Secret Heir Seduction

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Secret Heir Seduction Page 10

by Reese Ryan

  Tripp was right. Her declaration earlier that everything was fine between her and Darius was complete and utter bullshit. She had a ton of feelings for Darius that she still hadn’t worked out. Things she still wanted to say to him.

  Maybe the reason she’d been unable to make a deeper connection with Cash was because she still hadn’t worked out her feelings about Darius.

  She’d been lodged in quicksand for the past five years, just as Tripp had indicated.

  Audra wasn’t sure how or when, but now that she knew what needed to be done, she had every intention of working out the doubts and lingering emotions that had plagued her since her and Darius’s sudden breakup.

  Whatever the results of their conversation, at least she’d finally be able to move on.

  * * *

  At the end of the day, Audra, Tripp, Tessa and Ryan cleaned up their space and returned the tools they’d been using. Audra had put away a small load of tools when Darius approached.

  “Hey, Audra, I wondered if you still planned to ride home with me?” he asked tentatively.

  “Of course. Why wouldn’t I? Or do you have plans with Rafaela now?” Her gut suddenly twisted at the thought. “If so, I’m sure I can find a ride with someone else.”

  “No, I don’t have plans with Rafaela.” He lowered his head and whispered conspiratorially, “And don’t say her name too many times, or I have a sneaking suspicion she’ll suddenly appear.”

  “Who is she, Beetlejuice?” She couldn’t help giggling.

  “Don’t know, and I don’t want to find out.” He chuckled.

  “All I’m saying is, you don’t have to try so hard to get rid of me.” Audra forced a smile. “If your plans have changed, I understand.”

  “I asked because I thought maybe your plans had changed.” He rubbed the back of his neck.

  “Why?” She fell in line beside him as he walked back toward the clubhouse.

  He hesitated before responding. “I wasn’t spying on you or anything, but I saw you hug Tripp.”

  It was petty, but she felt a slight sense of satisfaction that Darius felt a twinge of jealousy, too. “I was thanking him. He helped me out with something.”

  “Oh. Well, I just need to talk to a couple of people before we leave.” He checked his watch. “Meet you at the door in ten?”

  She nodded as she watched him walk away, spending a little more time admiring his ass than she should have.

  “Seems that absence does indeed make the heart grow fonder.” Sophie approached out of nowhere, startling Audra.

  “Sophie!” Audra dragged a hand over her head. “You scared me to death.”

  “Guess you didn’t hear me calling you because you were too busy studying Darius’s derriere.” Sophie grinned mischievously. “The man you supposedly have zero interest in.”

  “Doesn’t mean my eyes don’t work.” Audra glanced longingly in Darius’s direction one more moment before turning to face Sophie’s incredulous stare. “Fine, maybe I do still have feelings for him. That doesn’t mean we’re right for each other.”

  “Relationships are scary, I get it.” Sophie’s expression softened. “But there’s only one way to find out if there’s something there. And avoiding each other isn’t it.”

  “I know,” Audra said quietly. She turned to face Sophie head-on. “And I’m going to talk to Darius, but I don’t need your push or pull to do it.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Sophie smiled. “Think I need to apologize to Darius for putting Rafaela Marchesi on his trail?”

  They both laughed.

  “No, he’ll be fine. We both will. No matter what happens.”

  “I know. I guess I just want everyone to be as happy and in love as Nigel and I are.” Sophie beamed. “By the way, the final design for our rings is so beautiful. It was the perfect compromise. I can’t thank you enough for coming here and designing them.”

  “My pleasure.” Audra squeezed Sophie’s hand. “My team has been working hard on your custom pieces. In a few days, I’ll return to Dallas to pick up your rings. Hopefully, all of your bridal party jewelry will be completed by then. Once you’ve approved all of the pieces, I’ll head back to Dallas.”

