Blood Ties, Love Binds

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Blood Ties, Love Binds Page 9

by Alexa Whitewolf

  “I’m not guilty of anything he wants to pin on me. To be perfectly honest, I assumed you’d be safe here, considering the people who own it. I’ve evidently been wrong, but originally I figured someone would have to be a fool to try anything.”

  “So you know about Renzo’s dad?”

  Damon’s jaw tensed at the question. Renzo’s name alone was enough to get his blood boiling, considering Cassandra’s unwillingness to confirm their relationship. The kid’s ties to the Mob were another reason for his discomfort. “If you’re referring to Fabrizio Moretti being the old cleaner and enforcer for the Montréal Mafia, then yes, I’m well aware.”

  He paused, trying to fight off his next question, but the curiosity was too much. “It doesn’t bother you what he was involved in?”

  Cassandra tilted her head to the side, pondering his words. After a moment, she shook her head. “No. I’ve learned not to judge people. And besides, I’ve only ever known Moretti as Uncle Fabio, and he’s always been nice to me.”

  Damon snorted at that. “I bet.”

  Cassandra stopped smiling then and went back to questioning him. “You said you assumed I’d be safe, implying that’s no longer the case.”

  “Yeah.” Damon ran a hand through his hair, glancing around to confirm their surroundings were still alone. “You aren’t, not here and not anywhere in this damn town. Because someone did try something, and that’s what landed me in hot water with the local cops.”

  Cassandra frowned, but didn’t interrupt as Damon continued, “I was minding my business when I heard noises in the bathroom and walked in to the guy getting stabbed.”

  “And what makes you think this has anything to do with me?”

  “Because the person who did the stabbing was at the bar earlier. Add to that the two goons who attacked us and something tells me this isn’t a coincidence.”

  The frown never left Cassandra’s face. “And you just so happened to hear the noises, huh?”

  Damon shrugged, trying to keep his face blank. If Cassandra figured out how much he knew, she would press for more information. Until he put a few pieces together, it was best she stayed in the dark, rather than seek vengeance for something she didn’t quite understand.

  His cellphone rang, saving him from answering. Damon held up a hand to Cassandra to indicate he needed a moment, then shifted away from her. “Yeah?”

  Derek’s voice on the end was a surprise. “You contacted the hitman?”


  “Damon, he’s a valued Interpol target. Do not underestimate Wraith when he’s on everyone’s wanted list.”

  “I figured as much.”

  Cassandra inched closer, trying to catch pieces of the conversation, and he once more noticed her perfume. The man in him wanted to act on the impulse of pulling her in his arms, comforting her, but the soldier was aware of the unspoken line in the sand she’d drawn and tried to respect it.

  Derek’s next words demanded his full attention. “I need you to do something, and you won’t like it.”

  Damon bit his tongue at his former boss’ tone, as it broached no argument. But his next words lit a fire in his blood.

  “You have to let the Wraith approach Cassandra. If she’s his new contract, it may give us enough of an opportunity to finally catch him. Keep a tight surveillance, but we need to catch this guy with enough evidence to put him away for life.”

  “Absolutely not!” Damon hissed, aware of Cass freezing at his tone.

  “Damon, be a soldier. Set your personal feelings away from this. Not only is this man an assassin at the behest of people who do unthinkable things, but he has hurt innocents. Ruined families. Broken wills until people were unrecognizable. You’ve seen the pictures of his victims.”

  Damon’s hand tightened on the phone, knowing full well Derek was right. Images of the corpses Wraith left behind kept him up at night. But could he risk Cassandra’s life?

  “We need this. The victims need this.” Damon grimaced at the words, knowing why Derek used that angle of reasoning.

  Damon’s time in the special ops showed him unspeakable things, and it was one reason he was quick to leave. To have another monster out there, one he could catch if he played his cards right, was a chance to set something right in this world.

  There was no way to avoid it, and he surrendered.

  “Two weeks.” Damon’s mutter was low enough for Cass not to hear. “If I don’t have enough in two weeks, then I’m taking him down – permanently. My way.”

