Bishop's Endgame

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Bishop's Endgame Page 11

by Katie Reus

  “I’m not surprised. Knowing what I know now, he’s been working with Vitaly for years. So many things make more sense now. Like busts that ended up going sideways because Vitaly’s guys got tipped off. I know where the leak was coming from.” He tightened his hand around the phone, imagining how good it would feel to punch Bird right in his throat. Then keep punching.

  “Well, the guy does have a couple divorces and a lot of debt. Though recently he’s cleared out most of his debt. He hasn’t bought anything flashy, but he’s paid off one of his kids’ college loans too. Or someone has, because it hasn’t come directly from one of his accounts.”

  “It’s always about money,” Ellis muttered. “Though I think this is about more than money for Vitaly. He’s looking to take out his boss.” Leonid Berezin was a tough bastard, but over the last few years he’d lost a lot of his inner circle to DEA busts and murders by rivals. Vitaly had been next on their list to take down—or so Ellis thought. God, he was such a fool.

  “Yeah, I looked over the stuff you sent me and I agree,” Lizzy said. “Vitaly has been playing the long game with his boss and it’s so subtle that unless you know about the people in the DEA Vitaly is paying off, I’m not surprised Berezin hasn’t figured it out.”

  “Yep. He’s playing the long game for sure.” Ellis cleared his throat. “Look, I’ve got to tell you something.” He quickly ran down everything that had happened in the last twenty-four hours, not leaving anything out.

  “Holy shit,” Lizzy said as he ended.

  “Yeah, it’s a lot. Arianna is currently getting some sleep but soon enough we’re going to have to deal with all this. I’ll know my next move once I talk to Vitaly and I see how he responds to my demands, but I wanted you to be aware of her involvement.”

  “She’s taking quite a risk.”

  “I know. And I need to find out why Vitaly set those accounts up in her name. Preferably before I meet with him. I think I know why, but I’d like some confirmation. And since there are more accounts, I need to trace all that activity back to him. I need to be able to prove that it wasn’t her who opened any of them. I don’t want any of this falling back on her.”

  “I’ll work on that too. Maybe you’ll get lucky and Berezin will just kill Vitaly and your former boss.”

  He snorted softly. “Yeah, well, that would be great, but I need Bird and Vitaly in jail for killing Carter. And I need my name cleared.” That was, if he ever wanted to live a normal life again—which he did. He could go on the run and start over somewhere but that was his last option, and the longer he was around Arianna the more he realized that he really didn’t want to run. There was a spark of something true between them. More than a spark, if he was being honest, and he wanted the chance to explore it, to see if it was as genuine as he thought it was. “I just wish I had that video,” he muttered. If he still had it, none of this would have ever happened. Vitaly would be in prison—probably dead.

  “What video?”

  He frowned. “The video of Vitaly killing Carter.” What did she think he was talking about?

  Lizzy sucked in a sharp breath. “What. The. Hell.”

  “I told you about it.”

  “No you didn’t tell me. Are you kidding me? What happened to it?”

  God, he was so damn sleep deprived. He swore he’d told her about it. “I took the video on my cell phone, and when I met up with Kyle he took the phone from me. I’d actually emailed a copy to myself before that meetup, but by the time I was able to get to a computer, he’d already deleted it. He’d wiped my entire account clean.” He cursed inwardly at that, trying not to play the “what if” game in his mind. What if he had just been faster? Carter would still be alive. What if he hadn’t trusted the wrong person? Carter would still be alive. Ugh.

  “Holy shit, you should have told me this before. I need all information on what email accounts you used. Which one you sent it to and what account it came from.”

  “He’s wiped it.” Ellis had already thought of all the ways he could retrieve that video and it was impossible. Lizzy might be a great hacker but she couldn’t do the impossible.

  “Nothing is ever truly deleted on the web. Nothing. It is very hard to do. Not to mention…” She paused and he heard soft tapping in the background. “There is no way Bird didn’t make copies for himself.”

