Dangerous Seduction

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Dangerous Seduction Page 7

by Diana Rose Wilson

  “I am not running anywhere, angelfish. There’s nothing you’ll say or show me that will change how I feel about you.” She nuzzled into his hands, kissing one and then the other before she fed him another grape and rubbed noses with him. Happily, she breathed in the scent of him. He was musky with sex and sweat and the wild evergreens that made her heart race—hot and fierce.

  He uttered a small, broken laugh and closed his eyes, slipping his hands from her face to slide both arms around her and squeeze her tightly against him. “After you nearly fainted after seeing me swimming in your pool?” he said playfully.

  “Ah, that was just an unexpected lurch. It’s growing on me. I don’t know if we’ll be swimming together anytime soon,” she said. “I don’t mind nibbles but…shark nibbles might leave me with more than a few scars.”

  “I’m not a werefish,” he said firmly and playfully nipped at her neck. He held on to her, preventing her from escaping his teasing. “It is only a form my spirit takes. I retain all of my human senses.” He grinned at her skeptical look. “I can see this will be a trust test for us. No showing you the other form then.”

  “Other form?” she whispered, breathless from his nibbles and the tickles he applied to her sides.

  “Ah no, you’re not going to see it now. When I was in the water you tried to run. It will break my heart to see terror in your eyes, looking at me.”

  “What in the world is it? A T-Rex?”

  He growled playfully against her and only paused to ply her with another wedge of cheese and took one himself. “No, no, now you’ll never know.” He grinned at her.

  She wondered if she would be terrified. Yes, she’d been scared seeing him as a shark in her pool, but she’d seen so much more than that since then. She really wanted to see him in all his forms. She wanted to know all his secrets and not fear any of it.

  “Unless you are going to take back your ring,” she said, flashing the big twinkling diamond at him. “We have to come to grips with the fact I will know someday. I might stumble on you and be shocked more than if you just show me.”

  “You would have felt more comfortable in the pool?” he asked, smirking up at her.

  “If you had given me some warning.”

  He looked skeptical, his lips pursed, as he watched her face and let out a soft breath. “This is extremely unorthodox.”

  “I appear to be bending all sorts of rules.” She grinned at him and fed him another slice of cheese and meat.

  “Well, it is very rare for outsiders to come in and witness these traditions.”

  “Am I an outsider? What happens to those people like me who were never told anything? I don’t know what I’m doing. Isn’t there a rule that covers education for me?” she asked, holding up her hand to show off her mark, which signified her extraordinary abilities.

  “You are an outsider with the people here.” He looked troubled and gave a small shake of his head. “Tradition says people must rely on their bloodline to educate or hint enough to offer enlightenment. Mostly it’s expected they will fade and never trouble anyone. Some of the more stringent traditionalists suggest it’s better that those individuals were dead than to muddy the pure lines and sully traditions.”

  She frowned at him. “What?”

  “I didn’t say I believe in that bullshit, but there’s something to be said for guarding our secrets. And you should be warned that not everyone will embrace a new face. People who uncover the actuality of talents are often the type of people to push things too far. I’ve seen it happen far too often.”

  Marcie held her breath. How strange that less than a week ago, her whole focus had been her masked parties. She was plummeting down into what appeared to be a bottomless chasm of mystic riddles and frightening dangers. Those same possibilities woke the beast inside her. She wanted to know everything. This time the need was hers alone, not the manipulation of Beatrix.

  He seemed to sense her determination and brushed a soft kiss to her lips.

  Returning the kiss, she whispered, “I think the best way to protect me would be to educate me. Otherwise, I might bungle into who knows what if we’re living here under the shadow of that deadly-looking tree.”

  He sputtered and laughed. “The tree only looks tough,” he assured her, eyes sparkling as he pulled her in closer for a longer, more passionate kiss. Just as she melted against the warmth of his naked body with thoughts of dragging him down to the floor to ravage, he broke the kiss. He sucked at her lower lip suggestively. “My fearless love. You really are made for me.”

