Special Delivery: Father's Day: An Mpreg Romance Collection

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Special Delivery: Father's Day: An Mpreg Romance Collection Page 4

by Aria Grace

  by Colbie Dunbar



  “Enjoy your day, Dads.”

  I put the phone away, wishing I was with my parents, but they were on vacation and I had to be at work tomorrow. This was the first year my sister and I were apart from our fathers on Father’s Day. It shouldn’t have been a big deal as we all lived less than ten minutes from one another and usually got together for a big Sunday lunch.

  But I’d broken up with my alpha boyfriend six months ago, and every time I thought I was over it, a niggling reminder crept up on me. And it had happened this morning when I woke up, and I wanted to be with my family more than anything.

  I couldn’t even phone my little sis, Daisy. She was a nurse and had taken on an extra shift so her colleague could visit his own dad.

  I was halfway through a jog in my local park, but after the phone conversation with my fathers, I gave up and collapsed onto a bench. Hot, sweaty, and tired after not getting much sleep, I eyed a coffee truck set up under a shady tree. The tantalizing aroma of freshly brewed beans wafted over me.

  Do I have the energy to walk over there?

  There was a line of people waiting to order, so I closed my eyes and waited. The warm summer sun on my face combined with the prospect of getting a caffeine high had me feeling better.

  But as I stretched out my legs and inhaled, another aroma overshadowed the scent of pine trees, gardenias, and roses growing in rows behind me, as well as the pungent smell of coffee. This one was mature and spiky and had the hairs on my arms standing up.

  Opening one eye, I stared at an alpha wandering along the path with a younger omega. Much younger. The alpha had to be in his 40s while his omega companion was barely twenty.

  The older guy had one arm draped over the omega’s shoulder while his other hand held a steaming cup of coffee. He was whispering something into his companion’s ear and the omega was laughing. No, not true. He was giggling.

  I want that! Not just the caffeine. I wanted that tall dark drink of water who was enjoying the company of the youthful omega. I pulled my cap down over my face and peeked out the side. He wasn’t dressed for exercise, but his jeans hugged his ass beautifully. Nice! Why were all the gorgeous ones taken?

  The pair sat onto a bench a short distance from me. I strained to hear what they were saying, but they were mumbling and I could only hear an occasional word. But one of them was coffee!

  That got my butt in gear, and without glancing at the pair, I sauntered toward the truck. There were a few people ahead of me, and as I waited, goosebumps prickled over my skin as that delicious aroma from earlier curled around me, tickling my nostrils, while a rustling behind me told me I was no longer the last in line.

  Resisting the urge to turn around, I attempted to control my breathing. But a telltale flush crept over my face, neck, and shoulders, and my body tingled. Get a grip, Avery. He’s taken. It’s not as though it’s going to lead to anything.

  “Nice day.” The voice reminded me of thick dark caramel dripping from a wooden spoon. Both knees wobbled as I shivered and my body swayed. A strong hand grabbed my shoulder. “Whoa! You okay?”

  “Fine,” I managed to say. “Too much sun.” But as I glanced in the direction of that husky voice, it wasn’t the sun that made me dizzy. It was a pair of dazzling green eyes that were drilling into me. “Oh God!” I crossed both arms over my chest as if they would protect me from his all-seeing gaze.

  “Are you sure you’re alright? Maybe you need to sit down?”

  “I will once I get my drink.” Though with the alpha beside me causing heated blood to pulse through my veins, I wasn’t sure I’d ever be okay again.

  “Next, please.”

  I ordered an Americano. No coffee could compete with the alpha, but a jolt of espresso might bring me to my senses.

  “Did you drive to the park…?” The alpha let the words hang in the air, and it took my befuddled brain a few seconds to work out he was asking for my name.

  “Avery. Ummm… no.”


  As I paid for my coffee, I stuck my nose into the cup and inhaled. What now? Despite my confused thoughts, it was odd he was ordering another drink. Hadn’t I seen him with a coffee earlier?

