Under the Mistletoe: A Reverse Harem Christmas Novel

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Under the Mistletoe: A Reverse Harem Christmas Novel Page 7

by J.C. Valentine

  Niles is the type of man, I’ve learned, who aims to please. He’s not as uptight and antisocial as he would have everyone believe. Rather, he’s warm and affectionate and filled with a deep wealth of passion that could easily be overlooked, and has been, simply because of his reserved nature.

  I am so glad I chose to kiss this man; otherwise, I would be missing out on all of this hotness and I’d be kicking my own ass from here to kingdom come.

  Understanding my needs and wants, Niles backs me up until my naked rear hits the cool stone countertop, and then he picks me up and sets me back down. The shock of the stone steals my breath, which he takes advantage of, filling my mouth with his tongue and my pussy with his fingers. All of them.

  I’ve been with my share of men in the past, but I have to say, I’ve never been this turned on. Never in my life have I felt this incredible surge of adrenaline or insatiable hunger for more, for everything this man can give me.

  Unwilling to wait a moment longer, I tug at the waistband of his super-soft black and hunter-green plaid fleece pants, damning him for tying a knot that prevents me from quick and easy access. But the instant I manage to get the tie free, I don’t waste any time plunging my hand down inside.

  I follow the happy trail of stiff yet impossibly soft hair down to the thatch of curls where I find the treasure I’ve been seeking and wrap my fingers around the base of his thick cock that throbs at my touch. It’s Niles’ turn to moan, and I eat up every delicious note, rocking my hips against his hand at the same time I stroke him from root to tip.

  What happens next can only be described as pure insanity as Niles tangles his free hand in my hair and yanks my head back, feasting on my neck while I shove furiously at his pants to get them down just enough to access what I want and need more than life itself.

  The instant I draw his considerable length from the confines of its fabric prison, he shoves his hips between my open thighs, yanks his fingers from my body and clamps the wet digits onto my left thigh, and fills the space he left empty in one swift move.

  I come undone instantly, every muscle in my body tensing at once as the orgasm rolls through me, causing convulsions and a fresh rush of wetness that announces itself in the squishing noises that seem all too loud in the generous space around us. Niles isn’t nice or considerate or even gentle. He pounds into me with abandon, taking exactly what he wants without pause or apology, and I’m so glad he does. He’s an animal, ferocious and wild and such a pleasant surprise that I come again, eliminating any friction left between us as he leans me back on the counter and impales me three more times before burying himself as deep as he can go, tucking his face into the side of my neck as he comes inside of me, his cock thickening and pulsing with each lash of its powerful release.

  I cling to him in the aftermath, bare feet and legs wrapped around his narrow hips, cognizant of the pain in my tailbone that will surely end up being a wicked bruise that I’ll feel every time I sit down this week but not inclined to do anything about it.

  This is the single most amazing moment of my life. A moment of true bliss. It makes me wonder…how much bliss would I get if I multiplied it by three?


  There comes a time in every girl’s life when she has to ask herself a very important question: what are you willing to do to achieve personal growth and happiness?

  While I can’t speak for everyone, I’d have to say that the answer is standing right in front of me in the form of three of the most delicious looking men in all of the city. Making the moment even more perfect is the fact that they all want me as much as I want them.

  After our encounter in the bathroom, I expressed to Niles that I wanted to give the threesome the old college try, see what all the fuss was about. And by “fuss,” I mean that it seems like everyone and their grandmother—not an exaggeration in the least—seems to be into multiples these days. There must be something to it, right?

  So that’s how we came to be here, in the guest bedroom, buck naked and standing in front of one another in a loose circle that reminds me of something out of The Craft, as if we’re about to conjure up some ancient energy that will give us our every heart’s desire. “Whatever you send out, you get back times three,” I think to myself, a smirk coming across my face as I think of the movie quote and how applicable it is to my life at this very moment. Whatever I’ve done in this lifetime, I must have been a very good girl.

