The Alpha's Promise

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The Alpha's Promise Page 11

by Raven Darkwing

  Ricky pulled the blanket up higher to cover his brother as he leaned forward to brush a lock of stray white hair from his sibling’s cheek. Normally Sandy would have woken by now, but he continued to sleep. For the first time, Ricky realized that his brother might not only be safe, but he must also feel safe. If he was honest with himself, there was nothing these wolves had done to hint that they wanted his brother in the same way Alpha Clifton had. In fact, he’d noticed genuine affection for his brother from the Alpha and his brothers.

  Assured that his brother was safe, Ricky quietly left the room and stood in the hallway. He rubbed his hand over the tattoo on his arm as he tried to figure out what exactly had happened. But nothing came to mind. Of course, it was just one more reason why the Alpha wouldn’t want him as his true mate. For a moment he thought back to how his body had reacted to the Alpha’s touch. Maria had told him enough for him to realize that his reactions to the Alpha and the way the wolf looked at him meant they were true mates. But he also knew the Alpha did not have to accept him. In fact, he might be better off if he didn’t.

  Yet as he thought about never being claimed by the big Alpha, Ricky felt the loneliness that always lingered grow until he thought it would swallow him whole. He touched his lips for a moment, remembering the taste of the Alpha as he plundered his mouth. The gentle touch on his skin, that caused him even now to get hard. If only he had met Alpha Grant first things could have been so different. Something in him needed to believe that it wasn’t too late as he made his way down the hall towards the kitchen. Maybe he and Sandy had found a home after all.

  Voices echoed down the empty hallway. Ricky recognized the Alpha’s voice along with the voices of his brothers. He paused for a moment just outside the kitchen. He didn’t want to intrude on the brothers. But before he could turn to leave he heard his name.

  “You know Ricky is your Semme’ mate, Grant.” Jason’s voice was low and soothing. “I’ve done some research and the only way to stop Alpha Clifton from taking him or having him killed as a rogue is for you to officially claim him as your mate. Semme’ mates trump the mark he bears of the Willow Creek Pack and it’s Alpha.”

  There was silence for a moment before Ricky heard Grant’s strong voice. “I can’t claim him Jason. The man is damaged beyond anything I am able to fix!” The sound of a fist hitting the table made Ricky jump, even as his eyes filled with tears. He listened as his last hope of having true love disintegrated. Of course the Alpha didn’t want him, who would after what he’d allowed his former pack to do to him.

  “Alpha Clifton has no claim on Sandy. As an Omega, he can join any pack he chooses. But by declaring Ricky a rogue, he has signed the man’s death warrant and you know this,” David responded.

  “Sandy has asked for sanctuary for him and his brother and I have given it,” Alpha Grant stated. “No one will harm any who has been placed under my protection.”

  A soft sigh filled the room. “It’s not that easy and you know it, Grant. We also signed the treaty with the humans. If you don’t kill Ricky or return him to Willow Creek Pack for retribution, then you could bring war to us. Are you sure you want that?” Jason asked softly.

  Ricky didn’t wait to hear any more of the conversation. He walked quickly towards the front door of the house, his steps determined. It was clear Sandy would be safe with this pack and had already settled in. The only way he could truly protect his brother was to make sure that war did not come to this pack.

  He paused by the door to an office. From the looks of it, he guessed it belonged to Alpha Grant. As he searched the desk for a pen and paper, he glanced at the moonlight coming through the window as it splashed across the desk. As the light moved higher to the tattoo on his arm, he swore he felt a slight pulsing but shook his head as he continued to write.

  Once he’d finished, he placed the note where he was sure the Alpha would find it. With one last glance back towards the room where his brother slept, Ricky did the hardest thing he’d ever done in his life. He shut down his emotions and walked out the door. Hopefully with distance the strange connection between him and his brother would fade, along with the memory of him.

   

  Grant glared at his brothers. How dare they question his ability to protect his pack? “They would not dare to challenge me. These lands have long been recognized as sanctuary for all regardless of their past. Besides, from what I’ve heard, Ricky was never given an opportunity to state his side of the story. You heard what he told us, Alpha Crazy thinks he is going to use Ricky to control his brother. Can you imagine what that would mean to not only the shifter world, but to all the other paranormals and humans?”

  “I understand the risk, but will the rest of the pack be willing to make the sacrifice that might be necessary?” Jason continued as he stood from his chair. “What you are willing to risk is a lot for one you don’t want to take as your mate.” Jason jumped as a chair sailed through the room and landed not far from him.

  “I never said I didn’t want Ricky, but how can I claim him when he becomes catatonic when we have sex?”

  “Wait, you had sex?” David sputtered. “With Ricky?”

  Grant rubbed a hand down his face as he returned to sit at the table. “That’s none of your business, brother,” he ground out even as he felt himself blushing like a virgin bride.

  “You did!” His middle brother chuckled. “Well, I’ll be; I never thought I’d see the day when my big brother would admit he used anything other than his left hand.”

  Jason slapped David on the back of the head. “Do you have to be so crude? Seriously, dude, you need to stop worrying so much about our brother and get yourself laid.”

