Chasing the Moon

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Chasing the Moon Page 24

by Soto, S. M.

  Her brows raise, damn near disappearing into her hairline, and her mouth drops open in shock. “What man touches me is no concern of yours, Endymion. We share a daughter together, and that’s it.”

  That beautiful pink flush is now staining her neck and cheeks again, and I can’t help but wonder how far it extends. I don’t remember much about the night we slept together, and Jesus Christ, I hate my younger self for allowing this woman to slip through my fingers.

  I step closer to her, and she takes a wary step back. Her chest is heaving, the pulse at the base of her neck is pounding, and fuck me, all I want to do is swipe my tongue across her flesh and taste her. She’s wrong. We don’t just share a daughter together. We share a lot more. We have chemistry. There’s an inexplicable spark between us, even when we were younger, even when I did everything I could to run from it and pretend I didn’t notice her. But I’m not running from it anymore. I want her. I want this. I want my fucking family.

  “You and I both know there’s a lot more than that between us. Luna isn’t the only reason we keep finding ourselves here. I want—”

  “Selene, honey, Rita is asking for you,” Bobby hollers from the back door, ruining the moment. She’s still staring at me, wide-eyed, her chest rising and falling in rapid motion. I didn’t get to finish saying what I wanted to, but she gets the gist. She’s going to hear me out. I’m not doing this anymore. Not when I have a beautiful woman before me and a beautiful daughter in there waiting for me.

  “Let’s go.” She clears her throat. “I have to get back to work.”

  When I walk back to my table, Luna is staring at me curiously, and my lungs squeeze in a vise. Fuck. I hope she isn’t afraid of me. I take the seat across from her, giving Rita a smile in thanks.

  “I’m sorry about that, Luna. I shouldn’t have—”

  Surprising the shit out of me, my little girl leans forward, wearing a conspiratorial grin on her face. “That was awesome, Daddy. But you really should’ve punched him.”

  I choke on a laugh. Jesus Christ, this kid.

  I love her to death already. I have since the moment I found out she was mine, maybe even before that.

  I’ve just tucked Luna into bed, and I perch on the edge, setting down the book she wanted me to read to her. Four times.

  “I gotta get going, Luna. But I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

  She smiles up at me, eyelids drooped with fatigue, and spreads her arms, indicating she wants a hug.

  “I love you, Daddy,” my little girl breathes into my chest, stopping my heart midbeat. I clutch her body to me even tighter. I slam my eyes shut, despising Selene and caring for her in equal measure. I want to hate her. Hell, I have every right to hate her, but I can’t. Because at the end of the day, she gave me my daughter. Something about her makes it impossible for me to hold on to my anger. Something so heavy that it makes it hard to breathe or think when I’m near her.

  Luna settles back in the sheets, and as soon as her eyes close, her little chest rises and falls deeply as sleep pulls her under. I quietly make my way out of the bedroom, saying my goodbyes to Gavin and Cece. I am still giving Luna time to adjust, but I don’t want to do this forever. I want to be able to sleep under the same roof as my daughter.

  After the eventful lunch at the diner, I spent the evening with Luna at Gavin’s. It didn’t escape my notice how tired he looks. Every day, he seems to look thinner and thinner. I can see why Luna asked what she did.

  My mind drifts to the conversation I had with Gavin in his living room after the diner incident. We watched Luna play with her toys on the far end of the room, each of us stuck in our own heads. He was watching her with sadness in his eyes. It was one that hit me square in the chest.

  “When are you guys going to tell her?” I ask quietly.

  His nostrils flare, the muscles in his jaw jumping with barely restrained emotion, and he clears his throat. “Selene doesn’t want to tell her yet.”

  My gaze narrows on Gavin. “You haven’t told her how bad it is yet, have you?”

  A sheen of tears builds in his eyes as he watches his granddaughter. “It’ll break her heart. She blames herself for a lot of the time we went without speaking. She’ll never recover from this.”

