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Lunchtime Chronicles: Sweet Georgia Peach

Page 3


I smiled. Bella Shepard was a great bartender. I preferred to frequent the bar when she worked. Before I transferred to Emory University, we attended Georgia State University during undergrad. We’d taken a few courses together. Our conversations were chill.

  He leaned over my shoulder, grinning at the screen. I stared at him longer than I should’ve.

  No wonder Bee didn’t recognize him. The Atlanta Falcons baseball cap and dark sunglasses hid his identity. The entire bar would go bat shit crazy if they knew who was in their presence.

  “Wyatt,” the girls screamed. He couldn’t hear them, but I felt every vibration in their voices.

  He yanked an earbud out of my ear and placed it in his.

  “Hey Rayne, Sylvie.” He cocked a grin.

  I glanced at my bodyguard. He was chatting with Wyatt’s muscle, Fosco. His body guard scared most normal people too. His thick neck, unusually thick brown brows and tall brooding frame said he didn’t play games. He kept his brown hair cut low. His sinister blue eyes screamed he was ready to knock out anyone who tried him.

  “Still following, Lakelyn, I see.” Rayne shook her head.

  “Maxon, wasn’t supposed to tell you.”

  My heart skipped a beat and my stomach swirled.

  He followed me? Like what did that even mean?

  “Best friends don’t keep secrets from each other.” She winked.

  “All right, girls, I’ll talk to you both in a little while.”

  “No, don’t abandon us for Oak,” Sylvie raised her fist and squinted.

  “Love you, too. Bye.” He ended the call by double tapping the earbud.

  “We were having fun. Why did you intervene? This was our girl time.”

  He pushed the earbud back into my ear and sat in the chair beside me. I shivered against his hand. His monstrous muscled frame was intimidating to most. Not me.

  “Are you alright? Cold?”

  I felt my nipples pebble against the tight fabric.

  “I’m fine.” When I wasn’t dreaming about upcoming tests, Oak was the star. In my dreams, he and my brother weren’t best friends. We were free to be a couple.

  He grabbed a toothpick and tucked it in the corner of his lips.

  My eyes combed his solid frame. The man was an impeccable dresser. The top two buttons of his heather gray dress shirt were open, and the sleeves were rolled up, halting beneath his elbows. The sharp teeth on his tattoo peeked out. His dark jeans hugged his muscled thighs. My eyes landed on his brown leather Salvatore Ferragamo Oxfords. God, I loved his shoe game.

  He leaned against the counter sipping his scotch whisky. I hadn’t noticed Bee left our drinks. His presence had knocked me off my game. Wyatt’s eyes slid over my body intentionally. My gaze shot to his massive bulging tanned arms. The ones I clutched while we fucked. The sex was so good I’d fall asleep on his wide chest.

  “Don’t look over here, Wyatt.”

  “I’m good. Besides, you’re my favorite view.”

  Shit, this man became more and more brazen over the years.

  “People who play with fire get burned.” I cocked a brow as I sipped my drink. The peach schnapps and Kern’s nectar danced on my tongue.

  He faced me, gripped my waist, and brushed his pointy nose along the edge of my ear. “I’m a fire starter, baby.”

  I snorted to keep from creaming in my panties. “That you are.” My smile dropped.

  “Wyatt, the first time we fucked you said I was off limits?”

  “Thanks for the reminder. By the way, I didn’t fuck you, Lakelyn. We made love.”

  “Oh, is that what you call slamming into me until my body went limp?”

  “Exactly, you falling apart as your pussy ripped the cum from my dick.”

  I chuckled. “Your commentary never stops. Does it?”


  “Wyatt, on a serious note. We can’t go on like this. If my brother finds out about us, he’ll break your legs.”

  My brother was built like Wyatt. He was a tank. Imagine watching a heavyweight fight. The best of the best. Wyatt and Deacon would drag the fight out to the bitter end.

  He pulled away and faced the bar.

  His creased forehead was evidence he was struggling with a decision internally. “I’m plagued with that shit every time I want to drop by your house or take you out to dinner.” His nostrils flared.

  “Now you’re following me. Why?”

