Filthy Lawyer: A Hate to Love Office Romance (Wynton Book 3)

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Filthy Lawyer: A Hate to Love Office Romance (Wynton Book 3) Page 11

by Bianca Cole

“R-Roger, I’m not interested.” My voice trembles. “Now, leave me alone.” I try to pull away but he holds fast, dragging me toward the wall and pinning me against it.

  “Don’t pretend you’re not attracted to me,” He growls, pressing me against the wall hard.

  “I’m not attracted to you and never have been.” I spit out, writhing in his grasp. “Not to mention, you are married with kids. Now get the fuck off me.”

  To my horror, he ignores me and his hand snakes up my thigh. I try to bat him away but he won’t stop. I’m about to scream for help when Wes appears over his shoulder, grabbing him and tearing him from me.

  His fist connects with his face, knocking Roger to the floor with one punch. I gasp as blood trickles down Roger’s face from his busted-up nose.

  “Keep your hands off her, Roger.” He steps toward him, his fist still clenched. “She said no.” He is about to take another swing when I catch his hand in my own, stopping him.

  “He is drunk. I think you’ve done enough damage,” I say.

  His eyes flash with something I can’t detect and his jaw tightens.

  I turn back toward the restaurant to get away but Wes grips my hand. “Where are you going?”

  I pull my hand away. “I’m leaving,” I say, turning and heading back toward the restaurant. I grab my bag and don’t even bother to speak to my father, who is enthralled in a conversation with Stuart, a senior partner.

  A lump forms in my throat as I storm out of the restaurant. I don’t care what my father wants anymore. This is the last straw. I’m not staying here any longer, no matter what.

  The cool night air of Wynton wraps around me and calms the rage and shock flooding through my veins. Tears prickle my eyes and spill down my cheeks, as I head down the sidewalk. I took an Uber here, but I feel like walking home—at least part of the way.

  The echo of fast footsteps following me forces me to speed up. I know who is following, and I don’t want to face him right now. I can’t. The footsteps are even quicker and before I know it, a hand settles on my shoulder, stopping me. He pulls me around and forces me to face him.

  Those deep eyes filled with irritation, staring at me intensely. His jaw is clenched. I try to pull from his grasp, but he pulls me into his strong embrace, holding me close. Why does he think he has the right? He fucked me earlier and left me without a word, and now he’s hugging me.

  I push him away and rest my hands on my hips. “Don’t touch me.” I glare at him the way I did when we first met, only this time It’s not hate that I feel, but pure heartache.

  “Ivy, please don’t push me away.”

  I snort. “Push you away? You’re the one that fucked me in the toilets and left me without a word.” My voice breaks at the end and I shake my head. More tears spill from my eyes down my cheeks.

  “You’re the one that insisted this was sex and nothing else. What did you want me to do?”

  What did I want him to do? I can’t even dignify that with an answer. Sure, it was just sex, but he was downright disrespectful tonight. I shake my head and continue on my path back to my apartment. It’s not even worth wasting my breath over.

  “Ivy, stop and talk to me.” I keep walking and suddenly, he’s sprinting past me, standing in my way. “You can’t keep walking away. What is wrong?”

  “You are. Yes, this is just sex, but there is such a thing as manners and respect. You made me feel like a fucking prostitute earlier.” My throat closes as I try to articulate how he made me feel. “I-I can’t do this anymore. This was a bad idea all along and it has to stop now.”

  Wes steps toward me and pulls me close. “Is that what you want?”

  It’s not what I want, but I can’t tell him the truth. I can’t tell him that all I want is him, especially as everything is against us. Especially after he made me feel so used. We’re not supposed to be together because of company policy and my dad would end his career in a heartbeat if he found out.

  I swallow. “I-I know that we can’t keep this up.”

  He sighs. “If that’s what you want, then I will respect your decision, but at least allow me one last kiss.”

  He doesn’t wait for a reply and his lips meet mine in a soft and tender kiss. It makes my heartache more. It’s cruel of him but he doesn’t understand. I’ve fallen for him as quickly as I hated him. Now my heart is breaking in two.

