The Others Agency

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The Others Agency Page 25

by V J Lee

  Trevor shoved into her, all the way to the root, sending her spiraling into another wondrous orgasm. He didn’t move once he was inside of her, while her muscles milked at him, but he did grab her head and smashed his mouth to hers, shoving his tongue into her mouth. She was still riding the high that was her climax. Rissa totally got why they called it a climax … wow. Now, his tongue was mingling with hers, and she could taste her juices on his lips and tongue. To be truthful, it was a turn-on for her.

  Trevor began thrusting inside of her, all the while, doing the same with his tongue. She needed to tell him that she was on the verge of coming yet again, and that he needed to hurry this along, when it hit her. The dream wasn’t just a dream, and she had already came twice. Now, with him sexually working her over, she couldn’t understand why having an orgasm again would be a negative thing.

  Trevor took her bottom lip between his teeth, pulling it out to the point that it should have been painful, but it only turned her on even more. He sucked her lip into his mouth, then seemed to lose his ever-loving mind. Trevor started pounding into her, causing the headboard to slam into the wall. Normally, when they did this, he was gentle, so he did not hurt her or the baby. Also, he usually wasn’t trying to make her come, but now, everything was out the window.

  “Look at me, Rissa. I need to know you’re with me in this.”

  She looked into his green eyes. There was a fine sheen of sweat on his upper lip and over his brow. Those eyes bore into her, right down to her very soul. Rissa kept her eyes open, watching him move like magic over her. Both of his hands came up to grip the sides of her face, and he kissed her so tenderly, it made her heart ache. Trevor continued kissing her and pounding into her, until they both came.

  At that moment, Rissa realized an incontrovertible truth: She still loved Trevor, and always would. Saying goodbye would be easier, if she didn’t like him so damn much.

  He took care of her always—bringing her ice water to put next to the bed, helping her bathe, feeding her, having sex with her so tater-tot would grow big and strong. But she couldn’t ever trust him again, and she wouldn’t put herself through that kind of pain ever again.

  Panic set in. What if, by her having so many orgasms, it caused harm to the baby? Trevor was breathing hard and looked delicious. He was on top of her, but had his weight up on his elbows.

  Rissa started slapping him, repeatedly.

  “What the hell, Rissa?” He pulled out and rolled off her.

  Pulling the sheet up to her chest, she pushed herself up to a sitting position, so she was leaning against the headboard of the bed. Suddenly furious, Rissa yelled at him, “You gave me an orgasm, you asshole! You know that I’m not supposed to. What if something happens to the baby? I. Will. Kill. You.”

  Turning over on his back, he had the nerve to start laughing at her. That made her really see red.

  She turned to get off the bed, to find something she could bash him in his sexy laughing face with. But Trevor grabbed her arm, pulling her down on top of his hard body. The whole time, he was laughing so hard, he was shaking.

  Smacking at his chest, she seethed, “What’s so fucking funny?”

  “I talked to Aurora. She told me that if anything, giving you an orgasm would help the baby, not hurt it. So … I had to be sneaky and get you going beyond the point of no return.”

  “That could be considered inappropriate sexual conduct, Mr. Snow. Costing you not only your job, but your freedom as well.”

  That stopped the laughing fast.

  “That’s nothing to joke about.”

  “Who said I’m joking? I consented to have sex, not to like it.”

  Trevor exhaled in a huff. “Oh, for fuck’s sake, woman. How do you feel? Any different?”

  Rissa thought about it. She reached out through the irrational mess of her mind and scanned down her body. She had to admit, she felt fantastic—better than she ever had, since getting pregnant. She wasn’t tired or sore. She could feel their combined energy swirling through her, racing toward the baby. God, she felt good.

  But she couldn’t let Trevor know that. “How would I know if anything is different? And I’m feeling very used right now.”

  Rissa knew she was being childish, but she couldn’t help stomping off and slamming the bathroom door shut. Just like that, he was back to having fits of laughter, telling her she should see the look on her face. Why did the sound of his laughter make her so freaking happy? What an ass.