  He lifted his cap and threaded his fingers through his hair. “I just wanted to see you.”

  My fingers twitched. I fought the urge to grip his hand. His internal battle was mine. Thank God for medical school. If I weren’t enrolled in an aggressive program, I would’ve turned up on his doorstep many nights.

  “Now that Rayne and Maxon live in California, the group outings have ended.” He brought the glass to his lips.

  My face lit up. “In two months, we’ll be together for Rayne’s birthday. It’ll be like old times.”

  “And after that?” He peeked at me.

  “You’ll return to training camp.” My smile withered.

  “And you’ll attend my games with Deacon. Fuck,” he muttered. It was more like a low growl. I hadn’t seen him this upset in a long time.

  “I don’t want the other women, Lakelyn. All I want is you.” His heavy hand landed on the bar.

  “The day after Rayne’s birthday, I’ll sit down with Deacon. I don’t want to lose my best friend, but I can’t live without you anymore.”



  I swallowed hard. “You’re playing the Seahawks at the start of the season.”

  Rubbing the dark stubble on his chin, his eyes narrowed. “I’m talking about our future and you switched lanes?”

  My heart plummeted. I’d love to walk out the front door hand-in-hand, but the idea felt too good to be true.

  “Wyatt, I can’t come between you and my brother. Our tryst has gone on long enough. It ends now,” I stated, with all the bullshit gumption I could muster.

  “So, you’re deciding what happens to us?”

  “There is no us.”

  He swiveled in his chair and gripped the back of my neck, closing the space between us.

  I cut my gaze to my bodyguard, who shot to his feet.

  “Brock, relax. I wouldn’t harm one hair on her precious head.” Our intense stare-down set me on fire.

  “That sassy mouth of yours will earn you a spot over my knee later tonight.”

  My body shuddered. I kept the little wits I had under his powerful touch.

  “You’re so horny, you can’t see straight.”

  He wasn’t telling a lie. If he reached between my legs, Wyatt would find out how soak and wet, I was for him. “I am not,” I gritted out.

  “Lakelyn, I have something for that smart mouth.” His eyebrows dipped behind the sunglasses.

  “I don’t want it.” Wyatt released me.

  He laughed, shaking his head. “The lies.”

  Wyatt flagged down Bee.

  She bounced over with a smile. “Ready for another?”

  “Yes. And we’re moving to a table in the back corner. I’ll cash out now.” He retrieved the credit card from his wallet.

  Leaning my elbow on the bar, my head rested against my palm. “You should pay with cash. Or, I can pay,” I mumbled.

  He cut his eyes in my direction. “Lakelyn, I’ve got it covered.”

  He placed two crisp one hundred-dollar bills on the counter. “Please bring our drinks to the table.”

  “No problem.”

  I grinned at Bee as I collected my belongings before vacating the bar.

  Wyatt extended his arm. “Lead the way.” He’d mentioned in the past he enjoyed the view of my ass and preferred walking behind me.

  “I’m the reason that ass is so fat,” he whispered in my ear. I slid into the round leather booth. He sank beside me. My pussy couldn’t take much more torment.

  “Wyatt, you’re behaving reckless.” I
scanned the vacant area and exhaled.

  He tossed his hat and sunglasses on the table. The cocky smile he flashed told me he didn’t have a care in the world anymore. His bulging, muscled arms rested across the orange suede booth.

  “I want to enjoy a night out with my woman.” Wyatt caressed my arm.

  My insides vibrated. His words filled my heart with warmth. But no. I couldn’t get lost in this fantasy world he fought for us to live in. Wyatt was fighting a losing battle.

  Running around in secret with him was risky. A fan or the paparazzi could spot him and take pictures. Then we’d be exposed.

  Bee’s jaw slacked as she halted at the edge of the table.

  “Wyatt Oakley. I had no idea it was you,” she beamed.

  I grabbed our drinks from her shaky grip.

  Shit! My heart was in my throat.

  “You dirty devil.” She grinned.

  “So, this is the big strapping guy you spoke highly of.”

  She winked.

  “Um, not Oak.” I slapped his shoulder.