  “Yeah, I figured he’s got a couple copies stashed somewhere as backup for himself.” It would be insurance against Vitaly so that Bird stayed untouchable. “But that does me no good.”

  “Oh, this is good news, my man.” She made a cackling sound and he could practically see her rubbing her hands together with glee. “I’m going to dig even deeper into him. He would keep copies in random secure locations if he’s smart. A bank or deposit box somewhere. He’ll have an online backup and a hard copy, I guarantee it. I’m going to find out if he’s opened any physical accounts recently and see what of his I can hack.”

  “He’d be smarter than that. He wouldn’t want Vitaly to have the same thought process as you.”

  “I’m smarter than this fool. I’m going to find any stashes he’s got and we’re going to take him down.”

  He wished it were that easy, but against his better judgment he allowed hope to bloom inside him anyway. Given his circumstances, he knew it was stupid, but the hope was there, burrowing its way deep inside him. “Thank you, Lizzy. Seriously.”

  He was starting to feel hopeful for the first time in months. It was so real, so brutal, he was afraid to hold on to it. He was so afraid to hope at all in case it came crashing down around him. Because then he would lose everything, and that included Arianna. Not that he had her, but some part of him wanted a chance with her even if it was a fairy-tale hope.

  “I’ve got another favor to ask you. I need to set up a place to meet with Vitaly if the next stage of my plan goes the way I think it will. I’m going to need something to record that meeting.”

  “I’ll get back to you.” She disconnected before he could respond, but he wasn’t surprised. He’d heard the fast typing across her keyboard and knew she’d be busting her ass for him right now.

  “Who is Lizzy?” Arianna stepped into the room, silent as a wraith.

  Surprised, he schooled his expression and turned around in his chair to face her. “No one.”

  She had on gray yoga pants and a T-shirt that had an apple on it and said Teacher of tiny humans on it. She’d pulled her damp hair back into a ponytail and was watching him, eyebrows raised. “Sounds like someone.”

  Lizzy was helping him out, and despite her connections, he did not want her getting tangled up in any of this. He trusted Arianna, but it was all about plausible deniability. If she didn’t know Lizzy’s name, she couldn’t tell anyone about it. “Just forget you heard that name.”

  She leaned against the doorframe, her body language anything but casual. “Are you involved with her?”

  He let out a startled laugh. “No. Never. And her husband would shoot anyone who made a move on her.” Not technically true, but Porter was obsessed and protective of his wife so…maybe it was a little true.

  Arianna’s shoulders relaxed slightly.

  And he really wished he didn’t notice that, wished she didn’t care. But he liked that she cared whether or not he was involved with anyone. Because he was damn glad there was no one in her life.

  “I know what you said before, but do you need help with anything?”

  He rubbed his hands over his face and shook his head. “No, but thank you.”

  “You need food and sleep,” she said quietly, not moving from the doorway. “And I know that you’re a grown man, but seriously, you look exhausted. How much harder can you push yourself tonight?”

  Something warm spread across his chest and he couldn’t believe he’d ever thought this sweet woman was a criminal like her stepfather. “I know.” He stood, stretching. “I’m going to take a quick shower.”

  “Good. When you get out, you’re also going to e
at. I saw some food in the fridge so I’m going to whip something up for us.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I know, but I’m hungry too. And you eat like a twelve-year-old boy. The only things I’ve seen you eat are chips and Pop-Tarts. And not even the good kind of chips.”

  He lifted a shoulder, fighting a smile at her bossy tone. He wondered if this was what she sounded like when she was teaching. If so, it was beyond hot.

  Her gaze lingered on his mouth for a moment before she turned away from him—and then he stared at her ass as she headed out, telling him she’d be in the kitchen.

  He was not going to think about how oddly domesticated things felt right now. They were here for one reason only. But that didn’t mean he didn’t like being with her. He liked her company even though he hated that she was involved in all of this.

