You Had Me at Hola

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You Had Me at Hola Page 27

by Alexis Daria

  At the edge of the dance floor, Jasmine waited with two people who could only be her parents. Her mother’s skin was a smooth golden brown like Jasmine’s, and they had the same sparkling eyes, but Jasmine’s smile was all her father’s, a handsome older man of medium height.

  When Ashton finally made it over to her, she began the introductions.

  “Ashton, this is my mother, Lisa, and my father, Julio.”

  “I’ve heard so much about you both,” Ashton said, and bit back a laugh at Jasmine’s alarmed expression.

  They both hugged him and told him to feel welcome. Remembering how Jasmine spoke about her family, Ashton took the opportunity to talk her up to them, as he’d once planned.

  “I’m sure you already know how talented and hardworking your daughter is,” he said, walking off the dance floor with them.

  Lisa sent an indulgent smile her daughter’s way. “She’s always gone after what she wants.”

  “Being an actor’s not an easy life,” Julio added, and Ashton resisted the urge to say, Yeah, no shit. “But it makes her happy, so what can we do?”

  Behind them, Jasmine rolled her eyes, but her lips curved in a smile.

  Michelle came up and elbowed Ashton in the side. “Didn’t think you were gonna make it, Golden Lion.”

  Ashton spoke in a hushed voice while Jasmine was busy with her parents. “Thanks for sending the invitation.”

  Michelle winked. “Don’t fuck it up.”

  As she wandered away, Ashton tried to subtly shift Jasmine aside.

  “We should talk,” he said.

  Her eyes were big and serious, but she nodded. “Not here. Let’s make the rounds, introduce you to everyone, and then we’ll sneak away.”

  And so Ashton began the greeting ritual of every Puerto Rican family event—walk around and say hello to everyone. Hug, kiss, handshake, fist bump—and in many cases, a photo.

  Normally this was the kind of thing he hated. But despite his fame—in this particular crowd, especially—everyone treated him like family. They complimented his salsa moves, teased him good-naturedly about his telenovela roles, and asked him questions about himself and his family. And for the first time, he was able to answer those questions truthfully.

  For his part, Ashton made a point to tell everyone how great of an actress Jasmine was, and how much he couldn’t wait for them to watch the show—especially when he got to her brother and sister.

  “Yeah, Jasmine got all the creative genes,” her sister, Jillian, said wryly. “No one at my office can believe my sister’s an actress, since I’m so boring.”

  Ashton shot a glance at Jasmine, who appeared to have swallowed her tongue.

  As they finally finished their circuit of the room, Jasmine nudged him with her elbow. “This isn’t a press junket, you know,” she said out of the side of her mouth.

  “Are you kidding?” Ashton grinned. “This is tapping directly into the Boricua grapevine. If we get them watching, we’ll really be a hit.”

  She took a deep breath. “Speaking of . . .”

  “Yes.” Time to talk. Nerves simmered, but like Abuelita Bibi, he had a good feeling.

  She tilted her head toward the doors that led outside. “Let’s do this.”

  Ashton held the door for her, then followed her out to the walkway that overlooked the water.

  It was now or never. He’d give her his heart, and then they would see where they stood.

  Chapter 40

  “So.” Jasmine crossed her arms and leaned back against the railing. “First things first, I appreciate you stopping by. It meant the world to my abuela.”

  She’d been so sure he wouldn’t show up. Why would he? After all the horrible things they’d said to each other? She almost texted him multiple times to beg him to come—not for her, but for her grandmother—but that was Old Jasmine behavior. She was done doing anything out of desperation, or fear, or a sense of lack.

  Leading Ladies are whole and happy on their own.

  Damn right.

  But then he’d shown up, casually sexy in a tailored blue suit with his white shirt open at the neck, revealing a hint of that hard chest. Her heart had leaped at the sight of him. And when she realized he’d brought his family with him, she understood it for what it was—the biggest proof of trust he was capable of giving.

