself a little stiffly against him in her innocence, but as his mouth moved over hers with arousing persuasion, she softened and relaxed.

  She wanted this.

  She wanted him.

  She gave no thought to tomorrow.

  Eden only cared that Logan was with her, loving her.

  They were alone, and they would not be interrupted.

  With the utmost care, Logan began to explore her silken flesh. The fire of his need drove him on. His lips sought her breast, and he pressed heated kisses to that sensitive flesh, drawing a gasp of delight from Eden. She arched to him, offering herself to his arousing, knowing touch. Pleasure filled her and she found herself moving restlessly, seeking something elusive that would put an end to the aching emptiness within her. She began to caress Logan, too, tracing patterns of fire upon his wide, powerful back and shoulders. He shuddered at her ministrations and she felt emboldened by his reaction.

  When Logan stopped and pulled away from her, Eden opened her eyes to look up at him. She feared something was wrong, but then realized he had only drawn away to shed the rest of his clothing.

  "Do you want me to turn down the lamp?" he asked, knowing she had never seen a naked man before.

  "No, I want to see you-"

  Logan's gaze caught and held hers as he finished undressing.

  Eden watched him with open interest as he stripped away the last of the barriers between them. She had never thought of a man as beautiful before, but Logan was. From the powerful width of his shoulders and chest to his lean waist, he was pure male. She blushed as she saw for the first time the proof of his desire, and it was then that he came back to her, slipping into the bed beside her and taking her into his embrace.

  "Are you afraid?" he asked, feeling her trembling as he held her in his arms.

  "No-no, I want you, Logan," she whispered, and she kissed him fully on the mouth as she surrendered to his lovemaking.

  Logan rolled and pinned her beneath him. It was pure ecstasy as they kissed and caressed each other, seeking only to please one another, driving each other wild with their tantalizing touches. When at last Logan could bear it no longer, he moved over her, ready to make her his own. As slowly as he could, he pressed home the hard heat of his desire for her. Eden opened to him, gasping at that first intimate contact and then accepting the hard heat of him within her.

  Logan paused as he reached the proof of her innocence. He had never been with a virgin before and he feared he would hurt her, but Eden urged him on, wanting to be one with him and to know the fullness of his love. With one powerful thrust, Logan breached the barrier and claimed her for his own.

  Eden went still as pain stabbed through her, but as Logan continued to move within her, she soon forgot the agony and opened to his rhythm. Instinctively, she matched his pace and moved with him in exquisite delight.

  The aching hunger that had been burning deep within Eden threatened to overwhelm her with the power of its need. She needed something more. As Logan continued to kiss and caress her, the fire within her grew ever hotter until in a moment of pure ecstasy the heights of rapture burst upon her. Sweet agony claimed her as passion's pleasure pulsed through her body. She clung to Logan, trembling in exquisite delight, having never experienced anything so exciting before. She had not known that loving him could be so wonderful.

  Logan sensed Eden's release and quickened his pace, seeking his own. The pleasure he found in her body was perfect, and he gave himself over to his desire for her. Ecstasy claimed him, and he held her to his heart.

  They lay together, wrapped in each other's arms, their bodies still joined as one. Their hearts were pounding a furious beat as they slowly relaxed.

  It was Logan who shifted away from Eden first. He moved to her side, keeping her within the circle of his arms, cherishing the warmth and beauty of what they'd shared.

  Eden had never known anything so beautiful, and she lay nestled against Logan, treasuring the closeness. In him she had found gentleness and strength, compassion and passion. As she rested, her exhaustion overcame her and she drifted off to sleep secure in his embrace.

  Logan gazed down at her when he sensed she'd fallen asleep, and as he watched her slumber his sanity slowly returned. Eden had given him her innocence. She had come to him willingly, and he had not had the strength to deny himself. Silently, Logan grew angry with himself for his weakness for her. He had wanted her, and he had taken her with no thought of tomorrow. His emotions were in turmoil as he dealt with his own vulnerability where she was concerned. He coldly told himself that he'd just used her to his own end. He told himself that she meant nothing to him, that their lovemaking had only been a physical release for him.

  Even as he thought it, though, Logan knew it was a lie. He had wanted Eden as much as she had wanted him.

  Logan knew he had to get away from her right then or risk spending the rest of his days and nights making love to her. He carefully slipped from Eden's side, and he was relieved when she slept on, undisturbed. He quickly dressed and then stood over the bed, gazing down at his sleeping beauty. After a long moment, he drew a blanket up over her.

  As his reason and logic returned, Logan realized he had an opportunity. It was cold-blooded, considering what he and Eden had just shared, but he had to take advantage of the moment. It was still dark outside, so he knew he had time enough to do a short search of Adrian's quarters and office. He had to move swiftly though, for Eden might awaken at any moment.

  Logan silently unlocked the door and left her room. Crossing the hall, he entered the office and closed that door behind him. After quickly lighting a lamp, he turned it down low and began his search. It didn't take Logan long to go through the office and Adrian's rooms. Logan was disappointed that he didn't find anything incriminating, but he was not surprised. Adrian was obviously very good at what he did. A more careless man would have been caught by now.

