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Breath of Magic

Page 6

by Regina Carlysle

  Reaching down, on the absolute edge, he took her head and gently extracted his cock from her mouth. She lifted those sweet baby blues. Her lips were wet and swollen from the kick-ass blowjob she’d been giving him and he almost changed his mind and let her give him the relief he so badly needed.

  “Come here,” he said, lifting her, turning her to face the side of the bed.

  “What are yo—”

  “Hush. I’m calling the shots now, darlin’. I want your sweet little ass in the air while I take you from behind.”

  Liza fell silent. He didn’t want to give her a chance to bolt so he arranged her on his big fluffy comforter to his absolute satisfaction. Once her knees were on the bed, her legs spread open, he sucked in a deep breath to rein himself in.

  Hot images of what he wanted to do flashed through his mind, further igniting his hunger but he kept his hands gentle on her skin. Her back was a long delicious line leading to the sexiest ass known to mankind. With careful attention to detail, he brought her up higher, opened her wider and reached out for a pillow. He placed it beneath her belly and stood back to admire his handiwork. “God, you’re gorgeous.”

  Ty trailed both hands the length of her naked back slowly, firmly, until they settled on her butt. He felt her stiffen. Bending to her, he pressed a kiss to one firm globe, nipped the spot and then stroked with his tongue. “Shh. Don’t worry. I won’t do anything you don’t want. I promise. Do you trust me, Liza?”

  She’d grown so quiet, he wondered if she would respond but then suddenly she seemed to relax.

  “Yes.” She whispered the word and Tyler felt something wild inside him unfurl.

  “Good enough.”

  Ty went to his knees behind her and even in the meager light, he saw she was drenched and ready. Her pussy was open and exposed, glistening pink. He licked his lips, breathed in her scent. Every muscle tightened in response. Moving closer, gripping her ass, he buried his face against her, felt her jerk at the first sweeping stroke of his tongue. Her weeping flesh seemed to melt over him. Seeking a firmer touch, wanting more, needing everything, he spread her out and dragged his tongue higher to rim her anus. He probed lightly wanting her to relax against him but she jerked, making him go still. A low sound broke from her. Satisfaction exploded in his chest. He went back to her pussy and devoured. Nibbling her clit with his teeth, then sucking the tender knot, he felt her writhe, seeking more, growing wetter by the moment. He slipped two fingers deep into her sheath loving the damp pulsing heat that seemed to roll through her in waves. Driving them deep, he drew back and watched his wet fingers disappear and reappear. The sight had him growing impossibly harder, longer.

  She was on the very edge and he knew it.

  Unable to wait to stake his claim, he reached out and opened a drawer in the bedside table and grabbed a rubber. He covered himself and rose to stand behind her. Liza stilled when his hand settled at the base of her spine. Feeling ruthless, needy, he used his knee to open her even more.

  “Ready for me, Liza?”

  To emphasize the words he took his cock in his fist and dipped it into her dew, then trailed it through the heat of her body. Gritting his teeth against his hungry need, he settled the head against her opening and started to push realizing there was nothing more erotic to him than watching his shaft sink slowly into her. She made a kittenish, whimpering sound so Ty rubbed her butt lightly, offering comfort. “Going deeper now, honey.”

  “Yes. Yeah. Do it.”

  The breathless words grabbed his heart, did him in and he plunged deep. He thrust deeper then more shallowly seeking the dark sultry pleasure to be found within her. She backed against him, moving to take him and Ty just went deeper, harder, pounding his love and lust all together and hoping against hope she reciprocated in some little way. On each down stroke, he pivoted his hips. He reached to rub her clit and Liza cried out. His fingers dug hard into the flesh of her bottom then dived between the globes to play. He would take her there too, if he could convince her to stay but then tight feminine muscles squeezed hard and he lost the ability to think at all.

  Moving faster, pistoning through hot swollen tissue, Ty felt his balls seize up to nestle hard and aching, behind his erection. A tingling sensation set up at the base of his spine and trailed tempting fingers over his hot flesh, over his scalp.


  She was so good!


  He had to see her.