  Chapter 24

  It had been one month, since Trevor had given her the first of her orgasms, and had since made it his mission to give her as many as possible, every day. He took to sleeping in her bed. She wanted to be mad at him, but she did enjoy falling asleep with him, and waking up next to him in the morning. It didn’t mean, that after this was all said and done, that they were back together, though.

  Rissa had to admit that having multiple orgasms a day had not only made her feel like a million bucks, but made the baby grow by leaps and bounds. She was as big as a house. Apollo said he figured that she was the equivalent of thirty-two weeks, or eight months, along.

  Apollo and Cosmo came by to check on her status. Apollo only needed to use his healing abilities on her about twice a week now. The big Healer looked so much better—healthier, stronger and sexier—if that last one was even possible.

  Jacob was loving traveling around with her parents in the RV. Trevor had given them a satellite phone, so they could keep in touch no matter where they went. That way, they could talk to them every few days.

  Petra was still awaiting trial. She was able to procure the best legal team in the country, so Travis had his hands full trying to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the plane crash that killed his and Trevor’s parents was the cause of a money-hungry, crazy woman.

  Dr. Roth had vanished into thin air, and the missing men and women were still, well, missing. While the Agency was able to prove they were on the right track where Roth was concerned, there was an unfortunate aspect—finding the bodies of several of the missing persons. The saddest part, though, was that the body of the Shark Boy was indeed found, as well. That one made Rissa cry like a little girl. The Agency handed the body over to the Light Ones so they could do “special testing” on it.

  So far, things had been relatively quiet, which in their line of work, was bad. Really bad. And it had everyone on edge.

  Today was Sunday, and Apollo had arranged for them to go to the hospital to get an ultrasound. This was both exciting and scary as hell. What would they see in there? Was the baby going to have horns? A tail? Four arms? However, lately, the biggest question Rissa had on her mind, was if the baby was going to make it. She was letting herself believe that the little one was going to be fine, but worst of all, she was starting to believe she would be fine, as well. She had always trusted in the saying, “expect the worst and hope for the best.” She knew there was still a high probability of her not making it. However, now she was satisfied with the fact that Trevor would stick around for the baby.

  He had felt it move and it kicked him in the back.

  “You ready?” The deep timbre of his voice brought her out of her head.

  “Yes.” Rissa looked up at him from her comfy spot on the couch. Trevor took her hand to help her onto her feet. He was so handsome, in a pair of black slacks and a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up showing off tan, muscular forearms. Rissa had to laugh at the things the pregnancy hormones racing through her body made her notice. Who knew forearms could be such a turn-on?

  Rissa had on a long, black maxi dress and flip flops, because her feet had gotten so swollen that regular shoes didn’t fit any longer. The dress was a staple lately, because it was the only thing she found comfortable enough to wear.

  Trevor led her to the front door, opening it for her and escorting her out to the car. Again, he opened the door and helped her into the idling car with the air conditioner blowing cool on her. He was a true gentleman.

  He s
lid into the car, bringing warmth from the heat of the day and his spicy masculine scent, in with him. Rissa inhaled deeply. If she made it through this pregnancy, she was going to miss him. Trevor was trying so hard to win her over, but they just weren’t meant to be together. She knew he would always run to Petra, and she couldn’t live through that kind of pain again.

  * * *

  They arrived at the hospital twenty minutes before their appointment. Trevor had such an array of emotions running through him. He wasn’t only still in love with Rissa, he had fallen even deeper in love, if that was even possible. Rissa was so determined to have this baby, no matter what happened to her. He was nervous and excited about finding how the little tater-tot was getting along. He was also scared to death about what was coming. He didn’t know what he would do if Rissa didn’t make it through this, but he would take the baby and raise it with as much love, if not more, as children with two parents. Trevor wasn’t sure when he decided that he was going to hang onto this baby for dear life, but he had.

