A Shared Wife Stolen

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A Shared Wife Stolen Page 19

by Shalamara Jax

  Despite Carys’ obvious reservations about Mandy’s potential place in their family unit, she had been lovely all day, and Mandy clearly appreciated it. Driving her home, she was full of praise for his children.

  “They are wonderful Kaelan, Carys is so mature and Finn, well, he’s such a livewire and incredibly bright. No wonder you’re so proud of them.” She put her foot up on the dashboard and he tried, and failed, not to take in the shape of her long leg.

  “They’re not so bad. Carys isn’t always that well behaved I have to say, and they fight like cat and dog normally. You must have brought out the best in them,” he chuckled, “I’m not being fair. They’re pretty good together most of the time, and she does look out for him.”

  “I can see that.”

  “Here we are!” he said, as they pulled up outside her little cottage. “You know, I still can’t believe this place exists. Tucked away here in the middle of this industrial estate. It’s a genuine oasis.”

  Mandy laughed, “Gregor loved it the moment he saw it, and we got it for a song. No one wants to live in a place like this it seems. It took four years for the one next door to sell. I’m probably stuck with it for life, but luckily, I love it to death.”

  Kaelan jumped out and ran around to open the door for her, which made her snicker.

  “Milady,” he bowed and she curtsied in return.

  “Such a gentleman, will you see me to the door, sir?”

  “It would be my pleasure.” They locked arms and staggered up the path, trying not to fall over through the helpless peals of laughter.

  Mandy pulled away to unlock the door, she looked at Kaelan with such warmth it moved him. He expected a hug and kiss on the cheek and to be rapidly on his way. She looked away and smiled coyly, her hand on her chest.

  “Would you like to come in?” The question was heavy with intent.

  Kaelan hesitated, making her flush deeply. She trailed her fingers nervously down her chest and he followed their progress with burning eyes. He didn’t know what to do. This was not how he’d expected thing to go. If he went in it would be a huge decision, it would change everything. He wasn’t over Sophie, not by a long way, and he didn’t want to ruin things with Mandy. They were good friends.

  “Yes, I would,” he said quietly.


  Howie dragged Sophie’s hair back as he took her from behind, she mewled despite wanting to get away. Always the same impact on her body, it answered to him. Brenda was lying under her sucking her tits and the sensation was overwhelming

  “That’s it,” he purred, “That’s it baby, don’t be…upset…it’s so good. Isn’t it?” She yelped as he wrenched her hair back and grabbed her throat. Her breasts swung back and forth and the girl was cupping and squeezing, trying to keep her right nipple in her mouth.

  “Did you like her cunt Sophia…AH!” he choked her, then let her go, “Did you? Was it sweet? Tell me…you…liked it!”

  “No! No! No!” Sophie thrashed her head from side to side and tried to shuffle forward, away from them, but Howie grabbed her hips and held her in place as he gave her another brutal spearing. The truth was she had liked it, she’d liked sucking Brenda’s tits too as Howie had fucked her on her back.

  She could try to pretend to herself that she hated it, hated what he did to her, with her, but she didn’t. What she hated was the way he increasingly dehumanized her, made her feel like a toy, like she didn’t matter to him.

  He pounded her until she squirmed and squealed: “Oohhhhhhh oh yeah!!! Yeah God, don’t stoppppp!” She came, fists scrunching up the bed sheets, head whipping around, nearly pulling her teat from Brenda’s teeth. It was all she could do not to collapse, but she didn’t want to hurt her daughter’s friend even though she found herself hating the girl.

  As she rode through the final tremors, Howie slid out, his big cock slapping against the inside of her thigh, spraying his seed everywhere. Brenda gave her one last nip and wriggled away, laughing and slipping onto the floor. Her tits were so big they slapped together like a handclap.

  For the first time in a long time, Sophie felt something like alive. She was breathless and dripping with sweat, and her cunt was on fire. But it was a good fire, a sated glow. Maybe this was a turning point. She’d gone along with it almost willingly in the end, maybe Howie would be happy with her. She craved some emotional connection.

  “Phew! That was fucking excellent,” Sophie felt her insides tremble, “now get yourself off to the spare room.” Surely, she thought, Brenda wasn’t staying the night? Then his hand landed on her ass, “come on, off you go Sophia. Young Brenda here is having a sleepover and I need to make the most of it.”

  Sophie didn’t register what he’d said for a moment. She must have misheard. With a tired little roll, she came off the bed to find that Brenda was stroking Howie’s cock in readiness to take him into her mouth. She winked at Sophie and licked her lips. He stood there, hands on hips glaring at her like she was a naughty child.

  With a piteous wail, she vainly tried to cover her body and ran. In the darkness of the spare room, she curled into a ball and tried to blot out the sounds of her lover rutting with her daughter’s best friend. She knew she should leave, that this was the perfect opportunity, but she found she was unable to move. There was no leaving the pit she’d thrown herself into. She was trapped and completely, and numbingly, alone.