  Ty stretched out over her back reaching for her bright hair. Her face was turned to the side but he wanted to see her better. He brushed her hair back from her cheek and noticed she held her bottom lip clenched tightly between her teeth. Yeah, she was on the edge. Time to send her over. He stiffened his legs and pushed hard, again and again. He felt her tremble with reaction. “That’s it,” he whispered. “Come for me, darlin’.”

  Whipping in and out, he drove her mercilessly until she stiffened and let go with a low moan. Her flesh squeezed, released, milking him and he wanted to howl his pleasure. It was enough. It had to be.

  Ty gritted his teeth and joined her. With a rough sound, he reached for her shaking body and lost himself. She’d finally come home. Where she belonged.

  He kissed her neck and ran his mouth over her shoulder blades and spine before withdrawing from her body. Quickly disposing of the condom into a small trash basket, he pulled the pillow from beneath her belly, tossed it toward the headboard of his bed and rolled her over. His lips found hers with unerring accuracy and he smiled against them. “God, you’re sweet. Let’s get you under the covers before you freeze your beautiful ass off.”

  Liza was quiet. Too quiet.

  Okay, she was brooding now that all the excitement was over but he wasn’t going to let her think too much. That was her problem. Or at least one of them. He couldn’t dwell on that now. Instead he pulled the comforter down, sheets and all and drew her up enough to tuck her in. When he finished, he stood at the side of the bed and looked down at her. She regarded him steadily, still breathing in quick little bursts of air. “You’re so damn gorgeous, Ty.”

  “I’m glad you think so.”

  “You always have been, even when you were just a boy.”

  “Not a boy anymore, honey.”

  She laughed but it wasn’t a cheerful sound. “Um. I think I figured that out. Listen, you know I’m leaving right? My life isn’t here anymore. My life is in Dallas.”

  Didn’t she know she broke his heart when she talked that way? He’d work on her. He’d made her come once already tonight and he wasn’t finished. Not by a long shot. Figured he might have another five or so left to give as long as she didn’t start taking out every little emotion and evaluating for defects. Shit! Leave it to him to fall for an anal, hard-headed, stubborn, analytical woman. “Stay cuddled up here, Liza. I’ll be right back. We’ll talk.”

  Ty headed across the dark room toward the bathroom as sleet continued to blast against the windows.

  * * * * *

  “Oops. She’s leaving. Looks like you’re losing here, bud.” Will stood over Glimmer’s snow globe and smirked. The other elf’s black hair was falling into his eyes and he swept it back with the fingers of one hand as he took another bite of his ever-present Snickers bar.

  Shit! And things had been going so well too!

  Glimmer was currently sprawled across the floor propped on an elbow, which was a very good place indeed since darling little Sparkle was wearing the shortest damn dress he’d ever seen. So, while he’d been feasting his eyes on her milky white thighs, his mission, lovely Liza Woodward was sneaking away.

  “Can’t have that,” he drawled as he stood and took the distance to the snow globe in three long strides. Glim sent a sharp elbow in Will’s direction and took his place. Will only shrugged and ambled over to lean indolently against the wall of the motel room.

  Yep. She was dressed, looking furtively toward the bathroom door where Tyler Blackwell had disappeared. He picked up the globe and peered deeper.
Liza’s lover was running warm water in the sink, dipping a cloth into the basin and the sneaky woman was trying to make a quick escape before she dug herself deeper into love. Damn. Yeah, she was tricky all right.

  Glimmer smelled the scent of peppermint and knew Sparkle had moved to his side to stare curiously into the globe. He glanced over and watched her run her tongue languidly up the length of the long, red-and-white-striped candy. His body reacted and he turned his eyes reluctantly away from the sight. In the distance, Will snickered.

  Back to business.

  Glim got his lust under control and returned to watching Liza look for her shoes. Okay. She had her shoes and was putting them on. Had to think fast. She was fumbling into her sweater as Tyler turned off the water. Acting on instinct, he twirled his finger in a circular motion over the top of the globe then opened his hand to release a shower of glittery, golden sparks. “There,” he said with some measure of satisfaction. “That should hold her.”

