Captured (Alien Space Pirates 1) (SciFi Romance)

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Captured (Alien Space Pirates 1) (SciFi Romance) Page 7

by Mara Frost

He sighs, as if giving in this one time because he’s just too damn annoyed to continue arguing with me. That’s fine by me!

  “The Commerce Planet.”

  My face pales. “Com-commerce P-Planet?” I barely repeat back.

  He nods mechanically, just like he always does.

  “But first, we must perform a medical evaluation on you.”

  “A medical e-evaluation?” I parrot back.

  “Yes, these are required for certification before trade. Please disrobe.”


  Anal probing, I knew it.

  Chapter 3


  I refrain from rubbing the side of my head as I stare the little human down from across the room. I wasn’t too concerned when she started throwing things at me. I knew that she wouldn’t be able to do significant damage, BUT she did somehow manage to clip the side of my head with the edge of a Gitaar, a Gitaar I got while travelling to Palsan 6. That little planet was one of my favorites; the men were honorable warriors and the women had a healthy appetite for other-worlders.

  I glanced down at the ancient weapon that was given to me as a gift for defeating a warrior in the Ring of a Thousand Eyes and then raise my eyes back up to the human female. She looks at the weapon and then nervously looks back up at me. I ball my hands into a fist and take a step towards her.

  “You can stay right there, buddy!” she orders while she tries to reach for another object to throw at me. Not that I’m actually afraid of her throwing things at me, although I would prefer that she not throw ancient items that break easily. That would be most...annoying.

  No, I just prefer to not make her any more nervous than she already is. Humans appear to be quite skittish and...temperamental creatures and apparently the more nervous they get the more irrationally violent they become. Or at least this one does.

  I raise my hands in the air, as if trying to calm a cornered animal.

  “I assure you this will cause you no harm or pain. It is a simple diagnostic scan that will assess your physical health.”

  She squints her eyes at me, clearly skeptical.

  “Then why do I need to be naked?” she asks accusingly.

  “Is that the problem?”

  All this because she is afraid to disrobe? She throws my Gitaar at me because she’s afraid to be without clothes? Humans are truly odd creatures.

  “Yes! Among other things,” she snaps back.

  I take a deep and calming breath, for both her and myself. “It is important to disrobe before being scanned because the scanner cannot differentiate between you and the clothes or objects that you’re wearing. That is all. You will not be harmed.”

  I allow a moment for my words to sink in. She lowers his arms a fraction and stops trying to reach for my ionizer, which is a bit of a relief considering if she accidentally pressed the ‘right’ button, she could atomize either herself....or me if her aim was good.

  Still skeptical, she narrows her eyes. “That’s it?”

  I nod. “Yes, that’s it,” I reply evenly, before adding, “I don’t understand where this fear of disrobing comes from. Is it not a natural state for you humans? If it makes you feel better, I can disrobe while we do this?”

  As I lower my hands and reach for the buckle of my pants, I see her eyes widen to an unnatural size as her cheeks turn a fierce shade of red. She opens her mouth, but nothing comes out, so I take that to mean she approves of this tactic.

  I snap open my buckle, feeling strange and an unexpected excitement, but ignore it. I snap open my second buckle.

  “No! No! Keep your clothes on!” she stutters out loudly. “Please! Keep everything...on...please...”

  I shrug and fasten the buckles. “Your choice, human. I was just showing that there is no need to feel uncomfortable with your natural state.”

  “I don’t,” she bites back defensively.

  “Good. Because comfortable or not, you will get naked for the scan. Either you or I will see to that,” I reply evenly.

  “You suck, you do know that, right?” she says bitterly. “Where’s the damn scanner?”

  I walk to the main control panel and enter the code for the medical diagnostic scanner. The table scanner materializes at the center of the room. The human female watches on, looking almost as impressed as she was about Lleria’s Eye. Humans are so simple and easy.