  I needed to say goodbye and walk away. My life was complicated enough without falling for an alpha who was in a relationship. And one thing I vowed never to do was wound someone the way I had been.

  “Do you come here often, Avery?”

  Now If I’d said that, it would have come off as lame. But coming from those gorgeous plump lips, it seemed perfectly natural. “Sometimes. Normally I’d be with my parents on Father’s Day, but they’re on vacation and my sister’s working.”

  Todd raised a brow, and he mumbled something I didn’t quite catch but it sounded like, “Shame you’re spending Father’s Day alone.”

  “It’s fine. I’m a grown-up.” My gaze flicked to Todd’s… friend or whatever he was who was checking his phone. I hoped the alpha didn’t think I was referring to him. Maybe in a way I was. Not sure why it bugged me. They were adults and hopefully both consenting to the relationship.

  “I can catch up on work.” I stared at my coffee, hoping it’d give me inspiration as to how to prolong the conversation, but it ignored me. “Well, it was nice meeting you, Todd.”

  “You too, Avery. See you around.”

  I strolled past the parking lot, desperate to take a peek at Todd as my mind went over his words. Where would I see him again? Unless he was a jogger, I doubt that would be happening.

  I sensed his eyes on me with every step, and it took all my strength not to swivel around and ask him what he was doing. But as I walked across the road toward my place, and took another sip of my drink, I scolded myself. What in the hell was that? He’s involved with someone—a much younger someone—so I have to ignore him. Whatever game he was playing, I wanted no part in it.

  Not being able to resist one last peek, I glanced back. Todd and his omega were sitting on the bench. I squinted and it seemed as though the alpha was looking in my direction. I’ve dodged a bullet. The last thing I needed to get over my broken heart was a player who dangled multiple omegas at arm’s length.



  “He’s cute.”

  “Who?” I asked.

  “Oh come on,” Jamie scoffed. “I saw you peeking.”

  “You mean that sweaty jogger who’s just finished his run? Pfft! Hardly noticed him.”

  Jamie sniggered. “It’s okay. You’re allowed to look at omegas when you’re with me.” He paused and nodded at a park bench. “Let’s sit for a while. It’s a beautiful day.”

  “I see what you’re doing.” But while I was protesting, I was side-eying the omega whose T-shirt was stuck to his chest, outlining the impressive abs beneath it. A whoosh of air escaped my lips as the guy wriggled his ass on the hard wooden seat. I wish I was that bench and he was rubbing his butt on me!

  The omega appeared to be in his early to mid-30s, a decade younger than me. A pair of wrap-around sunglasses hid his eyes, but I lowered my gaze to his crotch. A bulky ridge at the front of his running shorts had me gulping, trying to get oxygen into my lungs as I imagined getting on my knees, peeling off his shorts and underwear, and having his cock spring out and hit me in the face.

  My eyes were glued to him as he stood and walked toward a coffee truck.

  Jamie leaned toward me and whispered, “You know what I’d love?” He nodded toward people waiting outside the truck.

  “But you didn’t want one earlier… wait… I get it. You’re so transparent.”

  He shrugged. “No idea what you’re talking about, but an iced coffee sounds good right about now.”

  “Oh my God, you’re shameless,” I told him. But instead of making him get his own drink, I got up and followed the jogger. I could tell the moment he sensed me behind him. His shoulders, covered in a sheen of sweat, were covered in tiny goosebump spikes. God, I’
d do anything to lean over and run my tongue over the peaks while savoring the saltiness of perspiration.

  “Nice day.” I mentally kicked myself for opening my mouth. What was that about? But whether it was my ridiculous comment or perhaps he had low blood sugar, the guy started to sway, and I grabbed him before he collapsed.

  The omega—whose name turned out to be Avery—tried to convince me he was fine, which I didn’t believe, and we got to talking. After getting his drink, he stood uncertainly while I waited for Jamie’s iced coffee. But he muttered goodbye and turned on his heel. Just like that.

  There was no exchange of phone numbers, no sharing of last names so I could find him on social media and pore over his posts and photos. He probably wouldn’t have given it to me. I was just a stranger buying a coffee.

