Ice: A Quinn Brothers Story (The Quinn Brothers Story Series Book 3)

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Ice: A Quinn Brothers Story (The Quinn Brothers Story Series Book 3) Page 1

by Casey Clipper


  A Quinn Brothers Story Series

  (Story 3)

  The Right of Casey Clipper to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her.


  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights.


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictionally, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  First Published 2016

  Copyright © Casey Clipper 2016


  Published by

  CC Publishing Group

  Cover by Joanna Chlasta



  Shane glanced at his watch, exasperated with both his administrative assistant’s tardiness and his inability to be irate with her. She’d worked for him for a month, and she’d been late every day for three weeks. He gazed out the tenth floor office window, down to the bustling Friday morning Pittsburgh streets below. He didn’t have time for his secretary’s lack of a watch, an alarm clock, or her struggles to pull her cell phone out of her damn purse.

  As if on cue, Leila stumbled to her desk, her arms loaded with her purse, plain white paper bags, and her Vera briefcase (a birthday gift from him last week). “Sorry, Mr. Quinn. I stopped at the pastry shop but didn’t realize how busy they’d be today.”

  She hurried into his office, her long auburn hair contrasting dramatically with her crisp white button-down shirt. Her fitted black pencil skirt showed off her fantastic curves.

  Internally, he groaned. Shane didn’t need to pant over his administrative assistant. But her figure always tempted him. And to-date, he hadn’t been able to stop himself from eyeing her every time she walked out of the room. He loathed that slight chink in his steel armor. An unwelcome weakness, as if she held some sort of power over him, throwing him back to his teenage years.

  Leila plopped the white bag onto his desk and pulled out a paper plate, napkin, and fork, followed by a blueberry muffin. Why she did this, he had no idea. But this had become her normal ritual since she’d caught him with a pastry during her first week of employment.

  “Leila,” he said. “Today’s a busy day, and I needed you here on time.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said softly.

  “You’re late every day. For three weeks, you haven’t managed to be punctual.” He stepped up to the desk and cut off a piece of the muffin.

  “Now you’re exaggerating.” She waved flippantly.

  If he wasn’t so damn good at hiding his surprise, his mouth would have dropped open at her ignorance.

  “The files with all the numbers and information you need are right here.” She pointed her finely manicured pink fingernail at his desktop. “You didn’t need to wait for me to arrive to start your meeting. I prepared everything for you so that you could have started a half an hour ago.”

  The manila folder was placed in the center of his desk, so he wouldn’t miss it. Not that he had. Oh, he’d seen it, and knew she’d been beyond efficient with her duties. In fact, she had been since day one. She was the most dependable secretary HR ever placed with him. When his last admin quit because she couldn’t tolerate his demanding personality, his four brothers mocked him, stating he’d never find a woman capable of sticking by his side. Even a secretary. At the time, he’d thought nothing of it. But Leila took his curt and blunt attitude with a grain of salt. She simultaneously managed to keep him flabbergasted, annoyed, and intrigued.

  The bag slipped from Leila’s fingers to the floor, and when she bent over, that tight skirt straining over her perfect round buttock, his body stirred, begging for attention.

  He cleared his throat and diverted his eyes when she stood and faced him.

  “Are you ready to finally start the meeting, or do you want to finish your muffin first? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It’ll help your energy.” Her tone combined a scolding mother and a mocking employee.

  His lips quirked. “You’re worried about my energy? Don’t be. I have plenty to keep myself going, no matter the situation.”

  Satisfaction bubbled within him when her large sapphire blue eyes grew wide and her fair skin blushed a delightful shade of pink at his innuendo.

  What the hell was he thinking? Never, in all his years, had he spoken to a female coworker in such a manner. Sexual harassment lawsuits did not top his bucket list.

  And then her bravado kicked in as she squared her shoulders. “How admirable. Maybe we should take out a billboard ad and possibly gain you more clients, who’ll be thoroughly impressed by your business stamina.” She spun on her kitten heels and stormed out of his office, slamming the door behind her.

  He grinned and glanced down at the muffin. Maybe he’d pushed that one a bit far.


  “Leila, do you have last month’s numbers?” Shane called out through the open office door. His eyes began to strain as he read over the mound of paperwork before him, but the morning meeting had brought about new concerns for the company. For investment corporations like his, these were tumultuous times. Those companies who survived the recession without government bailouts were the ones who hadn’t bent the system to their will. But it didn’t mean they had gotten by unscathed. All companies had been hit, including his. Though his company pulled through, still standing, their quarterly numbers went stagnant, suggesting the economy remained at a standstill.

  Leila walked into the office and tossed the folder onto his desk. He glanced up over his reading glasses. She was still pissed at him.

  As she turned to leave his office, the time on the clock said six-thirty. Mentally exhausted, he decided that everything on his desk could wait until Monday morning.


  She stopped and looked over her shoulder. “Yes?”