  “What did you do?” Sparkle whispered, her eyes widening at his showy display of prowess.

  Glimmer exhaled a breath and put his arm around her delicate shoulders. “Just watch, sweetheart. Watch and learn.”

  Chapter Four

  Liza looked up at the sound of the water turning off. She was still holding her red sweater but just as she started to pull it over her head, she noticed the tag. The damn thing was inside out. What the hell was wrong with her? Her hands were shaking, her legs were trembling and it wasn’t just from the aftereffects of the best sex she’d had in a long, long time.

  It was Ty and the way she still felt about him.

  Very dangerous and it left her unsure. Liza wasn’t a woman who liked being unsure about things. The sooner she headed back to the ranch the better she’d feel. There was nothing worse than being swamped with confusion. If she was smart, she’d run home and pack her things up. Maybe head back to Dallas to spend Christmas alone. Lord knew she wouldn’t be good company for either of her sisters considering the state of her thoughts. Still, the idea of leaving them because of a little healthy fear left her hollow. Nope. She wasn’t a coward. Here she’d stay until the holidays were over. She’d return to the city and resume her life. Her very empty life. What did she have now but a powerful job and a beautiful house? They were just things that didn’t really touch her heart the way being here did.

  She glanced toward the bathroom door, drew in a shaky breath and forced herself to slow down a little. There was nothing to be gained by proving to Tyler that she was, in fact, afraid of what he made her feel. Reliving the way he’d touched her, tender yet determined, unselfish in giving pleasure while taking his own, made her shiver in the calm, cool of the room. Slowly, taking her time, she pulled the sweater over her head and walked over to the large round mirror that hung over a long wall table. Swiftly running her fingers through her hair to restore some order, she noted the swollen state of her lips. Liza ran her finger along the plump bottom one, recalling his kisses and of course, that turned her mind to other kisses he’d given her. Those that didn’t involve her lips.

  “Shower’s all yours if—“ Ty stopped dead in his tracks and looked at her. “Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

  “Don’t start, Ty. I’m going home. It’s getting late and I need to hit the road before the streets get too slick to drive.” She walked up to him and forced herself to smile when crying was more in line with her feelings.

  Tough. Stay tough.

  Reaching up, she ran her hand over the breadth of his warm shoulder. A white towel was wrapped around his lean waist but other than that bit of terrycloth, he was naked. And gorgeously rumpled. “I had a wonderful time. It was great getting together after all these years and dinner was great.”

  “Uh-uh,” Ty said as he advanced on her. “Don’t play this cool and collected game with me, darlin’. This was about more than dinner, conversation and sex and you know it. We need to talk.”

  Talking was the last thing she wanted to do. Before she lost her nerve and dived headlong into his arms, she walked from the bedroom and found her purse. He was right behind her. “No talking. Do you hear that sleet out there? Can you imagine? Sleet in central Texas? Crazy. I’ve gotta get going.”

  She’d just made it to the front door and opened it wide when he caught her arm and spun her around to face him. He was furious and it didn’t take a genius to figure it out. His face was set in hard, angry lines. “Don’t run off again, Liza! This is crazy and I don’t know why I put up with it.”

  “Why do you?” she said, giving him her best sneer. “I wasn’t enough for you before, why the hell am I suddenly enough for you now? Let me go. I’m sick of this. I’m tired and not in the mood to spar with you. Thanks for the sex. I’m leaving.”

  “Oh, no you’re not. Not if I have to hogtie you and spank your sweet little ass.”

  “How dare you?” Liza jerked away and took two steps before her feet hit the ice that completely covered his wide sweeping front porch. Impossible. She flailed wildly, her legs flew out and she landed in an ungainly heap on the top step. Her butt hit hard almost knocking the breath from her. Bells—make that Christmas bells—rattled around in her brain making her dizzy. Her shoes flew right off her feet zipping off in two different directions.

  As if from a distance, Ty cursed and she wasn’t a bit surprised when his strong arms caught her beneath her armpits to drag her upright. Her face burned with embarrassment. “You okay? Hang on.” Tyler gritted the words. Yeah, he was still furious with her but he was also shaking. Belatedly she realized he was in the bitter cold wearing nothing but a towel.


