Banshee Box Set

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Banshee Box Set Page 51

by Sara Clancy

  “Hey, I wanted to go to the hospital and check on Amy,” Nicole protested.

  “That’s an even worse idea!” Zack shouted.

  “Well, not the seeking medical attention part,” Meg said.

  “Okay, yeah, not that part,” Zack replied.

  “I think he’s more opposed to the visiting a girl attacked by a ghost, while said killer ghost is stalking the person doing the visiting,” Benton said.

  “Yes!” Zack gestured wildly to Benton. “Thank you.”

  “But we have to go to her now,” Nicole said.

  Meg and Danny exchanged a look. “No,” they said in unison. “You don’t.”

  Nicole took in a deep breath, lifting her hands like she could somehow pull all her thoughts together.

  “Amy could be having the same reaction to this drug, or whatever it is, as I am.”

  “Yeah,” Meg said with a little smile. “But they can just sedate her.”

  Benton cringed back, the thought sloshing bile against the back of his throat. He had been on the receiving end of that scenario more than once. When you woke up every night screaming, the first suggestion everyone came up with was sleeping tablets. Something that would knock him out and keep him out. It worked for everyone else. He, on the other hand, was trapped in hell. With one murderer after another flooding into his mind. Tearing down the walls between his minds and theirs. All blurring them together until he could barely claw his way through the mess. Logically, he knew that it wasn’t likely Amy was going through that kind of thing. But just the idea that she was had him feeling physically ill.

  “I’ll go check on her,” he mumbled.

  “And I’ll go with you,” Nicole said instantly.

  “Again, I feel like we should mention just how bad an idea this is,” Meg said.

  “What else can I do?” Nicole asked. “I know why I’m suddenly incapable of self-control.”

  “Honestly, you were never that great at it,” Danny noted.

  Nicole continued as if she hadn’t heard.

  “She doesn’t know what’s happening to her. That’s got to be terrifying.”

  “Okay, just a little question,” Zack said. “What are you going to tell her? Hey, did you know ghosts are real? Also, head’s up, it could be coming back for you. Good luck with that.”

  “I’ll think of something when I get there,” Nicole said.

  “Yeah, you’re not feeling impulsive at all,” Zack retorted.

  “I’m okay. I promise.”

  “You just attacked me.”

  Nicole shrunk back, hunching in her shoulders as she did. She looked small and utterly guilty. “I did say I was sorry, didn’t I?”

  “Repeatedly,” Benton answered.

  Zack glared at him.

  “What? Quit making her feel guilty. It’s in the past.”

  “It was five minutes ago!”

  “Which is the past,” Benton pressed, mostly out of a need to get Nicole to stop making that face. Being able to annoy Zack was admittedly a sweet little extra.

  “I just need to know that she’s doing okay,” Nicole cut in.

  Zack’s eyes darted between Meg and Danny, silently pleading for one of them to come up with something that would knock Nicole off of this line of thought. Good luck, Benton thought. He knew that tone well by now. She was about ten seconds away from doing something impulsive. Suddenly, and at least eight seconds too early, Nicole lunged across Danny, scrambling for the door.

  Chaos broke out for a few moments as they tried to wrangle her back in. It was as if everything that had been suppressed came rushing out in those few moments. The monsters with the storm. Ghosts. Meeting a serial killer couple. Watching the paranormal murder the woman and, only moments later, witnessing Nicole kill the man. Everything they had buried under mindless tasks and random obsession. The car rocked as the girls struggled. Screams rose to a deafening pitch. Amongst the shrill cries began a tirade of accusations and rants.

  Benton tried to tolerate it. To let them all release what they had been holding in. But it all crushed in on him. When it got to the point he couldn’t take anymore, he sucked in a deep breath and released a scream. His only thought was to break through the noise happening around him. There was no intention of making it ear-splitting. But it came out like radio feedback meeting nails on a chalkboard. Loud and shrill. The windows rattled, birds burst into the air, fleeing in a swarm that covered the sky. Everyone in the car dropped, covering their ears and bellowing in protest.