  For a moment, I lose myself in the kiss and forget the shit my heart is going through. In that moment, It’s just me and Wes in the world and it is perfect.



  “What the hell is going on here?” Jack’s voice breaks me away from Ivy.

  He had followed us out of the restaurant and caught me making out with his daughter in the street. His eyes are full of rage.


  I lasted at the firm for two weeks, and now I’m sure I’m getting fired. Not that I need the job or the money. Hell, I’ll take a law job at the state law enforcement bureau, as long as I stay here in Wynton, near Ivy.

  When the hell did I get so sentimental?

  Ivy wipes her eyes and steps forward. “Nothing, father. I got heated when Wes was comforting me and kissed him. He did nothing wrong.”

  Why is she defending me? Especially after how I treated her in the bathroom. My throat closes up as I remember the moment. It was shameful to leave her like that without a kiss or words. I had no idea how much my freak out earlier hurt her. Now I look back on it, it was fucking cold hearted.

  Jack’s eyes narrow as he glances between me and his daughter. “Where are you going?”

  She crosses her arms over her chest. “I’m going home after being assaulted, but you wouldn’t have a clue because you’re too busy running your damn law firm.”

  Jack shakes his head. “Assaulted? Don’t be so dramatic Ivy.”

  Ivy trembles and her face turns red. “I’m not being dramatic. Roger assaulted me and pushed me up against a wall. If it wasn’t for Wes punching him, then god knows what he would have done.”

  Jack rolls his eyes, and I can feel the rage building inside of me. The one man that should care for her and listen to her, isn’t even taking this brilliant and beautiful woman seriously. If he keeps this up, then I’ll floor him like I floored Roger. I don’t give a fuck who he is.

  “Assault is a rather serious allegation, and I don’t see any physical injuries.”

  That does it. “Jack, what the fuck? She’s telling the truth. Roger tried to force himself on her sexually.” I shake my head. “I had to floor him to get him off her. He had drunk too much bourbon and after speaking with him briefly, it seems he’s dealing with a rather messy divorce at the moment.”

  Ivy tenses in front of me, obviously unaware of what Roger has been going through. It explains why a man who seems like a nice guy stooped so low, but it is still inexcusable.

  She throws her hands in the air. “I’m done.”

  “You’re done with what?” Jack asks.

  “You and your damn law firm. I’m fed up of being forced into a career I don’t even want to be in. I’m not working for the firm for another second.” She turns and heads passed me down the street.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I’ll see you on Monday morning when you’ve cooled off, Ivy,” Jack shouts after her.

  Jack’s attention returns to me and he glares at me. He doesn’t even bother to go after his daughter who has just been sexually assaulted. Instead, he turns and heads back into the restaurant without another word or thought to what his daughter is feeling right now. Finally, I’m seeing how much of a dick her father is.

  He just learned his daughter has been sexually assaulted, and he didn’t bat an eyelid. I’m not sure he is the kind of man I even want to work for. I can’t let Ivy go home alone. It’s clear she feels the same as me, or at least, she feels something.

  I’m not giving up on her. My whole life I’ve been running, but I will not run from this. “Ivy, let me walk you home, at least,” I shout, jogging after he

  She stops still and glances back at me, as I offer my arm for her to take. She glares at me for a moment. “I told you, I’m not interested in continuing this.”

  I nod. “That’s fine, but I’m not letting you walk home alone.”

  “Fine, I don’t want to talk though.”

  I grab her hand and continue walking.

  She glances down at my hand entangled with hers, but she doesn’t pull away. I notice her shiver as the wind picks up through town, even though it’s a warm summer’s evening. She hasn’t got a jacket and I can see the goosebumps prickling across her skin. I let go of her hand and shrug off my suit jacket, wrapping it around her arms. She smiles at me but doesn’t say anything. My hand entwines with hers again.

  I’ve got to tell her the truth. Somehow, I’m not sure how I’m going to get the guts to do it. The thought of putting myself in such a vulnerable position makes me feel sick. We’re silent the entire way back to her apartment. There is a palpable tension between us as she stops at the steps of her building and turns to face me. “Thanks for walking me back,” She moves to shrug off my jacket but I hold it against her, placing a hand on each shoulder.

