Married to a Brownsville Bully 1

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Married to a Brownsville Bully 1 Page 1

by Jahquel J

  Married To A Brownsville Bully

  Jahquel J.

  Copyright © 2018

  Published by Urban Chapters Publications


  Any unauthorized reprint or use of the material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage without express permission by the publisher. This is an original work of fiction. Name, characters, places and incident are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  Contains explicit languages and adult themes

  suitable for ages 16+


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  A Note From The Author

  Book 49! I keep recounting to make sure I didn’t over count or miss anything, but this is book 49 for Jahquel J. I appreciate you all for sticking with me through everything. I came into this industry in 2014 and came right into love and support from everyone. I’m not just talking about you readers, I’m talking about all the authors who support my work and shout me out too. It’s much appreciated, and I see you. Keep on pushing, Queens and Kings, we got this.

  Now, about this book. I’ve had six storylines for this book and this is the only one that I fell in love with. Golden is hardheaded, stubborn and independent. She’s also loving, caring and will give her last to help someone out. I absolutely loved writing about Golden and Gyan. Like I tell you with every book, I write based on how it comes to me. This book is what I like to call the introductions to the characters. There’s so much drama, but you’re still getting to know the characters as well. This series will be a two-book series, and I will be coming with book two the first week of June Fingers crossed

  With Yoshon, he’s older, mature and just wants a family. He has experienced heartbreak and that’s why he’s perfect for Golden. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’ve been making all my characters a tad bit older. If they aren’t in their early thirties, they’re in their late thirties. Yoshon is thirty-eight and a grown ass man, so you won’t find that young back and forth ish with him. He knows what he wants and has no problem going after it.

  Enough of me babbling. Here’s the book and I just wanted to thank you all for supporting me and my publishing company as well. We appreciate it.

  Much Love,


  Be sure to join my reader’s group on Facebook Jahquel’s we reading or nah?

  Yolani - YO – LA- NEE

  Yoshon - YO – SHAWN


  “What do you mean he’s being released in two months? Ho…How could this have happened?” I panicked as the detective sat in front of me and told me life-shattering news.

  “You husband has powerful connections and his lawyer has pulled some strings. They filed an appeal and my connections told me that he could be out in under two months. I felt the need to warn you because we worked so closely together during your case,” the detective explained.

  Her explanation didn’t make any of her news better. In fact, it made my heart pound out my chest and caused me to look over my son playing so peacefully in the play area of the McDonalds we chose to meet at.

  “This man has raped and beat my ass in front of our child. Then, he almost killed me, and you’re telling me that he’s set to be released in two months.”

  “Golden, I’m sorry. I’m sorry that this is happening to you. Your husband is rich and has people in high places. You couldn’t have thought that he would be behind bars forever.”

  “Not forever. I did, however, think that the judicial system would do something to protect me and my son.”

  She dropped her head. I could tell that she was disappointed, but there was nothing that she could do about it. “I suggest you get out of town, Golden. Take you and Gyan and move away and start a new life.”

  “Start a new life? With what money? He has blocked me from everything. I’ve been trying to make ends meet with the little bit of savings that I do have.”

  Reaching into her pocket, she peeled off a couple hundred dollars. “Take it and get it out of town. Virginia isn’t safe for you anymore.

  “With seven hundred dollars? The three hundred dollars you gave me and the four hundred I have left in the hotel?”

  “My hands are tied, Golden. I wasn’t supposed to tell you this bit of information just yet. I thought you should know so you can get yourself and your son out of town.” She stood up, embraced me and then headed out the restaurant.

  I sat there with the weight of my world on my shoulders. A year ago, I had a home, car and anything my heart desired. My son was in one of the best private schools, and all I did was shop. My husband, Grand, made sure I got every and anything I wanted. Money wasn’t an object and I ate it all up. After all, I’ve been with him since I turned eighteen. He was my first in everything and you couldn’t tell me that I wasn’t making the best decision of my life. I left New York City, and left my grandmother behind. She disapproved of Grand, and if I would have known then what I know now, I would have listened to her. She told me he was trouble and that I shouldn’t get involved with him, but when you’re young, you’re dumb as shit. At that time, I was eighteen with a man handing me large amounts of money, clothes and anything else I wanted. All I had to do was snap my fingers, and he would make it happen.

  At twenty, I had our son Gyan, and my entire world changed. I had a little baby looking into my eyes that depended on me. When I brought him to New York to visit my grandmother, she begged for me to leave. I mean, I did show up to her house wearing a pair of thick Chloe glasses that hid a black eye. Not even two weeks after my son was born, Grand put his hands on me for falling asleep before fixing our son a bottle. Right then and there, I should have removed myself and my son, but I didn’t. After each hit, an apology came and eventually an engagement ring came, then a wedding ring. I married this stupid son of a bitch and the abuse stopped. My grandmother cut me out of her life and I hadn’t spoken to her since that day she called me a ‘damn dummy.’ The day before our wedding I made him promise that he wouldn’t put his hands on me anymore. For what it’s worth, he hadn’t hit me for a full four years.