  “Agreed. And, Damon?”

  He paused, having been about to hang up. “What now?”

  “You shouldn’t tell Cassandra, especially if half the things in her file are true. The more she knows, the more she will be in danger. We both witnessed the after effects when the Wraith likes to play games.”

  Damon hung up on a curse, barely holding back from throwing the phone against the wall. Only one thing was clear in his mind: I won’t allow that bastard to hurt her.


  Something in Cassandra’s chest wilted when Damon faced her again. In the few moments he’d been on the phone, he’d once more transitioned into the frigid stranger. His green eyes were unreadable, his expression blank, and no amount of pressing for answers would get through to him, that much was clear.

  Guess the soldier’s back, again.

  “Nothing’s changed, has it?” Cassandra’s mutter had him frown.

  “What do you mean?”

  Damon’s eyes begged her not to, but she still spoke what was on the tip of her tongue. “At the end of the day, I’m a disposable commodity to you.” There was no other way to explain his disinterest in her emotions, or the way he didn’t seem to care how much chaos he was bringing back into her life.

  Pain crossed Damon’s features, and he opened his mouth to deny it, but couldn’t. Cassandra shook her head and was about to pass by him, having had enough of his spy games for the night.

  Before she could, Damon grabbed her elbow and spun her around. She had a brief glimpse of his flashing eyes before his mouth descended on hers almost bruisingly. There was nothing tender about it, only a need to communicate what he could not say in words.

  And boy, did she feel it. The way he cupped her head gently was at odds with the force of the kiss, but nowhere in there did she try to stop him. This grown up kiss was nothing compared to what they’d shared earlier.

  Cassandra’s entire body zinged from his nearness, almost melting in his embrace the longer it went on. As though sensing it, Damon pulled her tighter against him, until the only thing keeping her upright was his strong frame.

  When he pulled away, lips hovering above hers, his eyes were menacing glitters. “You still think I don’t care? Think again. The only reason I’m here is because of you.”

  Cassandra tried to read his eyes, sensing the truth in his words. Why would he lie then, pretend he’s here for a job? Why –

  The slam of a door snapped her to, and Renzo came around the corner. “Cass, you around here? Sam saw you go around the back.”

  He stopped dead in his tracks when he found Cassandra in Damon’s arms. In a futile effort, she tried to step back, but it only resulted in Damon’s arms tightening around her.

  “Let me go.”

  “Nope,” was the unequivocal answer to her hiss. The entire time, Damon’s gaze didn’t leave Renzo’s. “We were not introduced. I’m Damon Voight.” To her surprise, he offered his hand.

  Renzo glanced at Cassandra, then stepped closer and shook it. “Lorenzo Moretti.” He left out the, Friends call me Renzo part, she noticed.

  “Do you mind letting Cass go? She seems uncomfortable.”

  Damon switched his attention to her, and by his smirk she predicted she wouldn’t like his answer. “She didn’t seem that uncomfortable before you interrupted us.”

  Before she could reconsider, her right hand lifted and connected with his cheek. The slap echoed in the alley, and Damon let her go out of shock.<
br />
  “That’s what you get for being a pompous ass.” Cassandra’s infuriated gaze locked with Damon’s for a heartbeat, enough to see his answering annoyance. Then she turned on her heels and stomped away with her head held high. The last thing she wanted was to be a prize in a pissing contest.

  Renzo was biting back a laugh when she passed him, but she ignored him in favour of the entrance door. Cassandra intended to get out of there and as far away from Damon as possible – before she did something stupid again like let him kiss her.


  “You really should try more tact if you’re trying to win her over.” Renzo’s tone was amused, even as he eyed Damon’s reddening cheek.

  Damon glared at him, annoyed at the interruption. He’d been getting through to Cassandra, and Renzo’s untimely appearance had ruined his plans. “And you should consider staying out of people’s business.”

  Instead of backing down, Lorenzo widened his stance and folded his arms across his chest. While Damon could appreciate him trying to protect Cassandra, the job was his by default.