  Her blue eyes gaze up at me. “Ivy, I’m sorry about the way I treated you earlier after we had sex.”

  She shrugs and glances down at her feet. “Don’t worry about it. It doesn’t matter now, anyway.”

  “I am worried about it. I don’t want to hurt you, ever.” I swallow hard. “You did amazing telling your father you’re done with his company.”

  She snorts. “My father won’t take that seriously. He’ll expect me there on Monday morning as normal.”

  I shake my head. “Well don’t turn up. You owe it to yourself to be happy, Ivy. No one should dictate what you do.”

  “I know. You’re the first person to make me see that.” She smiles. “I’m grateful for that, Wes. Thank you.” Tears glisten in her eyes as she stares at me. “Good night.”

  My hands are shaking as I stand there with the truth on the tip of my tongue.

  She turns to walk up the steps, but I grab her arm and pull her back to face me. “Ivy, wait.”

  Her brow furrows. “What is it?”

  “You set out the rules when we started sleeping together, and I believed I could follow them. In the past, sex has always been sex, but with you…” My throat closes up as pain coats the sides. “I’ve never felt like this before. Ivy, I don’t want this to be sex.” I shake my head. “I want you for real.”

  Her eyes fill with more tears and she bites her bottom lip. “Is this a joke?”

  I shake my head. “No, it’s difficult for me to get close to people and when we had sex earlier, the reality of my feelings for you made me freak out. I’m sorry.”

  She stares at me for a few beats. “Are you saying you want this to be real?” She points between us. “You and me, together?” There’s a hint of hope in her voice.

  “That’s what I’m saying.”

  Ivy flings herself into my arms and presses her lips against mine. She eradicates all my fears in that moment. The fear of rejection and heartbreak floats away as her soft, plump lips press against mine. My heart swells as I wrap my arms around her waist.

  She pulls back and stares into my eyes. “I didn’t think you felt the same.”

  “I’ve wanted you ever since we met. I knew there was no way I could ever let you go once I’d had a taste.”

  She glances at her apartment door. “Do you want to come in?”

  I smile, brushing a hair from her face. “I’d like that.”

  She leads me up to the front door and pauses. “I’ll warn you, it’s not as fancy as your place, and I don’t have a cook.”

  I chuckle. “That doesn’t matter. All that matters is you.”

  She smiles and opens her apartment building door. Her apartment is on the ground floor and she wasn’t kidding. It’s tiny. I’m surprised that a daughter of such a wealthy man is holed up in a place like this. She has made it rather quaint, and it’s tastefully decorated, exactly what I’d expect from Ivy.

  “It’s small, but it’s all I can afford while I try to pay off my college debts.”

  I frown at her. “Are you telling me your dad forced you to go to law school and didn’t even cover the cost?”

  She nods and bites her lip. “Yeah, he said I need to learn to stand on my own two feet. It was important to him I paid my own way through college.”

  I shake my head in disbelief. “That’s bullshit, he wanted you to be a lawyer and didn’t even pay for your tuition with the money he has.”

  She shrugs and takes off my jacket, placing it on the coat hanger in the front porch. I grab Ivy by the waist and push her against the wall, pressing every thick throbbing inch into her.

  She moans, pushing against my chest. “Are you sure about us?” She leans her head to the side.

  I press my lips to the soft skin of her neck, kissing her. “Yes, I’m all in. I want you Ivy, not just now, but forever, you’re mine remember.”

  She presses her lips to mine, moaning into my mouth. My tongue tangles with hers, teasing over her mouth as I claim her. Ivy pulls back breathless and flushed, biting on her bottom lip. “Wes, there’s something I’ve always wanted to try before.” She flushes pink.

  “What is it?”

  “I’ve wanted to try it for a while and never found someone I trusted—”

  “Ivy, stop messing about and tell me what you want,” I growl, biting her lip between my teeth.

  She moans, arching her back. “Will you fuck me in the ass?”