  “Benton!” Zack thumped him in the chest. “What the hell?”

  “My ears have only just stopped ringing from the last time you did that,” Danny whined, wiggling a finger in her ear as if that could make a difference.

  “You ever do that again, I swear to God, I will kill you!” Meg tried to pop her ears. “Am I shouting? I feel like I’m shouting!”

  “What?” Danny asked. “I can’t hear you.”

  “Enough!” Benton’s voice cut through the group.

  Everyone instantly fell silent. Clamping their mouths shut to avoid Benton opening his again.

  “Nicole, I’ll come with you to check on Amy, but you need to try and curb your impulses.”

  “I heard the part where you agreed with me,” she replied, her voice a little louder than it needed to be. “So okay.”

  He shook his head but didn’t push the issue. It was probably the best he was going to get. So he turned his attention to the others.

  “You guys, no one asked you to come along. If you don’t want to deal with this stuff, just step back. Nic and I can handle it.”

  There was a long paused.

  “What?” Danny asked.

  “I literally can’t hear what you’re saying,” Meg added.

  Zack waved at his ears. “All I hear is a constant ringing, man.”

  “Whatever,” Benton muttered, wiping his hand over his face. He looked back at Nicole to see if she wanted to just walk over. It was only a few blocks, after all.

  She was already halfway out of the car.

  Chapter 7

  Nicole could feel her hair.

  It was the weirdest sensation to be so completely aware of her body. Her nails buzzed, her eyes felt furry, and she could swear that her teeth were ringing. Energy surged through her body, turning her mind into a raging torrent of thoughts. She felt like her skull had been replaced by a pinball machine. Just bouncing her mind about from one thought to another. It left her restless. And no matter how much she bounced on her toes, shook her arms, or chewed on her lips, she couldn’t work the energy out of her system. With Benton keeping pace beside her, she made her way through the hospital corridor.

  Suddenly, Benton grabbed her hand and yanked her back. Her boots skittered over the tiles and she almost fell over several times. Eventually, once she felt stable again, she looked up at him.

  “What is it? What’s going on? Do you see something? Is it Mic? Is she here?”

  Benton only pointed over her shoulder. She twisted her torso to see Constable Dorothy Rider crossing the other end of the corridor.

  “Hey, mom’s here.” She had barely finished the sentence before Benton’s hand grabbed her shoulder.

  “What’s going on?” she asked as he pulled her backwards. It only clicked once they were safely behind a rack of medical pamphlets. “Oh, right. We’re not supposed to be here. Hiding. Good call. Solid. Sound decision making.”

  “I’m going to need you to relax,” Benton said tensely.

  “I am relaxed. I’m the most relaxed. If there was a contest for being the most relaxed, I’d win by default.”

  His brow furrowed. “I don’t think that came out the way you intended.”

  “Yeah, it did,” she insisted. “Because everyone would know that they can’t win against me so they wouldn’t even sign up. Ergo, I win by default.”

  “Did you really just used the word ‘ergo’?”

  “I just won an argument with the word ‘ergo’,” she c

  “Right,” he said slowly.

  He was looking over her head as he settled his hands on her shoulders and pushed down. Her heels hit the floor and stayed here. How long have I been doing that?

  “Thanks,” she mumbled.

  “Any time.” Benton was barely paying any attention.

  His long neck allowed him to glance around the display without inching out into view. She had every intention of turning around and looking too. But his hair was super fluffy. Like a puffed-up baby owl. Without all the products, his hair was a few shades lighter, especially at the tip, bringing the color to an almost snowy white. All of her research said that banshees were haunting. Although there was some debate over if it was breathtakingly beautiful or stomach-churningly ugly. What they did agree on, however, was that their hair was gray. She wondered if all of the others had this exact same shade.

  Reaching up, she poked at a bit that had flopped onto his forehead. He jerked his head away, making her reach further to regain the contact. With a huff, he smacked at her hand. Logically, she knew that she was irritating him and she resolved to stop. So it really surprised her when she found herself poking at his hair again. Another slap.

