Secret Heir Seduction

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Secret Heir Seduction Page 6

by Reese Ryan

  “Good to meet you.” Darius shook Nigel’s hand.

  “Coffee?” Audra grabbed a mug and pulled the lever on the stainless steel coffee urn, dispensing the hot, black, aromatic liquid.

  “Please,” Darius said. “Black with—”

  “Two sugars,” she completed his sentence without thought.

  They’d studied together over coffee. First at a coffee shop on campus. Eventually at her apartment the morning after he’d stayed over for breakfast...and more.

  “Yes. Thank you.” There was something warm and familiar in Darius’s gaze that filled her chest with heat and made her belly flutter.

  Audra returned her attention to the coffee station where she made his cup, then her own. By the time she’d grabbed a Danish for herself and rejoined the conversation, Sophie was asking Darius about his upcoming runway show at LA Fashion Week.

  “I try to get out to the show whenever I can,” Sophie said. “But with all of the preparations still to be made for the wedding... I don’t know if I’ll make it this year.”

  “If you can swing it, I hope you’ll come. Just let me know and I’ll reserve VIP passes for both of you.” Darius sipped his coffee.

  A generous offer to make to strangers.

  But then, Sophie was a social influencer with an ever-popular lifestyle channel on YouTube and Nigel was a powerful television exec. It paid to have high-powered friends like that.

  “You’ll be attending the event, too, won’t you, Audra?” Sophie asked excitedly.

  “I’m supplying the jewelry for a couple of the designers,” Audra confirmed.

  It was a lucrative partnership. The design houses didn’t purchase her jewelry for their runway shows. She loaned them the pieces. But she cleared millions of dollars in jewelry sales based on the free publicity.

  “Great. Maybe we can get together in LA after your shows and celebrate.” Sophie’s gaze went from Darius’s face to hers.

  Neither of them responded right away.

  “That would be great,” Darius said, finally, then added, “If that’s something Audra would want.”

  “Sure. If I can fit it into my schedule.” Audra shrugged, then nibbled on the last of her Danish. “Now, who is it that I’m supposed to see about a volunteer assignment?”

  “Ah...fresh blood.” A strikingly handsome man with intense green eyes joined them.

  “Ryan Bateman, meet Audra Lee Covington. She’s in town to design some custom jewelry pieces for my wedding. And this is Darius Taylor-Pratt, who is here on business with Miranda Dupree. He’s the founder and CEO of the athletic wear company, Thr3d.” Sophie almost sounded proud of Darius.

  “I’m a fan of your men’s sportswear.” Ryan tugged on the black shirt he was wearing. “And the Neapolitan engagement ring I got my wife was one of your limited edition pieces.” He nodded toward Audra. “It’s a stunning ring.”

  “Where is Tessa?” Sophie asked.

  “Sophie! How are you?” A beautiful, brown-skinned woman with long, curly hair approached them. Her generous hips and full figure reminded Audra a lot of Sophie’s as the two women hugged.

  “Congratulations on your engagement. This must be your fiancé.” Tessa shook Nigel’s hand. “I’ve seen your crew around town.”

  “I trust that they aren’t causing you too much trouble.” Nigel’s eyes sparkled.

  Sophie introduced Tessa to Darius and then to her. Tessa was delighted to meet the designer of her engagement ring, and Audra was touched by the woman’s heartfelt appreciation.

  After five years of designing her own jewelry collections, it still moved her when a client gushed over one of her creations.

  “I’m honored that you love it so much,” Audra said.

  “And I’m honored to meet you.” A handsome man with the same nearly glowing, light brown eyes as Tessa’s suddenly appeared. He shook her hand, staring at her as if he were mesmerized. “I’m Tessa’s brother, Tripp Noble.”

  I bet you are a trip.

  “Audra Lee Covington.” She tugged her hand from his. “Good to meet you, Tripp.”

  She glanced over at Darius. His nostrils flared, and he looked like he wanted to toss Tripp outside, Jazzy Jeff style.

  “Looks like we’ll be teamed up.” Tripp smirked.

