The Others Agency

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The Others Agency Page 11

by V J Lee

  “You remembered my favorite breakfast,” she said, looking up at him through dark eyelashes.

  She licked the length of him, up one side, then down the other. Taking him in her mouth and sucking him all the way to the back of her throat, made him groan and he grabbed the back of her head, thrusting his hips forward, so she would take him in even farther. She licked and sucked, fast and hard, as his hips pumped vigorously.

  Rissa gently cupped his balls, massaging them lightly, until she felt them tighten with fulfillment. He let out a guttural moan, as he came down the back of her throat. She swallowed his hot seed, then licked his tremendous cock clean, until only her saliva remained. They made love in the shower, on the bathroom counter and on the tile floor, until they were both ravenous for the room service. They devoured all of it in the nude.

  * * *

  Trevor couldn’t take his eyes from Rissa in her long, black strapless maxi dress. It was so long on her, she had to wear five-inch wedge heels, so it wouldn’t drag on the ground. While she was asleep, he ran out to buy them civilian clothes to wear to investigate the fertility clinic. She wasn’t much of a “girly-girl,” so walking in those shoes was going to take a bit of practice, but even teetering precariously on sky-high heels, she looked fabulous.

  “It’s a good thing you got wedges, because I would have killed myself in stilettos,” she told him as she looked down at the shoes.

  Even with the five extra inches, Trevor still towered over her. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Placing a kiss on the top of her head, he said, “You look fucking amazing. You know, with those shoes on, you’re so tall … it opens up new possibilities for sexual positions. We could do a little something-something with you in just those, and nothing else.”

  Turning her around in his arms, the top of her head came up to his nose, so he inhaled deeply. Kissing his lips lightly, she said, “I love your perverted side.”

  “You know you love all my sides,” he teased.

  Rissa’s features changed, as she twisted out of his embrace, trying to mask her true feelings. He mourned the loss of their contact, knowing very well that she had misgivings about what they had done.

  “Come on, we’d better get going. What did you tell them we needed, anyway?” she asked.

  “I thought we should be a young, entrepreneurial couple, concentrating on our careers. We would like to have children, we just don’t know when. We want our eggs and sperm frozen, so we can come back when we’re ready and make a baby, or do the whole freeze a zygote thing. I think that’s right,” he said, raising his eyebrows in a way, he hoped, was playful.

  Again, the mask she wore hid her emotions as she turned away. He was going to have the fight of his life if he wanted her with him permanently and that was all on him. He knew it was all his fault. They finished getting ready and headed to the car in the parking lot.

  The ride to the clinic was quiet. Trevor could feel the tension radiating from Rissa, fully aware that it had nothing to do with the case, and everything to do with them. He placed his hand on her thigh and squeezed to gain her attention.

  “I know you have concerns about us, and rightly so. I have a horrible track record with Petra. But I want you to know that I have sufficiently flushed her out of my system. I have never craved anyone the way I crave you. You are the only flavor I want to taste for the rest of my life. What about you, Rissa? Am I your preferred flavor?” he asked with hope in his soul.

  She finally looked at him, those hazel green eyes meeting his. “You will always be my favorite flavor. I just hate that you haven’t broken things off with Petra yet. I should never have come to you last night.”

  “I told you it’s over, has been over, and will never be again.” He could hear the anger in his own voice.

  “It still doesn’t make it right. I remember how I felt when you told me what happened between the two of you. I wouldn’t wish the way that made me feel on my worst enemy.”

  Her words nearly crushed him. He had no idea his infidelity with Petra had been that hard on her. He figured it had hurt, but in no way did she let it show or affect her work life.

  “We can’t take back what we did, but I promise you, with everything in me, the second I get back, I’ll tell her it’s over. Just think, once I’m away from her, you can see Jacob whenever he’s with me.”

  “Well, that would be nice. Even though I feel guilty, I don’t have any regrets about what we did last night … and again this morning. I know I should, but the truth is, I do still want you. Every damn day, I want you. I love you.”