  “Her smile was all the thanks I need,” he said quietly. “Truly, her response, and the rest of your family . . . it reminded me why we’re in this ridiculous business. I’ve missed this.”

  Jasmine’s brow creased. “You miss it? But you brought your family with you. Which, I wanted to add, I also appreciate. I know how hard it is for you to expose them to the public.”

  He ducked his head. “It is, but . . . I trust you.”

  She was melting inside. “Thank you.”

  “But I didn’t mean them. Before my mother died, most of her family still lived on the island. We did big parties like this for all the holidays, birthdays, you name it. But it’s been a long time and . . . I didn’t realize how much I missed them. Since Yadiel was born . . .” He trailed off and shrugged, looking a little helpless, so Jasmine threw him a bone.

  “I’d imagine . . . it’s hard to talk about him to other people.”

  The relief on his face broke her heart.

  “Yes.” He said the word with a rush of gratitude, like she’d hit the nail on the head. “I wanted to tell you, Jasmine. So many times. But . . . keeping secrets becomes a habit. And I think I fell out of the habit of trusting other people. I’m a single dad, but I don’t know how to talk about it. I don’t know how to date anymore. My life . . . it’s complicated. And it might have just gotten more complicated, or less. I’m not exactly sure.”

  She wanted to go to him, to hug him, touch him while he talked. This was the Ashton she’d gotten to know during their time alone—the sweet, earnest, uncertain man behind the telenovela hero. But she had to hold out, to give them both space to speak. “What do you mean?”

  He let out a sigh and rubbed the back of his head. “My father is going back to Puerto Rico and Yadiel is going to live with me. Full time.”

  Jasmine scrutinized his expression. “You seem pleased.”

  “I am.” A grin tugged at his lips. “I know it will take some adjusting, but this is all I’ve ever wanted.”

  “I’m glad.”

  He opened his mouth, paused, then spoke. “Could you date a guy who already has a kid?”

  A shaky laugh burst out of her, a release of the tension winding her up as she’d waited for him to speak. “Of course I could.”

  “Good, because anyone I get involved with . . . it’s not just me. I’m a package deal.”

  “I know,” she said quietly. “I would never expect otherwise.”

  He took a deep breath. “Jasmine, I’m in love with you.”

  Her heart stopped. Everything in her went still as she stared at him, slack-jawed. Her eyes searched his face, seeking out any hint that she’d misheard, or that he was joking, or . . .

  Sincerity shone in his eyes. And a deep well of steadiness. She knew the curves and lines of his face, the subtleties of his expressions, the emotions radiating from his eyes. And his voice . . . He’d said the words with matter-of-fact seriousness.

  “Really?” Her voice squeaked, and they both let out a nervous laugh.

  “Sí, querida.”

  She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him, breathlessly, with all the love in her heart. He held her close, and in his arms, she felt . . .

  The same. She felt happy, but she no longer felt the sense of completion she used to feel when she was with a guy.

  No, she felt the same because . . . she was already complete.

  And wasn’t that a lovely feeling?

  “I don’t know how we’ll make it work,” Ashton was saying, his face pressed into her neck. “God, you smell good.”

  “Make what work?” she asked, still riding the high from his kiss.

p; “Us. I don’t know where I’m going to live, and I’ll have Yadiel with me—”

  “Yadiel is an amazing kid,” she said, pulling back to look him in the eyes. “Don’t feel like you have to hide him from me. You know I want a family. Not because it will give me value, but because I have a lot of love to give. I want to be loved, too, but I also just want to love someone. And I don’t know why, but something about that scares everyone—”

  Ashton took her hands in his and looked her deep in the eyes. “I’m not them.”

  She pressed her lips together, holding back the flood of emotion threatening to overwhelm her. “I know.”

  “And I’m not scared.”

  He wasn’t. She could see the difference in him now. Despite the crowd and the attention and revealing his family to hers, there was a sense of calm and contentment in him that hadn’t been there before. And it made her so fucking happy to see it.