  “I’ve known him for years. He and my brother are best friends.”

  Her brows lowered. “The hot exchange between you two at the bar implied you were more than acquaintances. Don’t worry, Lakelyn. Your secret is safe with me. Not sure why you want to keep all of that on the low.” She circled her hands in front of her, ogling Wyatt like meat on a stick.

  “Thanks for the drinks, Bee.”

  Wyatt cut our conversation short. “Please send the server over.”

  “No problem.”

  Stretching my arms across the table, I dropped my head, hyperventilating.

  “Calm down, Lakelyn.”

  I snapped my head to the left. “He’s my brother, Wyatt. What if he disowns me because I didn’t honor his wishes? Not to mention, you love Deacon like a brother. How often do you two talk?”

  Wyatt’s jaw ticked. “Every day.”

  “Let me sum it up for you. Losing Deacon would be like losing a limb. To me, it would feel like a part of my soul was missing. I, too, talk to him daily.” Shaking my head, I clenched my eyes shut briefly. “I’m telling you this because I love you.”

  His heavy yet gentle hand caressed my back.

  “We can’t see each other after today.” I kept my gaze on the table.

  “We’ve seen each other more in the last two years than in years prior. It’s not even about the good sex anymore.”

  “Look at me,” he demanded.

  “No.” I shook my head.

  Wyatt gripped my chin, forcing our eyes to lock. “It was never about the sex. Lakelyn, it was always about you. I fell in love with your heart a long time ago.”

  Just like that, we’d confessed our love for each other for the first time.

  My eyes burned. Fuck, the tears wanted to pour over my cheeks and my hand... my surgical hands wanted to rip out my insides. No. Lakelyn, you’re in control.

  The practiced smile lifted at each end of my lips. “We...are...over,” I bit out.

  His dark gray eyes were vacant of emotion. Where did my Wyatt go? I’ll tell you where. You killed him.

  He released me, leaving my frame hollow inside.

  Wyatt stared across the room at nothing. Deep in his thoughts. He snatched the glass off the table and drowned in the scotch whisky.

  I wanted to take back everything I just said. And tell him I’d give up my brother. My blood for him. Running popped in my head. Walk away and never look back. No longer be lovers, but just friends. I couldn’t leave. I had to make love to him one last time.

  The server approached, greeted us, and placed our menus before us.

  Wyatt and I usually frequented restaurants on the other side of Georgia, so we didn’t risk bumping into Deacon. Eating minutes from my family’s business was parlous.

  I stared at the menu, but my thoughts were elsewhere.

  “She’ll have the tagliolini cacio e pepe.”

  The server gathered our menus and vanished.

  “What did you order?”

  “Grilled chicken, two servings of sweet potatoes, and green beans. I ordered your favorite wine.”

  “Thank you.” My head fell against his shoulder as I looped my arms around his. He caressed my thigh.

  “Are you ready for training?”


  The server returned and poured wine into our glasses.

  We thanked him before he disappeared.

  “Probably should’ve cleaned up my eating habits a few months ago.”

  “That football smorgasbord in Vegas was definitely something you should have denied.”

  He arched a brow. “But not you, huh?”

  “Nope. The second we were home; I hit the gym and ate salads for a week.” I winked.

  He chuckled. “It was definitely a memorable trip. One I’d never forget.”

  “Me either.”

  “I gained ten pounds. I need to get down to two forty-five.”

  “I love the extra ten pounds of muscle.” I snuggled into him.

  Instead of arguing, he drank.

  “As I was saying earlier, watch out for the Seahawks defensive line up. They’re a beast this year. They will take you down, Oak. Please be careful out there.”

  The server brought our meals. The second he stepped away, I gripped Wyatt’s face. “Did you hear me?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be on high alert. Don’t I always listen to your suggestions?”

  “Yes.” I released his angular jaw and sank my fork into the pasta.

  “I don’t want you to think this decision is easy. Because it’s not.” A tear escaped my eye, splashing on the plate.

  “The world stops when we’re alone together.”

  His huge padded thumb swiped at my wet cheek.

  “I know, baby.”

