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Lunchtime Chronicles: Sweet Georgia Peach

Page 11


  Damn, was that how Lakelyn knew we were here fighting?

  “Wyatt.” Lakelyn dropped to her knees, caressing my head.

  Her gaze shot to her brother. “I love you, both. Please let that be enough. I’m pregnant with your nephew. Will you hate him too?”

  Deacon blinked through the blood sliding down his face. “He’s your flesh and blood. You can hate me for the rest of your life. Just don’t hate this baby.”

  His face softened. Lakelyn crawled into his arms. “I love you, Deacon. I love you so much.” They sat on the cold pavement hugging for what felt like a lifetime. They needed that time to release all the hurt. Hopefully, they’d become close again. I lost my best friend forever. Didn’t matter if he was my brother-in-law. My actions ended a lifelong friendship. I’d live with the loss if it meant my wife could find balance.



  Wyatt and I found happiness after all these years. Sitting at the long dining table eating Christmas dinner with our families felt natural. Beautiful gold china graced the silver tablecloth. Our parents sat at the other end of the table. Their boisterous laughter filled the room. Wyatt sat opposite of my dad at the head of the table between me and Phoebe.

  Today our entire crew was in town. Maxon, Rayne, Sylvie, and an honorary member Tyler were coming over later to hang out.

  My husband shoveled a forkful of my mom’s baked macaroni and cheese into his mouth. I pointed my fork toward him, laughing. “I know it’s good, but don’t choke on the food, Oak.”

  He kept the full beard and his hair had grown over his ears a little. I loved his new look.

  He scowled.

  “Wyatt,” I grinned.

  The man hated when I called him Oak. He said we weren’t friends anymore, but the deepest kind of lovers. Soulmates even.

  His enormous hand rubbed my huge belly. I was seven months pregnant. Felt like nine. This little guy loved to eat.

  I peeked at my brother and Bella, who were deep in a conversation. She and I weren’t besties, but she was in my brother’s life, so I was cordial. Deacon and Wyatt still didn’t speak to each other. God, I wished they would.

  My brother and I were slowly working on our relationship. He came over to the house while Wyatt was at away games. At least he stepped foot in Wyatt’s home. Our home. Deacon bought and built Leo’s crib. He talked to my belly all the time too. Told Leo he couldn’t wait until he was here so they could watch football games together. I wished Wyatt, Deacon, and Leo would one day watch games together. A piece of my heart was still broken because I came between two best friends. I’d take the small victories for now.

  Wyatt still asked if I was ok after killing Johnny. Hate to say I didn’t have remorse. He tried to ruin our life because of his obsession with having the best player on his roster. So his team could have a better chance at winning the Super Bowl. Stupid man.

  Oh, well now he’s dead. A small smile took my lips.

  Dad stood. “The football game is on.”

  The men vacated the room like a herd of cattle. I strolled toward dad’s man cave and leaned my head against the entryway wall. Wyatt pulled his Falcons cap low, sitting next to his dad focused on the TV. Dad and Deacon sat at the other end of the sofa. Wyatt shot to his feet. “Did you see that play?”

  Deacon stood and peeked at his old friend. “Oak, that was a bull shit play.”

  Then it happened. My Christmas wish came true. They bantered back and forth about the game and player stats. Their love of football brought them back together.


  LAKELYN SAT AMONGST the other players' wives for a month. Until her brother returned to the stadium to watch me play. He said he felt better sitting next to his sister just in case the baby came into the world early. She was almost nine months pregnant.

  They sat with our parents in their usual section where the drama unfolded months ago. Happy we were on better terms. I wouldn’t say Deacon and I were best friends, but talking football brought us closer. After Leo’s born, I’d ask Deacon to be my best man when I married his sister a second time.

  I gazed up at the night sky through the retractable roof before scanning the stadium seats. The fans buzzed with excitement, waving black and red flags.

  The score was tied. In my running stance at the twenty, I tugged the gate of my helmet, and peeked over my shoulder at Mavis. We’d grown closer after the shit hit the fan in my life last summer. He was single and didn’t understand why I’d chased Lakelyn so hard. I told him when that special woman walked into his life he’d find out.

  Mavis snapped the ball. Running down the field, hands stretched, the ball hit my glove. Clutching the football, I bolted toward the end of the field with one of the Seahawks on my heels. He reached for my jersey, just as my foot landed inside the end zone. I slammed the football to the ground with all my might.

  “We won the Super Bowl,” I roared.

  Tearing my helmet off my head, I threw my finger in the air and looked in my wife and Deacon’s direction. “#1, baby,” I screamed.

  I knew Deacon felt the magic of that moment.

  Just as my teammates rushed me, I noticed the screaming fans poured out of their seats and onto the field.

  The only person I wanted to congratulate me was Lakelyn.

  A few minutes later, Deacon shoved people aside, clearing the path for his sister. Pointing at Deacon, I winked before scooping my wife off the ground.

  Her lips pressed against mine. I devoured her lips like it was our first kiss.

  Meeting her brown-eyed gaze, I grinned from ear to ear. “I love you, Lakelyn Oakley. I couldn’t do this without you.” I crushed her lips again.

  The security of her arms wrapped around my neck and her delicious lips on mine made me feel like the luckiest man in the world. No one else mattered in the moment.

  She pulled back. “I see you listened to me this time.”

  “What?” My hands were firmly locked under her ass as I offered a perplexed stare.

  “You kept an eye out for the Seahawks defense this time.”

  I laughed. “Hey, it was just that one time I didn’t listen. Baby, I always listen to you.”

