A Love So Hard (Aces High MC - Charleston Book 2)

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A Love So Hard (Aces High MC - Charleston Book 2) Page 9

by Christine Michelle

  “Double-D! Bringing in new entertainment?” The man asked causing CJ to stiffen and glare back over his shoulder.

  “This is my woman, show some respect!” His words were a censure that wasn’t missed by the giant of a guy.

  “Sorry, man. No offense, ma’am.”

  “None taken,” I offered and CJ continued pulling us through the establishment at a quick pace. There was a woman up on the center stage twirling around the pole listlessly and a few men scattered about here and there talking, drinking, and barely paying attention to the dancer on stage. Of course, considering the woman’s lackadaisical attitude I didn’t blame them. “Are you in charge of hiring and firing dancers?” This pulled CJ up short and he turned to give me a questioning look before he noticed where my attention was focused.

  He laughed then. “Wish I was some days. She should have been bounced about two days after she got here,” he stated which told me he spent a lot of time here, and that he wasn’t oblivious to the dancers when they worked. CJ being in a motorcycle club, I could handle. Him working at a place like this with naked women all over and in a highly sexually charged atmosphere, I honestly wasn’t so sure.

  We were on the move again before I could contemplate more, taking a trip down a hallway toward the back of the club off to the far right of the long stage that appeared to wrap around somewhat on each end like little peninsulas. The hallway was dark, but there were discrete lights along the floor to guide the way like the ones in the movie theater after all the other lights go down just before a movie starts. I thought that was weird, but then again we were in a strip club. I had no clue what else might go on here, and probably didn’t want to see evidence of it.

  I could hear girlish giggling as me moved further down the hall and just after we passed one of the doors a woman came out wearing only a little string of dental floss as a thong. I dare not even call it that because as I turned to look at her when she called out to Double-D I could see that the string went right up the front of her womanly parts two. I couldn’t even imagine something like that was comfortable to walk around in.

  “Double-D, you finally gonna come take me for a ride after you try out that fresh meat?” The woman’s voice cooed over to him seductively. CJ halted in his tracks, and then moved me so that he was between the woman and me. I could almost feel the anger radiating off of him.

  “I have never tried out any of the girls dancing here or at any of the other clubs, and you damn well know it. Since you want to go attempting to scare off what you think is competition you can get the fuck on out now. You’re fired.” He turned to walk me further down the hall. “Oh, and this woman isn’t dancing competition, she’s too good to work a place like this, which means you’d never be competition for her.”

  “You can’t fire me!” The woman screeched at him.

  “I just fuckin’ did. You have five minutes to pack your shit up and get out. I’ll let Drake know.” We continued down the hallway to the end and a door on the right. CJ went to put a key in the lock, but the handle jiggled and all he had to do was push the door open. What greeted us on the other side was nothing short of a sideshow attraction. There were two men in kuttes like what Double-D wore normally and neither of them had their pants on fully. Both had jeans that were sitting down around their ankles, obviously trapped there by the boots they wore. One of them had his naked ass seated on the edge of the desk while the woman that was between them was planted firmly on his cock, only she was facing away from him and the man in front of them was drilling her too. I knew what this meant, but for some reason I couldn’t reconcile what I was actually seeing.

  “Jesus fucking Christ, what the hell are you idiots doing in my fucking office?”

  The one drilling the woman from the front just grinned at Double-D until he spotted me somewhat ducking behind his shoulder to hide my embarrassment. “Fuck,” I heard him grunt.

  “Sorry man,” the other called out sounding a little breathless, but failing to turn and see who was in the doorway.

  “There’s always room for Double-D,” the woman called out. “I have a mouth too,” she pointed out needlessly since she was running it. The man in front of her grabbed her hair and snatched her head back so her attention was on him as he finally stopped pumping his hips into her.

  “You know damn well Double-D doesn’t partake,” he scolded her and I wondered if he had just been putting on a show until she spoke again.

  “Yeah, but I keep hoping he’ll change his mind.”

  If anger could be bottled and harvested for later use, I’d have been able to store up a ton of it based on the vibes shooting off of the man who had brought me here to witness this craziness. “We’ll be having a conversation in church about the use of my office,” he finally said through gritted teeth. The other two men both snapped their heads around to him.

  “I brought my woman here to show her she wouldn’t have any worries about me working out of an office here, and she had to hear Jolene insinuate that I try out all the new dancers then I think maybe she understands the bitch was lying only to walk into my office and see this shit going on.”

  I could see the men’s demeanor change instantly as they scooted the woman from between them. “I’ll go deal with Jo,” the one who had been in front of the woman said. I could now see his patch said his name was Drake.

  “No need. I just fired her ass.”

  “What the fuck, D? That’s my domain,” Drake fired back sounding a little miffed.

  “Then do your fuckin’ job. The wrong person hears her talk like that and suddenly we got the cops stopping by to check on things, we got girls claiming shit that hasn’t happened, and lawsuits we don’t want to deal with. Use your head. This shit here ain’t right either. You want to take a dancer out of the club and do whatever the fuck you want with them, fine. This is work for them. The minute they stick a cock in one of their holes that brings up things about selling women for more than just dancing and then LEO comes rolling around. This is a clean business, maybe we need to take the reminder up in church, like I said earlier, yeah?”