  Numbness consumed my body. “Oak, don’t call me that...anymore.” The mountain of tears were coming.

  “What’s the room number?”


  My burning eyes met his. “You knew I’d be here, and you didn’t reserve a room?”

  He blew out a breath as he released his fork, clanking against the plate.

  “5004.” Wyatt placed the key card in my hand as he waved his bodyguard over.

  I picked up my purse, dipped out of the booth, and scurried toward the elevators. The evening started out full of laughter, only to end on a solemn note. Fidgeting at the doors, I slammed my finger into the button several times. “Come on.”

  “Hey.” Oak pressed his hard chest against my back.

  “We’ll arrive upstairs in a second.”

  The doors opened, and I sauntered inside. He pinned my body against the wall. Our gazes locked as Wyatt slapped the button for our floor. I glanced in the direction of the bar then peered back up into his stormy gray eyes, I crumbled. His long fingers squeezed my waist as his soft lips devoured mine, leaving me delirious. I shoved my tongue into his mouth, showing Wyatt he belonged to me. No one else. I hated to give up my man.

  We’d never put labels on what we had, but it was obvious. I was the person he scoured the stadium seats for. At away games, he called the moment he exited the locker room.

  “You can be yourself with me, Lakelyn. You know that.”

  All the feelings I tried to mask burst forth like a tornado.

  I fell into his chest and the dam exploded on impact. He scooped me up into his big, powerful arms. Clutching his neck, I trembled, inhaling his vanilla woodsy scent.

  “I got you.”

  The time from the elevator into the room was a blur. Wyatt laid me on the king-sized bed and peeled off my stilettos.

  “Lakelyn, I want us to enjoy our last weekend together.”

  I nodded.

  “How about a vodka cranberry?”

  “Sounds good.”

  He walked to the wet bar. “Jarvis will bring our dinner in an hour.”

  “Wyatt, you didn’t have to...”

  His narrowed eyes lan
ded on me. “Don’t even try it, Lakelyn. Do you have homework this weekend?”

  “Yeah.” I slid up. My head thudded the cream upholstered headboard.

  “We don’t have to stay here. You can come over to my place.”

  “Wyatt, no. I never feel comfortable when I’m there. I swear, my brother chose the days I was there to drop by. Hiding in the closet, listening to him reminisce on his latest conquest wasn’t my idea of a fun weekend.”

  Sadness fell over his handsome features.

  “Here is fine.” I nabbed my drink from his hand.

  His brows deepened. “This isn’t the end of us.”

  “Wyatt, we need to accept fate.”

  He kicked off his shoes before sinking beside me. I raised my glass.

  “Here’s to all the good times we shared in secret.”

  His glass clanked mine.

  “You always know how to put a damper on our situation.”

  I shrugged. “If you weren’t my brother’s best friend, we wouldn’t be in this predicament.”

  I sucked down the drink in one swallow. The liquor burned like a trail of gasoline headed for a building.

  He gulped his scotch whisky.

  “I’ll take your glass.” Wyatt sat them on the nightstand.

  He placed my leg in his lap and massaged my toes and the balls of my feet.

  “I’ll miss your glorious foot rubs.”

  “That’s all you’ll miss?”

  “Wyatt, you know I’ll miss how you make my body hum.”

  “That’s better. I’ll definitely miss how good your pussy feels when I’m deep inside you.” He abandoned my foot and his hand slid up my thigh, disappearing under my dress. Wyatt yanked my panties off and tossed them to the floor.

  My fingers traced the light stubble on his face as I gazed into his eyes. His strong hands gripped my thick ass cheeks and pulled me into his lap. My dress gathered around my waist as I leaned into his lips, unbuckling his jeans.

  His big fingers found my warmth.

  “Wyatt, I need this.”

  “Rough week at school?”

  He quickened his speed over the tip of my clit.

  “Fuck, right there.” I clutched his broad shoulders, grinding into his touch.

  “Don’t stop. I feel it coming.”

  His fingers slipped along my labia, sending me over the fucking moon. My lips fell against his. I kissed him so hard, it felt like my lips were bruised.


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