  “Darius and Audra are already teamed up,” Sophie pinned Tripp with a narrowed gaze. “They dated back in grad school.”

  Tripp gave Sophie a subtle shrug.

  “Milan!” Sophie waved another woman over. “You’re just in time. Tripp needs a partner.”

  “Wait...what?” Milan narrowed her gaze at Tripp. He smiled sheepishly.

  There was a story there if ever Audra had seen one.

  Sophie introduced Milan Valez, a professional makeup artist who worked at the local salon and spa PURE.

  “Our assignment is to replant the vegetation and to clean up the outdoor furniture that was salvaged by moving it offsite.” Sophie reviewed a clipboard. “We’ll be working throughout the outdoor space in teams of two, so...” She surveyed everyone gathered. “That’s Ryan and Tess, Tripp and Milan, Darius and Audra, me and Nigel, Kace and...”

  “Good morning, Lulu,” Nigel greeted a woman Audra recognized as Lulu Shepard, one of the stars of the Secret Lives of NYC Ex-Wives show.

  “Good morning, everyone.” The woman raked her fingernails through her glossy black hair. Her gorgeous, dark brown skin practically glowed. She wore moto-style Balmain skinny jeans in a gray wash, a high-end, celebrity-brand graphic T-shirt that proclaimed I’m Not Bossy, I’m a Boss and a pair of black Prada riding boots. Not the kind of gear one typically wore for a dirty job like gardening or cleaning. But still, she looked amazing.

  When Lulu’s eyes met Kace’s, there was a definite spark between the two. The man shifted his gaze.

  Another man being mysterious about his feelings.

  “I’m not sure where I should be right now.” Lulu shrugged.

  “Perfect. Because Kace needs a partner,” Sophie said. “And Kellan, would you float between projects and give folks a hand wherever needed?”

  “Sure, sis.” Kellan held up his cup of coffee.

  “I’m surprised you didn’t object to Sophie teaming us up.” Darius spoke in a hushed tone as they trailed Ryan and Tessa to the outdoor space.

  “You did buy me dinner last night.” She shrugged. “Wait... Did you ask Sophie to team us up?”

  “Me?” His dark eyes went wide. There was definitely something up with him today. Not that he owed her an explanation. “No, I thought maybe you did. You obviously told her about our history.”

  “I wasn’t gossiping about us, if that’s what you’re thinking.” Audra’s cheeks heated and her heart beat faster. “I mentioned that I’d run into my ex in town. Sophie asked who, and I told her. End of story. Maybe she thought we’d be comfortable working together because we already know each other.”

  “Well, I’m glad we’re working together,” he said. “It’ll be nice to catch up.”

  Audra wasn’t sure she agreed.

  But she could do this. She could let go of her resentment and work with Darius. All she had to do was pretend her heart wasn’t still tender over their breakup. And ignore the attraction that made her belly do flips whenever his gaze met hers.

  * * *

  Lulu stood on the TCC pool deck where she and Kace had been assigned to clean all of the furniture that had been stored offsite, beyond the fire’s reach, but had still sustained some smoke damage.

  She realized that most folks there probably believed she was volunteering simply to get prime footage for their reality show. But she’d asked the camera crew—currently following Rafaela and a few of the other women from the show who were there volunteering, too—to leave her out of any footage filmed that day. She’d come here for one reason: she wanted to help.r />
  The devastation she’d seen, caused by the wildfires, had broken her heart. And despite what some people might think, she did in fact have a heart. A huge one she worked hard to hide behind her bubbly, playful, nothing-gets-to-me persona.

  A woman in television had to be tough. A woman of color doubly so.

  It was the façade she’d needed to adopt to protect her heart from the humiliation of her former football player ex-husband, Roderick Evans, replacing her with a pop star who’d had her own show on a kids’ television network just a few years earlier.

  And it was that bubbly, playful persona that garnered the attention of Nigel Townshend and the other execs when they were putting together their new reality show. The show was looking for a funny, wise-cracking character who never let anything faze her. Lulu’s painstakingly procured persona fit the bill.