  Logan put out the lamp and returned to Eden's room. He found she was still asleep, and he was relieved. He left the room as he'd come, climbing out the window.

  It startled Logan to see that the eastern sky was brightening, and he realized he'd been lucky that he hadn't fallen asleep with Eden in her bed. He got his horse and made the trip back to his hotel room. He had time for a brief rest before he was due back at the Haven to attend church services with Eden and the children in only a few hours.

  The thought of sitting beside Eden in church as Reverend Matthews disquieted him as he sought his solitary bed. She believed him to be a minister, yet he had taken her innocence as callously as any rake. In his thoughts, he relived the glory of her loving, and despite his rational misgivings, he knew he would not have changed any thing that had happened that night. He just wondered how he was going to keep his hands off her from now on. But he knew he must. He had to concentrate on his mission; he had to find Braden and stop the spies.

  Logan found no rest.

  Eden awoke as the sun claimed the day. She stirre
d and started to stretch, then gasped and suddenly sat upright in her bed as she remembered what had happened. She looked around for Logan, but there was no sign of him. It was as if she'd dreamed it all.

  But Eden knew she hadn't dreamed his loving. She could never have imagined anything so wonderful. She smiled, believing he'd left her because he'd known he had to get away to save her reputation.

  As she thought about it, though, Eden was suddenly overcome by a sense of guilt. Logan was a minister, and she had made love to him without the benefit of marriage.

  Logan had come there to save her when he'd thought she'd been in danger, and she had given herself to him as freely as any harlot. She had tempted him, lured him to her bed. He'd even offered to go, and she'd encouraged him to stay. Shame grew within her, even as she realized their lovemaking had been perfect. She did love Logan, but he had not professed any vow of love to her.

  The elation that had filled Eden upon first awakening now turned to caution and humiliation over her own wanton behavior. She wondered what she would say to him when she saw him that morning, and knew she should apologize.

  Eden turned back to the bed and saw the proof of her lost innocence. She quickly washed the stain from the sheet. She wondered, though, if she could wash away the memory of his loving as easily, for she knew she could never let it happen again-no matter how much she wanted him.

  Bible in hand, Logan returned to the Haven at the appointed hour that morning. When he knocked on the door, Paul was there to open it for him.

  "Good morning, Reverend Logan," the youth welcomed him with a big smile.

  "Is it a good morning?" Logan returned, trying to sound as if he were teasing, but in truth he was a bit unsure himself, for he would be seeing Eden soon.

  "Yes, sir, it is," Paul assured him. "Everybody's just about ready to go, so we'll be on time today. Some Sundays when we're late, Reverend Miget isn't real happy with us."

  "Let's hurry, then," Logan said. "We don't want to get the preacher mad at us."

  The two walked together down the hallway to the dining room where everyone gathered once their hair was combed, their faces washed, and they were dressed in their Sunday-best clothing.

  Logan followed Paul into the room and looked approvingly over the clean, smiling children gathered there. He'd expected Eden to be in the room, and he was surprised to find she wasn't. Only Jenny was there supervising the children.

  "Good morning, everyone," Logan greeted them.

  "Good morning, Reverend Logan," they called out, beaming up at him, glad to see him.

  "How soon will we be leaving?" he asked Paul.

  "As soon as Miss Eden's ready."

  "Have you spoken to her this morning?"

  "Yes, sir. She's upstairs with Connie. Connie needed help getting dressed," Paul explained.

  Logan found he was relieved that everything seemed normal at the Haven. After the glorious night he'd passed in Eden's arms, he hadn't been sure what to expect in the harsh, bright light of day. He wondered if she regretted what had happened between them-if she was sorry they had made love. Try as he might, he couldn't put the sense of unease from him. Logan had just struck up a conversation with Mark when he heard Eden's voice.

  "Everyone, it's time to leave," Eden announced as she appeared in the doorway with Connie at her side. She thought the children looked particularly nice this morning, and she was pleased that they were going to be on time for the service. She turned to speak with Connie, and it was then that her gaze collided with Logan's as he looked her way from across the room.

  Eden hadn't been sure what to expect this morning. She hadn't even been sure that Logan would show up as he'd promised, but here he was, and just the sight of him so tall and darkly handsome sent a jolt of sensual recognition through her. Her heartbeat quickened as she recalled, in far too vivid detail for her own peace of mind, the pleasure of his touch and the intimacies they'd shared. She tore her gaze away, but as it dropped from his face it settled on the Bible he carried. The disquiet that had troubled her in the early morning hours returned, unsettling her. Again Eden wondered how she could have forgotten herself so completely and allowed herself to make love to Logan. They had only known each other for a matter of days, and yet just looking at him now, she knew it was trueshe loved him. He had only to touch her or kiss her and she forgot everything but the wonder of his attention.