  “Want to grab something to eat? It’s late, and I’ve kept you here too long. My treat.” He took off his glasses and tossed them on the desk.

  Her eyes flashed, and she bit her bottom lip. She shook her head. “I’m just going to go home, Mr. Quinn.”

  She squirmed deliciously under his scrutiny. Maybe going to dinner with Leila wasn’t one of his brightest ideas, but it was the least he owed her for keeping her late on a Friday night and for his inappropriate comment.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she said, her tone more question than denial.

  “Why not?”

  “I work for you.”

  “Leila, I’ve taken you to lunch before. This is just a different meal at a later time.” Not necessarily true, but he had to convince her that he was sorry. At least that’s what he mentally assured himself.

  She sighed. “All right. Only because my stomach just yelled at me that it wants food. I’m surprised you didn’t hear it.”

  He chuckled. “Even your stomach isn’t allowed to yell at me, Leila.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Such an arrogant...”

  His brows shot up in warning.

  Her mouth clamped shut.

  “I’ll grab my purse.” She scooted out of the office.



  “I’m stuffed. Thank you for dinner, Mr. Quinn,” Leila said, slouching back in the booth and rubbing her flat stomach.

eila, you’re making me uncomfortable. Can you please call me Shane?”

  Her smile lit up the room and took his breath away. Shane couldn’t rationally decipher what drew him toward her. Her vibrant personality? Her defiance of him? Her sharp-tongued mouth? Her come-hither looks?

  “All right. Shane.” She tilted her head, as if testing how it sounded.

  His name spilling from those plump berry lips went straight to his gut. Why? She wasn’t his type. He normally went after other corporate CEOs, who understood what his daily routine entailed: late nights, frequent business trips, stressful days. They knew that when he didn’t return their calls, it wasn’t personal; he just couldn’t invest in the time to build a relationship.

  But his usual preferences had become stale over the last month. Those flings didn’t challenge him or become visibly frustrated or angry. They certainly didn’t make him laugh the way she did when she went on relentlessly about visiting the aviary. There was nothing more endearing than her self-awareness over her obsession with penguins.

  When he’d mocked her over the figurines that littered her desk, she retaliated by purchasing him a book of statistics on penguins. He could still picture her: back straight, head held high, walking with purpose into his office, slamming the book down on his desk and then leaving, not a word spoken. When he’d picked up the book and rifled through, he found pages of her favorite pictures dog-eared. He’d read that entire book in one night. The next day, he’d had a small crystal statue of a rock hopper penguin delivered to her desk. She’d been overjoyed when she found it.

  Nope, no woman stirred his emotions the way Leila did, and he wasn’t sure what to do about it. Part of him desperately wanted her in his bed, yet the other part warned him to stay away. He wasn’t in the market for any type of relationship.

  Shane shook off his unwelcome thoughts. “Come, let me take you home.”

  She giggled. “Okay, but I don’t live close, which is why I take the bus.”

  “Yes, well, I’m certainly not putting you on a bus this late in the evening.” He slid out of the booth and held out his hand for her to take. Looked like he’d be hitting the gym in the morning instead of this evening.


  Shane watched Leila fumble with her apartment keys and laugh at herself. “I’m all thumbs.”

  His hands shoved into his suit pants, he chuckled. “Need some help?”

  “I think I can figure it out.”

  When she finally got the door open and stepped over the threshold, his intentions were to make the thirty-minute drive back to his apartment. But when she spun, her vanilla scent wafted his direction. He took an automatic step in her direction.

  “Thank you for dinner,” she said, her voice breathy.

  “You’re welcome.” Another step.

  Their eyes locked, and he watched her sharp intake of breath, her ample chest rising. He internally warred with himself. She was much younger than him, by ten years. She didn’t understand the pressures he was under with his job and his family. Four brothers who constantly needed looking after, coupled with a job that demanded early mornings and late evenings, would test any woman’s patience. He needed to walk away and get over his infatuation.

  But Shane couldn’t help himself. He reached up and snaked his hand around the nape of her neck. His mouth descended upon hers. Just a taste; that was all he wanted. One nibble.

  “Shane,” she whispered.

  Her mouth melded to his, her velvet lips giving him a sip of heaven. Her purse hit the floor with a thud; then her hands wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. Shane pushed her into the apartment, kicking the door shut behind them. His mind briefly went blank.

  Their kiss instantly grew hungry, desperate. Leila pushed at his jacket, and he made quick work of shedding the expensive coat. He pinned her against the wall as his tongue swept the inside of her luscious mouth. He wanted her. His body wanted to own her body. If he considered the consequences, he’d walk away now and end up palming himself in the shower. Their interaction would become awkward. If their companionship took on that form, might as well make it worth his while. Better to sleep with her.

  Their bodies gyrated in fluid motion. Shane broke the kiss and worked down to her neck. He took the front of her shirt and ripped it, buttons flying all directions.