  Although, I did feel a strange satisfaction in seeing her amazement and wonder looking at the cluster. Honestly, I don’t know why I brought her there. It’s going to delay us by a full cycle just so that Maxaya’s energy supplies can be fully restored, but it still was...satisfying to see that she was so pleased.

  “So? What do I do?” she barked as she walked to the scanning table.

  I stiffen slightly and clear my throat. “Disrobe,” I reply and then add, “And then lie down.” I clench my jaw together, fighting a strange urge to take a step closer.

  She sighs loudly and rolls her eyes. “Fine.” She reaches for the top button of her shirt. My eyes follow her hands and land on her full breasts.

  She stops and stares at me, her cheeks red. “Excuse me! Some privacy please? This isn’t a strip tease! Can you turn around or something?”

  I abruptly turn my back to her and take deep breaths, fighting the urge to leap at her and take her clothes off for her.

  What is happening? What is that cursed female doing to me? And what’s a ‘strip tease’ and why do I want one?

  With my back towards her, I hear her mumbling under her breath as she begins to disrobe. “What is it with you guys? It’s not enough that you’re kidnappers, but you have to be perverts too?”

  I close my eyes, trying to regain my composure, instead I see flashes of her long brown hair draped in front of her, just barely shielding her bare breasts.

  “Dammit, Maxaya,” I growl.

  I get more flashes of her naked flesh as she disrobes behind my back. Maxaya likes to fuck with me too much. I growl again.

  “Okay,” I hear the human almost whisper, her voice shaking.

  I turn around and I see her standing in front of me, so small and completely bare. She arranged her long mane to cover her round breasts and placed her hands in front of the area that is at the apex of her thighs. She tried to shield her nakedness as best she could, but she still couldn’t hide the smooth round curve of her body. Or the length of her legs. Or anything...really.




  I take a deep shaky breath in and hold it. So I’m naked? This is cool. Don’t mind me, Mr. Blue Alien Man, I’m just standing naked in front of you...looking at you looking at me like I just grew a second head.

  Am I that repulsive looking? Why does he have that weird look on his face? He looks like he’s in pain or something.’s not like I look that much different from him. I nervously glance down at my body and silently applaud myself for not cutting my hair before my trip into space. At least I was able to pull a ‘mermaid’ and cover my boobs with my hair.

  I also silently thank the NASA Space Program for its physically rigorous training program. Before my training began I could have given a marshmallow a run for its money, but after the training and shedding some unwanted weight, the super soft places became...well, they were still soft, but there was a firmness underneath. I’m in no way an action hero, but I look good and I worked damn hard for it.

  So the judgmental giant smurf can keep his weird looks to himself.

  “What?” I ask defensively as I shift uncomfortably from one foot to the other.

  Big Blue shakes his head slightly, as if he needs to snap himself back, and then blinks several times. He clears his throat and is back to looking like the cyborg that I know.

  “Nothing. Lie down on the table,” he ordered.

  My eyes widen a bit. “So much for buying a girl a drink first,” I say under my breath as I eye the glowing table next to me. I take a deep breath in and slide onto the table and close my eyes as
I lean back onto its frigidly cold surface.

  Thousands of years ahead of us technologically and they don’t have heated examination tables?

  I hear the big alien’s footsteps as he walks towards the table. My insides knot up in fear. I make a point to look away and not have direct eye contact with him. Instead, I look at the scanner I’m lying on and wonder if I’m about to be incinerated...or microwaved or something.

  Above me is a warm, glowing blue light and it covers the entire length of my body. I can’t see where the source of the light is, but the entire table is making a weird ominous humming sound, like it’s firing up to shoot out some sort of death ray.

  Without looking, I can tell that Big Blue is at the scanning table and only inches away from me. He may be quiet as a mouse, albeit a very large and deadly mouse, but I can feel his alien presence a mile away. After several uncomfortable seconds of knowing that he’s probably openly scrutinizing my body for his own pleasure, I steal a glance up at him.

  And he’s not even looking me way. Okie dokie, good.

