Filthy Lawyer: A Hate to Love Office Romance (Wynton Book 3)

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Filthy Lawyer: A Hate to Love Office Romance (Wynton Book 3) Page 5

by Bianca Cole

  “Morning Ivy,” he purrs. The sound of his voice ignites a fiery pulsing need for him, making my thighs clench together.

  If I run now, then he wins.

  Calm the fuck down and act as if everything is fine.

  If I let him know how much he is getting to me, then he wins.

  “Good morning, Wes,” I say as evenly as I can. I step passed him, plastering on my best lawyer face and settle in behind my desk. I busy myself, getting out my things from my handbag and ignoring him. I’m not sure what I’m hoping for, perhaps that he’d just disappear. Once finished, I glanced up at him. “How can I help you?”

  The smirk on his face widens. “Hmm, I think it’s how can I help you?” He raises an eyebrow.

  “I-I don’t—”

  “Here.” He passes me the latte.

  I stare at it for a few beats until the need for coffee out rules my need to not accept anything from this man—other than a good fucking.


  My thoughts are out of control. My body tingles with need. I focus on the latte to break the tension, taking a sip.

  A vanilla latte.

  How the hell did he know what I drink? Maybe Sam gave it to him to give to me. “Thanks,” I mumble.

  I return my attention to him and when I do, the grin is gone. He’s got that fierce, possessive spark in his eyes that sends a shiver right down my spine. My panties are soaking wet already. At this point, I’m not even sure why I bothered putting any on. A few moments of silence tick by and it becomes clear he has no intention of breaking it. I rap my fingers on my desk. “What do you want?”

  There’s no way he isn’t here to take the piss out of me for that drunken sex fantasy email. Why else would he be here? He smiles a panty-melting smile at me, before stuffing his hands in his pockets and drawing my attention to the thick, long bulge. My mouth goes dry. “Isn’t it what do you want, baby girl?” he growls.


  My whole body heats. I want him. I want him more when he growls at me like that. He’s like a man possessed. I squirm in my chair and swallow thickly as I return my attention to his gorgeous face.

  He licks his bottom lip drawing my eyes to them. “We’ll pick this up later.” He turns and walks away.

  I stare after him, gob smacked. We’ll pick what up later? A wave of anger, frustration and perhaps disappointment crashes into me.

  What had I expected? That he would have read the story and fucked me right here over my desk. I shake my head, trying to gain some semblance of control over my hormonal urges. I’m so angry at myself for wanting him as much as I do.

  His head pops back in and my heart hammers out of my chest. I sit upright in my chair, staring at him. “Oh and Ivy, one more thing.” His eyes sparkle. “If you could send me the rest of that story before noon, I’d be very grateful. I hate cliffhangers.” He winks before shutting the door.

  I groan in utter embarrassment. Thank God I hadn’t finished the story. What I’d written had been bad enough. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say my face was about to explode it is so hot. I cross my arms on my desk and drop my head onto them. All that email has done has inflated his already too large ego.

  Now he knows I want him, I get a feeling that he won’t let this go and if he keeps pursuing me, then I know I don’t have the willpower to resist. My feelings for this man are more mixed up than a milkshake. I hate him. I want him. I kind of like him.

  It makes no sense at all.

  The click of my door opening forces me to look up. My hearts skips a beat at the thought of him returning. I shouldn’t get this excited over him.

  It’s not him. My stomach dips.

  Sam is standing in the doorway holding my vanilla latte. “Morning, Ivy, I’ve got your coffee.”

  I glance between the latte in her hand and the one Wes gave me. I’d assumed he got it from Sam. How did he know what latte I drink? She gives me a quizzical look when I don’t say anything. “Are you okay?”

  I nod my head. “Sorry, yes… I had a late night.”

  She walks over and sets my latte down on the table, frowning slightly at the other one sitting in front of me. “A late night doing what?” She raises an eyebrow.

  “Girls night out.”

  She smiles. “Good, it is about time you let your hair down.”

  I groan. “I think I let my hair down too much. I’ve got the worst headache ever.”