  David rubbed his sore head and still laughed. “Never a problem for me. I’ve got numbers upon numbers to call whenever I feel the itch. But big brother here? The last time he got lucky electricity hadn’t yet been invented.”

  “Are you through?” Grant growled as he stood and glared at his brothers. He knew they were just trying to lighten the mood, but it wasn’t helping. Especially when all he could think about was the smooth alabaster skin on the man sleeping in his bed upstairs. The need to claim his mate was riding him hard but he just couldn’t put Ricky through any more trauma.

  “I’ve asked Father and Mother to come home. Maybe they’ll have some answers to the best way to proceed with our two new members. Until then, we’ll just have to stay vigilant. I doubt Alpha Clifton will act in any great haste. If he was going to do that, he would be here already.”

  Jason sighed. “That’s what has me worried.”

  “I’ve ordered some new hardware that should be here tomorrow. I’ll be upping the security on the grounds as well as on the house. Nothing will get in here without my knowing about it,” David said, as he stood and placed a hand on Grant’s shoulder. “Don’t worry big brother, Ricky is your Semme’ mate and I’m sure Gaia wouldn’t have given him to you if you didn’t have what was needed to help him. Now I’m going to bed because that order will be here bright and early tomorrow.”

  Grant watched as his two brothers left the kitchen and headed for their rooms. He stood and followed them, pausing briefly outside his own room. He placed his hand on the doorknob, but stepped back without opening the door. He’d have to talk to Ricky soon about the future of their relationship. Even if they couldn’t have sex, he still wanted the man in his life. Maybe he could find someone to help Ricky deal with what had happened to him. He’d have Jason check into a psychiatrist. He might not be able to claim his mate in the way of their kind, but he knew it didn’t matter because his heart had already bonded with the man.

  The Alpha collapsed onto the bed in the spare room. Tomorrow he’d talk to Ricky and make sure he understood that both he and his brother were now safe. Then he’d call a meeting of the Sentries to bring them up to speed on what was happening. Eventually he’d have to tell the rest of the pack. He’d give them the chance to stay or leave. Perhaps those who didn’
t want to fight could relocate to one of the other friendly packs he knew of. As thoughts of what he needed to do swirled through his mind, it was the vision of hazel eyes glazed in pleasure that finally allowed him to drift into a troubled sleep.

   

  Ricky was surprised at how easy it had been to walk away. He’d expected there to be guards around the house, but there hadn’t been any. As he continued the long walk towards the small town of Sugar Creek, he concentrated on keeping his emotions at bay. He’d learned long ago that his little brother somehow tapped into them. The truth was, he could also sense his brother. He knew when he was happy or when he was worried. It was one of the reasons he’d been able to leave. Sandy was happy for the first time in a long time.

  He glanced nervously around. If another wolf spotted him and knew he was rogue, he knew what would happen. Even though he didn’t understand how a human could be held to the ways of the shifters, he really didn’t want to test the theory. At this point he figured all he had to do was get to town, ‘borrow’ another car and get as far away as possible. With luck he could find a mechanic job in some small town and just disappear. He was just thankful that he’d healed enough to make the journey. Even though he still felt a bit weak and his back twinged now and then, he felt better than he had in years. Of course, his limp slowed him down a little, but with luck he’d make it to town within the next hour.

  As he walked around a curve, he stopped dead at the sight in front of him. For a moment he thought it was his imagination, but when the tall man in front of him smiled he knew it was his nightmare returned.

  “Well, look at what we have here. And I thought I’d just be leaving this note for that stupid Alpha of yours.” Biff chuckled as he held up a piece of paper before dropping it on the road.

  Ricky followed the path of the paper as he tried to figure out a way to escape. “You shouldn’t be here…”

  Biff shook his head. “Wrong, you’re the one who shouldn’t be here. Of course, it would have been better if your little brother was tagging along—he wouldn’t be running close by, would he?” The Beta of Willow Creek grabbed Ricky by the arm and yanked him forward. “Do you hear me, Sandy? If you’re out there, you need to come now, or I’ll make your big brother cry again.”

  “He’s not here, you bastard!” Ricky ground out as he tugged his arm away from the larger man’s grip. “Even if he was, there is no way he’d come to you. In fact, he’s probably most of the way back to the Alpha’s house getting help.”

  Biff stopped and stared at the woods for a moment before he turned to glare back at Ricky. “You’re bluffing, human!”

  “Stay and find out, Biff. Either way, you won’t be getting out of here in one piece—argh!” Ricky cried out as a fist slammed into his face. He felt his nose give way as he fell to the ground. Before he could try to get back on his feet the Beta grabbed him and began to run into the woods.

  “Let me go!” Ricky screamed as he beat against the muscular back.

  “Quiet, or I’ll do more than break your face. You forget yourself pet. Once I have you someplace safe, I guess I’ll have to remind you of the proper way to act.” Biff laughed as he continued to move further into the forest. Ricky remained quiet as he tried to figure out a way to slow the shifter down. Even with his added weight the Beta was able to move quickly through the brush. Ricky’s only hope was that the wolf wouldn’t be able to get out of the Windy River Pack territory before the Alpha could find him.