  “Would you like a drink?” Mandy asked, shyly. They were in her kitchen and circling each other. It was obvious what was happening but neither wanted to take the first step.

  “Thanks, I’ll have a coffee,” he leaned back against the fridge and knocked some of the magnets off. “Shit, sorry!” he scrambled around trying to fish one of them out from under the table.

  “It’s fine, don’t worry,” he felt her before he saw her, she was so close, “let me.” Their faces were virtually touching, her breath was warm on his cheek. Mandy lowered her eyes, but he could see her breathing quicken.

  Shaking with anticipation, Kaelan caressed her jaw and gently tilted her face towards his. Her eyes were wide, her mouth parted, they hovered over his. As her tongue made a slow circle, he pressed his mouth onto hers. It was electric. Just soft tender touches at first, both testing and exploring, then she opened for him and their tongues entwined.

  When she pulled back, Kaelan opened his eyes in surprise. He expected her to have moved further away, but she was kneeling and it was clear that she wanted more. With a shuffle, they were knee to knee and their mouths locked again, arms embracing and circling, their passion overwhelming. It had been boiling away for months and now they gave full vent to it.

  Kaelan felt her hands creep under his shirt, her nails raking the sensitive skin of his back. He sighed into the kiss, allowing his own hands to wander down to her ass. He cupped it, feeling his cock throb to hardness. This was what he’d been waiting for, and now that the moment had arrived he felt nervous. The sex with Paula and Cilla, even with the confusion he’d felt as a regular bull for a while, had always been just that, about nothing more than sex. This was different and it was painfully apparent.

  “Mmmmmf,” Mandy pulled away again, but this time she rose gracefully to her feet, held out a hand to him and took a hesitant step towards the hallway, “coming?”

  “Yes, I’ll be right with you.” He needed a minute, this was significant, a life changing decision.

  Mandy inclined her head and swayed slowly out of the room, her hips rolling seductively. Kaelan remained on his knees trying to process what was about to happen. He wanted it desperately, and yet he was afraid of it. If he followed her up to her room now, everything would change. Was he ready for that?

  “Last door on the right! Whenever you’re ready!” she called down, and he couldn’t help but grin to himself. The lightness of her tone made the decision simpler. He grabbed a glass of water and made his way along the passageway to the stairs.

  Chapter 21: Depths and heights

>   Even though Sophie now understood the extent of Howie’s manipulation she felt unable to break free. Her will was virtually broken. All the things he’d made her do, all the things she’d done willingly had shattered her self-esteem. She was tainted, ruined. Facing her friends, even her Mum, now felt impossible. The disgrace was crippling. At one time, her nose had prickled when she’d done something embarrassing but that had stopped a while ago, there was almost nothing that she could do to demean herself any further.

  How could she ever spend time with her kids again? They would hate her. They must hate her. And the worst thing of all was that she’d always thought that Kaelan would have her back. This time with Howie had been a vacation from her life, that’s what she’d seen it as. It was what made it bearable. The dream-like quality of it all had given her that hope.

  The dream was now a nightmare, and she didn’t even have the strength to climb out of bed.


  Kaelan was distracted. The representative from the funding organization was talking to the senior management team about the new development, and Mr. Grayson was nodding enthusiastically. He caught Kaelan’s eye and stared at him, trying to ensure that everyone was listening.

  Just then Mandy came in with a message for her boss. She was wearing a smart tailored suit, and her hair was up in a high pony-tail. She avoided his eye but there was a slight curl to her mouth as she whispered something to the Head Teacher. He held her arm as he whispered a response and it sent a jealous jolt through Kaelan. That surprised him.

  “As I was saying…” the presenter said, as Mandy left the room. And that was the last thing Kaelan heard.

  His thoughts were focused on Mandy. On what had happened when he’d followed her up to her room. It had been one of the most amazing experiences he’d ever had. She’d been in bed waiting for him.

  “Well?” she’d said with sultry purr, “are you coming in?”

  He hadn’t needed another invitation. As the PowerPoints came thick and fast, his thoughts were dominated by her pale writhing flesh. The way she’d bucked on him, her eyes bulging at his size, the way he’d stretched her. He’d loved her moans. She’d been gentle, but she’d wanted to be taken and so he’d happily obliged.

  She’d cried out as he’d cum in her the first time, and his cock had stiffened even more, filling her to bursting. “Ohhhhh Kaelan!” The memory blotted out the presenter’s dulcet tones, and he found himself agreeing to take on more responsibilities without genuinely hearing what they were.


  He was nervous. They hadn’t spoken since that night and that was partly because of how amazing it had been. She was waiting for him in the carpark.

  “Hey,” she said simply.

  “Hey yourself,” he almost kissed her but remembered where they were. Alan from the Geography department walked past and gave him a quizzical look that he didn’t return.

  “Shall we?”