  She laughs. “You work too hard for a girl of your age, anyway.” She claps her hands together. “One second, I’ll be right back.” She rushes away, leaving me staring at the door.

  I take a sip of my latte as she walks back through the door, holding a box of aspirin and a bottle of water. “Take two aspirin and you’ll be right as rain before you know it.”

  “Thanks, Sam.” I open the bottle of water and take the two pills. “What would I do without you?”

  Ever since my mother left, Sam has been like a rock to me. She’s supported me through more things than I can count. My father isn’t the caring, supportive type.

  She smiles. “You’re welcome.” She pats my hand. “And, for the record, I think you would do just fine. Let me know if you need anything else.”

  I sip the water, trying to focus on my work. Yesterday, I barely got anything done. The moment with Wes in his office was too distracting. Now I can’t stop thinking about the email I sent to him. I can’t stop thinking about doing everything in that email and more.

  How the hell am I supposed to get anything done when all I can think about is him?



  I’ve lost my mind, and I’m out of control. Ivy is everything I want. The way she looked at me earlier made me harder than nails. The raw lust in her fiery blue eyes made me want to lift her into my arms and take her right there on her desk.

  The ball is in my court and I’m ready to play. I’ve had enough of skirting around the tension between us. Ivy is mine and I’m going to make her see that tonight. The man I was before I arrived in this city no longer exists. The playboy who will never settle down. Ivy is it for me. I knew it the moment I set eyes on her, and I knew it even more the moment my lips touched hers.

  As I sit behind my computer, trying to focus on the case I’m working on, all I can think of is her. I’ve got a feeling that I won’t keep this job long, if I don’t sort myself out. I have spent most of my first week here chasing after my boss’s daughter.

  I’ve got to plan this right, though. Ivy’s waiting for my next move and I’ve got to make sure it’s the right one. She’s clearly a woman who is used to being in control. She hates breaking the rules. I’m going to play by the rules for her. My stomach twists nervously as I pull up a blank email and type her email address in.

  I can’t believe I’m nervous—I’m never nervous. What is it about this girl that makes my heart beat so fucking fast? It’s ten to five and Ivy always goes home at five o’clock on the dot. If I don’t send her an email now, then I will miss my chance.

  I type in the subject.

  Subject: Story Discussion.

  Miss Heisman,

  I would like to discuss some important matters regarding the story with you this evening. Are you free to get a drink with me after work?


  Wes Peterson.

  I read through it again. This is the best way to play this. Act professional and hopefully she will agree. Even though the subject suggests I want to discuss that hot as fuck story she sent to me in very thorough detail. Is she going to agree to go out with me? There’s only one way to find out. I hit send and then sigh.

  Ivy is the first woman who has ever rejected me. It was fair enough, considering I pretended to mistake her for a prostitute. Probably not my smoothest move. Okay, definitley not my smoothest move.

  She walked into that ballroom and it was like time slowed. It had been impossible to take my eyes off her. The most beautiful and radiant woman I’d ever seen in my entire life.

  That ev
ening, I’d been watching her the entire time. I had every intention of approaching her, when she locked eyes with that boy across the room. A possessive sense of jealousy reared its ugly head. There was no way in hell I was letting her speak to him. Instead, I grabbed her and pretended she was a prostitute. I had no idea she was my new boss’s daughter. Yeah, that made it all ten times more complicated.

  I tap my fingers on the desk, waiting for her to reply. My heart is pounding out of my chest. What the hell has this girl done to me? When I see her name pop up in my Inbox my stomach flips. I stare for a few moments at the un-opened email. What if she has rejects me, again? Finally, I open it.

  Mr. Peterson,

  I don’t want to drink this evening, but I’d be happy to get something to eat.


  There’s nothing that’s going to stop this now. I’ve had a taste of her sweet lips and I’ve touched that tight little pussy. Nothing can stop me from claiming her, tonight. I don’t care about the company policy or that she’s my boss’s daughter. She’s everything to me.