  “I love you,” she whispered, and the words were like a release. Lightness infused her heart, and a tear spilled over her cheek.

  Ashton pulled her close and kissed her, then he was mumbling apologies against her lips as he held her tight.

  “I’m sorry I blamed you for . . . a lot of things. My son falling—when really, he’s always falling off things. And the tabloids, and—”

  “I forgive you. You were scared. And I was hurt. I understand why you didn’t tell me about him.”

  “I should have. I’m sorry I didn’t.”

  “I know. But I get it. And I’m sorry I called you selfish.”

  “Speaking of . . .” His lips curved. “I’ll have to get Yadi to call you by name.”

  Her brows creased. “Why, what does he call me?”

  “Pretty lady.”

  She laughed. “In English?”


  “Okay, maybe we should correct that.”

  For a long moment, they just looked at each other, smiling. Jasmine tried to note every detail, so she never forgot this moment.

  “We’ll make it work,” she said in a quiet voice. “And we’ll take it slow. I think . . . I think we both need that.”

  He nodded. “You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met,” he whispered, kissing her again.

  Just then, the door from the main hall swung open. They broke apart and turned to see Riley running over to them.

  Riley’s eyes were wide and she waved her phone excitedly. “Season two,” she cried. “ScreenFlix has already ordered a second season!”

  ASHTON’S HEART POUNDED in his throat. Despite everything they’d just shared, he and Jasmine hadn’t yet talked about the show. And he didn’t want her to think he’d manipulated her into making a decision.

  Jasmine’s brows shot up. She released Ashton and grabbed her agent.

  “Oh my god!” Jasmine said on a gasp. “That was so fast!”

  “I told you!” Riley shrieked.

  The two women jumped up and down, hugging, then Jasmine was hugging Ashton too.

  “We got it!” she whispered in his ear.

  “Does this mean you’ll agree to film another season?” he asked.

  “Of course she will,” Riley said. “Your agent will probably be calling you any minute, by the way.”

  Sure enough, Ashton’s phone buzzed in his pocket.

  “I’m getting a drink!” Riley ran back to the ballroom.

  “You should answer,” Jasmine told him, but Ashton shook his head.

  “You’re Carmen,” he said. “This decision is yours. And I want you to feel free to decide however you want, regardless of me. This is your choice.”

  He’d been so scared before, when she told him she would turn down a chance at a second season. His life was falling apart—or so he’d thought. He’d put too much pressure on this one show to be everything he needed it to be to achieve all his hopes and dreams.

  Now . . . he still had those dreams, but he could see that the journey there would be better if he let people in, if he trusted that there would be more opportunities.

  Jasmine sighed. “No, you were right, and so was Michelle. I was running away because I felt rejected. It’s what I always do. But the truth is, I love playing Carmen. I love our cast and crew, and I love the stories we get to tell. There are so few roles for Latinx actors outside of the maid, the gang member, or the sexpot—why would I run away from that? I’d be shooting myself in the foot. And for what? To prove a point to Kitty Sanchez?”

  His brow creased. “Who’s Kitty Sanchez?”

  “The gossip columnist who seems to have it out for us.”

  “Oh, that Kitty Sanchez.” Ashton waited to see if she said more. When she didn’t, he prompted, “So is that a . . .”

  She laughed and hugged him hard. “It’s a yes! We’re doing season two!”

  “There’s just one thing I don’t understand,” Ashton murmured against her hair. “How did your grandmother not know we were working together?”

  “Oh, Michelle threatened to spill everyone’s secrets if they told her. It would have ruined the surprise if she knew, and if you didn’t show up, it would have disappointed her. So the whole family was working to keep her from finding out.”

  “Wow. I’m impressed.”

  Jasmine nodded. “Michelle has dirt on everyone, so it was an effective threat. Luckily, she uses her powers for good.”

  Yadiel came running out then, looking left and right. When his eyes landed on Ashton, his face lit up. Chocolate was smeared around his mouth.