  What if he had never seen those accounts? He wanted to know what her stepfather had planned to do with them long term and how his movements would have affected her.

  No matter what, he was going to make sure Arianna came out the other side of this okay. Even if he didn’t, she damn sure would.

  Chapter 15

  “Thank you for cooking dinner,” Ellis said as he picked up his plate and took it to the sink.

  Arianna snorted slightly. “It’s four in the morning. I think this is considered an early breakfast.”

  He paused before turning on the faucet. “My time frame is messed up. I thought it was still Friday night.”

  She could understand that. They’d had an insane day yesterday, taking a yacht down to the islands then getting on multiple private planes, and now they were back in Miami. Her sense of time was screwed up too because normally she’d be fast asleep at four in the morning. Curled up and dreaming about coffee. Now? She was edgy, and even though she was tired, she couldn’t seem to turn her brain off.

  She also couldn’t help but notice Ellis had that freshly showered scent, and she liked whatever it was he was using. Very likely the Irish Spring soap from the bathroom. He was using one bar of soap and some off-brand shampoo that probably cost less than a dollar. And he smelled delicious.

  “Omelets are easy, and you had everything.” She stood and went to pick up her own plate but he plucked it from her hands.

  “You cooked. I’ll do the dishes.”

  She laughed lightly and realized she could probably sleep if she lay down. “I think since you originally kidnapped me, you get to do the dishes for all time.”

  He laughed again, a deep sound that rolled through her. It sent tingles of awareness and warmth spiraling throughout her in a slow, sensuous wave. He had a great laugh and he didn’t do it enough. Of course she understood why but still, she wanted to hear more of it.

  “I’m probably going to head upstairs and get some sleep.” She knew he had people looking into things for him and would likely stay up and work more, even if he should be sleeping. The man had been working around the clock—because obviously he wanted to clear his name. But he wasn’t a robot, and at a certain point he would end up burning out.

  “I’m going to grab a few hours too. I’ll sleep on the cot in the office.”

  She paused on her way out. “We shared a bed before. Feel free to sleep in the room with me.” She was surprised by herself but screw it, she didn’t care. Her life was a complete train wreck right now and his was far worse than hers. She wasn’t going to outright invite him to do anything sexual, but there was no way she was letting him sleep on that sad little cot. It was too small for her, let alone him.

  He shot her a surprised look over his shoulder.

  “I’m just saying, the bed is big. You can sleep on top of the covers if it makes you feel better. Or I’ll sleep on the cot,” she added, hoping he didn’t take her up on that.

  He shook his head. “I would never let you sleep on that thing.”

  Yeah, after sitting on it before, she knew that it was lumpy and uncomfortable. She couldn’t believe he’d been sleeping on it at all, especially given his big frame.

  He looked at her again, something raw and hungry in his pale blue eyes. “I’ll be upstairs in a little bit.”

  Her stomach flipped. She wasn’t sure if he meant he was going to join her in the bedroom or not. And she hated that she cared. Really, really cared.

  Right about now she wished she could call her sponsor and ask Sheila for advice but that was impossible. She’d allegedly been kidnapped, and in case her stepfather was monitoring anybody in her life, her sponsor was one of the first people he would look at.

  No, she had to make decisions all on her own right now. Unfortunately, she was thinking very wicked thoughts about the sexy man doing dishes downstairs. And her brain and body were very much on the same page.

  She wanted Ellis Bishop in her bed and not to sleep. Even with her past, she wasn’t feeling anxious, but…turned on. Because Ellis wouldn’t hurt her. Of that she was certain.

  * * *

  Arianna felt something warm and solid beneath her, and knew it was Ellis before she’d even opened her eyes. She was practically plastered on top of him, and using his chest—his very bare chest—as a pillow. And he was surprisingly comfortable. Though comfort was the last thing on her mind right now.

  She breathed in his rich scent, enjoying his nearness and the way he had his arm wrapped tightly around her before she opened her eyes. Even with the curtains pulled over the window, she could see that it was still dark outside, so she couldn’t have slept more than a couple hours.