  “I liked that shirt,” she said, breathless.

  “I’ll buy you a new one.”

  He took her mouth again in a scorching kiss to show her how much he desired her, his hard erection grinding against her stomach. She was tiny compared to his six-foot-two frame, but fit perfectly against him.

  Leila went for his pants, but he grasped her hands firmly. He pulled away from her luscious lips. “I’m in charge.”

  He watched her eyes glaze and flash with an excitement he was well attuned to. Shit. He didn’t need the complication of not only being attracted to his secretary, but her willingness to submit to him. He hadn’t been looking for that type of hook up, only a one night get-her-out-of-my-system affair. This could throw a wrench into his plans of losing himself in her and then not looking back.

  Fuck it. He leaned down and nipped her earlobe and ran his tongue down the length of her neck, never releasing his hold on her.

  “Bedroom,” he said, then bit the hollow at her collar bone, causing her body to shudder. Oh, she was going to be so much fun to play with.


  Shane loomed over Leila, lying centered on the queen-sized bed. His hungry eyes raked her over from head to toe. God, she was sex and sin wrapped in one delectable package. He loosened his tie.

  “Tell me, Lelia.” He heard the rasp and deep, commanding tone his voice had taken on. “And be honest. Any objections in bed?”

  Her chest heaved, her face flushed, and her swollen lips took a small downturn. “Like what?” Her brows slid together. “You won’t hurt me, will you?”

  “Absolutely not. But right now, I want to tie you up and have my way with you.” He slid the silk material through his fingers, itching to wrap the tie around her wrists.

  At that confession, her body arched and her legs rubbed together, a blatant sign of her need. “Do it.”

  “Are you sure, baby? You can be the reasonable one for both of us and tell me to get my ass out of here.” Meanwhile, he slipped what was left of her shirt off her body and made quick work of stripping her of her bra.

  “Yes,” she hissed.

  He quickly and expertly tied her hands to the headboard, leaving her perky breasts thrust out, begging for attention. He tested the bond to make certain he didn’t cut off her circulation. Shane leaned down and took a beaded nipple into his mouth, sucking and biting. Laving her breast, he moaned when she pushed her breasts into him.

  “Stay still,” he growled. “Absorb the pleasure I give you.”

  “More. I need more. Touch me,” she pleaded.

  He grinned, longing to devour her. Shane worked his lips down her body, taking in every ounce of her deliciousness. Her skin flushed as he made his way down to the apex of her thighs and slid a finger into her core. He looked up at her, wanting to see her visible pleasure. Her skin was flushed, and her eyelids fluttered as she watched his hand disappear into her body. So beautiful and sexy. If he didn’t intend this to be a one-night thing, he could find himself getting lost in her day after day.

  Leila’s body moved with his motions, the greedy minx looking for a quick, satisfactory release to what had to be an overwhelming need. Normally, Shane would make a woman wait until he finished playing and working her over, controlling her body. But Leila called to him on a different level. He didn’t want to wring her out. He wanted to be inside her and feel her around him.

  Shane stood and shucked his clothing.

  Leila gasped as she took in his naked form. “Oh god, you’re going to kill me with that thing.”

  Shane lazily stroked himself. “Hardly. But you will feel me every time you move tomorrow.”

  He grabbed a condom out of
his wallet and made quick work of donning it. He crawled onto the bed and up Leila’s body, taking her mouth in a kiss fiercer than any he’d ever placed on a woman. He slowly slid into her body, relishing the feel of her warmth. Shane covered her body, but she was the one who surrounded him. Leila’s vanilla and feminine scent, her soft mewls, and her silky skin all embraced him.

  Shane couldn’t hold onto his normally stoic self-control. He had none with Leila. His body moved, pounding into hers, branding her. He broke from her mouth and lifted her legs into the crook of his arms to get deeper, closer.

  Leila exploded around him, screaming out his name, pulsating around him. Shane desperately tried to hold off, but even he couldn’t master control over the euphoric sensations. His body went rigid as he released himself into the condom, black spots hindering his vision. He lost his breath and strength, collapsing on top of her.

  Leila breathed heavily into his ear, the warmth of her breath sending tingles down his spine. Shane knew at that moment he couldn’t spend the night. He shouldn’t have caved to his desire. His loss of control rankled him. She was no good to have in his life. Except he didn’t want to leave her quite yet. And what did he do come Monday morning?


  Shane stood next to his baby brother, Brayden, to witness his commitment vows. He couldn’t have been more proud of Bray, standing up in front of the small group of family and close friends to showcase his love for Mike. And he couldn’t have been more thankful to Mike for fighting for his brother and leading him to come out of his shell.

  Brayden and Mike had decided on a late Sunday morning wedding. Since it was a difficult task to get them all in the same place at the same time, because of their busy life and work schedules, it took them an extra month to book. They were lucky Candace hadn’t gone into labor yet.


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