  “I love you, angelfish. I will keep your secrets as my own.”

  Still smiling a devious little smile, he took a step back and inclined his head toward her with respect and pressed his knuckles over his heart. Was this wise? Was she taking on more than she could process? She remembered the startling image of the shark in the pool and before that of her own tail revelation. Shock and fear at first followed by a rush of delight. Even her wings, which started out as such a disappointment had converted into things of beauty.

  For a moment he stood before her in only his tattoos as though he speculated on her thoughts. Then he gave her a wickedly predatory smile. Her heart lurched with a jolt of adrenaline. That wasn’t panic, her rational mind told her while the primal response to run tried to take over. In the span of time between one tripping pulse thrum and the next, he changed. Shimmering edges appeared first around the tips of his golden wings and then the rest of his body.

  Before she could even breathe “Dear God!” the man no longer stood before her. Instead he was replaced by a huge lion. And yet much more than a lion. This beast was far larger than anything natural. The shoulders were almost level with her chest. The color of the coat was spun gold, dappled with lighter and darker spots like sunbursts, and the mane was long and flowing, dark-tipped around the chest and lighter along the massive shoulders and back.

  She would have fallen on her ass had she not been cornered against the bar. Bad enough that she sprang back and banged her side and elbow hard against the counter with a painful jolt and sharp intake of breath.

  The lion’s tail swished irritably around powerful haunches at her response, and the muzzle crinkled up into a sneer as the huge beast rumbled at her. Wouldn’t be afraid? Right. It wasn’t quite a voice, it was more a reading of the animal’s stance and movement and a touch of his emotions whispering along the back of her mind.

  “Not a werecat? What’s this?” She pointed at him, forcing herself not to press into the counter. She willed herself to relax.

  He sat before her, practically eye to eye with her, and yawned, showing off huge jaws filled with teeth and then ducked down and tipped his head, rumbling with what could have been laughter. Then he nuzzled his huge head into her breasts, purring low. His coat felt amazingly soft and silken against her skin. He was ethereal—the outline glittered and shimmered—but very lion-like.

  And as she ruffled trembling fingers through the mass of mane, she thought of how wonderful it would be to run wild with him. She glanced back out the doors at the wilderness. I need a lot of privacy, his voice whispered back to her and she hugged around his neck with a choke of laughter.

  “Fuck!” She pushed at him, grabbing an ear to wrestle him back as he playfully swatted at her with plate-sized paws. “Hey! Hey!” He was so gentle as he grabbed her arm in his jaws. Without applying any pressure, he pulled her down. At last he let her duck around him but not before licking up her stomach with his rough, warm tongue. As she got out of claw-range, he rolled onto one side with a whine of disappointment at her escape.

  His eyes remained silvery in contrast to the gold pelt. In them, she could see the intelligence that was still Mano inside the beast form. The tip of his tail slowly flicked back and forth as he waited, seeming to expect her to run. Deep in the massive chest he made a soft sound of protest but didn’t move, waiting for her.

  “No mauling me,” she said, hugging the quilt around her tightly. Though he didn’
t look fully solid, he certainly felt it. She rubbed a hand over the spot where he’d licked her, remembering the rough warmth of the touch.

  Mano snorted and rolled his eyes slightly before narrowing them and settling onto his back, showing off his pale, dappled belly.

  She took a deep breath and moved closer, kneeling beside him. She ran a hand over the fur of his chest. It felt incredibly soft and sparkled as her fingers slid through the pelt. How many people in the town could do this? Her mind played through everyone she’d seen during the interview. Everyone?

  Curiously, she lifted one of his paws and smiled at the mark that was still there on the leathery pad—a silvery feather against the black. There was the same prickle of connection when she touched it. The beast’s silvery eyes narrowed and lidded, the purrs deepening from the vast furred chest.