  For my twenty-fifth birthday, he sent me away on vacation with my girlfriends. The night before, I felt bad being away from my husband on my day. I decided to surprise him and come home early. Imagine my surprise when I walk into our home and he’s laid up with a chick in our theater room watching a movie. The woman had on my pajama set and she had a baby in a bassinet beside them. How would you react? I reacted like every woman in America would have. I beat the living shit out the woman and hauled off and slapped my husband. Grand knew I was serious when I took our son and stayed at a hotel suite. I had no other family and the friends I did have I made through Grand. All my girlfriends were his friend’s wives, so where could I go? They weren’t about to stand up to the men that financed their lives, so I took my son and checked into a hotel.

  After about a week, Grand blocked our credit cards. Still, I used the cash to stay another week until I had no choice but to head home and talk about what went down. Not only did Grand have an affair on me, but he had a daughter with the bitch. He told me
how I was going to learn my place and to start respecting his child’s mother. He said this while yelling and pointing his hands in my face while our son watched. When he had enough of my mouth, he knocked me in the mouth and continued to beat the shit out of me while our son cried and tried to fight him off me. After he put our son in his bedroom and locked the door, he dragged me to our bedroom and continued to beat the shit out of me until it aroused him. That’s when he raped me in the middle of our white fur rug. I had never been so violated in my life. Having the man who was supposed to love and cherish you, violate you right there in the room that was supposed to be sacred for the both of you.

  When he was done, he pulled his pants up, spit on me and told me to fix myself and to feed his son. Soon as he left out the door, I grabbed my son and went to the police station and pressed charges on him. I went through everything to make sure he didn’t see the day of light. When he was sentenced to five years, it was the happiest day of my life. Now, six months later and he was getting out because he knew people in high places. Now, I had to figure out how I was going to survive off seven hundred dollars with a child? My phone deterred me from my thoughts as it rang loudly in the pockets of the sweats I wore.

  “Hey,” I answered.

  “What did she say?” Grand’s sister was the only person that didn’t agree with what her brother did.

  “Your brother found a way to get out way earlier than his sentence. She couldn’t tell me much except get out of town.”

  “Get out of town? Golden, what are you going to do? You can’t stay in Virginia.” Teri panicked.

  “Teri, I feel like giving up,” I sobbed and put my head in my hand. My son was five and was smart. He wasn’t a dumb child and it was because life had caused him to grow up quickly. These six months he had to grow up more than ever.

  “Listen, you need to go to New York until you can figure out what to do. New York is too big for him to find you there. Last he was saying; he was moving Tamika into the house with their daughter. I’m going to have Sam get you a bucket from his dealership and I’ll give you some cash to last you.”

  “I appreciate you so much, Teri.”

  “Bring Gyan over here so I can see him. I know I’m not going to see you guys for a while,” she told me and I sighed.

  Teri always had my back. She knew living with her brother was the devil and had no problem speaking on when he was wrong. Unlike the rest of their family, Teri didn’t live off her brother’s money. Her husband owned a string of dealerships throughout Richmond, Virginia. Grand’s mama always took his side because he paid for her life. Not Teri, she hated how he treated me and how he cheated on me. There were rumors that he cheated on me, but I never paid them any mind. Apparently, Grand was cheating on me and had a few children too.

  “I will,” I promised.

  If I knew Grand, he wasn’t going to wait two months. He was going to push his lawyers to get him out sooner, so I needed to move quickly. Grabbing Gyan, I quickly got into a cab and headed to our motel.

  “Mommy, where are we going?” he questioned as I packed all our things into our bags. I made sure I didn’t leave anything behind.

  “We’re going on a little trip. It’ll be fun,” I offered him a weak smile.

  “I’ll follow you anywhere, Mommy.” He smiled and caused my heart to skip a beat. Gyan was truly my heart and I loved him with all of me.

  “You have no choice, kid,” I winked.

  After I packed all our things, Teri was downstairs waiting for us. She told me not to bother coming to her house, and she would meet us at the motel. When I got downstairs with Gyan, she had a 2004 Nissan Maxima waiting.

  “What’s this?”

  “This is your new car. Sam has it registered in his sister’s name, so you’re good.”

  Tears fell down my cheeks as I looked at Teri. “You know I’m going to miss you, right?”

  “I’m going to miss you too, babe. Especially my nephew, but when the time is right, we’ll see each other. Just keep me posted with a quick message, so I know you’re alright.”

  “I will…” my voice trailed off.

  “Gold, you’re doing this for your son. He’s what you need to be focused on. Grand is poison, and Gyan doesn’t need to see that.” She pulled me into a tight hug. “When are you planning on leaving?”

  Taking a deep breath, I looked up at our motel room. “Tonight.”

  “Tonight? Why so soon?”

  “Your brother is going to push to be released sooner. He’s not a man with much patience.”

  “And this is why he should of married you and done right by you. You’ve always had his best interest at heart.” She bent down and kissed Gyan. “I love you, baby boy and don’t you forget that.”