  “I feel like I’m back in high school,” Shane comments, holding his package in both hands, as if he’s nervous. It’s a cute look on him.

  “You mean when the prettiest girl in school finally decides to talk to you and then you don’t know what to say?” Dean asks rhetorically. “Yeah, I hear ya.” He’s standing in much the same position as Shane, except he’s wearing a giant smile, as if he’s both nervous and over-eager to get the show on the road.

  I, on the other hand, don’t bother with nerves. I’ve already given Niles a full frontal, and getting dressed in any way at this juncture didn’t seem logical, considering my decision, which is final, so I’ve decided it’s best to just put it all out there.

  Judging by the difficulty the guys are having hiding their giant hard-ons, I’ve already accomplished the biggest hurdle: turning them on with my looks alone.

  They’re just as desperate to get started as I am, except, from my understanding, they’ve been down this road before. I don’t have the first clue where to start.

  “Well,” I say with a little sigh, “how do we do this?”

  “However you want to, toots,” Dean says and winks at me.

  Toots? I raise an eyebrow at him. “You’re the experienced ones. I don’t where everything goes.” Or how it’s all supposed to fit. Do we take turns?

  “Just do what feels good,” Shane speaks up, making the first move toward me. In doing so, he releases his cock, which springs forward like an arrow aimed straight at me. I swallow hard because it’s large and in charge and definitely not what I expected.

  Good things Niles already primed me. While I can still feel him everywhere in the form of little aches, I know I’m better off for them. These guys are going to give me a run for my money, that’s for sure.

  “Personally,” Shane says as he comes to stand in front of me, the tip of his cock nudging my mound while his hands reach out and his fingers trace light circles around each of my nipples, causing a cold chill to race through me and straight to the point of contact, hardening them into stiff, aching points, “I enjoy coming in the back door.”

  The double entendre isn’t lost on me, and I flush a bit because I’ve never, and I mean never, allowed anyone access there. But what did I expect? Three men and only so many options available, of course that was going to be one of them. Surprisingly, as Shane moves around behind me, dropping his head to lick a wet path from my collarbone to my shoulder and around to the top of my spine to allow Dean to approach, I find myself more curious than repulsed by the idea.

  Life is all about trying new things, right? And I want Shane—any way I can get him.

  I spot a wolfish smile on Dean’s face as he scans my form, zeroing in and lingering down south, and my belly quivers. My gaze flickers to Niles, almost as if to ask if my reaction to all of this is okay, but of course it is. It was his idea, and I find him standing just out of reach, watching all of our interactions with an almost analytical expression. Is he waiting to see how well all of this plays out before he joins in, or is he planning on sitting this one out since he already got his rocks off?

  Dean skims his hands down my sides, and I shiver at his touch. Just like Shane, his cock reaches out to touch me too, spreading a line of wetness across my lower stomach, exposing how much he wants me. In response, I feel the collection of moisture between my thighs spill free, trickling slowly down my legs.

  “I’m going to wreck you,” Dean growls, his fingers reaching my nipples at the same time and pinching them, hard. I give a small yelp of surprise and pain, and when I look up at
him, Dean bends down to give me a sweeping kiss that fuels the fire smoldering inside of me. Like a wildfire, all it takes is that small spark to set off the inferno, and once again I’m burning up.

  Stoking the fire, Dean glides one large hand between my legs and hums his approval when he finds how wet I am. “She’s dripping, boys,” he announces, and my cheeks heat once again.

  “Maybe we should do something about it,” Shane suggests, and the low timber of his voice from behind me does something to me that cannot be explained.

  My eyes grow heavy as Shane and Dean sandwich me between them, and, not wanting him to be left out, I reach out and extend my hand, which Niles takes, and before I know it, I’m entering a world of pleasure so acute, I wonder how I’ve lived this long without it.


  Ass up and face down, that’s Shane’s preference. Which works well considering Dean prefers the same, since he likes to be sucked off rather than do any hard labor. And Niles? He’s content with taking whatever is left. He’s a real team player, I notice, as he circulates around his friends, easily filling any gaps—pun intended—as they become available.