  “Papi!” He ran over and Ashton scooped him up, hoisting him on his hip.

  With a glance at Jasmine, Yadiel spoke in English. “I like New York, Papi. Can we stay here? Or come back to visit?”

  Ashton raised his eyebrows. “Are you sure it’s not just because you got chocolate cake?”

  “Not just that.” Yadiel grinned. “The kids are really fun. They all play Minecraft.”

  Jasmine’s smile was heartbreakingly sweet as she looked at Yadiel’s little chocolate-covered face.

  “We’ll discuss it later,” Ashton told his son. “But I think we can.”

  “Yay!” Yadiel threw his good arm up in victory, then wriggled down. He paused a moment, looked at Jasmine, then quick as lightning, he hugged her around the waist. Before Ashton could say anything, Yadiel had already scampered back inside.

  Taking a page from his kid’s book, Ashton put an arm around Jasmine and hugged her close to him. “We’ll make it work,” he said quietly.

  “No more hiding?” she asked.

  “No more.”

  He kissed her, and when someone cleared their throat, he eased back. Riley stood before them with an open bottle of champagne and a stack of clear plastic cups.

  “Are we celebrating?” she asked, sounding hopeful.

  Jasmine reached for the bottle. “Yes. But I want producer credit.”

  Riley cheered, pumping her fist in the air as Jasmine popped the cork.

  After she was done pouring, Riley held up her cup for a toast. “To success.”

  “To family,” Jasmine added, with a look at Ashton.

  He raised his cup and met her eyes. “To love.”


  They were once again on a red carpet, but this time, it was real.

  Jasmine clung to Ashton’s arm as they walked, stopping to chat with interviewers and pose for photos, showing off her red Carolina Herrera gown and his navy blue Tom Ford suit.

  The whole thing was surreal. She’d never imagined Carmen in Charge would hit so big, but apparently the story of a woman trying to balance career, family, and love was universally relatable. Who knew?

  Well, now she did. Jasmine was finally, for the first time in her life, successfully balancing all three.

  It was definitely work, in a way she’d never expected. But through open communication—thanks, Vera!—growing trust, and practicing intentional vulnerability, she and Ashton were making plans for the future. With more episodes of Carmen on the slate, they’d rente
d an apartment together in Brooklyn. Yadiel was being homeschooled by a team of tutors. Ashton had appeared in a bilingual Off-Broadway production of Cyrano that was in talks for a Broadway run the next year and an early contender for a Best Actor Tony Award, and he’d won a “Villano Favorito” telenovela award for his role in El fuego de amor. Jasmine was putting those stage combat classes to good use as the lead in a ScreenFlix comedy about a Latinx superhero squad. She’d also started attending weekly therapy sessions, which were helping her cope with her need for external validation and her tendency to self-soothe with alcohol. Ashton was also in treatment for anxiety and PTSD from the home invasion, and there was a lightness to his demeanor that hadn’t been there when they’d first met. Although Jasmine suspected having Yadiel close by helped too.

  And just when she thought things couldn’t get any better, Carmen in Charge had been nominated for a Golden Globe.

  She cuddled against Ashton’s side and gave a happy sigh. “I love you,” she whispered just for him. Saying it never got old.

  He smiled down at her, eyes soft. “Te amo.”

  Hearing it back never got old either.

  Behind them, Ava and Michelle walked the carpet with Yadiel between them, holding his hands so he didn’t run off.

  “You have your speech prepared?” Ashton murmured.

  “Yeah.” She sent him a cheeky grin. “I’m going to thank your evil twin, Hector.”

  He chuckled at that. Viewers had loved the reveal at the end of Carmen in Charge, when Victor opened the door to find his estranged identical twin brother, Hector—played by Ashton with a beard.

  A very sexy beard, in Jasmine’s opinion.

  Just then, a handler caught their attention and brought them over to a woman with a mic. But as they got closer, the woman turned, and it was—

  “Kitty Sanchez!” Jasmine said on a gasp.


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