  She doesn’t want to drink which means she’s still hungover from last night. It’s hard to believe. She looked as stunning as ever this morning when she walked into her office. After a heavy night out, no one should look that good. It seems, Ivy is the exception to every rule.

  I hit reply.

  Miss Heisman,

  Sounds perfect. I’ll meet you our front at 5.30pm. I’ll be in a black sedan.


  I’m like a school-boy with a crush, as I wait for her reply. My eyes fixed on my Inbox, willing her reply to appear like magic. Ivy makes me feel more alive than I’ve felt in years. I glance down at the bulge in my pants and groan. My precum has made a sticky mess of my boxers as I rub myself through my pants. I’m going to have to work this out before I meet her. Not that it will do much good. I’m certain the moment I’m near her again I’ll turn to stone.

  I wish we could skip the dinner and go straight for dessert. I’m not hungry for food. I’m hungry for her.

  The ding of my emails breaks my train of thought.

  See you then, asshole.

  I should be pissed that she’s calling me an asshole. Instead, a tingling ignites in my balls.

  Why the hell does her calling me an asshole turn me on so much?



  What am I thinking? I’m in the elevator, heading down to meet Wes for a date. I must be insane. He’s a partner in my father’s law firm and colleagues dating is against company policy. Also, I hate the guy. Well, maybe hate is a strong word. He infuriates me as much as he gets my pulse racing and my pussy wet.

  I glance at my wristwatch. I’m a few minutes late as it has gone past five-thirty. My heart is pounding against my rib cage. After the email last night, I’m expecting him to be an asshole about it. He is going to come on strong like he has ever since we met—it’s inevitable. Buried deep down inside me, that’s exactly what I want. He takes what he wants, and it’s sexy as hell. He can take me and do what he wants.

  I head out of the building and onto the sidewalk and glance around for his car.

  “Miss Heisman?” A smartly dressed chauffeur asks.


  He opens the back door to the sedan he is standing by and nods his head.

  “Thank you,” I say, as I slide into the back of the car.

  Wes looks at me with that heated look. The one that gets me every time. I tense as a pulsing need ignites between my thighs. The way his eyes roam over me, it’s as if he’s undressing me. The silence is unbearable under his intense gaze. Something tells me he has no intention of breaking that silence as the car moves.

  Finally, it gets too much. “What do you want?” I ask.

  He shakes his head. “The more important question is what do you want, Ivy?”

  I shiver at the way he says my name. “No, you asked me here. Tell me what you want to discuss.”

  He runs a hand through his hair. “I want to discuss terms.”

  My brow furrows. “Terms of what?”

  “Terms of working together and terms of sleeping together.”

  My heart rate quickens. I’ve never said I would sleep with him. His cockiness never ceases to amaze me. “What gives you the impression I would ever sleep with you?”

  His smile only widens. “Your email told me enough,” he growls, moving closer to me. “You’re literally trembling right now and if I were to wager all I had, I’d say your pussy is soaking wet.”

  I clench my thighs and shake my head. “You don’t know what you’re—”

  His fingers reach out for my arm and wrap around my wrist. “Don’t pretend.” he growls. “I may well piss you off but not half as much as I turn you on.”

  I clear my throat. “Why do you have to be so arrogant all the time?”

  He shrugs. “Sorry, it’s a force of habit. The truth is I want to fuck you.”

  My panties soak through even more. I’ve made a total mess of them. I clench my thighs together and almost moan at how desperate I am for him to do exactly that. It is ridiculous how my body reacts to him. My mind still tries to resist him but my body wants him. “I-I’m not going to fuck you.”

  The smirk fades. “Your raunchy fucking email says otherwise.” He sighs. “We’ll discuss everything over dinner as I promised.”

  I let out a long huff and stare out of the blacked-out window of his fancy car. I can’t believe he has his own driver. It shouldn’t shock me. He’s so conceited.

  My panties are so wet that I’m worried I’m leaving a wet spot on the leather seat of the car. I want Wes but I don’t want to admit it to him. The moment I got in this car, I’d expected him to objectify me. I expected his hands all over me. Instead, he’s keeping his distance.

