Ties That Bind: Ruthless Sinner’s MC

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Ties That Bind: Ruthless Sinner’s MC Page 20

by Wilder, L.

  We’d never actually talked about having kids, but the thought of Delilah being the mother of my children couldn’t have pleased me more. “You want kids?”

  “I want your kids,” she answered without hesitation. “One or two, but three would be okay too.”

  “I can’t imagine a more beautiful sight than seeing you carrying my kid.”

  Her eyes closed once again. “I’ll remind you that you said that when I’m waddling around the house and I’m too fat to put on my own shoes.”

  “I won’t need reminding. Damn. You’ll look so fucking hot, I won’t be able to keep my hands off of you.”

  When she didn’t respond, I glanced over and noticed she’d fallen sound asleep, leaving me no choice but to continue our conversation later. When we got back home, she never woke up as I carried her inside and put her to bed. While I was glad she’d had a good time at the club, I had no doubt she’d regret that third drink in the morning. I didn’t realize how much so until the following morning.

  I was sitting in the kitchen talking to Danny when Delilah came dragging into the room with a pained groan. There were dark circles under her eyes, her hair was a tangled mess, and she looked like she was on her last leg as she hobbled over and sat down on one of the stools. As soon as she was seated, she planted her elbows on the counter and dropped her head in hands. “I think I’m dying.”

  “Damn, Dee. I heard you had a good time last night, but I didn’t realize you’d had that good of a time.” Danny teased.

  “Can you not talk so loud?” Delilah grumbled. “My head is pounding.”

  I reached into the cabinet for a couple of Tylenol, then grabbed a large bottle of water out of the fridge. I slid them over to Delilah and said, “Take these. It’ll help.”

  “I think I showed out last night... acted a damn fool.” She tossed the pills in her mouth, then washed them down with a long drink of water. “I don’t know what I was thinking.”

  “Don’t worry about it. After everything you’ve been through, you deserved a night out,” Danny tried assure her. “I know you’re hungover now, but have you been making it all right?”

  Danny had called every day, checking in to making sure she was handling things with her father. She’d tried to assure him that she was okay, but he had his doubts. He wasn’t the only one. I’d been worried about her, too. It had to be difficult for her to watch her brother kill their father, but just like the times before, Delilah answered, “I’m okay.”

  “Are you really?” Danny pushed.

  “Yes. Really.” Delilah lifted her head and looked over to her brother. “I’ll admit this whole thing with Dad has messed with my head, just as much as it’s messed with yours, but he was never really a father to either of us. He was more like a wound that wouldn’t heal, but now that he’s gone, maybe we can finally put him behind us and move on.”

  “Maybe so, but I’m still pissed about it all. I really hate him for all the shit he’s done.”

  “You have your whole life ahead of you. Don’t let him tarnish that.” Delilah tried her best to smile. “Besides, you know what they say, ‘The best revenge is a well-lived life.’”

  “I can’t disagree with you there.” Danny glanced at me and said, “Since you brought it up, Hawk and I have been talking about my future. The brothers have offered me a chance to prospect for them, and I’m thinking I’m gonna take them up on it.”


  “Yeah, seriously. It’s been good spending these past couple of weeks with them. I get the whole draw to the club life, and I really think it would give me some direction.”

  “I think that sounds great, Danny. I’m really happy for you.”

  “Me too.” Danny reached over and gave her a hug. “I’m gonna get out of here and let you nurse that hangover. If you need me, just give me a shout.”

  “I will.” As he started for the door, Delilah told him, “I love ya, Danny.”

  “Love you too.”

  Once he was gone, I made Delilah some breakfast, hoping it would settle her stomach, and it seemed to do the trick. By the time she was done eating, her color was back, and she was actually moving about without groaning. In hopes of shaking the remains of her hangover, she decided to take a shower. When she came out, I was waiting for her in the bedroom. “Feeling better?”


  “I wanted to ask you ... Do you remember our conversation on the way home last night?”

  “I think so.” She took the towel off her head and shook out her damp hair. “You mean the one about the girls at the club?”