  “I love you too, Auntie.” He kissed her back.

  Standing up, she stared at me as she wiped tears from her eyes. “Here’s some money. Please text me an emoji from whatever new phone you get. I’ll know it’s you.”

  “I’ll be sure to send you an eggplant emoji,” I tried to lighten the mood.

  “Only you, Golden. I’m gonna miss you, my sweet sister.” She hugged me once more. Her Uber pulled into the parking lot and she handed me over the keys. “I love you both,” she sniffled.

  “Love you too, Teri. This isn’t goodbye,” I told her. If it was in God’s plans, we will cross paths again.

  Teri watched us through the window as the car pulled out of the parking lot. Taking Gyan’s hand, we headed back to our room to continue packing. Gyan took a bath and I showered then we changed into some comfy clothes before we checked out and got on the road. Before getting on the road, we stopped at CVS and grabbed some snacks for the road, then hit the road.

  “Baby boy, new beginnings.”

  “New Beginnings, Mom.” He smiled as we pulled out the CVS parking lot and got on the road. Richmond, Virginia had been my home since I was eighteen, and now I was heading back to where I truly belonged; New York City.



  Six Months later….

  “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” I yelled as I rushed into Gyan’s classroom. It was parent-teacher conference and I was over an hour late.

  “It’s fine, Ms. Stewarts,” she smiled. “Gyan told me that you work at Starbucks and white people love their coffee,” his teacher repeated, and I couldn’t hide my embarrassment.

  “Gyan, stop repeating everything you hear,” I scolded him slightly and sat down at her desk. “How’s he doing?”

  “Gyan is a pleasure to have. We love having him in our school and he’s so smart to be six years old.”

  “Thank you. On my time off, I try to tutor him and make sure he knows his stuff. He’s always been a happy and smart child.”

  “I can see. This meeting is short and sweet, just keep doing whatever you’re doing. As his teacher, I appreciate it.” She smiled as I shook her hand. She was a young, black woman with short natural hair.

  “No, thank you. I’m sorry again for being late. It won’t happen at the next conference,” I assured her as I grabbed Gyan’s backpack and we headed out of her classroom.

  As we walked out of the school’s building, I smiled. My son had witnessed so much and he still managed to be a rock star in school. Nothing seemed to surprise me with him anymore.

  “You’re awesome.” I smiled.

  “I know,” he laughed.

  “Guess what?” I asked when we got closer to the car.


  “I got you some new sneakers,” I popped the trunk and showed him the Nike box. “You thought I forgot all about your birthday gift, huh?”

  “Mommy, you didn’t have to,” he told me, which made me feel worse.

  Since moving to New York, it hadn’t been easy. I went crawling back to my grandmother, only to find out she died two years prior. It hit me like a ton of bricks that the only family I had was now six feet under. Grand put so much in my head about my grandmother that after she cut me off, I didn
’t bother to call or keep in contact. After the shock of that hit me, I had to find us somewhere to live. How could I do that when I barely had money? We stayed in hotels for the first few months but then money dried up. I had to get a job at Starbucks and enroll Gyan in school. For his birthday last month, I couldn’t afford to buy him what I wanted to. Instead, I got him an action figure off the clearance rack at target. As a mother, my heart was crushed hearing my son tell me what I didn’t have to do, all because he knew money was tight.

  “Gyan, don’t tell me what I don’t have to do. I want you to have them, so you can look fresh,” I smiled.

  “Thanks, Mommy. I love them.” He hugged me tightly.

  “You’re welcome, baby.”

  As we piled into the car, he moved his Superman comforter and pillow over and buckled himself in. I hated that we slept in our car, but that was all I could afford. A studio apartment in New York was over a thousand dollars, and the shelters were all overcrowded. I refused to put my baby in the shelter. Our car wasn’t perfect, but it was home to us. It kept us warm and safe from being robbed in the homeless shelter. I was going to make a way to get us a roof over our head. I worked every shift that was offered to me and didn’t turn none down. When Gyan was with me, he would sit in the corner seat with his books while I worked. He understood that I needed the hours and the money for us to live. One thing I prided my baby on was never going to bed hungry. He went to bed with a full stomach and we went to my job right before school, so he could wash up.

  Like the detective said, Grand was released early on probation. He couldn’t leave the state and had a bunch of limitations. Soon as I crossed over into Delaware, I tossed my phone out the window while driving on the bridge. All I had now was a cheap android phone that I used to keep in contact with Teri. She called once a week and updated me on things. Teri thought we had an apartment, I worked a good job, and Gyan was in private school. I lied and told her all those things because I didn’t want her feeling like she had to send me money. She and Sam had kids of their own and mouths to feed. I laid down and had my son, so I needed to be grown enough to provide for him. Every morning and every night, I continued to tell myself that it wasn’t for forever. I would be up on my luck and wouldn’t have to live like this. Grabbing my ringing cell, I saw my co-worker’s number flash across the screen.


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