  Logan had glanced Eden's way when he'd heard her voice, and the sight of her sent a shaft of desire jolting through him. Damn, but she looked beautiful this morning wearing her daygown with her hair styled up away from her face. Memories of her in other states of dress and undress teased him, and even now he wanted her. Logan fought down his need, but it wasn't easy, for she looked even more lovely to him this morning-if that were possible. Excusing himself from the boys, he made his way to join her.

  "How are you?" he asked.

  "I'm fine. And you?" Eden couldn't believe she was being so calm and polite when all she wanted to do was throw herself into his arms and never let him go. But she couldn't. His cool politeness only emphasized what she'd feared when she'd awakened to find him gone from her sidelast night had meant nothing to him. He didn't care for her as she cared for him.

  Before Logan could answer, Jenny's call interrupted them.

  "All right, everyone, it's time to leave. Let's line up by twos and make sure you stay together with your partner on the walk to church and during the service."

  "Reverend Logan! Will you walk with me?" Connie asked, tugging at his coat sleeve as she gazed up at him.

  "Of course," he agreed and went along with her as she drew him away to get in line with the others.

  Eden felt bereft, but managed to hide her conflicting emotions as she busied herself with the children, making sure everyone was in line and ready to behave themselves in church. She led the group from the building while Jenny brought up the rear, making sure there were no stragglers who might get lost on the way.

  Reverend Bruce Miget was waiting outside to greet his congregation as they came together for the Sunday morning service. He wasn't a tall man, but the power of his personality more than made up for what he lacked in height. He greeted everyone personally as they entered the church, and all were glad to see him. He was a kind and loving pastor, and they looked forward to his inspiring sermons every week.

  "Miss Eden, it is so good to see you and the children," Reverend Miget told her as she led the way up the steps.

  "It's good to see you, too."

  "What happened to you?" He was shocked to see the fading bruise on her cheek.

  Eden quickly told him what had happened. The minister grew grim and angry at the thought of such a lovely lady being attacked by the damned Yankees.

  "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

  "No, but thank you for offering. Everything turned out all right for us, because Reverend Matthews arrived just in time to stop them from doing any further harm."

  "Reverend Matthews?" Reverend Miget looked past her to the man he now saw walking up the steps with the rest of the children.

  "Yes. He came down from St. Louis to work at the Haven and to bring us donations from some of the congregations there. He's been quite a godsend for us."

  "That's wonderful, and most fortunate that he arrived when he did. Reverend Matthews, wel come, and thank you for taking care of Miss Eden and the children." He went forward and offered his hand in friendship.

  Eden introduced them.

  "It's a pleasure to meet you, Reverend," Logan said, shaking hands with the clergyman.

  "It is our custom to invite visiting ministers to speak to the congregation. It would be an honor for us if you would care to deliver the sermon today," Reverend Miget invited.

  Logan was caught completely off guard by his offer. "Oh, no, Reverend, I wouldn't want to try to take your place."

  "I won't take no for an answer," the other minister insisted, standing by tradition. "We are privileged to have you here, and we
would love to hear some inspiring words from you this morning. Miss Eden was telling me how good you are in your work with the children. Here's your chance to reach them even more profoundlyfrom the pulpit."

  "Well, thank you." Logan was trapped, and he knew it. He managed a smile as he struggled not to panic at the thought of delivering a real sermon to a real congregation. It was one thing to pretend to be a minister working at the orphanage. It was quite another to preach the word of the Lord. He knew preaching was a calling, and it had never been his, seeking justice had been his speciality. "Is there a particular topic you'd like me to address today?"

  "Actually, yes, there is. I was hoping to speak on sin and the pain that not obeying God's word has brought into the world."

  "Sin," Logan repeated as he tried not to think of the long list of his own transgressions at that particular moment.

  "Come in and I'll show you around before we begin the service," Reverend Miget invited, leading the way inside.

  Eden ushered the children into their pews and quietly reminded them once again of the proper behavior for being in church. They were obedient and well behaved as they settled in, and she was pleased. The church was filling up quickly as the time for the service to start drew near.

  When Reverend Miget appeared before them, everyone fell respectfully silent.

  "Good morning and welcome," the minister said. "We are honored to have as our guest today Reverend Logan Matthews from St. Louis. He has graciously agreed to bring us the word of God this morning. Reverend Matthews." Reverend Miget looked to Logan and waited for him to come out to the pulpit. "Reverend, I'm putting the souls of these faithful followers into your hands." He smiled warmly as he left Logan alone to do his preaching.

  Logan stood before the congregation. Never in his life had he felt more inadequate. While he had had a fairly religious upbringing, he had never dreamed he would be called upon to really preach a sermon while on this assignment. He realized he couldn't even use his Bible effectively to quote scripture, for the gun was hidden inside it. Logan managed a smile as he looked out over the crowd of worshipers. They were watching him attentively, waiting eagerly for his words of wisdom. Logan realized he had only one hope. He silently offered up a prayer for divine intervention and divine inspiration. He needed all the help he could get in singing praises to the Lord today.


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