  Just as when he’d changed into the lion, he shimmered back into his human form. One moment she was rubbing along his stomach, threading fingers through silken fur, and the next she teased his hard, bare muscles and tattoos. His expression was lined with concern.

  “Don’t give me that look!” she gasped and cupped his face as she covered him with her body and the quilt.

  “Did I show too much?” he asked, and she imagined him tail-flicking in irritation. His arms wrapped around her, searching her eyes.

  “Not at all! Oh, love! You never have to hide anything from me! Just…you don’t ever do that just at random, right? Not when the moon turns or—”

  He laughed and leaned up to steal a kiss and silence her, growling into her lips. “No, love. No.” He let out a deep, shivering breath and let his eyes closed as he held her tighter. “I hope someday you will run with me.”

  “And your friends?” she asked warily.

  “I can’t share that with you, love. There are lots of rules I will bend, but that is not one of them. They will have to decide when and how they share with you, if they will at all.”

  She rubbed noses with him, her heart still racing wildly. “You are amazing,” she whispered against his lips. “I cannot wait to run free and wild with you. If…I can.”


  “And that’s how it happened,” Marcie finished her story and grinned at Ursa. The small woman sat there with her mouth open, staring at her. With Mano’s approval, she’d told Ursa everything, except about Mano’s form-slipping. “We want you and Leo to know what’s going on.”

  She and Mano had agreed to wait before sharing any of their story with Vans and Travis. That was not a good idea yet. Travis was staying on at Adler. Marcie hated it. Vans approved even less. It was his choice, though, and his life and soul and future. Still, part of her wanted to tell him exactly what had happened.

  But Travis didn’t seem to believe the story that Vans shared with them about the tapestry either. Travis saw a rational answer for everything. How he rationalized his wings, Marcie couldn’t fathom.

  Leo had quit his job. Thank God. Right now, he was interviewing with Barbara and Anthony. After a second interview, much less dramatic than the first, they had settled the terms of her employment with them. They were eager to meet someone with as much experience in finance as Leo Wolfe. Marcie felt exhausted with happiness.

  Ursa finally snapped her mouth closed but only because the server had come back to their table. “Are you ready to order?”

  “We’re still waiting for someone. If you can give us a little more time. I think she would like another mimosa though. I’m good with the juice.” Marcie grinned at Ursa when the handsome young man swept away to get the drink.

  They were enjoying lunch at Three Compasses, and taking advantage of the break in the rain to eat outside on the patio. Mano and a few of his friends were supposed to join them so Marcie could meet them and when Leo’s interview was finished, he would complete their extra-long lunch date. Hopefully it would be a celebration lunch for his new job.

  “Thank you for trusting us, but you have to tell Travis,” Ursa said, hands clutched, her expression lined with the same worry Marcie felt.

  Sighing, Marcie shook her head. “You know what he is like. You heard him the other night at dinner. The only thing I can do is try to protect him when the time comes.” She didn’t have any doubt that the time would come. It was only a matter of when the hammer fell.

  “And you’re really pregnant?” Ursa whispered, eyes bright.

  “I have an appointment with a new doctor and we’ll know for sure.” She glanced down at her hands. “I think it was only part of the ploy. I can’t imagine morning sickness showing up days after getting knocked up. Besides, I’m on the pill, how could I be? Anyway, I trust a doctor over some chef.”

  Ursa blushed and ducked her head. “I have been cautioned that they…Kyrie…are extremely fertile.” She smiled down at her drink and swirled it around, not looking up. “I kinda hope you are. I want to be Auntie Ursa.”

  “What about you and Leo?” Marcie asked softly, reaching out to squeeze her friend’s shoulder.

  Ursa just gave a small shake of her head, her smile serene. “No.” She sipped her drink and looked away.

  “Ursa? What is it? Has something happened?”