  My eyes slam shut. I feel a deep throbbing coming on at the base of my skull. “It’ll break her if you don’t tell her, Gavin. Does Cece know?”

  He’s quiet for a long beat. “She knows. The woman hates my guts, and even she isn’t handling it well.” He laughs, but the sound is pained and filled with remorse. “I just need a little more time. A little more time to break the news to my daughter. Then to Luna.”

  I nod, even though I don’t agree. How can I go against a sick man’s wishes? It seems like all Gavin Drake wants is time, but I don’t have the heart to remind him that his is running out.

  After that painful conversation with Gavin, we spent the rest of the evening with a looming black cloud hovering over our heads.

  I’m snapped out of my thoughts when I spot Selene pulling into the driveway. Tucking my hands into my jean pockets, I trudge through the grass on the front lawn, crossing the distance between us.

  Her gaze keeps flitting to my face, then back to the windshield. I swear I see her lips moving, though I can’t be sure what she’s saying to herself. She seems to square her shoulders before she climbs out of the car and strides toward me with a look of pure determination etched on her face.

  My gaze trails from those gorgeous doe eyes down to her dirtied shoes, and even though she’s been working on her feet all day, I’ve never seen anyone who has looked more perfect, more beautiful. Selene jerks to a halt before me, eyeing me through narrowed slits. Her plump lips purse as she works through something in her mind.

  “Funny story,” she starts to say, not looking all that enthused. “Spotted Thomas after work walking to the bar. I couldn’t help but notice his black eye. Especially since he didn’t have one only hours prior.” She crosses her arms over her chest, and I glance down at the creamy expanse, wondering if the freckles there dusting across the bridge of her nose extend anywhere else. When her foot begins tapping, I realize she’s waiting for me to fess up.

  I shrug my shoulders noncommittally. “That is a funny story.”

  Her lip twitches, making it obvious she’s trying to hold back a smile. “You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?”

  “And if I did?” I challenge her.

  She swallows, searching my gaze. “I’d tell you that it was stupid and irresponsible. Especially since you have a daughter.”

  My gaze narrows. “I told you, no man is going to touch what is mine. Thomas overstepped his bounds today, saying what he did about you. He was embarrassing you on purpose to be a dick. And I’m well aware I have a daughter now. She was nowhere near us when it happened.”

  “Why do you keep saying that?”

  “Saying what?”

  Heat settles in her cheeks. “You said ‘what’s mine.’”

  I eat up the distance between us, staring down at her, heat swirling in my gut. Her slender throat works a swallow, and for every step forward I take, she takes a step back, until her back collides with the passenger side of the car. Her eyes dart to the house behind me. All the lights are already off inside, Luna out for the count. The stars have long since scattered across the sky.

  “Because you are mine, Selene. I’ve never been more sure of anything.”

  Her breath hitches. Those plump lips part.

  “You don’t mean that.” Her voice is a mere whisper. It almost sounds like a plea. She wants this to be a lie. She needs it to be a lie.

  “Oh, I do, babe. I may not have been thinking clearly all those years ago, but I am now. I want you, Selene. In all this mess, that’s the one thing that hasn’t changed.”

  She averts her gaze, unable to look me in the eye any longer. She’s so small that she barely grazes my chest, so she keeps her gaze settled there, trained on the material o
f my shirt.

  “What if I don’t want you, want this anymore?”

  I press my lips together in frustration. “Who do you want then?”

  “Julia’s thinking about setting me up on a date with one of her friends.”

  My hands fist at my sides, and I step into her. Her soft body grazes mine, and I hover above her, caging her against the car.

  “Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t want this.”

  Slowly, she flicks her gaze up to mine, that bottom lip trapped between her teeth in contemplation. “I…I…”

  “Say it,” I grit.

  “I can’t,” she whispers, and my composure snaps.

  “I can’t.” The words fall from my lips, and my heart jumps into my throat at the look on End’s face. It’s pure animalistic hunger.

  He grips my wrists and pins my body against my car. Before I can anticipate his next move, his mouth slams down on mine, dominating it in a way only he can.