  “Yeah, that’d be the one.”

  “Well, I was pretty tipsy at the time, so don’t hold it against me.”

  “I’ve always been a firm believer that alcohol has a way of making the truth come out.” Her eyes met mine as I continued, “I meant it when I said you’re the only woman I want, Delilah. Now and forever.”

  She walked over to me, positioning herself between my legs as she placed her hands on my face. “And you’re the only man I want.”

  When she leaned in to kiss me, I pulled her onto the bed with me, and I spent the rest of the morning showing her just how much I wanted her, and I intended to continue showing her until the day I took my last breath.


  Three months later

  It couldn’t have been a more perfect day for a ride. The sun was shining bright, there was a cool breeze, and not a cloud in the sky. I had my brothers at my side and my woman at my back, and the roar of our engines was like music to my ears. We’d just started around the first of three hundred and eighteen curves of the Dragon’s Tail when Delilah tightened her grip around my waist. She’d never admit it, but I knew she was feeling a little leery. I couldn’t blame her. While I’d been down the road many times in my life, it was a first for Delilah. She was doing her best to hold her own, but it was a dangerous roadway, especially for a novice rider like her. I tilted my head back as I asked her, “You doing okay?”

  “Yep, I’m great.”

  I nodded, then eased back on the throttle and leaned into the next big curve.

  I would’ve waited until she had a little more experience riding before I took her on a ride like this, but she insisted, assuring me that she could handle it. She glanced behind us and said, “They go on for miles.”

  I nodded as I glanced over to my sideview mirror, noting not only all the Ruthless Sinners, but the line of Dark Ravens as well. There was no denying, that together, we made one hell of a group. We’d made it halfway up the eleven-mile run when Big Ben, the president of the Dark Ravens pulled up next to Viper and gave him the nod, letting him know it was time. We all slowed, giving him a chance to prepare. Once he’d gotten the urn out of his saddlebag, he made his way to the back of the group. As soon as Big Ben was in position at the rear, he removed the top of the urn and held it in the air. We were all moved by the sight of McClanahan’s ashes scattering in the wind. Knowing how much he enjoyed riding this particular trail, we couldn’t think of a better way for him to spend eternity.

  The group was somber as they paid their respects to a lost brother, and the feeling continued as we rode up to Deals Gap Motorcycle Resort. We’d made arrangements to eat there together before heading back to Nashville. Once we were all parked, we gathered in one of the larger seating areas and listened as Big Ben spoke a few words about McClanahan. By the time he was done, there was barely a dry eye in the place. When it was time to load up and head back home, Big Ben came over to speak to Delilah. “I just wanted to thank you for all you did for Cap’. He thought a lot of you.”

  “I thought a lot of him as well. I know today would’ve meant the world to him.”

  “Wish we could’ve done more when he was alive. The ornery bastard gave us a hell of a time whenever we came around, but I got it. I knew he didn’t want us to see him like that.”

  “I’m sure it wasn’t easy on him, but it didn’t change the fact that you and your brothers m
eant everything to him.”

  Big Ben glanced over his shoulder, and when he saw that his brothers were waiting on him, he turned back to us and said, “I best get going. If you guys ever need anything, all you gotta do is call.”

  “Will do.”

  He gave us both a hug, and then left to join his brothers. As they started rolling out, Delilah looked up at me and said, “Today was amazing. Thank you for putting it all together.”

  “You’re welcome, but I didn’t do it for you.” I smiled as I told her, “I wanted him to get his last ride.”

  “Well, it was incredible. I can definitely see why they call it the Dragon’s Tail.” I could hear the excitement in her voice when she said, “Those curves are insane.”

  “You liked them, huh?”

  “Definitely. I can’t wait to ride them again.” She glanced over at Danny. He was standing by his bike talking to the other brothers. “Looks like Danny enjoyed it too. I still can’t get used to seeing him in that prospect cut.”

  Danny had been prospecting for just under three months, but he’d already shown himself to be an asset to the club. He knew how to take orders without question and never failed to be present when he was needed. “He wears it well.”