  “That’s right, little girl,” Dean growls, using the back of my head to shove my face deeper into his crotch until I’m choking on his hard length, “eat that dick.”

  He’s a potty mouth, prone to talking throughout sex as issuing commands as if’s a peewee football coach or some such.

  “She likes it when you talk dirty,” Shane tells him, exposing my truth. I do like it, and he knows because every time Dean says something nasty, my insides clench, which I’m sure Shane can feel, since he’s been buried inside of me for the better half of two hours.

  Seriously, where do they get the stamina? I’m worn out, and I get the feeling this isn’t even halftime. And now I’m making football analogies. Lovely.

  “Is that right, little girl?” Dean asks. “You like that? How about I come down that pretty throat of yours then? Would you like that?”

  Behind me, Shane chuckles as he continues to pump away. “Hell yeah, she does.” He smacks my ass, burning the cheek red hot.

  And I don’t mind a bit.

  I’ve lost track of everything during this adventure. There’s no cold left in the room. I have no idea what time it is. And I only know where each man is relative to where I hear their voice coming from.

  Niles…Where’s Niles?

  While I lap up Dean’s cock and feel him expanding—for the third time—in my mouth, I disengage long enough to send out mental feelers, until I locate my quiet man beneath me. Ah, so it’s his mouth on my breasts, sucking on my nipples, and it’s his fingers encompassing the swollen globes of my ass, holding them apart while Shane pounds mercilessly between them.

  And then it dawns on me…it’s his cock that fills me so completely, acting as the final piece of the puzzle so that all of my orifices are claimed.

  At this point, it’s difficult to know where I end and they begin, but just being here, checking in with each person and knowing what they’re doing to me and me to them, is enough to send me toppling right over the edge.

  I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve come today. Could be twice, could be three times. I’m pretty sure it’s far more though. All I know for sure is that I’ve been well used and if they were to let me go right now, I’d crumble into a boneless mass, unable to hold up my own head, let alone my entire body.

  “Ah, shit, that’s it, you dirty little whore,” Dean says—he’s called me that a lot since we started—“you’re going to make me come again.”

  I don’t know if it’s his words that trigger it or what, but an instant later, all four of us are doing just that. I feel like a stuffed pastry, filled to the brim with cum as I spill my own, creating a hot, sticky mess that will require a serious shower.

  We break away from each other, breathless and exhausted, and I have the passing thought, as I fall sideways onto the bed, that Dean is finally tired and done for the day. Or, at least, for the time being.

  “You’re beasts,” I tease, panting and swallowing convulsively, wishing I had a glass of water to rinse the taste of sex from my mouth.

  “Us?” Shane protests. “You were the wildcat. I could barely keep up.”

  “Me?” I can’t believe he’s trying to put this sexual romp on my shoulders. Had it been left up to me alone, I would have been fine stopping at just once.

  “It’s not every day that I bust a nut more than twice,” Dean interjects. He’s lying flat on his back at the head of the bed, one leg bent at the knee and an arm draped over his eyes. “Have you always been a sex addict, toots?”

  There he goes with that name again. I scoff, too tired to do much else. “I’m hardly an addict. You, on the other hand…”

  “Ohhhh,” Shane taunts, “I think she just called you a sex addict, Dean.”

  “I heard.” He pauses, considering. “She may be right.”

  “She’s definitely right.” Niles is farther down on the bed, having stayed put, leaving his legs hanging over the edge of the mattress, his bare feet planted on the floor.

  “Et tu, Brutus?” Dean is joking, but there’s still a bit of curiosity ringing in his voice, as if he isn’t entirely sure if his friend is serious.

  “I call ‘em as I see ‘em,” is Niles’ causal response.

  I lie there and listen to the guys engage in idle chatter and good-natured banter a bit longer before I inhale a deep breath and gather the rumpled top sheet around me and force myself to sit up and climb out of bed.