  He helped Rissa out of the car and led her through the hospital. The hospital didn’t do ultrasounds on Sundays, but apparently, they would do anything for Dr. Apollo. Once in the elevator, he pushed the button and prayed the thing didn’t plummet them to their death. He hated elevators, almost as much as he hated needles.

  “Calm down, big guy. You’re breaking my hand.” Rissa’s sweet voice made him release the death grip he had on her hand.

  “Sorry. I hate these fucking things.”

  “I know.”

  The death trap stopped with a clank and a hiss. The doors swished open, causing him to catch his breath finally. He would have taken the stairs, but not with Rissa in her condition.

  Standing there, waiting for them, was a woman with a long dark ponytail, a tablet in hand and a big, bright smile on her face. Her brown eyes were bright, and she was wearing pink Hello Kitty scrubs. She spoke in a voice that was way too cheery for so early on a Sunday morning.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, so glad you made it. My name is Tina, and I’ll be doing the ultrasound for you and Dr. Apollo.” She said the last in a dreamy type of sigh.

  “It’s Ms. Jackson and Mr. Snow. We’re here together, but we are not together,” Rissa said.

  Tina’s big, red lips came up into a huge grin, her eyes sparkling. Trevor had no idea what the hell that was all about, but as soon as he got Rissa alone, he was going to inform her that as far as he was concerned, they were together.

  Tina turned down a hallway, swaying her hips in what he assumed was a sexy sashay, but it was no comparison to Rissa’s walk, even as she waddled down the hallway.

  Rissa looked back at him, smiling, and when she saw that his eyes were fixed on her fine assets, she punched him in the stomach.

  As the air rushed out of him, he gasped, “What?”

  Rissa turned to put her hands on her generous hips, lowered her voice, and bending down toward him, said, “You are supposed to be checking out Nurse Hottie, not me. That’s why I told Apollo to pick out a hot one for this.”

  Trevor scowled. “Stop trying to set me up. Nothing’s going to happen to you, so there is no need to find me someone else.”

  “It doesn’t matter if anything happens to me or not. You will still need someone, after all of this is over with.” Once again, she was telling him that they were done.

  The chemical smells were overpowering his senses. He’d always hated hospitals, but now he had even more reasons to hate them. They were ushered into a room with the ultrasound machine, a table and two chairs—one with wheels for the ultrasound tech, the other for him, Trevor assumed. He went to take Rissa’s purse, but she shook her head and stuck the small bag under the pillow on the table. She was probably packing. He couldn’t help but smile. He knew her so well, and he loved her more than he could say.

  “Well, it looks like Dr. Apollo just wants to verify age and make sure everything is looking normal—you know, length and weight,” Tina said, smiling up at him with bright eyes. Turning her smile back on Rissa, she asked, “Do you want to know the sex of the baby?”

  Rissa looked up at him. He could see in her face that she thought she wouldn’t get to see the baby, so she was leaving it up to him to decide.

  “Tina, I think we would like to be surprised.”

  “Okey dokey.”

  How could Rissa think he would go out with someone who said, okey dokey?

  Tina pulled out a warm blanket and placed it over Rissa’s legs, then lifted the bottom of Rissa’s dress up over her extended belly. He really shouldn’t be getting turned on right now … right?

  Tina squeezed the tube of gel, making it sound like a fart. She laughed, and said, “It wasn’t me, honest.” Then she giggled some more.

  Rissa threw him a look, and he could only roll his eyes.

  Tina put the paddle on Rissa’s stomach, and before his eyes, a tiny human took shape on the screen. Two arms, two legs, one head—and no horns.

  Rissa’s shoulders sagged with relief. Trevor could see goosebumps jumping out all over her skin.

  “Well, it looks to be good size. Let me just get a measurement.” But before Tina could get a reading, Rissa let out a low moan.

  Trevor bent down to her ear. “Did you see something?”

  She shook her head, then moaned again.

  “Oh, looks like you’re having contractions,” Tina said, looking up from her screen.

  “It’s okay to keep going. How far along am I?”