  My struggle comes to a stop instantaneously, and I gasp, the earth rocking beneath my feet. He uses the opportunity to thrust his tongue inside, taking what he wants, infecting my heart with his disease like no one else ever has. The kiss is furious and punishing, stoking the fire and fury between us. His potent taste, the one I’ve never forgotten, settles deep into my bones.

  My fingers find purchase in his hair, and I fist the silky strands as I match every angry stroke he delivers. His strong thigh wedges between my legs as he grasps my arms pinning them against the car, stroking the one spot that sends shockwaves through my body.

  My hips lift, grinding indecently as I greedily reach for that mind-numbing pleasure.

  It’s been so long—too long.

  The orgasm washes over me like a hurricane, flooding every nerve ending in my body. I drown in it, crying against his mouth, too lost in it all to be embarrassed by the quick thrill.

  He grips my jaw with one hand and forces my head back against the passenger side of my car, his teeth sinking into my bottom lip with a sharp bite. A slight metallic taste of blood touches my tongue before he pulls his mouth away.

  His furious face hovers before mine, eyes wild with lust, but the anger is still there, just as prominent as before. “There is no one else. Just us.”

  My lungs heave for air as I gaze up at him, heart beating painfully with every breath I take. “Just us or Holly, too?”

  His jaw tightens. “You know better than that. Holly is my past, Selene, and as much as I’d like to change the past, I can’t. But you, you’re…”

  My brows pull down. “I’m what?”

  “You’re the only woman I see in my future. The only one I want there.”

  My heart jumps into my throat, and my stomach does somersaults at his words. A thrill shoots down my spine.

  “Endymion…we can’t just…we can’t do this. We have Luna to think about.”

  “I am thinking about Luna. I’m thinking about a little girl who told me she wants a real family. A little girl who deserves more than just being tucked into bed by her dad and having to watch him leave. She’s my kid, too, and I will take what belongs to me.” His fingers brush my swollen lips. “All of it.”

  My heart just about explodes as I watch him walk away, hopping into his truck. When his taillights disappear down the street, I finally feel like I’m able to breathe. Endymion Black is intense. He still has the capability to steal the very breath from my lungs.

  After showering off the grease from working at the diner, I climb into bed beside Luna and pull her into my arms. With my gaze riveted to the ceiling, I try to think of what to do next. There is no going back after what happened tonight. Either I can let this play out with End and see where it takes us, or I can be the mature adult and put a stop to this before I get hurt again. This time, I’m sure the damage will be a lot more extensive than the last. Weighing the pros and cons, I mindlessly rub the pad of my finger over my swollen lips, remembering the way he felt. Heat coils deep in my gut, and my core clenches and throbs just thinking about the way he kissed and touched me. He was like a man starved. Like he couldn’t get enough.

  And me.


  The way I dry humped his leg will mortify me for the rest of my life. I was so caught up in the moment, in him, and the way he was making me feel that I couldn’t think clearly.

  I never seem to think clearly when I’m near Endymion. That should be answer enough for me.

  The next morning, I take Luna with me to have breakfast with Julia. Even though we work together at the diner, we haven’t had a chance to hang out as often as either of us would like. My heart thumps unsteadily, and my core clenches when I see who is across the street from the restaurant, doing construction on the building. Dressed in frayed work pants and a shirt that does nothing to hide the ripped body beneath, End looks like a wet dream—the very star of mine, in fact. Even from here, I can clearly see the muscles in his arms bulging as he carries long pieces of wood to and from a truck parked along the street. Hell, his skin looks like it’s glistening. I can practically see the beads of sweat rolling down his arms and neck.

  I think about last night. The way his tongue stroked mine. Then my mind conjures images from the past, memories of that night at the creek, his tongue circling my nipples, his long, thick cock—

  “You’re drooling. Isn’t your mom drooling, Luna?”


  I whirl back around and clear my throat, feigning innocence. “I’m not. I’m just hungry.”