  As I sat beside Jamie and handed him his drink, I shaded my eyes against the summer sun, regretting life’s missed opportunities. My gaze was fixed on Avery as though trying to memorize every detail. He walked out of the park, rather than driving, and I tucked that information away. Lives close by, unless the poor guy’s homeless.

  Jamie interrupted my daydreams. “He probably jogs here often.”

  “Mmmm.” I couldn’t take my eyes off Avery as he crossed the road. And then he glanced at us. Was he looking at me? Nah, he was probably making sure I wasn’t following him. “Sometimes. He said sometimes.”

  “I’m thinking you need to start jogging. You won’t see 40 again.”

  “Ouch! Thanks for that. And for your information, I’m in pretty good shape. I work out most days at the gym.”

  “On the treadmill, but you could be out in the fresh air.” He inhaled and grinned.

  “You’re ridiculous, Jamie.”

  “I take after you.” He checked his phone. “But we should go if we want to catch that movie before I head to work.”

  Two days later, not long after the sun rose over the horizon, I drove past my gym and headed for the park. Today was a work day so I had no idea if Avery was a morning or evening jogger. Sunday didn’t count. I might jog every day at different times and miss him. I’d be fit, though, so that was a plus.

  I couldn’t hang around the entrance—I had to put in the work— so I chose a path that wound through a wooded area of the park and finished by circling around a small lake, covered with pink and purple water lilies bobbing on the surface. Running outside was very different to standing on a treadmill in an air-conditioned gym while catching up on my favorite TV show.

  I soon lost all sense of time as I concentrated on a podcast. I’d obviously chosen an unpopular route as I passed very few other joggers. Or maybe they knew something I didn’t. I shivered while running along the path covered in shadows, and I peered over my shoulder, wondering if ghostly shapes were hidden in the darkness.

  As I circled the lake, my knees complaining and drenched in sweat, I spied a runner heading toward me. It’s just another early morning jogger. I barely registered the figure clad in gray running gear and blinked sweat from my eyes as I thought about the shower I’d have when I got home.

  But as a familiar scent struck me, I glanced up and gazed at the face I’d been longing to see. Our eyes locked on one another, and I edged over to the right to give him room to pass me. Except I wanted to turn around and follow him like a stalker.

  But with my eyes on Avery, I wasn’t paying attention and tripped on a rock, causing me to lose my balance. “Shit.” I lurched to one side, my arms grasping at air, but my frantic efforts to save myself were pointless and I toppled into the water, disturbing a family of ducks who squawked loudly at the interruption.

  I surfaced and spat out a mouthful of water and weeds to be met with Avery’s contorted face as he doubled over. Is he in pain or laughing at me?

  “You okay?” he snorted.

  I spat out a mouthful of pond scum. “Peachy.” I was standing knee-deep in cloudy pond water that tasted of God only knows what.

  Avery patted his hair and giggled. “Huh?”

  “You’ve got a water lily on your head.” Perfect. My crowning glory. I waded out, squelching dirty water with every step and grumbling about my possibly ruined sneakers.

  Avery smirked and covered his mouth but couldn’t stop another snort from escaping. That became a giggle until it turned into a guffaw.

  “Glad you find this amusing,” I grumbled.

  “You should see yourself.” He picked the purple flower off my head. “Do you need a lift home?” Avery asked. “Or did you drive?”

  “I have my car.” Shit! The remote. Luckily, my phone had a waterproof case, but when I pulled the remote from my dripping-wet back pocket, I was convinced I wouldn’t be driving home.

  Waddling rather than walking, I headed to the parking lot with Avery at my side. His scent was masked by the musky, dirty stench of brown water that trickled down my back and legs. “I must stink.”

  “Yeah, you do.”

  Gee thanks. You’re a real pal.



  Todd fumbled for the keyless remote in his back pocket.

  “I’m pretty sure that’s not going to work,” I said as he pressed it repeatedly. “Give it here.” I used my T-shirt to dry it. “You’ll probably need a new battery. Tell you what, why don’t you come to my place—it’s just around the corner— and you can shower and I can give you my spare battery.”