  “Stop,” he whispered.

  “Will do,” she replied with a salute.

  And she meant it. Right up until the overhead lights turned some of his strands silver and she just needed to poke it again. This time, after smacking it away, he grabbed her hand to keep it down.


  “I totally did.”

  “You do realize that you’re still doing it now, right?”

  She stared at her free hand, only then noticing that she was, in fact, still poking his hair.

  “Huh. Weird.”

  Benton huffed a sigh before something caught his attention. “Okay. She’s gone, let’s go.”

  Nicole was already heading down the hall before he had finished the sentence. He squeezed his fingers around one of her palms. It meant that one hand was free while the other was practically a leash tethering her to him. While it hurt her shoulder, it really did keep her from spiriting off before him. They hurried around the corner. Amy’s door came into view and Nicole picked up her pace. Only a few feet were left separating them when the door opened.

  Their sneakers squeaked against the tiles as they tried to duck somewhere out of sight. There was nowhere to go. After a moment of scrambling, they gave up and turned to face the music.

  “Uncle Chuck,” Nicole beamed.

  For a moment, she was relieved to see her father’s childhood friend before her. Then she recalled that he was also a member of the RCMP. Panic surged back through her, heightened by whatever drug was still in her system. She spun to check on Benton. Without missing a beat, he lifted his arm up, allowing her momentum to spin her around. She ended up back where she started, staring at Chuck, who, for some reason, was now looking at her strangely.

  “Nicole,” Chuck said slowly.

  “Any hope you haven’t seen us?” Nicole asked, working hard to keep her smile in place.

  His brow furrowed. Crossing his arms, he glanced between her and Benton. “No.”

  “You sound confused. Maybe you’re not quite sure.”

  Benton squeezed her hand and she clamped her mouth shut.

  “Hi, officer.”

  Benton sounded so impressively casual that she started turning to gawk at him. He dropped his free hand on top of her head and jerked her head back to the front.

  “How are you doing today?” he said without releasing her head.

  “Fine,” Chuck said slowly. “What are you two doing here?”

  “I honestly don’t know how to respond to that,” Nicole said.

  Benton squeezed her hand again. Oh, right. Shouldn’t say that.

  “Take your time,” Chuck said.

  “Thanks.” Benton clicked his tongue as he struggled to come up with something. “So, were you on your way to get a coffee?”

  “I know you’re both supposed to be at school right now,” Chuck cut in.

  “Free period,” Nicole spouted.

  That actually sounded believable. She turned to see if Benton was just as proud as she was. He pushed her back around again.

  “We just thought we’d check in on Amy,” Benton added.

  “Yes! Totally.” She jerked her thumb over her shoulder. “That.”

  Chuck gestured past them. “And that’s why they’re here, too?”

  Meg and Danny came running up on her left, Zack on her right. Seeing them brought a wave of ecstasy. They made it. They came. They’re here. Giggles spilled from her mouth as she started to jump. She would have clapped if Benton didn’t jerk her back down. It didn’t quell the excitement that was simmering through her.

  “Aw, you guys made it! You’re the best! I love you guys.”

  “Nic,” Benton hissed.

  “Oh, right, sorry.” She stopped bouncing, schooled her features, and turned her attention back to Chuck.

  Chuck’s jaw dropped. “I still saw that you did that.”

  “Any chance you’re willing to pretend that you didn’t?” she asked with a toothy grin.


  “Oh,” Nicole said sadly.

  “What are you on?” Chuck’s mouth became a tense, thin line as he looked to Benton. “What did she take?”

  “Just a sleeping tablet,” Nicole assured. It was easier now that she had the lie all set up. “Weird side effects, I guess.”

  “Okay, I don’t know what all this is,” he waved a hand about to indicate the entire group of teenagers. “But it stops now. Get back to school and I won’t tell your mother.”

  “But ... Amy!”

  “Go,” Chuck demanded, pointing down the hallway.