  “This coming from the guy who was out of Cass’ business for the last ten years?” Lorenzo taunted, and Damon stilled.

  He gritted his teeth, even as he attempted to find some of that long lost control he’d gained in his special ops training. Kung Fu-ing Lorenzo’s ass would not win him Cassandra’s good graces, rather set him off a few steps. It surprised and irked him how much Lorenzo knew about their situation.

  Emotions must have been easy to read on his face as Lorenzo then saw fit to elaborate. “Cass told me. Which begs the question, why exactly did you return when you’re clearly not needed?”

  “Again, I don’t see how that’s any of your business.”

  “Listen, bud,” Lorenzo stepped closer at that, arms by his side clenched in fists. “I’ve had my share of meeting pricks and seeing Cass push them away. Something about you gets to her and I don’t want to see Cass in pain. If you care about her at all, you’d leave.”

  Damon got up in his face at that, clenching his fist – but holding back. “You don’t understand what you’re talking about,” he growled. “It’s because I care that I’m here, bud. So you’d better stay the hell out of my way.”

  He moved past Lorenzo to leave, but the guy was not giving up. He stepped in front of Damon, blocking his path.

  Damon’s nostrils flared in anger, and it was all he could do to keep a lid on it. His knuckles were white from the force clenching them. When their eyes met, Lorenzo barely flinched.

  “You may be all hot shot and trained, but I’ve known this girl for long enough to realize she’s special. Hurt her, and you’ll pay in ways you haven’t even imagined.”

  The threat was real enough, and again, Damon forced himself to remember Lorenzo was acting out of good intentions, and because he was legitimately interested in Cassandra’s well-being.

  Holding back the rage he wanted to unfurl, he simply nodded, “Duly noted.” Then shoved Lorenzo aside and walked to his car. He intended to make sure Cassandra got home safe, no matter how long it took him.

  ♥ Chapter 11 ♥

  The next morning, Cassandra woke up to an empty household. Since she had nothing planned and no job to go to, she showered quickly and picked up a book, heading to a café down the street.

  With the sunny day, she picked a spot on the veranda and ordered an iced coffee, then settled in for a quiet afternoon. An hour later, she was lost in the latest adventures of the spy novel, when a shadow fell across her table.

  “I’m ok, I don’t need a refill.”

  A chuckle had her glance up and her jaw dropped. The sun hit him from behind, but the aristocratic features were hard to miss even with the light causing her to squint.

  “I’m terribly sorry to interrupt what seems to be a great book, but I was walking by and couldn’t help but notice you. I realized not introducing myself last night was poor manners…” The Frenchman trailed off, and a tentative smile spread on his face. “Would you allow me to join you for a bit?”

  After a beat of hesitation, Cassandra set her book down on the table. “Only if you tell me your name this time.”

  The smile became a full-blown grin. “Alain Valois.”

  Cassandra was even more charmed when rather than plop down on the seat after the introduction, he stood by the table, waiting for her acquiescence to sit next to her. “I’m Cassandra DiCavalier.”

  Alain took her hand in his and kissed the top of it, then let go. She beamed at the old-school gesture and gestured for him to sit.

  “I do hope I’m not disturbing you,” Alain said. “Personally, I find it incredibly rude of people who engage in a conversation with me as I’m reading.”

  Cassandra chuckled, familiar with the feeling. “Not to worry, it was about time I take a break. This novel’s getting a bit too intense.”

  Alain’s eyes shifted to the cover and chuckled. “I suppose it is. These spy books tend to have so much drama. I much prefer mine cutthroat and concise.”

  Cassandra nodded, though something in his tone implied a private joke. She let it slide, interested instead in finding out more about him. “So what brings you to Montréal?”

  “Business, for one.” He ordered a cappuccino and the waiter disappeared, reappearing within moments with a fresh cup. Alain removed his sunglasses, inhaling the aroma and taking a sip. “Perfect.”

  “I love this place. The coffee is always amazing, and the fresh croissants could have you easily thinking you’re in Paris.”