  “According to this, you are due anytime. This baby weighs in at nine pounds and a few ounces.”

  “Ohhhhhhhh shit!” Rissa screamed.

  “If her contractions are coming on this strong and close together, we need to get a doctor in here.” Tina held up a black cellphone, calling for a doctor. “Damn it! These things don’t work so well in here. Let me run up and see if I can find a doc.”

  “Fuck … fuuuuuck … oww, fucking fuck. This hurts.” Rissa was panting now.

  Trevor could only think about her pain, and how he wanted to take it all into him. In the back of his mind, he was excited about the baby coming, but all that came crashing down, when he remembered that Rissa might not make it out of this. He had to touch her. He bent down and placed his lips on her forehead.

  She screamed, “Don’t you ever touch me again, or I will rip your balls off! Now, rub my back.”

  Trevor knew better than to remind her that she just told him not ever to touch her again. He rubbed her shoulders and back, as she panted and cussed him into an early grave.

  She was having a particularly hard contraction, when Trevor thought he would help. “Okay babe, just breathe. Come on, breathe.”

  Rissa looked at him like a demon in heat. He was waiting for her head to start spinning around. She reached up, and grabbed the front of his shirt. “I. Am. Fucking. Breathing. If I weren’t breathing, I’d be dead.” Then she pushed him away.

  If he wasn’t so scared, he would have laughed. What seemed like a million contractions later, the door to the room finally opened.

  The doctor had arrived. As he turned to shut the door, Trevor could only see the back of him, but his graying hair was impeccable—not a hair out of place. This guy needed to hurry the fuck up, before Rissa killed them all.

  Trevor lost all the air in his lungs, when the doctor turned around, and not because Rissa had grabbed him by the balls and was squeezing with all her might—which was an awful lot of might for such a small woman.

  He was stunned to see Dr. Roth standing in front of them, with the evilest smile on his face that Trevor had ever seen.

  * * *

  The air was wrenched from Rissa’s lungs, not only with the sight of Roth with his now-large, black eyes—the kind gray eyes of before were gone—but because the contraction that seized her and wouldn’t subside. Her belly was rock hard, and the pain was wreaking havoc with her senses. The air was hot and seemed to smell of sulfur. The pain was excruciating. She didn’t even have
the strength to cuss Trevor out for putting her in this predicament. Why wouldn’t this contraction stop? She just knew that in any second, she was going to break in half.

  In her peripheral vision, she saw Trevor slowly inching down to no doubt grab the pistol that was in his ankle holster.

  “Now, now, now, Mr. Pitt. Or should I call you Mr. Snow? How about just Trevor? If you continue to reach for that gun, this contraction will never ease,” Dr. Roth said, with his hand extended out, as if he was the cause of all Rissa’s pain. “You may pull it out and hand it over to me, very gently. Any funny business, and I will rip this baby right out of her stomach.”

  The pain in Rissa intensified, and she screamed, until she was sure her throat was bleeding.

  Trevor slowly bent down, took the gun out of its holster, then handed it over to Roth. Once the exchange was finished, the pain stopped.

  Rissa was panting, her hair soaked with sweat. Her dress was soaking wet, and Trevor was there, caressing her hair.

  Roth took Trevor’s gun, sliding it into the pocket of his white lab coat.

  “I have been tracking Dr. Apollo for months now, waiting for him to slip up. Imagine my joy, when one of my people found out he had scheduled this sonogram. It’s no coincidence that Rissa here, went into labor at this exact moment,” he said, while once again extending his hand. As he did, the pain hit again.

  “You see how just a little power will cause so much pain?” Roth smiled evilly. “Now, we need to get out of here. It won’t be long, before the child is born, and we must hurry. Trevor, if you don’t mind unlocking the wheels on that bed. Start pushing it behind me, like nothing is wrong.” As he opened the door, Roth looked over his shoulder and threw out one hand, as he said, “And Trevor, if you try anything, her pain will never end. It’s your choice.”


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