  The last thing I want is for him to keep his distance. I can feel his eyes on me as I stare out the window, trying to distract myself from him. Luckily, I had a dress in my office. One that is far sexier than the dress I wore to my father’s party.

  He clears his throat, drawing my attention to him. “You look stunning this evening.”

  I cock my head to one side. “Are you sure you aren’t going to mistake me for a prostitute again?”

  He laughs. “Do you want to know a secret?”

  I raise an eyebrow at him. “What is it?”

  He shifts closer to me on the seat and lowers his voice to a raspy growl. “I knew you weren’t a prostitute.”

  My mouth hangs open as I stare at him in disbelief for a moment.

  “Don’t look so shocked,” he purred.

  “Why the fuck did you grope me?”

  He chuckled. “The moment I saw you I knew I had to get my hands on you.” He shifts even closer his voice a husky rasp. “I had to stop you from going over to that average guy you locked eyes with.”

  My eyes widen. “Are you kidding me?”

  He shakes his head. “No one can touch you but me,” he growls.

  Heat rises through my body, prickling across my skin. He’s only inches away from me. Close enough to smell his strong cologne and feel the warmth radiating from his body. It sends a fiery need through me and increases my desperation to have his hands on me. Learning that he stopped me from talking to that cute guy should piss me off. I can’t let it though. It turns me on the way he talks as though he owns me.

  The urge to straddle him right here in the back of his car is almost overwhelming. I clear my throat. “You never apologized for causing such a scene.”

  He smirks at me. “No, I didn’t.” His large hand encases my own. “Miss Heisman, I’m ever so sorry for taking what is mine at your father’s party.” He gazes into my eyes and lowers his voice. “I’m sorry for groping your tight ass and pulling your sexy body against mine. Do you forgive me?”

  His fierce and hungry eyes make me melt. I want to slap him one minute and kiss him the next.

  “I forgive you.” I pull my hands from his grip and move away.

sp; The car jerks to a stop outside the most expensive restaurant in Wynton.


  “I’m not dressed for this place.”

  He smiles at me. “Don’t worry. I thought about that.” His smirk widens, and he reaches beneath his seat. “I brought you this.” He holds up a bag.

  I take the bag and glance inside. There is a beautiful gold dress folded inside. I glance between the dress and Wes.

  “Try it on,” he says.

  I narrow my eyes at him. “Are you telling me to strip and change right here in front of you?”

  “Yes, do it now.” The command in his voice sends a wave of desire through me.

  I swallow thickly, before unbuttoning my blouse. Wes watches me, unmoving. His hand settles on the thick bulge in his pants and it spreads more heat through me. I’m getting wetter by the second.

  I shift from the seat as I remove my blouse, revealing my black lacy bra. I try to grab the bag but his fingers tighten around my wrist. “Take everything off before you put it on,” he growls.

  My heart rate spikes as he shifts behind me and presses his warm body into my back. His hard-throbbing length presses into my ass. He rests his lips against my neck, making me moan loudly. I arch my back into him, enjoying the warmth of his body so close. “Be a good girl and do as I say,” he groans.

  I bite my bottom lip and undo the zip on my skirt, easing it down my legs. I’m wearing a pair of lacy black panties which are soaked through. His fingers dig harder into my hips the moment my skirt is gone, and he grinds against my bare ass. I moan again, unable to stop my reactions to him.

  I’m on the edge of turning around and begging him to fuck me here—in the back of his car. Wes snakes his arm around my waist, pulling me to face him. His eyes are hooded with pure, feral lust.

  My cheeks heat at his intense attention. His eyes rake down my entire body, lingering on my exposed breasts and then further down. He licks his lips, before letting go of my waist. “You can put the dress on now, sweetheart.”

  I hate it and love it when he calls me that. I pull the silk dress over my head and shuffle in the confined space to ease the soft silk down my thighs. My soaking wet panties are definitley leaving a wet patch on the leather beneath me.


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