  “That’s wonderful!” Sophie clapped her hands excitedly, but then her expression suddenly changed. “Wait, you aren’t staying for the wedding?”

  “I don’t typically attend my client’s weddings, Sophie. This entire experience is far different than anything I’ve done before.”

  “Then why not make another exception? Stay for the wedding.” Sophie’s eyes pleaded. “Besides, I don’t just think of you as my jewelry designer. Since you’ve been here, you’ve become a friend.”

  Audra was touched by the woman’s words. “I feel the same.”

  “Then stay, please. You’ve already leased Dixie’s place for the rest of the month. Might as well enjoy it.”

  “It is a beautiful town, and everyone here is so nice,” Audra had to admit. “A girl could become accustomed to this.”

  Sophie’s eyes danced. “Then why don’t you make Royal your new home?”

  “What?” Audra laughed. “I said I liked it here, Sophie. I didn’t say I was ready to relocate.”

  “Why not?” Sophie asked matter-of-factly. “We’re a stone’s throw from Dallas, so it would be easy enough to access your shop. Besides, you already said you like it here more than Dallas. And everyone around here really likes you.”

  “And being here has been great. But moving here? I don’t know about that.”

  “Well, it’s not like you have to decide today,” the younger woman said. “But if you did, there would be a whole lot of us ready to welcome you.”

  “It means the world to me that you want me here. And if I ever do decide to pull up stakes, I promise to give Royal serious consideration.”

  “That’s all I ask.” Sophie seemed pleased with her answer. She nodded toward the door. “Your chariot awaits.”

  Darius looked handsome, if a little tired, as he stood by the front door, patiently waiting for her.

  They chatted cordially about their day during the short ride home. It was over before she could blink.

  She was dirty and tired, and she needed a bath and a nap. But when Darius turned off the engine, she honestly wasn’t ready to end their time together. She’d forgotten how much she enjoyed just being with him. There’d always been something so calming about his presence. It balanced out her high-intensity personality.

  “How are the runway show plans coming?” she asked, needing a reason to spend just a few minutes more in his company.

  “Everything is going according to plan so far, despite four last-minute additions that I’m hoping will be showstoppers.”

  “That’s a bold move,” she said. “What did you add to the show, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “I don’t.” His gaze lingered on hers for a moment and it warmed something deep inside her chest. “But I’d rather show you. Come in for an early nightcap?”

  “I’d love to, but I’m filthy and tired.” She forced a laugh, fighting back the sadness she felt at turning down his offer. Talking to Darius about his upcoming show over a glass of wine sounded like a lovely way to spend the evening. And a great opportunity to finish the conversation they’d begun in the stables. This time, hopefully, there would be no tongue involved.

  “I’m heading straight for the shower, too. But I’d love to show you what you inspired me to add to the show.”


  “Yes, you, Audra.” He chuckled. “Don’t act so surprised. I’m sure I’m not the first man you’ve inspired, and I won’t likely be the last.”

  “I’m intrigued,” she said finally. “If I don’t pass out from sheer exhaustion after my shower, I’ll drop by.”

  “Perfect.” The glint of victory was in his dark eyes.
He knew her well enough to know her curiosity would get the better of her. “I have a few bottles chilling in the wine fridge, and I’ll leave the patio door unlocked.”

  They parted ways, and Audra headed straight for the laundry. She peeled off the layers of filthy clothing and dropped them into the washing machine. Then she got into the steaming hot shower. Audra hummed softly, as the hot water cascaded over her. Her skin tingled with excitement in anticipation of spending more time with Darius.


  Audra slipped on a simple denim shift minidress. It was adorable but also sexy without looking as if she was trying too hard.

  She pulled her still-damp, wavy hair into a high ponytail, slipped on a pair of sandals with a low heel and applied her lip gloss.

  Audra opened the iron gate that separated their backyards. It was strange to make her way directly toward the house, since she usually made a point of not glancing in that direction on her way to the pool.