  “Really?” Alain held her gaze for a moment, then smiled. “I suppose then I should try one.”

  As if on cue, the waiter reappeared and Alain ordered a plate of croissants for them to share. Cassandra watched his movements, intrigued despite herself. He spoke with the ease and confidence of someone used to commanding attention.

  This is a man who gets what he wants. Much like Damon.

  The thought was an unwelcome one, especially considering her company, and Cassandra willed it away. She smiled at Alain instead. “So if you’re here on business, what were you doing at Fire & Ice?”

  “Looking for you, of course.”


  Across the street, Damon shifted in front of a stand of newspapers. He’d been watching Cassandra for the last thirty minutes, after getting Paco to track her cell phone. When he’d returned from his morning jog to find the house empty, he couldn’t fight the panic any longer.

  Seeing Wraith take a seat at her table, and Cassandra’s open body language, did nothing to ease his anxiety.

  Inhale, exhale, he willed his body with each breath of air. His eyes were glued to Cassandra and the hitman. Every muscle wanted to take him down, but considering the lack of evidence, he doubted the cops would be on his side.

  Especially considering he’d had a tail since he left the house. Behind his sunglasses, his eyes shifted to the side parking, where a marked cop car was parked. Its driver was the same cop from the previous night, Sean. He flicked another cigarette out the window, and it fell on the sidewalk, joining the used butts that were piling up.

  The policeman was keeping an eye on him from the sidelines, probably still investigating the club stabbing from the previous night. Damon’s jaw tightened at the surveillance, and he was half-tempted to call Zak to run interference.

  He reached inside his jacket, noticing Sean’s attention zeroing on him out of the corner of his eye. Idiot probably assumes I’m planning to pull out a gun. Damon purposefully took his cellphone out slowly, then waved it in his direction with a massive grin.

  Sean scowled and gunned the engine, taking off in a squeal of tires. Did he really think he was being slick?

  “I wouldn’t annoy the local cops if I was you,” someone said from behind.

  The voice was familiar, coming off his left side, but not enough to pinpoint it. Damon was about to turn, but something poked his lower back.

  “I also wouldn’t turn around. It would
not do for people to see us chatting. Are we understood? Nod if you agree.”

  Damon gave a small nod, glancing to the café on his right to confirm Cassandra was safe. “Who are you?” His lips barely moved, and his tone was low enough that only the other man could hear. With the street empty in their corner, and no clients in the open-aired newspaper store, there was a semblance of privacy.

  “Fabrizio Moretti.” When Damon only responded with silence, the poke in his lower back disappeared. “I take it you know my name.”

  “I was well briefed on you, sir,” Damon said. His fingers curled around the metallic grid of a row of papers, clenching it tighter. It took all his will not to reach for his gun. What the hell was the Mafia’s enforcer up to?

  “Bien. It will save us some time. What branch are you with?”

  There was no point in lying, especially if Fabrizio was close enough to shoot. “I was Interpol special ops. I’m private security now.”

  It was Fabrizio’s turn to be silent for a beat, then he said, “And what is your business with Cassandra DiCavalier?”

  Damon frowned at the question, then connected the dots. Last night, Fabrizio had spoken with Cassandra, and he was Lorenzo’s father. Evidently, he was well-enough acquainted with Cassandra to care about her well-being. I hope that’s all it is.

  “I’m here because she’s in danger,” Damon responded. “And I care for her.”

  “Care, or love?”

  Damon fought the urge to turn around and see if Fabrizio was playing him. “Isn’t that an odd question to ask, for a Mafia enforcer?”

  “Maybe… But if you love her, you’ll do anything for her.”

  Not entirely sure that he wasn’t digging his grave, Damon sighed and admitted, “I love her. Have since we were young, and I’d put my life on the line for her any day, anytime.”

  “Good, because it may come to that. Do you know the man she is having coffee with?”

  “Yes.” The newspapers rattled from the force he was gripping the stand with, and Damon let go. It wouldn’t do to have them tumbling down in a noisy mess and raise attention to himself.


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