  Part of him wanted to use his connection to Sandy to alert his brother of his predicament, but then he realized bringing Sandy to him was what the bastard would want. In fact, he was probably counting on it. That was why he was leaving him conscious. He was hoping his sibling would follow. Ricky concentrated on quelling his feelings. There was no way he was going to allow these bastards to get their hands on his brother ever again. He’d kill himself before he allowed them to use him that way.

  Just when he thought his head was going to explode from being carried like a sack of potatoes, they came to an old logging road. Ricky’s heart sank as he saw a faded blue van parked on the side of the roadway. Before he could struggle further, he was dropped onto the ground and a fist connected with the side of his face. He couldn’t prevent his fall into darkness. Ricky could only hope that this time he wouldn’t wake up.



  HREE DAYS. IT HAD BEEN THREE DAYS SINCE GRANT HAD found the note left by his mate. As he sat at his desk, he glanced down at the paper in his hands for the hundredth time.

  Alpha Grant:

  I’m sorry for the trouble I’ve brought to you and your pack. All I ask is that you keep my little brother safe. He never asked for any of this. I believe you to be an honorable Alpha and that you meant what you said when you vowed to protect him. As long as I’m a rogue, I can’t be with him so I entrust his care to you. With this letter I revoke my rights as guardian for Sandy and make you his new legal guardian.

  I’m also sorry I couldn’t be the Semme’ you needed. But you’re right, I’m too weak and damaged. I would never be the mate you needed and will only bring you pain. I can’t and won’t be the reason that war is brought to you and your people.

  I thank you for making me feel safe for the first time in years. It is because of this that I release you from any claim and entrust you with my brother’s care. My only hope is that some day you will find someone else to stand by your side that is everything you deserve.

  Don’t look for me. It’s better this way.

  It didn’t take much to realize that somehow Ricky had overheard their conversation the other night. The doctor had told him his mate would be out for the rest of the night. But apparently the man had surprised them all again with his resiliency. He glanced at the other note on his desk and felt anger welling inside of him. It had been found when they had tried to track Ricky down. The scent of a strange wolf had been on the paper but the words clearly identified where the shifter had come from.

  Alpha Clifton was holding one of his pack hostage. The young boy, Roger, had been taken. A quick check with the boy’s father indicated he was supposed to be camping with some of the other young wolves of the pack. Dakota had gone up to the campsite only to find out the boy had never shown up. His girlfriend had been upset, but figured he’d had to stay home to help out. It had happened in the past so no one worried when he didn’t show up as expected.

  For the first time in his life, Grant felt out of control. His mate was missing, most likely taken by someone from the Willow Creek Pack and one of his own pack members had also been taken. Other shifters were sneaking into his territory, something he hadn’t had to worry about for over fifty years. It was an outright declaration of war by the Alpha of Willow Creek but instead of bringing the war to the Windy River Pack territory, he was forcing Grant to come to him. Well so be it. He would get his mate and pack member back and when he was done, Alpha Clifton would no longer be breathing much less leading the Willow Creek Pack.

  “Grant?” Jason said softly as he stuck his head into the office.

  “How’s he doing?” Grant asked as he rose and motioned for his brother to join him.

  “About how you’d expect; he misses his brother, Grant,” Jason replied as he took a seat. “But he has promised not to leave the house for any reason. I don’t know what you said to him, but for now at least, he’s going to follow your orders.”

  The Alpha smiled grimly. “I told him the truth. If he is captured by anyone from the Willow Creek Pack, his brother would be hurt worse than before. They would hurt him just to make Sandy obey them. Eventually they might even kill him.”

  Jason shook his head. “He’s only six years old, Grant!”

  “And he’s an Omega who needs to understand why his brother was made to suffer all these years. Did you know he blamed himself?” Grant ground out. He remembered the hard conversation he’d had with Sandy when they found Ricky missing. T
he boy of course wanted to immediately go after his brother, but when he found out his brother left without him he’d thought it was because Ricky blamed him. “The boy and my mate both should have been told more so they could make the right decisions. But instead, neither was told what to expect and look what happened!” Grant’s fist hit his desk.

  “He’s still not eating, Grant, and he won’t leave his room,” Jason continued as he rubbed a hand through his hair. “And have you noticed Sparky?”

  “What about him?” Grant asked as he glanced up at his brother.

  “He hasn’t been back here since the day Ricky threw him across the room. David tried calling him and Dakota stopped by the garage, but there’s no sign of him.”

  “Do you think he was taken, too?” Grant asked sharply.

  “I don’t know but it’s a possibility. He was acting strangely after the incident. If I didn’t know him better, I would have thought he was afraid of Ricky and his brother. I asked him to try to cheer up Sandy the day Ricky left, but he came up with a lame excuse of having work that needed to be done. Later that same day he disappeared.” Jason shook his head. “I don’t understand what could be wrong with him.”

  “I do,” David said quietly as he entered the room and sat down.


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