  Really? Why isn’t he looking at me?

  “There are going to be short bursts of light that are going to sweep down your entire body. Don’t be afraid, it won’t harm you. It’ll merely be scanning you for any physical abnormalities,” he says mechanically while punching at the scanner’s panel.

  At this I cock an eye at him. “How would you know what’s abnormal for a human or not?”

  “The computer attained a baseline from the other humans that were analyzed and scanned before you.”

  “Of course it did,” I mumble. Why would I think that I’m the first human that was ever captured by aliens? I suppose all those whack jobs who said they were abducted by little green men weren’t so crazy. I look up at the big blue alien again and notice how he’s the exact opposite of little or green. Well, maybe they were a little crazy.

  I take a deep breath in, trying to calm my rapid heart beat.

  “How long is this going to take?”

  “Not long. Once the biological scan is complete, we’ll have to do a visual and then we’ll be done. Just be sure to be still.”

  “Okay, fine! Can we get this over with please?”

  He doesn’t reply. He just continues to input data into the computer. And I continue to breathe – not that I have much choice in the matter. Several more seconds of silence goes by before I notice that the loud humming of the scanner starts to slowly build. I look around nervously. Okay, here we go.

  The blue light above begins to brighten as the humming crescendos. I close my eyes. From the brightness or general fear, who knows? Both the light and the noise keep building until I have to fight the impulse to cover my ears. The light continues to intensify until there’s a flash of blinding light. The light that covered the entire scanning table is suddenly a single blue translucent beam that is shooting down on one centralized spot.

  “W-what’s going on?” I stutter out. I look down at the beam that’s by my feet and I see my naked breasts heaving wildly up and down in fear.

  “Lie still.”

  “Easy for you to say,” I growl back.

  The beam of light flickers for a second and then starts to slowly move up my body starting at my feet. And he was right, I didn’t feel a thing. I sit quietly and watch as the beam slowly makes its journey from my feet and up legs.

  Well, this isn’t so bad.

  The shaft of light slowly moves up my thighs and falls over my center and then it suddenly stops. I raise my eyebrows. Well, that’s odd. Despite the fact that I have a very strong urge to ask why the scanner decided to stop at this very suspicious spot, I keep my mouth shut. I want to draw as little attention as possible to that area. So I just sit quietly and watch as the beam intensifies on my lady parts.

  I’m being microwaved. I can just feel it.

  “Okay,” I mumble under my breath. “Any day now.”

  My cheeks begin to burn as the stupid beam continues to give a very specific body part very specific attention. I don’t know how long it’s been there, but I’m pretty certain that my eggs are fully radiated at this point.

  “Are you trying to sterilize me or something?” I ask, tightlipped and annoyed.

  Big Blue doesn’t look away from the panel as he replies, “There is no need to sterilize you. This is a medical scanner, no harm will be done to you. Now, please lie still.”

  “Yeah yeah yeah,” I say under my breath. Lie still. Lie still. I’d love to see how still he would lie if the situation was reversed. I imagine if some humans got their hands on him, he would be naked and strapped down to a dissecting table. Hrmm...on second thought, maybe things could be a little worse for me.

  A few more seconds pass and then the beam restarts its fun scanning journey back up my body – and this time it keeps moving until it reaches my head. If I was a betting person, I would have guessed that it was going to stop at my boobs too, but I was pleasantly surprised.

  “So? All good?” I ask nervously, eager to put my clothes back on. Even though he hasn’t even so much as snuck a peak at me, I really would love to not be awkwardly naked anymore.


  “Great,” I reply back quickly as I begin to rise from the table to put my clothes back on.

  He stands in front of me and raises his hand an inch from my bare chest and I stop mid-air. I freeze.


  “Now I must do a visual examination.”

  My face immediately reddens. I don’t like the sound of that. At. All.

  “Wh-what...” I clear my throat and continue, “What does that mean? Exactly?”