  She vaguely remembered him getting into the bed and she’d been drawn to all his heat and warmth. And okay, she’d just wanted to touch him. It should feel foreign to be curled up against him, to be seeking him out at all, but for some reason everything about this was right.

  His breathing was steady, but she couldn’t tell if he was asleep or not—and she wanted to know. When she looked up, she found herself looking into pale blue eyes filled with heat and hunger. All right, then. Very awake.

  She swallowed hard, unable to tear her gaze away as he pinned her in place.

  “You should be asleep,” he whispered, sounding as if he’d swallowed gravel.

  “So should you.” She kept her palm on his chest, unable to move off him, unable to stop touching him. For some reason she was surprised he’d gotten into bed without a shirt, but she liked it. Okay, more like loved the sensation of skin to skin. The feel of his soft chest hair and sculpted pecs had her fingers itching to stroke all over him. He was all cut lines and sleek muscle and she was desperate to touch him everywhere.

  Her nipples beaded tightly as she imagined stroking him everywhere and seeing his reaction. She should be nervous—and she kind of was, but in a good way. With Ellis, she knew on the most primal level that she was safe with him. Or at least her body was. Her heart was another matter. But in the here and now, she knew he could never, ever physically hurt her. Even when he’d thought she was a monster, he’d still been careful not to injure her.

  He just watched her for a long moment and she felt his heart rate kick up underneath her fingers. The beat was wild and out of control, though to look at him she wouldn’t have known, even with the unmistakable need in his eyes. Knowing that he was as affected as she was sent a rush of heat between her legs.

  Her own heart rate increased as time seemed to stretch on forever between them. When he didn’t say anything, she spread her palm against his chest and slowly moved down his muscled stomach. Lower and lower she went, inch by inch.

  He sucked in a breath, all his muscles pulling taut, but he didn’t make a move to stop her—and he easily could if he wanted. Ellis was so much bigger and stronger than her, something she was very much aware of. But she felt safe with him in a way she’d never felt safe before. Not with past boyfriends and not with her family. Being here with him now, she was free to do what she wanted until he told her to stop.

  “Do you want me to stop?” Her voice was pitched as low as his had been. Some part
of her was afraid to break this little bubble wrapped around them. They were in a quiet cocoon now that wouldn’t last. She wanted to drag it out as long as possible, to pretend that this was their reality. That the outside world didn’t really exist.

  He shook his head, swallowing hard.

  She kept going even as she kept her gaze pinned to his. She was tired of fighting her attraction to him and she knew that sooner or later—probably sooner—things were going to end between them.

  Because they had to.

  They were going to figure out how to clear his name and then what? He would go back to his life of undercover work and she would go back to teaching. She was a realist, and a man like him was not looking to settle down. He was literally taking his life one day at a time right now because he was just trying to stay alive and out of jail. And he might not even clear his name. He could easily end up on the run for the rest of his life. Which was a depressing thought, so she wasn’t going to waste another second. This might be the only night they had, and if he wanted this too, she was so in.

  As she reached the waistband of his pants, her cheeks heated up at the feel of his thick cock jutting upward underneath his clothing. She was still watching his face and enjoying the way his cheeks darkened underneath his beard at her gentle touch. She’d never been this bold and she found that she loved every second of this. He made her want to be bold, to take charge—to be the woman she’d never gotten a chance to be before her life had changed.

  Ellis groaned and closed his eyes as she ran her palm over his thick length.

  And damn, he was big. His pants did absolutely nothing to hide that fact.

  She clenched her thighs together as she imagined how incredible he would feel inside her, all thick and long and holy hell, he was killing her and they hadn’t even done anything. Her imagination was going crazy and there was no way he could live up to it. Right?

  “I should tell you to stop,” he rasped out, trembling slightly.

  But he didn’t pull away, didn’t try to move her hands. Nope, he rolled his hips up against her.


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