  The lights were on in the family room and in the space she knew to be the office. Despite her efforts not to, she’d sometimes caught a glimpse of him working there.

  Audra inhaled deeply, then knocked on the patio door’s metal frame.

  No answer.

  She slid the door open and stepped inside.


  She called him twice more. Still, no answer.

  Audra ventured in the direction of his office. The door was open, and the light was on, so she stepped inside.

  The space was neat and organized. His laptop was on the desk, closed. Two dry-erase boards and a large corkboard dominated the walls. She approached the corkboard where four swimsuits were pinned. Audra didn’t touch them, fearful the entire board would fall. She shifted her attention to the sketches posted. Two male figures and two female figures wore the designs pinned on the board. She studied the female figures.

  There wasn’t a ton of detail. Just enough that the woman felt familiar.

  “Audra.” Darius stood beside her. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

  “I knocked, and I called you when I stepped inside, but you didn’t respond.” She turned to face him. “I hope it’s okay that I let myself in.”

  “Of course. I got a late start on that shower. My assistant called with a few questions.”

  “This late in the day on a Saturday?”

  “It’s not as late there, but yeah, she’s about as obsessive as I am.” He chuckled. “It’s why we work so well together. Besides, I give each employee a stake in the company. I find it makes them more invested in the outcomes.”

  “So Thr3d is a privately owned company?”

  “It is. And I’ll keep it that way for as long as it makes sense.” He stepped farther inside the room. The scent of his shower gel tickled her nostrils.

  Audra turned back toward the board with the sketches. “That’s me, isn’t it?”

  “Sometimes, when my brain felt all tied in knots, I’d watch you swim,” he admitted, not responding to her question directly. “There’s something soothing about how gracefully your arms and legs cut through the water. And then one day I got the idea to create a few swimwear pieces for the lineup.”

  “I didn’t think Thr3d carried swimwear.”

  “We haven’t. At least, not until now. And maybe we never will.” He shrugged. “Depends on how they’re received.”

  “You started these designs from scratch since you arrived?” She looked back at him.

  “I did. It was a risky move, but your passion for motivated me. I couldn’t let the idea alone until I saw it through.”

  “Your team must’ve really loved that,” Audra teased.

  He grinned. “I’ve undoubtedly been called some very unsavory names behind my back these past couple of weeks. But now everyone is pleased with the way things turned out.”

  “May I?” She indicated the one-piece swimming suit.

  “Please.” He unpinned the garment and handed it to Audra. “Since you were the inspiration for the piece, I’d love to get your honest, unfiltered opinion.”

  “Have you ever known me to offer any other kind?”

  “No.” Darius chuckled, rubbing his chin.

  The sensation of his scruff sensitizing her flesh in the barn that day ghosted over her skin, and she shivered.

  “Your candidness is one of the things I appreciate most about you,” he said.

  “Then why didn’t you give me the same courtesy? Didn’t you think I deserved that much?” The words escaped her mouth before she could reel them back in.

  Audra wanted to finish their conversation. She really did. But she’d hoped to at least get a glass of wine out of the deal first. Perhaps that would’ve taken the edge off of her tone. It was an honest question. She wasn’t looking for confrontation.

  Darius sat on the edge of a black filing cabinet, suddenly seeming to need more space between them. His eyes were filled with regret and perhaps shame.

  “It’s like I told you at the stables. The lie about my parents—it began as a misunderstanding and sort of became my shield.” He shrugged. “Suddenly, my ugly, messy history had been erased, and I didn’t need to talk about it. I was happier with you than I’d been in a long time. I didn’t want to ruin it.”

  “And if we’d stayed together...would you have just gone on lying to me?”

  “No, of course not. But I was afraid that once you knew the truth, it’d be over between us.”

  “I would’ve been hurt, naturally. But if you’d just been honest with me...” Audra shook her head, the words dying on her lips.

  What good will it do either of us to rehash the past?