  Her vulnerabilities she kept carefully tucked away.

  “Everything okay?” Kace touched her arm, startling her. She could feel his warm, sweet breath on her ear.

  Did anyone else notice the intimate gesture?

  “I’m fine.” Lulu withdrew her arm and stepped backward, nearly tripping over a small table.

  Kace steadied her. His warm brown eyes glinted in the sunlight as they focused on hers, hidden behind a pair of Dolce & Gabbana sunglasses.

  “Lu, are you sure you’re okay?” he whispered.

  “Of course.” Lulu looked around. Fortunately, the camera crew was following Rafaela.

  She stepped away from him, carefully this time, and picked up the two aprons, handing one to Kace.

  “Why are we the only ones wearing aprons?” he asked, one brow raised. “Are they afraid you’ll ruin your designer jeans and T-shirt?” His voice had a light, teasing tone, rather than the harsh one they’d used with each other when they’d met a few months ago.

  “I suspect it’s because we’re the only ones working with bleach.” She sniffed the scent rising from one of the buckets to confirm her suspicions.

  “Noted.” Kace was a man of few words when he wasn’t being paid by the hour as a lawyer for his wealthy clientele. Clients like the obscenely rich, dead ex-husband of Lulu’s costar Miranda Dupree.

  Lulu looped the apron over her head and reached behind her to tie the strings.

  “Let me get that,” Kace offered, dropping his apron back onto the nearby chair. He took the apron strings from her hand and tied them at her back before her brain could register any objection.

  “There.” Kace secured the strings and stepped back, his eyes slowly gliding over her.

  She was fully dressed. So why did she feel so naked beneath his gaze?

  It was as if Kace could see to the very core of her being. Beyond the fronting, assumed persona, and any of the other bullshit she employed that served as a moat, drawbridge and flaming arrows to protect the one thing she was determined never to expose again: her heart.

  Then, of course, there was the fact that he had, in reality, seen her naked.

  Geez. What was with her? And why couldn’t she resist this man?

  Kace LeBlanc projected a “Just the facts, ma’am,” by-the-book, stick-up-his-ass image to the world. But beneath that rigid exterior lay sensitivity and insight. Compassion. And an extremely passionate lover. All of which made her want him even more. But they were so different. Any attempt at a real relationship between them would surely end in disaster.

  Yet, they had failed spectacularly at staying away from each other.

  Did Sophie pick up on that vibe? Is that why she assigned us to work together?

  They were getting sloppy with this whole undercover hookup thing. And the longer this went on, the more inconspicuous they were becoming.

  “You’re staring again.” A barely perceptible smile turned up one edge of his sensual mouth.

  “You’ve got soot on your cheek,” she said, reaching up to wipe it away with her thumb.

  “Must’ve transferred from the furniture when I picked up this apron.” He positioned the garment over his clothing.

  “Here, I’ve got it.” Lulu stepped behind him and returned the favor by tying his apron. Then she slipped gloves on over her short but manicured fingernails. “Ready to get started?”

  “You bet.” Kace picked up a pair of gloves and put them on, too. “The quicker we get this done, the sooner I can get you back to my place.” He leaned closer, whispering that last part in her ear.

  A shiver ran down her spine.

  “And just what makes you think I have any intention of going to your place?” She propped a hand on her hip. “I’m going to be grimy and dirty, and I’ll need a shower and a change of clothes.”

  “I just happen to have a shower at my place,” he said with a sarcastic grin. “And as for clothing, you’re not going to need those for what I’ve got planned.”


  Kace LeBlanc was getting more comfortable revealing glimpses of his softer, more relaxed self to her. The side of himself he didn’t seem comfortable showing the rest of the world. Even in a white apron, scruffy casual clothing and a pair of rubber gloves, she couldn’t help being attracted to him.

  Her nipples grew taut and there was a steady pulse between her thighs, just thinking of all the ways he’d sated her body. Even just his kiss possessed the power to set her entire body on fire and leave her stunned, babbling nonsense.