  Lakelyn pressed her lips against mine again. Caressing my face, she stared into my eyes. “You showed them you’re their best NFL player. You guys won the Super Bowl. I’m so proud of you. I love you, Wyatt Oakley.”


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  A Note from Posey Parks

  THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR reading Sweet Georgia Peach.

  If you enjoyed Wyatt and Lakelyn’s story, please take a moment to leave a review.

  I’m always excited to hear from readers. Be sure to follow me on social media.

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  READ THE FIRST CHAPTER of The Secret Sauce...

  The Secret Sauce

  By: Sonja B.

  Coming December 9, 2020



  I’ve avoided going back to my hometown for the last six years. After I graduated high school, I was on the first thing smoking out of town. Now, my Granny’s sick and calling for me to come home. Of course, it would be during the annual town fair and barbecue sauce contest. To my surprise, one of the contestants is Wyatt Montgomery, the main reason why I left town. When I found out he’s won the last four years straight, I entered the contest to take the trophy and bragging rights away from him. My competitive nature reared its ugly head as I pulled out all stops to beat him even if that means playing dirty.

  Wyatt Montgomery

  Raylyn Bailey, finally, she’s come back. I’ve been waiting six years to apologize for what happened that night. Now I have the opportunity, but every time I try to get close to her, she runs. When I found out she entered the barbecue sauce contest, I saw that as my opportunity to make things right. Raylyn’s mouth is as sharp as ever, so when things start to heat up in the kitchen, I’m going to show her why I win the contest every ye
ar, but most importantly, I’m going to make sure she finds out what’s in my secret sauce.


  Six Years Ago

  I STARED IN DISBELIEF at the man who has held my heart in his hands for as long as I could remember. Blinking rapidly, I’m shocked by the words that just came out of his mouth. We just finished making love under the stars and were lying on a blanket in the bed of his truck.

  “What did you just say, Wyatt?” My voice trembles as I sit up.

  Wyatt doesn’t look at me as he repeats what he said. “I said, I think it’s time for us to move on. I mean you’re about to go away to school and you’ll probably meet someone else anyway. We should just go our separate ways now.”

  “That’s not going to happen Wyatt, I only want to be with you,” I tell him, placing my hand on his arm as he stares up at the moon.

  “It’s for the best Ray.”

  Getting pissed, I snap, “How the hell is it for the best, Wyatt? You didn’t think like this when you went away to school, so why now? If that’s how you felt, then why bring me out here and sleep with me again? You could’ve called or texted me this bull shit!”

  “We aren’t really together anyway. We’re friends with benefits. Do you think you’re the only person I’m sleeping with?” Wyatt asks, now glaring at me.

  My head recoils back as if he slapped me. I had suspicions that Wyatt may have been seeing other girls while he was away at school but it hurts like hell for him to confirm it. Warm tears flood my eyes. “Do you tell all your friends with benefits, you love them?” I whisper.

  Wyatt shrugs his shoulders before responding, “If it will get me what I want.”

  The echo from me slapping the shit out of him fills the forest around us. I go to hit him again, but he catches my wrist. “Let me go, Wyatt!”

  He regards me before saying, “Don’t fucking hit me again, Raylyn.” He shoves my wrist, letting it go. I scramble to find my clothes and put them on. Once fully dressed, I hop off the truck and start walking towards the dark road.

  “Ray, get back here, I’ll take you home,” Wyatt yells out.

  “Fuck you, Wyatt! I wouldn’t get back in that truck with you even if Big Foot himself were chasing me!” I shout back, walking faster when I hear his footsteps behind me.

  Wyatt scoops me up from behind and begins to carry me back to his truck. I kick and scratch at his arms, trying to get out of his hold.

  “Put me down!”

  “I’m not letting you walk home in the dark, Ray. Stop acting like a fucking baby!” Wyatt growls as he opens the passenger door, then tosses me onto the seat. “Don’t get out of that fucking seat, Ray! I said I’ll take you home!” We have a stare-down before he slams the door. I cross my arms over my chest, trying to hold myself together as he goes around to the driver’s side and gets in.

  Silence filled the cab of the truck as he drove me home. I stared out the window into the darkness wondering how our beautiful evening together turned into a nightmare. Wyatt turns off his headlights as he pulls up to my house, then puts the truck in park.

  He decides to speak once I reach for the door handle. “I’m sorry, Ray. I really didn’t mean to hurt you. I hope you can forgive me one day.”

  I glance over my shoulder to get one last look at him before saying, “I will never forgive you, Wyatt Montgomery!

  He hangs his head as I open the door and get out. Never in all the time Wyatt and I were dealing with each other did I ever feel like I was doing the walk of shame until now. I hear the sound of his truck pulling away with my heart once I reach the door. I will never forgive Wyatt for making me love him then throwing me away like I meant nothing to him. I was set to leave for college in a couple of months, but I’m going now. There’s no way I can spend the next two months in the same town as Wyatt. The pain of seeing him would be too great. I need a fresh start, and moving to Washington, D.C., is the reset button I need right now.

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  Other Books by Posey Parks

  Samantha Posey Love Unfolded

  Samantha Posey Love Reveals

  Samantha Posey Love Conquers

  Not Giving Up

  Not Giving Up 2

  The Set Dilemma

  Relentless Chase

  Relentless Chase 2

  Relentless Chase 3

  Relentless Chase 4

  Billionaire’s Stripper

  Hidden Witness mafia series

  Hidden Witness

  Hidden Witness 2

  Hidden Witness 3

  Hidden Witness 4

  Hidden Witness 5

  Hidden Witness 6

  Nickis Love Torn

  A Hero’s Love

  Deep Seal

  Pleasurable Secrets


  A Billionaire’s Cabin Love




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