  She stood in front of Darius. “I didn’t come here to argue. But for the past five years, I’ve been pretending I’m fine. Telling myself it was all just water under the bridge. But that isn’t true. I loved you, Darius. When you suddenly declared that we were over, with no real explanation, it felt as if our relationship never mattered to you. Like I never mattered to you. That’s what I’ve struggled to get past. How could I have been so wrong?”

  Unshed tears stung her eyes and clouded her vision. She turned away from him, but he grasped her wrist.

  “You weren’t wrong, Audra.” His voice was a rough whisper as he tugged her toward him, forcing her to meet his gaze. He placed her hand over his heart. “I loved you so much. But I’d had so much rejection in my life. I couldn’t bear the thought of being rejected by the person I loved most.”

  Audra swallowed hard and wet her lips. Her chest heaved with shallow breaths. “I understand now why you believed I would’ve done that. I’d always given in to my parents’ wishes. But I’d decided that I wasn’t going to give you up. I was going to tell them about us, I swear. I just needed time.”

  “I believe you, sweetheart.” His eyes didn’t leave hers. “I screwed up. I should’ve told you how I—”

  Audra pressed her lips to his. She didn’t want contrition, she wanted this. His mouth on hers as her trembling hands cradled his face.

  Darius slipped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer, so that she stood between his legs. He pressed his large hands to her back as he kissed her. His strong hands glided down and cupped her bottom, pulling her flush against him. Erasing the space between them.

  Audra tugged the hem of his shirt up, pressing her fingers to his bare back. She glided her hands over the muscles beneath his skin. Relished the terrain that was familiar, and yet much different than before.

  Darius broke their kiss, just long enough to help her tug his shirt over his head and toss it onto the floor.

  “Someone has been working out.” She squeezed his biceps before kissing him again.

  “Had to do something with all of that frustration,” he muttered, between kisses to her neck and shoulder.

  “Funny, I did just the opp
osite. I ate my feelings. Thus the additional pounds.” She’d gained nearly ten pounds in that first year. They’d been joined by another ten over the course of the next four years, though the swimming kept the weight gain gradual.

  “I liked your body just fine before. But I’m mesmerized by it now.” He kissed his way down her chest, unbuttoning the three buttons on the placard of the dress and giving himself better access.

  He kissed the top of one breast as he tugged the collar of the dress to one side, exposing more of her shoulder.

  Audra’s heart was racing. There was a dull, steady pulse between her thighs. Like a heartbeat. Her beaded nipples tingled with anticipation.

  As much as she already missed his lips on hers, she eagerly anticipated the sensation of him taking one of her painfully hard nipples into his mouth. Thoughts of all the other ways he could use that amazing mouth made her head spin.

  She pulled just out of his grip. For a moment, he seemed panicked, as if he was worried he’d upset her. Or maybe he thought she’d changed her mind. But instead, she gripped the bottom of the dress and pulled it up over her hips.

  Darius put his hands over hers, halting her progress. His breathing was ragged.

  “Audra, are you sure this is what you want?” His warm breath tickled her skin as his lips grazed her ear.

  It was good they hadn’t had any wine yet. Neither of them would have reason to doubt her decision.

  Audra nodded. “Yes. Take me to bed, Darius. Now. Please.”

  For an instant, she regretted adding the little plea at the end. She wouldn’t grovel before the man who’d lied to and rejected her. But as she stared into his eyes, it was clear she was the one who had complete control.

  Audra had always loved the way Darius looked at her. Especially when they’d made love. He’d regarded her as if there wasn’t anything in the world that he wanted more. She felt that now: desired, appreciated. A reflection of just how intensely she wanted him, too.

  He helped her yank the fabric over her head and toss it onto the floor. Darius studied her, as she stood there in a black lace bra and cheeky little black lace boy shorts that provided plenty of coverage from the front but left very little to the imagination from the back.


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