  “I understand,” Nicole said. And she meant it. Right up until she saw the door again.

  Before she knew it, she was at the door, pushing her way inside with Benton at her heels. He slammed into her back when she cut short.

  Amy wasn’t alone in the room.

  A creature stood on her bed, crouched down to straddle the unconscious girl. Each muscle was exposed. Dry and brittle. Shortened with rot. Its bones clicked and popped as it swiveled its shoulders, the soft noise mingling under the crackle of the parchment-thin skin. It had no eyes. Only deep, cavernous voids where they should have been located.

  Nicole’s stomached churned. Her blood became ice in her veins when she found out that she knew that face. It was barely more than a skull. Crushed with skin and lips peeled back to expose its teeth. But she knew. With the same unwavering certainty that she knew it was smiling at her. A toothy, smirk full of malice and twisted delights. Just like that, she was back on the storm-drenched road, watching as the life drained from the man as she put a bullet between his eyes.

  The creature was gone before she could summon a scream.


  Shock threw Benton out of his skin, separating him from reality, reducing the world to separate moments in time rather than a constant stream. It only took his brain a split second to recognize the man the monster had been. A phantom pain crushed his throat as he looked upon the man’s mangled face, which had almost killed him. This can’t be happening. The grotesque being smiled. It ripped the air from Benton’s lungs.

  Nicole burst forward and reality caught up with him. In an instant, he was aware that Zack and Meg had rushed to the door at the same time, clogging up the entrance and effectively cutting it off as an escape route. The mummified man went for the open window. So did Nicole. She grabbed hold of the sliding glass and shoved it closed, attempting to block off his exit. But the dead man was swift. He passed through a split second before the glass closed with a cracking force.

  Chuck’s demand for attention was nothing compared to Nicole’s bellow of fury. She slammed her fists against the cracked window, shattering it, already climbing out before all the pieces had followed.

  “Nicole!” She didn’t even look back at hi
m. All of her focus was on hunting down the monster. “Damn it, Nic.”

  A series of shouts followed him as he jumped from the window, grateful that the hospital itself was on the ground floor. A quick glance and he spotted the flying trails of her hair passing around the corner of the alleyway. He was quick to close the distance. Following her out into the street, down the mercifully empty walkway, heading towards the outskirts of town.

  Nestled within the grass planes, Fort Wayward was a handful of buildings clustered on one side of a highway and surrounded by grasslands. There was nowhere for her to go and yet he was terrified of losing sight of her. Or leaving her alone with whatever had crawled out of its own grave. Her sights were set on the mummified man. Following as he ran along the sides of the buildings, leaping from one to the next. Swinging up to perch on streetlamps before sailing down to run along the street again.

  He’s playing her.

  The thought turned his burning chest to ice. With whatever he had given her leaving her blindly impulsive, it wasn’t a hard task. One last flip, and the living mummy stopped. It turned around, facing Nicole straight on, shoulders hunched for a fight but still smiling. It’s luring her.

  Benton’s head filled with images of it luring her out into the grasslands, where the vegetation served as a hiding place. Where they could be separated by a few feet and never know it. All of that shattered when a big-rig’s airhorn broke the stillness. The massive truck was barreling down the lonely highway. Too fast to stop. Nowhere for it to turn. And Nicole was running out in front of it.


  She didn’t hear him, or the desperate attempts of the driver to raise a warning. Her attention was focused on the skinned man alone.

  Benton pushed himself harder. Until his legs ached and his lungs felt filled by burning coals. The skinned man cackled with glee as Nicole lunged for him, leaping in front of the speeding mac truck. Horns blared as Benton crashed into her, meaning to push her out of the way but clumsily taking them both down. Rough pavement ground against his skin as he struggled to hold onto the struggling girl. The horn sounded again, the sound filling his head as he looked up to see the metal front of the truck glistening within the sunlight. Its front bar soared towards them. Benton flattened himself against the ground, but metal still consumed his vision. The horn blasted all thoughts from his mind.


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