  The towel dropped to land on the porch by her feet. She started to reach for it but he stopped her. “Leave it. Fuck! Come on. Hang on to me. Let’s get inside before we freeze to the goddamn porch,” he growled out.

  Oh yeah. Pissed. But he didn’t give her time to think about that before he dragged her inside and slammed the front door shut. Instantly his teeth started to chatter and Liza suddenly felt like a stupid child for running out like that. Ty was freezing. At least she’d been dressed when she dashed out into subzero temperatures but Ty didn’t say a word about it. Rubbing his arms briskly, he went to the bank of windows and stared outside.

  Liza joined him and gasped at the sight.

  The front porch of the old Victorian was completely covered yet somehow a thick sheet of ice extended across the entire surface. “How can this be?” she murmured.

  “Hell if I know.”

  Ice dripped from the branches of every tree, covered every blade of grass. In the distance, Liza noted her fire-engine-red Porsche looked like a giant white rectangle in the drive. Tyler’s SUV was similarly covered. The street beyond the yard was shiny with ice, the lighting reflecting on the solid sheet of white. And then suddenly, it was as if the skies just simply opened up to dump a ton of snow everywhere. Flat flakes, the size of a baby’s fist, poured down so thick the twinkling of Christmas lights seemed muted and dull.

  “I’ve never seen anything like this before, Tyler.” She shivered a little and instantly felt Ty’s arm come around her shoulders. When she looked up, she saw he was still shivering violently and frowning as he tried to keep his teeth from chattering out of his head. Here he was, comforting her, when he needed it more. “Ah, honey.” She turned in his arms and wrapped her arms around him, giving in to the need to comfort, protect. “Come on. Come away from the window.”

  Together they went to the fireplace that was still crackling a happy song and she left him only long enough to grab a throw that was tossed over one end of his couch. Quickly, she gathered it up and draped it around his arms.

  “Thanks. Christ!”

  “No problem.”

  He speared her with a look. “You do realize you’re not going anywhere tonight, don’t you? Might as well get comfortable.”

  She started to say something when the phone rang and she watched Ty grab it up. “Maddie? Hey darlin’,” Ty sa
id, holding the throw around him with one hand. He frowned over at her. “No, of course I didn’t let her leave. It’s like a damn ice skating rink out there. Snow’s coming down in buckets. You okay out there at the ranch?”

  Liza made a move for the phone but then Ty’s face changed. “Where’s Jenna? What do you mean she’s not there?”

  “What the—” Liza began and reached out. “Give me the—”

  “Ah, so she’s okay. I hope you told her to stay put. That’s good. That’s good,” Tyler said nodding. “Listen you take care. I’m going to put you on with Liza. Hey!” He looked at the phone and scowled. “Dead. Damn phone’s dead.”

  Liza went to the front door and threw it open to find her black leather purse lying on the porch. Shivering, she grabbed it up, along with the towel and her shoes, and dashed back inside. She dug inside and whipped out her cell phone, frantically pressing numbers. Nothing! Not a sound, not a beep. Dead!

  “Crap!” She put the phone back into her purse and set her bag down on a chair before looking at Tyler. “She’s okay? And Jenna?”

  Immediately he came to her and wrapped her in his arms. He’d been cold before but now he was warm, so very warm. Giving in she settled her face against his chest. His heartbeat was steady and reassuring.

  “Yeah, honey. They’re both okay. Maddie sounded a little strained but she’s warm and snug at the ranch. Jenna’s over at Mitch’s place. She’s stranded and ticked off but she’s fine.”

  Liza blew out a breath. “We’d better check the weather, Tyler. What the hell is going on?”

  Tyler put a hand on each of her shoulders and moved her back enough that he could better see her. “Don’t worry. Everyone is fine. First things first.” When she opened her mouth to speak, he shook a finger at her. “Uh-uh-uh. No arguing tonight although I know that’s what you’re good at. Looks like I’m finally going to get a chance to plead my case.”


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