  We were both looking over at him and the others when Viper came up to us and asked, “You two ready to head back?”

  “Whenever you are, Prez.”

  “Thank you for doing this with us today.” Delilah reached up on her tiptoes and kissed Viper on the cheek. “It meant a lot to me, and I know it meant a lot to Mr. McClanahan.”

  “Anything for a fellow brother.” He gave her a wink, then said, “Now, let’s head on home while we still have some daylight left.”

  As soon as Viper gave the word, we all got on our bikes and made the trek back. It was late when we got home, and after such a long ride, I figured Delilah would’ve been ready to call it a night. I was wrong. We’d just started to undress for bed when she got that look in her eye. I was standing there in my boxer briefs when she walked over to me and asked, “You tired?”

  “Not that tired. Why? Whatcha got on your mind?”

  She placed her hands on my chest, lifting up on her tiptoes as she pressed her lips against mine, leaving no question to what she had in mind. I was all in. Having her so close set me on fire. Feeling the heat surge through me, my hand dove into her hair, pulling her close as I deepened the kiss. I was quickly losing control, and Delilah knew it. Breaking from our embrace, she let her fingers trail slowly down my abdomen. With the waistband of my boxers in hand, she lowered herself to her knees.

  As I watched her kneel, my cock instantly hardened. I held her gaze as I stepped out of my boxers and waited for her to make her next move. My entire body craved her touch, and I ached with anticipation. With one hand, she took me in her fist and firmly squeezed me in her palm. Her other hand slid up my thigh, gently cupping my balls as her mouth closed over the head of my throbbing cock. Fuck. Her warm, soft skin against mine and the wet heat of her mouth were almost too much for me to take, and I had to work to steady myself. A sudden groan escaped me as I savored the feeling of those talented lips around my cock and the flood of sensations wracking my body as she began to move her tongue.

  This woman exceeded every fantasy I’d ever had. She took me deeper into her mouth until my cock pressed against the back of her throat. I could feel my orgasm building, winding me tighter and tighter, as she hungrily sucked and licked my cock.

  As much as I loved her mouth on me, I needed to be inside her, so I reached down and quickly lifted her to her feet. My tone was rough when I growled, “On the bed, Delilah.”

  Her eyes locked on mine, then she did what she was told. Fuck. She looked so damn beautiful sprawled out on the bed, bare and waiting for me with that wanton look in her eyes. I crawled on top of her, quickly removing her satin panties and spread her legs wide as I settled between them. Her breathing became uneven and hitched as I brushed my throbbing cock against her center. “You want my cock, baby?”

  “Yes, Zander. Yes.”

  As soon as the words left her mouth, I drove deep inside her, giving her exactly what she wanted. She wrapped her legs around me, forcing me deeper inside. I froze. She felt too fucking good. As I slowly withdrew, I looked down at her. Her eyes were clouded with desire and pleasure. “I love you, Delilah. Every fucking inch of you.”

  The room stilled as she placed the palms of her hands on my chest and whispered, “I love you too. More than you’ll ever know.”

  “Show me how much you love me,” I demanded.

  And she did. Over and over again.


  I am blessed to have so many wonderful people who are willing to give their time and effort to making my books the best they can be. Without them, I wouldn’t be able to breathe life into my characters and share their stories with you. To the people I’ve listed below and so many others, I want to say thank you for taking this journey with me. Your support means the world to me, and I truly mean it when I say I appreciate everything you do. I love you all!

  PA: Natalie Weston

  Editing/Proofing: Lisa Cullinan-Editor, Rose Holub-Proofer, Honey Palomino-Proofer

  Promoting: Amy Jones, Veronica Ines Garcia, Neringa Neringiukas, Whynter M. Raven

  BETAS/Early Readers: Tanya Skaggs, Jo Lynn, and Jessey Elliott

  Street Team: All the wonderful members of Wilder’s Women (You rock!)

  Best Friend and biggest supporter: My mother (Love you to the moon and back.)