  He had fantasized about hearing those words from Rissa for so long, he hardly believed his ears. His heart jumped into his throat. “Rissa, I want you every day, too. You’re all I can think about. Does this mean, when things are finished with Petra, you’ll think about a future with me?”

  Rissa looked away from him, focusing on the scenery out the window. “I’ll consider it.”

  That was enough to give him hope.

  Chapter 10

  Pulling up at the medical offices of Dr. Roth, Rissa surveyed the surroundings. From the outside, the offices were nothing special. The large, tan building was one of many in a row of medical offices along this part of the road. Tall maple trees and blooming lilac bushes hugged the parking area and the pathway to the front door. “Go check us in for our appointment. I’m going to stay out here and look around for a bit.”

  Turning to her, Trevor said, “You’re going to walk around the building in those shoes? Don’t you think I should check out the premises?”

  “Nope,” she said, sliding out of the car.

  Walking as best she could in the five-inch death-traps, Rissa headed across the grass toward the front of the building with the pretense of smelling the lilacs. As soon as she caught sight of the small cameras placed inconspicuously around the exterior of the building, and the elaborate, expensive security system that was in place, she assumed the fertility clinic was a façade for something else, something needing upgraded surveillance and protection.

  Rissa didn’t bother walking around the back of the building. If the front was this well protected, she could only imagine what the back looked like.

  Stepping up to the front doors, they swished open for her. Trevor was standing at the reception desk, between two waiting rooms that were split down the middle. One side was decorated with dark wood and chrome, with racks of Sports Illustrated and Maxim magazines. The opposite side looked like a waiting room for a high-end spa. Oversized, soft-looking couches held baby blue and green pillows. The magazine racks were stocked with Parents, Better Homes and Gardens and Good Housekeeping. Rissa was pleased to see a People magazine in the mix. She was behind on her celebrity gossip.

  She plucked the magazine from the rack, found a comfy seat, and proceeded to keep an eye on Trevor. He was bent over the counter, talking to a tiny blonde receptionist with big eyes and long, fake hair extensions. She was cute in a pixie or elf kind of way … the Disney version. She knew for a fact that Elves were not small … all of them were well over six feet tall. Pixies, on the other hand, were just viscous. They would punch you in the throat for just looking at them. She was, in actuality, more like a wood sprite, without the greenish skin and pointed ears. Man, Rissa thought to herself, she knew way too much about the Others for her own good.

  Trevor said something that made the sprite giggle, then she reached up and put her hand over his. Gag. At least Rissa had the opportunity to eye Trevor’s fabulous backside. It was a perfect ass that had been sculpted in the field from running, jumping and tackling Others, and he did spend quite a bit of time in the gym. Plus, the sex acts the man could perform were nothing short of acrobatic.

  Thinking about last night had the moisture pooling between her legs. As if he could sense that she was thinking naughty thoughts about him, Trevor looked over at her and winked. Suck on that, sprite. She was certain that if the little blonde could see his facial features, she woul
d be pouting. Ha.

  “So, what did you find out?” Trevor asked as he took the People from her.

  “There are small cameras—about the size of the head of a screw—all over the front of the building. Top-notch security system.”

  “Seems like overkill just to keep sperm and eggs safe, don’t you think?”

  “Yeah, I’m with you on that one. What did the sprite have to say?”

  “The what?” Trevor looked over at the desk, then back at Rissa.

  “No, not really. She just reminds me of a wood sprite is all.”

  “Oh, she didn’t give anything away. Is anyone else in here an Other?”

  Rissa looked around. There were two men on the other side of the waiting room who looked like they needed a fix. Human. The sprite was, in fact, human. The other nurses and such who came in filing, talking and checking the computer, were all humans.

  “So far, everyone is human. No sign of any Others anywhere.”

  * * *

  “Mr. and Mrs. Pitt? This way, please,” the tall, thin nurse in Eeyore scrubs beckoned. “So, are you related?” she asked over her shoulder, as they made their way down the long medical hallway.