  It felt good to have a man so damn willing to satisfy her every need. But it was terrifying, too.

  Mediocre lovers were easy to walk away from.

  But a man who had brains, an incredible body and a sense of compassion... That combination was damned hard to leave behind.

  “To be determined” was the only comeback she could manage.

  Yep, he was definitely fucking with her head. She was the Queen of Quips. When had she ever been speechless?

  “I’ll take this bucket with the bleach solution.” Kace stooped to pick up the bucket. “Wouldn’t want you to get bleach spots on all that fancy gear you’re wearing.”

  “These were supplied by the show’s wardrobe department,” she replied, picking up her bucket and sitting it beside a chair. “Besides, if I get bleach spots on these jeans, it’ll make them look distressed, which is totally on trend this season.”

  Kace narrowed his gaze at her, shook his head and chuckled. He pulled out the scrub brush and went to work.

  Lulu couldn’t help smiling to herself as she picked up her soft brush and started to scrub a chair nearby.


  After a grueling day working in the gardens at the Texas Cattleman’s Club, Audra was tired and dirty, and her muscles ached.

  She wanted nothing more than a long, hot, relaxing bubble bath with the jets turned up to full blast.

  Despite the exhaustion and soreness, she’d enjoyed the day immensely. It’d been fun getting to know Sophie and her friends. And as much as she hated to admit it, she’d enjoyed working with Darius.

  He’d been thoughtful—making sure she had water, coffee and snacks throughout the day. He’d been fiercely protective—worrying that she’d hurt herself using some of the equipment. And he’d been sweet and supportive when she’d chattered on, bouncing ideas off of him about a new limited edition collection of jewelry she was putting together.

  It reminded her of how well matched they’d always been. Like two pieces of a puzzle. Which only made it more painful that he’d lied to her and then given up on their relationship without the decency of leveling with her about why.

  She’d been determined to keep their interactions friendly and platonic. But she couldn’t help that her wandering eyes were repeatedly drawn to the curve of his ass and the way his broad chest and shoulders expanded the material of his fitted shirt.

  Nor could she help the naughty thoughts that ran rampant through her head as she remembered the feel of his bod
y and wondered how much it had changed.

  “Thanks for coming, Audra.” Sophie squeezed her hand. “You, too, Darius.”

  “Of course.” He nodded. “It was a pleasure to meet you all.” He surveyed the main room of the clubhouse where people laughed and talked after a hard day’s work. “I can see why everyone seems to love this town so much.”

  “Then maybe you’ll stick around after your business with Miranda is done.” Sophie grinned. “By the way, Kace had to leave, and he mentioned that he gave you a ride here. I imagine you’ll need a ride back.”

  “I’m calling a car service.” He held up his phone, the app already open.

  “That’s silly,” Audra objected. “You’re staying right next door to me. I’ll give you a ride.”

  “Perfect.” Sophie beamed. “Audra, I’ll call you later. And Darius, I guess I’ll be seeing you around town.”

  They said their good-nights to Sophie and then headed toward the parking lot.

  “I didn’t want to assume you were going straight home. Nor do I want to impose on you,” Darius said.

  “Where else would I possibly go looking like I’ve been making mud pies all day?” She stopped and turned toward him.

  He broke into laughter, a sound she realized she’d missed. The corner of his mouth curved in a slow smile. “You might be a little dirty, Audra. That doesn’t change the fact that you’re a head turner. It certainly didn’t keep your new friend Tripp from buzzing around you all day.”

  “Jealous?” She folded her arms, enjoying the tortured look on Darius’s face.

  “Of course not.” His cheeks turned bright red and he cleared his throat. “What right do I have to be jealous of Tripp or any other man who takes an interest in you?”

  Not the response she was hoping for—especially since it was complete bullshit. He’d practically stumbled over a garden hoe earlier, trying to get close enough to hear the conversation she’d been having with Tripp, an unabashed flirt.

  “It was just an observation.” Darius glanced at her convertible, quickly changing the subject. “Nice ride, but we’re going to get your leather seats dirty.”


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