  “You know how you expect Travis to get the big knock-down by Beatrix in the end? I kinda feel that way with Leo. He’s going to realize I’m just a silly girl sometime soon.” She didn’t look over at Marcie, her smile still in place. “I just want to enjoy it while it lasts. You know? I just don’t want to make him think I had a baby to trap him.”

  “Ursa!” Marcie felt the horror in the statement even though Ursa seemed convinced.

  “It’s fine, Marcie.” Her hazel eyes glinted. “I am so happy right now, it shouldn’t even be legal. I can take that. He is too good for me by miles. And he’s going to have this job here, so he’ll need to move. It’s going to take some adjustments. I just… I’m sure he’ll find someone here.”

  “Ursa!” Marcie said her name harder that time. The very idea that Leo would even think of looking for someone else made her sick to her stomach. “He loves you so much. He—”

  “He does today. But…come on, Marcie. He is so out of my league.”

  “Don’t you love him? Wouldn’t you want to move here if he finds a house here?” Marcie was having trouble grasping the concept that Ursa would stay in Oakland and not join them. Yes, she included Mano and herself in this family unit. She had been imagining them all living close together.


  “I love him with my whole heart. With everything I am! But, Marcie, why would I move?”

  “Because you want to be with him.” She wanted to reach over and shake her friend.

  Ursa shook her head and lowered her eyes to her hands. “I can’t trap him like that. He’s going to wake up one morning, roll over and see a short, chubby girl in his bed and wonder what the hell he’s doing. Why isn’t he with the…sexy accountant.” Ursa flapped her hand and sort of pointed toward a young woman folding napkins. She was beautiful, with dark skin and black curls falling loosely down her back to her hips. The woman was actually one of the Harris-Wallace children, the youngest child, Vanessa.

  “He loves you, Ursa. Just as you are. You know he doesn’t want anyone else. Don’t you?” Marcie watched her friend’s brilliance dim with the weight of her doubt.

  “Today he doesn’t. Tomorrow he might not, but what about after that? I used to think we were joined because I could see him for real and no one else could. I was so proud of that. Now? I feel like everyone can see him the way I do.” She pushed her drink away and put her smile back on. “So, I will enjoy him until his Valkyrie comes along.” This time the smile couldn’t stay in place and her eyes filled with tears.

  “Oh, Ursa. Darling. Not everyone can see! Only those who have…” Marcie searched for the right word. “Talent.” She scooted her chair over and wrapped her arms around her friend, squeezing her tightly. “Is this because he hasn’t proposed to you yet?”

  Ursa shook her head, sniffling. “No. I
am actually glad he isn’t proposing. That would be so awkward. Right? I mean, if we were married when his Valkyrie comes along…” She ducked her head and sniffled brokenly. “It’s going to kill me as it is. But I have to start taking care of myself again.”

  “Please don’t talk like that. Why do you think he’s going to find some Valkyrie who can compare to you? You are so good for him.”

  “Because we seem to have fallen into a whole nest of them! These people with all the—” She wiggled her fingers in a way that had become their code to indicate mystical ability. “I’m no hero like you, Marcie. I’m just a bookstore clerk.” She sounded so despondent.

  “Well, that’s a bunch of horse shit if I ever heard it,” Mano said as he walked up along the outside edge of the patio. He fixed Ursa with a hard, silvery stare before leaping over the hedge to stroll to their table. He grinned at the table of people who gawked at his behavior.

  “Mambo!” Vanessa, scolded him, coming over to snap the napkin at him.

  “Easy, princess! Hey! I didn’t hurt anything. I…ow!” He grinned and ducked around the tall woman and quickly sat in a chair on Ursa’s other side.

  “Where is my uncle, Sebastian?” the young woman demanded. She pressed her fists on her hips, glaring down at Mano.

  Mano stretched out his legs and hooked his hands at the nape of his neck, fingers lacing. “He’s getting a Band-Aid. He’ll be right in. Can you get a glass of ice for him? And a double shot of Jack?”


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