  “Nah, we don’t need that,” Drake argued. “I’ll go make sure Jolene got her shit out of here without a fit.” He tucked himself away and zipped his pants up before scooting past us into the hallway. The other man slapped the dancer’s ass and told her to go get ready for her shift before he tucked himself away too.

  “Sorry about that, D.” The man wasn’t looking at CJ though. He was watching my reaction to everything I’d seen. “I hope you know, what you saw isn’t his scene. Never has been. We knew better than to use his office. Apologies, ma’am.” As he moved to leave the office I caught sight of his kutte and name as well. Tag was written on his chest. We locked eyes as he moved past me and I wasn’t sure why, but a shivery sensation crawled across my neck and down my spine as it happened. Double-D pulled me into the office and slammed the door shut, raking his hands through his once brown locks that had been bleached much lighter by time spent in the sun. It was cute that his hair was getting so long it started to a bit at the collar.

  “Well, I fucked this all to hell,” he admitted about the same time I burst out laughing. “You’re laughing?”

  I nodded my head as I got myself under control again. “Well, if nothing else this date has been educational. I have to say I’ve never seen something like that in person before.” A low growl came from the man before he closed in on me.

  “You telling me you liked what you saw?” His eyes were narrowed on me.

  “I’m telling you that it was interesting to see, but not something I could ever picture myself doing. So, if they’re wrong, and that is what you’re into we can stop this right now.”

  “I don’t share, Lucy,” he barked out.

  “I don’t share either, CJ!” With that out of the way he pulled me to him and brought his mouth down hard on mine for a punishing kiss before he slid his hand up my dress and brushed his knuckles across the gusset of my panties.

  “You enjoyed watching though, didn’t you babe?”

  I couldn’t deny that since he was feeling the evidence of my enjoyment. Instead I attacked his mouth this time, and every inch of it tasted divine. Before long he was pulling back though. “Darlin’, as crazy as this might sound there’s no way I’m about to take you for our first time together in the middle of my office in a strip club that was just used for a threesome by my damn brothers.”

  “Well, that’s good because I wouldn’t want my first time to go down like that,” I retorted, and he did not miss the change in my wording. It wouldn’t just be our first time together. It would be my first time. Period. I felt like maybe I needed to explain, but he groaned and moved away from me toward his desk, getting ready to sit down in his chair before he glanced at the desk and thought better of it.

  “I need to get someone in here to clean. I was going to show you a little of what I do here so you could get a feel for it and be okay with everything, but…” He waved his hand at the desk that had been so recently violated by Tag’s ass and I laughed again.

  “I think your point was actually made even if it didn’t go down how you thought it would,” I reassured him. “You want to stay for some reason, or can we move on to a different part of our date? I’m pretty sure you said something about a movie or dancing.” He grinned at me.

  “That I did, pretty girl. Let’s go.” He took my hand and guided me back out of the club that had filled up a bit with more men now sitting closer to the stage. Of course, that might have had something to do with the change of dancer. The new one actually looked like she was there to work, and earn her tips. I didn’t get to see much of her routine though, because CJ had me out the front door faster than he’d brought me through it to begin with. I guess now that he knew I didn’t seem to have a problem with where he worked there wasn’t such a rush to get it all out in the open.

  Chapter 8

  (Lucy – age 20, Double-D – age 23)

  Our last date had nearly been ruined by my own stupidity. What the fuck ever possessed me to take her to one of the strip clubs we owned to show her where I worked? That had been, hands down, one of the most idiotic things I’d ever done. It was just that when I told her about what I did I saw the worry in her eyes. I figured if she saw that I sat in the back room in a little office that saw no action at all she’d be more comfortable with the idea. Little did my dumb ass know… My office was used to seeing more action than I’d seen in years. At least it didn’t turn out to be a complete disaster with her leaving me there to call a taxi to come get her. No, she rolled with the punches, and we probably got on better footing as a result. Still, that was accomplished through sheer luck, never mind my idiocy.

  I hadn’t wanted to push things since we were just getting to know one another better so our date had ended with a chaste kiss on her doorstep and a promise of seeing her in a couple of days. Those couple days turned into a whole week after I was tapped to go on a run to our club in Tallahassee. They needed a hand down there with something and so I went. What a fuckin’ shithole that place was. They were basically hanging out in a rented space in a strip mall. It was nothing like what the mother chapter in West Virginia had and certainly wasn’t anywhere near what we had going for us in Charleston either. Tallahassee was struggling, and trying to find their footing still, but they’d just had a change in leadership and that’s why we had been asked to go. They needed some help throwing out the garbage. The last president had gotten greedy and while his club floundered in the squalor he’d left them in, he had been living the high life down in the Florida Keys with his new woman – one of their previous club whores – and damn near all the chapter’s money.