  He hesitated and I continued, “Or I’ll just hose you down in the front yard if you want.”

  “Thanks. That’s kind of you. For the offer of the shower, not the hosing down thing,” he said as he inspected his soggy sneakers.

  When we got to my place, I took Todd’s things while he removed most of the mud and stink with the hose while I imagined him naked. “While you’re having a shower, I’ll try and save the remote.”

  He studied his dripping jogging shorts and tee. “Maybe I shouldn’t come in. I might ruin the floor.”

  “Stay right there.” I grabbed a towel and handed it to him. “Wrap that around you and take off the wet clothes.”

  He raised a brow. “Are you trying to get me naked?”

  Shit. He’s on to me. It was all I’d been thinking about in the two days since we’d met, but now it was happening, it didn’t seem real. I shrugged. “Suit yourself.”

  He outstretched his arm for the towel, and as he grasped it, his fingers brushed mine. He froze and our eyes locked on one another. For a few seconds, the world tilted on its side and nothing else existed until he cleared his throat and said, “Thanks.”

  I stood with hands on hips as he wrapped the towel around his waist. My eyes were fixed on his long fingers as they gripped the terry cloth, while he shuffled his feet and water spilled out of his sneakers. He twirled his index finger. “Can you turn around, please?”

  “Fine.” I did as he asked. There was a rustling and squelching, and finally Todd announced he was done. “Give me those clothes and I’ll wash them. And leave your shoes outside.” Stifling a moan, I allowed my eye to rake over his bulging abs. I had to get away from him before I did something crazy such as yanking the towel off.

  I kept my eyes off his crotch and then led Todd inside to the bathroom. After handing him a second towel, I left him to it and threw his clothes into the machine. Leaving a sweatshirt and pants outside the bathroom door, I made coffee and grabbed the box of donuts I’d picked up at the local bakery before my run.

  The bathroom door clicked as I stood near the front window sipping coffee and nibbling on the sweet pastry. It was almost eight o’clock, and while I worked from home and didn’t have to deal with morning rush hour, I suspected Todd had somewhere to be.

  I thought about how different this would be if the young omega were not in the picture. It could lead to something or nothing or perhaps a quick fuck and goodbye. “Wasn’t sure if you had time to eat.”

  “Normally, I wouldn’t. But I have a ten o’clock meeting outside of the office so I don’t need to leave home until nine or 9



  I avoided glancing at Todd as I handed him a mug and shoved the box of glazed goodies over the kitchen island. But as his longer slender fingers hovered over a chocolate donut, I caught sight of the sweatpants that were halfway up his calf. A giggle burst from my lips.

  “Something wrong?” he asked.

  With one hand over my mouth, I pointed with the other. “Sorry, it’s just you’re so tall and the sweatpants are so short.”

  “I can take them off, if you like.”

  Is that a smirk? He’s enjoying this. My face flamed and the laughter caught in my throat and became a coughing spasm. “Nah. It’s okay.”


  Okay, this has to stop. “Look, Todd. I enjoy harmless flirting, but this is teetering toward something else.”

  “That’s what I’m hoping.”


  He held up both hands in surrender and a stream of coffee shot out of the mug over him and a floor rug. “Shit! I’m sorry. I’ll clean up the mess.”

  “It’s fine. I’ll do it. The short wash cycle should be done. Your running gear will be wet but at least they’ll be clean.” I stalked to the laundry closet and flung the wet clothing at him.

  “Anyone would think you’re trying to get me naked. Or do you want to get rid of me?”

  And there we were back where we’d started. But I wasn’t having any of it so I made an excuse. “I have a conference call scheduled in fifteen minutes.”

  He sighed. Good, he recognized a brush-off when it slapped him in the face. “Thanks for the help,” he mumbled.

  “You’re forgetting one thing.”

  I nudged the box over the island. “The chocolate one with sprinkles is the best.”

  With the donut shoved in his mouth and wearing his damp clothing, he took his remote, mumbled a goodbye, and raced out.


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