  “We shall,” he agreed cheerfully, seeing her like this eased his discomfit. Nothing had changed between them, well not negatively anyway.

  They strolled along maintaining enough distance for the sake of respectability but when their hands came close, a charge went through him. It was all he could do not to hold it and be done with it. The coffee shop in the village was virtually empty and he guided her inside by gently touching her lower back.

  “I’ll get the coffee; do you want anything to eat?”

  “No thank you, I can’t afford to be eating cakes at my age. It’s hard enough to keep the weight off.”

  He snickered and shot her a cynical look. When he came back, he passed over her mint tea and dropped into the seat opposite her.

  “So?” she said, expectantly.

  “So?” Kaelan echoed, blowing on his cappuccino.

  “You wanted to talk? His eyes never left her mouth, he could feel how she had sealed the end of his cock in it and the way she’d licked all around, probing his eyelet, “Kaelan?”

  He mentally shook himself, “I do?”

  Mandy’s melodic laugh filled the near empty space, “you do. I know you haven’t been avoiding me, but something is up. I can feel it. Do you regret what happened?”

  The question caught him off guard. “No, no, not at all. Do you?”

  She took his hand and shook it, rumpling the red gingham tablecloth. “You know I don’t. It was wonderful. But there is something. What is it, Kaelan?”

  How did she know? How did she recognize the anxiety and the guilt? “It’s just… I mean it WAS wonderful. Really. I mean REALLY wonderful,” he registered her amusement, “I don’t know what to say. I just…”

  “Look, I like you Kaelan. I like you very much, but I’m not trying to pull you into a relationship. That’s not on my agenda right now. I slept with you,” She glanced around, but the two older men at the counter didn’t seem to have heard, “because I wanted to. It was right, it felt right.”

  “It did,” he confirmed.

  “But I think you are still in love with Sophie.”

  The words hit home like a slap. “What?”

  Mandy pulled her hand away and looked out at the village green, at the war memorial covered in flowers and the arched gateway into the churchyard. There wasn’t a soul around.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not angry. It’s totally understandable, it’s only been a few months and the children are a bond with her that can’t be broken. You talk about her a lot, even when you’re not aware of it.”

  Was that true? Had he fooled himself into believing that she was out of his life, that he and the kids could move on, that the pain had disappeared? Yes, because here it was again, searing back into his chest like a red-hot iron.

  “I just hope that we can stay friends? I really do like you, and I love your company. I’d even, though I can’t believe I’m saying this, consider…” Kaelan wondered what she was going to say, “I’d…be happy staying on as your friend with benefits.”


  She held up a delicate hand, “I know, you couldn’t do that. But the offer is there. I really think you need to contact Sophie though, see if you can salvage things.”

  Kaelan’s mind was whirring. He didn’t know what to say. The idea that he still loved his wife, that he was still in love with her, was startling, revelatory. Maybe he had to grieve for the relationship? The notion that he could ever take Sophie back was surely a step beyond possible? But he did recognize that he hadn’t fully processed everything that had happened.

  Mandy left him to his thoughts for a while, then she said: “Have you got to get back for Finn?”

  “No, Carys knew I’d be home later.”

  She gave a little fake shiver, “Oh, then back to my place? I’d love to go for round two.”

  He didn’t even think about turning her down. The processing would have to wait.


  He never came home at lunchtime, it was unheard of. Sophie’s ear was attuned to the sound of his car engine, it roused her and sent her tumbling out of bed. If he found her like this he would beat her again, and the bruises on her thighs and ass were still sore and livid.

  “Sophia!” The front door cannoned open and Howie yelled to her. It was an angry summons and she stumbled and fell as she tried to pull on her jeans. She didn’t get far, he stormed into the guest room and issued a cruel laugh.

  “Don’t bother with that, take them off.” Sophie rolled the denim down her legs without an utterance, she knew what was coming. There was no arguing, no point in resisting. “Get on the bed, open your legs. I’ve had a bad morning I need some relief.”

  Sophie dropped her panties to the floor, unclasped her bra and let it fall, and crawled back onto the duvet. Her hair was matted and dirty, her body was unwashed and smelled faintly of stale sweat. She knew that she looked like hell and very far from sexy, but that wasn’t what Howie wanted.

  He didn’t give her the chance to get into position, instead he grabbed her upper thigh and spun her violently onto
her back. “Hold them up,” he snapped, as he undid his pants and slipped his thick, semi-hard penis out of his fly.

  The bed rolled and undulated as he knelt between her legs, and Sophie winced as he took hold of her hip, shuffling closer until his knees were tight to her ass. He slapped her cunt with his thickening cock but it had no effect on her other than to make her shudder with revulsion. She was dry and it hurt as he shoved his glans through her outer lips.

  “Keep still you fucking bitch,” he ground his cock over her clit and Sophie had to bite her hand to stifle a cry, “Christ you stink! When I’m done, have a bath, I may be bringing some friends back tonight.”


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