  “To whom?” Trevor asked.

  “Brad Pitt.”

  “Ha! Not that I know of, but if I were, I wouldn’t need to save my sperm for later use. I would just go get one of his kids.” Trevor laughed, but he could tell the nurse found no humor in it.

  The room they were led to had a comfy-looking, couch-like bed in the middle of the room, with two overstuffed, light green cushions.

  “You two can both have a seat in the chairs.” The nurse turned to pull out some needles and other supplies. Before she left, she said, “The doctor will be with you shortly.”

  Trevor couldn’t seem to take his eyes off the needles. “What do you think those are for? This is supposed to be a consultation.”

  Rissa shrugged. “Who knows? It’s not like we’re really here to freeze sperm and eggs.” Then, she turned her hazel eyes to him, and they widened. “Wait a minute … the big, bad agent who can take down scary monsters isn’t afraid of little tiny needles, is he?” she teased with a mischievous half-smile.

  “I never said that. I was just curious why the needles were necessary,” Trevor replied, but even he could hear the tremor in his voice. “At least I don’t jump on the counter and scream like a little girl whenever a mouse runs across the floor,” he deflected.

  “Hey! Mice are disgusting, vile little creatures. Dirty, disease-ridden, shit-spewing, nasty, jump-out-of-nowhere little vermin.” She was yelling at him, with fire flashing in her eyes.

  He had to laugh. She was a woman who was taken down by a Spirit Wolf, used hand-to-hand combat against trolls, and had the ability to see what Others looked like in their true form—and from what he understood, some of them were scary as hell—yet a tiny little mouse sent her over the edge. “Rissa, why don’t you tell me how you really feel about the mice? Tell me all about the little fuzzies.”

  She closed her eyes, put her hands over her ears, and started chanting, “La, la, la! I can’t hear you! I’m not listening!” As she yelled, the doctor walked into the room. He stood in the doorway, watching Trevor laugh hysterically, as Rissa “la, la, la-ed.”

  Rissa was able to pull herself together before Trevor was. She pulled her hands from her ears and straightened her dress. Sitting up straight, they both observed the doctor with hidden skepticism. He was tall, standing at just over six feet. His dark hair was sprinkled with silver and he had kind gray eyes with silver eyebrows. Trevor guessed he was in his mid-fifties, but only from the silvering in his hair. The man was in top shape with a muscled physique, more easily built on a battlefield, than a golf course. The baggy white lab coat couldn’t even hide the fact that this guy was built.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Pitt, I’m Dr. Roth.” With a deep velvety voice, Trevor figured this guy had no problems with the ladies, no matter their age.

  Rissa extended her hand out toward him. “Hi, I’m Rissa, and this is Trevor.”

  Taking Trevor’s hand in a firm (almost too firm) handshake, the doctor said, “It’s a pleasure.”

  Trevor explained their situation as the doctor took notes, not saying a word. His silence continued, even after Trevor was finished.

  Rissa looked over at Trevor, raising her eyebrows, as if to ask, “What now?”

  Trevor shrugged, then watched with pure horror, as the doctor took a needle from the tray on the counter, then turned in his swivel chair toward Rissa. He tried to say something, but he could only feel his mouth opening and shutting like a freaking carp out of water. Thank God Rissa piped up.

  “What is that for? We aren’t here for any testing, just information.”

  “I assure you, Mrs. Pitt, this is just standard operating procedure around here. We need a CBC, a complete blood count, from both the mother and the father-to-be to start a file, before we can give out any information.”

  Trevor found his voice, and it was not a nice one. “Umm, yeah, that’s not going to happen. We just wanted to know what our options were, not to be tested like some lab rats.”