  “Where are you going?” Shane sounds almost panicked, as if something they’ve said is the cause for chasing me away. I honestly haven’t heard a word over the last several minutes. Reaching out, Shane snags hold of my hand, halting my escape.

  I turn toward him and smile. “I need to get going.” In truth, I had intended to leave first thing this morning, and now it’s…well, I don’t know what time it is exactly, but hours have passed. I’m sure the roads are just as crappy now as they were when I woke up, and if I’m going to take it slow, like I plan, it’ll easily be dark by the time I make it home.”

  “Why?” Shane asks, as if the notion is absurd.

  “Because I need to go home?” Because as much as I loved the ambiance of theirs, this one didn’t belong to me. The last thing I wanted to do was settle in and get comfortable. For some reason, that didn’t seem a prudent thing to do.

  “You shouldn’t drive in this weather.” Niles was wearing his serious look, not to be confused with the equally but somewhat more intense serious look he had when he was in work mode. This one was laced with concern and something else entirely that I couldn’t put a name to.

  I tilt my head and smirk. “This is the East Coast. If I didn’t drive in this weather, I would never make it anywhere.” That isn’t completely true, of course. There are always other options when it comes to transportation, like Uber, a cab, a bus, maybe even a train. But I’ve never felt comfortable relying on someone else for something that I could do for myself. I guess some might say that makes me stubborn.

  “She has a point, but so do you, Niles.” Dean, disregarding his total state of undress, sits up and then stands, his decidedly yummy naughty bits that he used on me in ways that give me tingles just reminiscing about them dangling in the wind. He’s utterly shameless, and, coupled with his filthy mouth and cocky attitude, I love it. “You should stay put. Even if the city managed to clear the main roads, black ice is nothing to mess with. And, if you get stuck out there on the side roads, there’s no telling how long it would take for one of us to reach you.”

  “You mean like my knights in shining armor, coming to my rescue?” My response is snarky, but I don’t hold back because I’ve never been that princess in the castle type waiting for some man to come rescue me. I’m a strong, contemporary woman who is more than capable of saving myself. Besides, I have AAA.

  “I hope you’re not taking offense.” Dean bends down and picks up a pair of disca
rded pants from the floor and puts them on—I think they belong to Niles. “I didn’t mean anything by it.”

  “Not at all. While I appreciate your concern, I just don’t want you to assume that I’m not capable of taking care of myself, because I am.”

  “Of course you are. You wouldn’t have survived life this long if you weren’t.” Dean approaches me with no shortage of confidence and clasps both of my shoulders with his strong hands. He looks down into my eyes. “You can do anything you put your mind to…except pull a car from a ditch in thigh-high snow. Some things are beyond your ability, toots. That’s just fact, and I, for one, believe in being better safe than sorry.”

  He drops a kiss on my forehead and releases me, swinging his hand back as he steps away to smack my ass, and the cracking sound reverberates around the room.

  “If anyone wants pancakes, I’ll be downstairs getting some started.” He disappears from the room, and just as I am about to tell the guys good-bye and head back to the guest room, there’s a distinct click followed by a hum of a large machine gearing up, and then it happens.

  “Heat is back on!” Dean shouts from somewhere in the distance.

  “Thank God,” Niles says as he too gets out of bed and goes in search of clothes.

  Shane follows suit. “Yeah, that would have cost us a fortune to fix.”

  Listening to them, it’s the first time I can be truly glad for my residential situation. I may not own my own home, but living in an apartment affords me some things that Niles and his roommates don’t have the luxury of having, like someone else to foot the bill for big repairs.

  “I’m going to go…” I trail off as I hitch a thumb over my shoulder. I need to rinse off in the shower again and get dressed. As much as I’d love to stay in bed all day having wild and kinky sex with them, it’s best if I go home so I can reenter the real world tomorrow. There’s a plane ticket with my name on it, and my mom will kill me if I’m not on it in time for Christmas presents.


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