  I blink twice wondering if I heard her right. My dick swells harder in my pants as I press every long inch into her, grinding myself against her. “Fuck yes, Ivy,” I growl into her ear.

  She trembled in my arms.

  “I’ve wanted to fuck that perfect tight ass ever since I set eyes on it.” I pull her even tighter to me, grinding against her pussy through the fabric of her dress. “I’m going to claim all your holes, baby girl, because you are mine.”

  My fingers reach around her back, unzipping the zip on her dress and forcing it down around her hips. My cock swells at the sight of her in a lacy red thong and matching bra. I take a step back, taking in her sexy body and beautiful curves.

  She steps toward me, unbuttoning my shirt. Her eyes are filled with heat as she stares into my own. I groan as her hands reach for my belt and she loosens it, unbuttoning my pants and forcing them to the floor. I kick off my shoes, stepping out of my clothes.

  I grab her ass possessively, pulling her into me. I kiss her hard, stealing the breath from her lungs.

  She pulls back and drops to her knees in front of me. My cock is bulging against my tight boxer briefs as she rubs her hand across my throbbing length. Thick precum leaks into my boxers, as she strokes me through the fabric. She holds my gaze as she hooks her finger into the waistband, pulling them down to free me. It slaps against my abs, painfully hard and wet with cum. I watch her as she wraps her small fingers around the base.

  Her tongue darts out to taste the liquid from my swollen crown, making me groan. She teases me, swirling her tongue around the base of my head, forcing more cum to leak from the tip. She laps up every drop like a naughty fucking girl. “That’s it, just like that, baby girl,” I growl, thrusting my hips forward as she closes her lips around me. She takes me into her hot mouth and it twitches against her tongue, spilling more of my seed into her mouth.

  She hums around me, slurping at the head before diving and taking it into her throat. Her full breasts bounce up and down in her bra as she takes me in and out of her mouth. I can feel the cum tingling in my balls, begging for release. Slowly, she works more of my cock down her throat, making me groan louder. “Fuck, Ivy. Your mouth feels perfect wrapped around my cock.”

  She moans, the sensation vibrating through me. Fuck. I can’t last much longer in her mouth. I grab hold of her wrist to stop her. “Ivy, stop… I’m going to come.”

  She hums around me and then takes me even deeper. I roar as my balls clench and every drop of cum shoots right down her hot throat. She moans as I fill her throat with my seed, rope after rope spilling into her mouth. She pulls back but there’s still more as it splashes against her tongue and spills onto her lips.

  I growl, pulling her toward me and tasting myself on her lips. “You’re such a naughty girl swallowing every drop of my cum, aren’t you?”

  She nods. “Yes, I’m your naughty girl.”

  “Yeah, you are.” I slap her ass. “A naughty girl like you needs to get her pussy licked until she comes all over my face,” I growl.

  I lift her body into me and carry her to the bedroom, placing her down in the center of the bed. I rip her little thong off, dragging it past her knees and over her ankles. My fingers tease up the inside of her thighs as I admire her slippery, wet pussy, dripping onto her bed sheets and making a mess. “This pussy is fucking wet because you can’t stop thinking about my cock, can you?”

  She moans, teasing her own nipples with her fingers.

  “That’s it baby girl, play with yourself for me,” I groan, watching her as I lower my mouth to her slick arousal. I part her lips with the tip of my tongue and delve inside, tasting her. It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve tasted her, It’s never enough. I’m hooked on her. Ivy is like my personal drug.

  Her fingers tease at her nipples one by one as I lick her pussy, slowly rising to circle her clit gently. She moans as I flick over the sensitive nub, making her back arch from the bed. Her eyes watch me with fiery lust as I run my hand up her thigh and push two thick fingers deep inside of her.

  We groan together as I work her tight wet pussy with my fingers, making her muscles flutter around me. The pressure inside her building the moment I enter her. I move my fingers in and out, licking and nipping at her clit.

  Once my fingers are slick and messy with her juices, I move my them down and circle her tight asshole.

  I press one finger against it and it slides in. “Oh my…” She bucks and moans, letting me sink a finger right insider her ass. I lick her clit and slowly move my finger in and out, making her writhe above me.


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