  “Well, if you are refusing a free blood draw—a blood draw that’s necessary for testing—then we are done here. I’m sure you will find a dozen other back-alley clinics that will help you without proper blood tests.” The doctor leveled a no-nonsense look at Trevor. “Our facility is top-of-the-line, and we take what we do very seriously, so if you’ll excuse me, I have patients to see who are serious about wanting children.” He stood from the rolling black chair, pushed it under the counter, then barked over his shoulder before leaving, “When all else fails you—and it will—feel free to come back. Until then, I wish you the best of luck. Good day.” He strolled out the door without looking back.

  Trevor looked over at Rissa, her mouth agape after the doctor’s brash exchange. “Oh, my goodness! That was crazy, right?” He nodded, not fully comprehending what had just happened. Trevor was more confused now, than he was before the appointment. Frustratingly, they had more questions and fewer answer.

  * * *

  “That was so strange,” Rissa said, quietly shutting the hotel room door.

  “You are one-hundred percent sure that everyone was human?” Trevor asked.

  Shaking her head. “No Others. Not the doctor, nurses, receptionist … not even the janitor. Based on the information we have, and the amount of surveillance, I was prepared for them all to be Other, but there wasn’t a single one.”

  “Could they be working for an Other?”

  Rissa shook her head. “I just don’t see it. The doctor had such kind eyes and was passionate about his work. I think he truly wants to help couples have children.”

  Rissa watched as Trevor ran a hand through his hair, causing it to spike up all over his head. It was damn sexy. “I don’t understand why they’re so adamant about taking blood. I mean, to run blood tests, before they even give you any information about their procedures? It seems like their office is absorbing unnecessary costs for lab work. It makes absolutely no fucking sense to me.” He shook his head in bewilderment.

  “I thought about that, too. Maybe they’ve developed technology that filters out non-compatible candidates, so they don’t even work with you unless they can help.” She went into the bathroom to wash her face and take the heels off, as she felt her stomach began to rumble. Coming out of the bathroom, she continued. “I don’t know. Even though he could be condescending, I just don’t think Dr. Roth has anything to do with …”

  Her words caught in her throat, as she saw Trevor stretched out across her bed, wearing only navy blue boxer briefs, sound asleep. He seemed so peaceful, yet she could see the tension around his eyes. Even in sleep, the poor man couldn’t relax, but it did speak volumes that he would let his guard down and trust her enough to fall asleep in her presence.

  Rissa ordered some room service, changed into her pajamas, and proceeded to go through all the files Cruz h
ad given them. She wanted to review the files, just in case Trevor missed something, not that he ever did.

  After her research, she wolfed down a burger and fries, as well as a few onion rings she ordered for Trevor, followed by a piece of chocolate fudge cake. She washed it all down with a chocolate milkshake. Rissa smiled, recalling the enormous tip she added to the receipt, seeing how it was all being paid for by Trevor. She yawned so hard, her jaw popped. Rissa looked over at the bed, then over into Trevor’s room. She weighed her options, thinking she should go lay down by herself, but she slid in under the cool, crisp white cotton sheets next to Trevor and fell fast asleep.

  * * *

  Waking up with Rissa’s delicate hand resting on his chest, Trevor thought he’d died and gone to heaven. He breathed in the sweet scent of her almond shampoo, and his penis twitched with anticipation. He fought back the desire to wake her up with his face between her legs, and instead placed a sweet kiss on the top of her head, then slid out of bed.

  He noticed the food on the table in the center of the room. Several plates looked to be licked clean, but there were still a couple covered with silver domes. She had ordered food for him. He looked over at his sleeping goddess and knew she still cared. Rissa Jackson was never one to feign her feelings. She was a sweetheart, but had she not cared for him, she would have never considered his needs. He loved this tiny little woman so damn much it hurt, and he had to rub his chest.

  Trevor munched on the food Rissa had ordered for him—a club sandwich with a smallish portion of onion rings. He saved a sliver of peanut butter chocolate pie for her. Then watched her sleep, smiling, because she knew him so well. By the time he was done, it was late. He gathered all the files for Cruz, then headed over to the Agency to return them, while Rissa slept.


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