  Julia scoffs loudly. “Oh, I bet you are. You’re hungry for his di—”

  “Okaaay.” I clap my hands together loudly, trying to drown out whatever Julia was going to say. “Enough about me. What about you and Griffin? Is there anything happening there?”

  Julia rolls her eyes, waving me off. “Not even close. He’s fun, hot as all hell, but he’s also a manwhore. I don’t do those. A one-time ride with him to Spank Town was more than enough.”

  My lips thin at her lingo. I shoot a quick look down at Luna, but she’s not paying attention. She’s much too busy dousing her waffles in more syrup and chocolate. As if they didn’t already come with enough.

  “Do I sense some intimidation here?” I goad. Julia aims a scathing glare my way, which tells me I’m not far off. She’s always been the strong, speak your mind type, so the fact she’s getting pissy over this? It says a lot more about her “relationship” with Griffin than she wants to admit.

  “Don’t play this game with me, Selene. I know all I have to do is mention Endymion’s coc—”

  My stomach dips incessantly as I think about End and a certain appendage. I haven’t told Julia about last night, though I’m not sure why. It’s not like she’ll judge me, but a part of me wants to keep it a secret. For now, at least—just between the two of us.

  I steer clear of boy talk, deciding it’s best to leave that talk for a girls’ night, definitely not in front of my daughter. “Luna, baby, how are the waffles?”

  She smiles with a mouthful of food and chocolate syrup around her lips. “Really good.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I peek once more across the street at Endymion. His words from last night ring loudly in my head, making me feel guilty. I wait for Luna to finish her food before I broach the subject, unsure of how she’ll react. I’m not even sure I’m ready, but End was right. This isn’t fair to him, and this isn’t fair to her.

  I want to believe that kiss yesterday changed things, but I can’t let myself back into his orbit. I need to stay strong and think about doing what’s best for Luna, and that means giving her and Endymion the chance to be a real family. It may not be in the same way he suggested last night, but this is the best I can do—until I can come to a decision about us.

  “Luna Bella, how would you feel about staying the night at your daddy’s house. Does that sound like fun?”

  Her little eyes widen. “Really?” she coos excitedly, vibrating in her seat. “Will you be there?”

sober, tightness pulling taut across my chest. “No, I won’t. But if you need me to pick you up, I’ll only be a call away.”

  She seems pensive, almost as pensive as I feel about this whole situation. “Well, I do miss Daddy a lot when he’s gone, but I’m going to miss you, too.”

  My smile is borderline sad. “I’ll miss you, too, but I’ll be at work anyway, so technically, it’ll be like every other day when you’re hanging with Nana and Papa. Maybe when I get off, I’ll even stop by and kiss you good night?”

  She mulls that over in her head, likely sifting through her fears. After a few solid beats, she says, “I like that idea, Mommy.”

  It has a smile tugging at the corners of my lips and warmth curling around my heart. Such a strong girl.

  Looking out the window, I feel somewhat better about my decision when I spot End. He deserves this. I may not be able to offer him a relationship, but I can give him this. They both deserve it.

  “I don’t care what anyone says. You’re an incredible mother.”

  I roll my eyes at Julia. “That doesn’t exactly make me feel great. Knowing this whole town hates me.”

  She waves me off. “They’ll get over it.”

  I hope so. If this is where I’m forced to stay, I don’t want to deal with hateful glares any longer. As much as I hate to admit it, I’m waiting on another scandal to come forth, so everyone will leave me alone.

  After paying for breakfast, we all file into the car, and I’m just about to drive off when I realize I left my phone. Julia stays in the car with Luna while I run inside to look for it near our table. I’m in such a hurry, I don’t pay attention to where I’m going—or who’s in front of me, and I slam into someone.


  My body goes rigid at the sound of Holly’s voice.

  Once I regain my footing, I run a nervous hand over my hair, trying to flatten it. “Holly, crap—I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you.”

  Her gaze narrows on me. She drags her eyes up and down my body, her upper lip curling in obvious distaste. “You know, I didn’t get it at first, but I think I do now.”


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