  A short excerpt of Prospect: Satan’s Fury MC-Memphis Book 8 is included in the following pages. Blaze, Shadow, Riggs, Murphy, Gunner, Gus, Rider and Prospect are also included in this Memphis series, and you can find them all on Amazon. They are all free with KU.

  Excerpt from Prospect: Satan’s Fury MC-Memphis


  “It’s not just about knowing the brothers’ names and their position in the club. You gotta know everything about them,” Rider explained. “Their backgrounds ... where they grew up, jobs they’ve had, past experiences. What their life was like before joining the club … and after—the good, the bad, and the ugly.”

  Rider had been chosen by Gus to be my sponsor. It was his job to guide me through prospecting and make sure I knew everything that would be expected of me during the process. Feeling overwhelmed by what he’d just informed me, I turned to him and asked, “I hear what you’re saying, but I don’t get why it matters so much. I mean, what difference does it make if I know what jobs Blaze had as a kid?”

  “It’s knowing what your family is all about,” Rider answered firmly. “Knowing that Cyrus and T-Bone were here with Gus when he first started up the Memphis chapter and how they helped him find the clubhouse and build our numbers. And knowing that when our brother Runt was killed, Shadow was the one who stepped up to the plate and saved our asses, earning our vote as the club’s new enforcer. It helps you understand where the brothers have been ... where they’re going. It gives you some insight to what makes them tick.”

  “I get that, but how am I supposed to find out all this shit?”

  “You listen ... not only to what they say, but what they don’t say.” Rider looked me directly in the eye. “You’ll get it. It’s just going to take time.”

  I hoped Rider was right. I wanted to think that I had what it took to earn my patch, but there were times when I wasn’t so sure. If I wanted to be considered family to these men, I had a lot of work to do, and it wasn’t going to be easy. There were over thirty members I had to learn about, all the while doing the other crazy bullshit that came along with prospecting. But I wasn’t complaining. I’d finally found the life I wanted, and I wasn’t going to let anything stand in my way. I gave Rider a slight nod and answered, “I’ll do whatever I gotta do.”

  “I know you will.” He lifted his beer. “I’ll help where I can.”

  “I’d appreciate that, brother.”

  Just as the words left my
mouth, Darcy, Rider’s ol’ lady, came walking into the living room. I could still remember the first time we’d met. I’d only been in Memphis for a few days when the brothers hired her to be the garage’s custom painter. There weren’t many women who could handle working in a shop full of strong-willed bikers, but she managed it like a pro. Darcy and Rider had grown up in the same small town and had history. It didn’t take long for them to pick up where they left off, and they’d been inseparable since. Rider and I were sitting on the sofa when she walked over with a concerned expression on her face. “You know, we could go to the Smoking Gun with Murphy and the others tonight. I can hit one of Brannon’s shows another time.”

  “I’m good with going to Neil’s to see him tonight,” Rider told her. “With the crowd that’ll be at the Smoking Gun, it’s not like they’ll miss us.”

  “I know, but I don’t want to disappoint Riley.”

  “I already talked to Murphy. It’s all good, babe.”

  Looking relieved, she smiled and said, “Good. I just wanted to be sure.”

  “What’s the big deal with the Smoking Gun anyway?”

  Rider turned to me as he explained, “Riley and the owner of the bar, Grady, are first cousins and best friends, and he’s having some big shindig tonight for the playoffs. I’m kind of glad we decided not to go. I wasn’t looking forward to fighting that crowd.”

  “Okay, then I guess it’s about time for us to head over to Neil’s. Brannon’s show starts at eight,” Darcy said.

  Taking our cue, Rider and I got up and followed her outside to our bikes. I waited as she got settled behind him, then we both fired up our engines and headed downtown. As we made our way towards Neil’s bar, I was feeling pretty good about things in my life, and I found myself thinking of the day Viper had come to me about leaving Nashville and staying with Satan’s Fury. I couldn’t blame him for wanting to get me out of town. I was a ticking time-bomb. Every time something didn’t go my way, I’d blow up and do something stupid—get into a fight or be laid-out drunk. When I landed myself in trouble with the law again, my mother freaked out and called Viper for help.


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