  They now had new leadership, one less problem, and most of their money back in their coffers. Normally, I would have stuck around to hang out with my brothers there, but I had another date with Lucy to get home to. I was also thankful she said yes after I explained about having to go to Florida to help out with club business. I’d been afraid she would be mad at me. Instead, she just took in stride the same way she had the trip to the strip club we’d taken. If that was how she would handle club life, I couldn’t have chosen better for an old lady and she was definitely making the waiting I’d done for her worthwhile.

  I was hoping that this time I would actually woo her without the drama bombs of strippers, live action threesomes on my desk, and the worry that I both lived and worked in a crazy sexed-up place. Hell, after the story Stiff had told her to get rid of me before, I figured she’d be running scared from how our first date turned out. When I called her after I got back from the run to make sure she was okay the crazy girl had asked when we were going to do it again.

  I knocked on her door even though I felt like a fuck of a fool standing there with flowers in my hands. Her father answered. Not exactly the person I wanted to see. He called out to Lucy and slammed the door in my face. That fucker was testing my patience. I could even hear him on the other side of the door.

  “Why him?” He asked.

  “Because I enjoy my time with him,” she answered.

  “Lucy, I’m begging you, don’t do this. He’s not the one for you.”

  “How would you know who is or isn’t the one for me? Mom picked out Johnny for me. Did you not see how well that went? Maybe, you guys don’t know everything. Actually, considering how the two of you go at each other, I’m thinking you’re not the best people to tell me what kind of relationship I should or should not get into.” With that the door opened and she came bounding out while blowing a rogue strip of golden hair out of her face. She had most of it pulled back in a little clip on the side of her head that made her look absolutely fuckin’ adorable. I grinned at her when she noticed me, and then my grin transformed into a full blown smile as I watched her eyes light up and that smile of hers kick into full bloom when she noticed the flowers in my hand. “They’re beautiful,” she whispered as if speaking louder would somehow disturb the damn things.

  I shoved them forward so she could take them, and yeah, my tongue was tied and words wouldn’t come to me. I was awestruck by her beauty and her appreciation of the simple gesture I’d debated over while in the store earlier. After seeing her reaction, I felt like a tool for ever having debated it in the first place. The woman deserved flowers and if she would smile at me like that, I would see to it that she got flowers all the fuckin’ time.

  “Lucy, you look stunning,” I commented finally. A blush stole across her cheeks as she glanced down at herself. She was wearing a pair of tight dark wash blue jeans and a red halter style top that was both conservative in cut and tantalizing at the same time. The whores in the clubhouse who showed as much skin as possible could never get my motor running as hot as Lucy was at that moment in a classy, sassy, sexy looking ensemble that left plenty to the imagination while hinting at all the delicious things I might be able to discover underneath. Jesus. As soon as she turned to put the flowers inside I adjusted my cock in my pants so the fact that she was making me hard wouldn’t be as noticeable. Of course, that was about the same time her father poked his head back out the door and turned red in the face with anger.

  Whatever he’d been about to say died on his thinned out lips as he slammed the door in my face once more. “Daddy!” I heard Lucy hiss at him.

  “What?” he asked her in a grumpy voice.

  I heard her growl in frustration before she came to the door and pulled it open once more. “I’m so sorry about that,” she insisted, but I blew it off.

  “Don’t even apologize for that, Luce. One day, we may have a daughter too and if some asshole showed up drooling over her on my doorstep I’d probably do the same damn thing.” I could have sworn I heard a chuckle from inside as Lucy shut the door and beamed at me.

  “We might have a daughter?” She chewed nervously on her bottom lip and glanced up at me shyly from under her lashes as she asked. I just grinned back at her.

  “Play your cards right, and we might just start
trying tonight,” I offered with a wink.

  She slapped me playfully on the chest and laughed at the invitation. Sure, I’d said it as a joke, but fuck if a small part of me hadn’t meant every word though. If I could tie this woman to me for life right now, I’d do it. Not that I’d want to do it without her consenting, but damn, there was this strong urge building somewhere deep inside of me to make sure she never had a reason to leave me again like she had when we were both younger.

  “Now where are you taking me tonight?” She with a droll tone that sing-songed through her beautiful voice. To bad for her; the ridiculous, robotic, yet playful effect it was supposed to have was lost on me because she couldn’t hide that sweet southern draw I loved so much. “No, wait! Let me guess,” her eyes widened playfully as she thumped her index finger against her chin. “We’re going to a whore house. Probably not the best little one since we’re not in Texas, but I bet…”

  That was it. I reached over and started tickling her right there on her doorstep. “You have jokes?” I called out over her squeals. “Yeah, just for that I think that’s exactly where I’ll take you. Starting our family can wait until after I have a whore warm you up for me.”

  “Oh,” her eyes twinkled with delight. “You better make sure he isn’t as big as you so I won’t want to go back!”

  A deep base growl emanated from the recesses of my body as I smacked her ass. “No other men! I was talking about a woman and if she’s packing more than me we have a major problem.”

  “I’ll say,” she added, laughing at me as she tossed up two fingers held closely together. “Poor Double-D should have been given a tinier name.”

  “That’s enough sassy shit from you, Miss Lucy.” I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder so the top half of her body was dangling over my backside while my arms wrapped securely around her thighs to hold her in place.


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