  “That means I will visually assess you and then the diagnostic check will be complete. Please stand up.”

  Okay, just one more check and then we’ll be done. I can do this. I take a deep breath in and lift myself from the table and quickly bring my hair to the front – my handy dandy boob-protector. I stand in front of him with my hands linked together at my waist, waiting for this ‘visual check’.

  “Just get this over with,” I mutter.

  He stands in front of me, his eyes now dark as night and his jaw is clenched so hard that the muscles are spasming like crazy. In fact, it looks like his jaw is going to explode. My eyes narrow as I look at him somewhat nervously.

  He says nothing. He just looks at my face for a lingering second, but strangely not in his normal critical or mechanical way. He’s just looking at me. And for some reason that makes me more uncomfortable and nervous than anything else he’s done so far, but I can’t look away.

  And just like that he snaps out of it and looks away. I shake my head slightly, as if caught in a trance myself.

  “I am going to visually assess you starting with your head. This should only take a few moments.”

  “Okay...” I whisper, my voice sounding shakier than expected.

  He starts with the top of my head and he eyes my head with the most serious look I’ve ever seen on anyone’s face. In fact, if I wasn’t so nervous - or scared out of my mind - I would have laughed.

  He gives my head a menacing gaze, as if it’s some sort of mortal enemy. He then lifts his hand to my hair and begins to move strands of hair around.

  “What are you doing? I thought this is a visual inspection?” I ask awkwardly, still frozen in place. And why do I feel like a kid who’s being inspected for lice?

  “It is. I am visually inspecting you. I don’t know what’s underneath all...this,” he replies as he lifts a long strand of hair as if it’s the most alien thing he’s ever seen.

  “Hey! It’s hair and I can guarantee there’s nothing in there!”

  He looks away from the top of head and stares at me for a second and then releases my hair.

  “Very well.”

  He then continues his little visual ‘exam’, scrutinizing every inch...and making me as uncomfortable as possible in the process. His eyes fall onto my face and for a brief second his stern Terminator-like face softens
a millimeter, but then it quickly goes back to being a void of emotionless darkness. He lifts my chin, a surprisingly gentle move, and then proceeds to look at my eyes, then my cheeks, my chin, my neck and my ears.

  My eyes stay locked on him the whole time.

  His gaze continues to move down with a doctor-like efficiency. He lifts my arms, looks at my armpits (good thing my deodorant is still working strong, even after an alien abduction), walks around me and looks at my back, walks back to the front, brushes my hair back and looks at my breasts. I would have slapped at him or at the very least....blushed if I had the chance to, but his eyes had already moved on and he was now inspecting my stomach. His eyes then quickly brush down my legs and feet before gazing back up at my face.

  And we’re done! Easy peasy. That wasn’t so bad.

  “Lie down on the table,” he orders.

  “Say what? I thought we were finished with the...” I wave my hands at my body, “...the visual exam?”

  He nods once. “Almost. Lie down.”

  I grumble under my breath and roll my eyes. “Okay, fine, but I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to be so accommodating.”

  Hah! Such big words. What am I going to do? Show him who’s boss by giving him a stern talking to while wagging my finger at him? I know I’m all talk. And the funny thing is, is that he knows it too.

  “I assure you this will not take long. I just need to check general movement. Also, there was a discrepancy in the diagnostic scan. That is all.”

  “A discrepancy...?” I repeat as I lower myself back onto the table. A discrepancy? What sort of discrepancy? I have all the right parts in all the right places. Nothing’s missing. At least, I don’t think anything’s missing?

  Without giving me any warning, I feel his big hands on my leg. I yelp in surprise. “Hey! What are you doing?”

  I can’t help but stiffen. His fingers tighten around my calf and the hairs on the back of my neck instantly come up on end. Okay, this isn’t awkward or nerve-wracking at all.

  He doesn’t answer. He just lifts one of my legs and bends it, apparently checking the range of movement. He then does it to the other leg, much like a real physical exam.


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