Promise Her

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Promise Her Page 16

by Johnston, Andrea

  “And met Wolf,” he offers, and I shake my head.

  “I kind of followed you to the bathroom and pretended to be reading something on the wall.”

  “Did I speak to you?”

  Nodding in affirmation, I inhale slowly and lift my hand to his side. I feel the moment he sucks in a breath and lets my hand sit on his waist.

  “I kind of fake stumbled, and you helped me, asked if I was okay. I thought . . . I thought for a minute there was something when we looked at each other. I was a silly girl who read too many romance novels and believed in an instant connection with another person. Then you smiled, and I became a sudden mute. Words weren’t something I had access to, so I scurried away.”

  Pausing, I wait a beat for him to interject. When he doesn’t, I continue, “By the time I returned to the table with my friends, they were in hysterics because I came back without even knowing your name. So much for having lady balls.”

  “Red, I don’t remember that, but we did have a connection. Sure, I didn’t know it then, but we hit it off when you started hanging around us. We’ve always been friends.”

  It’s now or never I suppose. Shifting my body closer, I move so we’re only inches from each other. I can feel his breath on my lips and memories of the last time we were this close in this bed flood my mind.

  “What if I don’t want to be friends anymore?” I ask.

  Instead of waiting for him to respond, I lean forward, my lips landing on his. When he doesn’t move his lips or even his hands, my heart sinks. Pulling back, I open my mouth to apologize when he grips the back of my neck and says, “Fuck it,” and pulls me to him.

  In one swoop, my body is flush with his, my leg flung across his body, his kiss consuming me. Soft kisses are short-lived when he licks the seam of my lips, and I open for him. Groaning, his hands tangle in my hair, mine following suit, tugging at the fine hairs at the base of his neck. We kiss, our tongues dancing as our bodies begin to move.

  Without breaking the kiss, I push my leg farther over his body, which moves him to his back. Lying atop him, I pour myself into the kiss; I express every feeling and emotion I’ve ignored for months. I give him me. Just me. Not his best friend’s wife. Not his friend. Not the woman he’s trying to save. Me. All of me.

  His hands run up my sides to my breasts. When his thumbs find my sensitive nipples, I whimper, which causes him to pull back abruptly. Catching his wide eyes, I smile and place a peck to the corner of his lips and then the spot next to his ear. “They’re a little sensitive,” I whisper in his ear before I tug his earlobe between my teeth.

  “Red, we can—”

  “No. Don’t say we can’t. I need this. I need you. Please, for one night can we just be us? Can we stop pretending and just fucking be?” Desperation accentuates each word, but I am desperate. I need to get out of my head, and I need to know I’m not crazy. That there is something between us well beyond friendship.

  “I don’t want you to have regrets. You know I never want you to feel like I’m taking advantage of you.”

  That makes me laugh. I’ve been giving out signals, or what I thought were signals, this entire conversation, and he thinks he’s taking advantage of me? God bless this man.

  “Do you want me?” I ask but stop him before he can speak. “It’s a yes or no question. A nod or a shake of the head response will do.”

  With a quirked brow, I wait for him to respond. Slowly a smile appears on his face and his head moves up and down. Leaning my head down, I capture his mouth with mine and sigh into the kiss. Just as quickly as I kiss him, he flips us so he’s lying on top of me. The pressure and warmth of his body blankets me and I relax into the bed. Legs wrapped around his waist, I run my hands up his back, the muscles flexing with each pass.

  His lips move from my mouth to my neck and the moment his tongue peeks out to lick the sensitive spot below my ear, I let out a moan.

  “Shh, baby. You don’t want to wake the little man.”

  Heeding his warning, I draw my lip between my teeth. All this stifling is bound to give me a fat lip by the time morning comes. Lifting my hips to find friction, he groans and instead of offering the same advice, I tug his hair.

  His lips move from my neck to the top of my tank, his hand cupping my breast. Gently, his thumb circles just below the nipple and then he lifts his head up to look at me. The expression makes me nervous. Apprehension.

  “Is it too soon? Maybe we shouldn’t . . .” Taylor looks off in the distance, and I take his face in my hands, returning his eyes to mine.

  “Hey,” I begin, “it’s safe. I promise. Well, except I’m not on birth control, but I saw some condoms when I was cleaning so I think we’re okay. I want this, I promise.”

  “This changes everything.”

  “Do you want me?” I ask.

  “More than anything.”

  “Then have me.”

  No other words are spoken as he kisses me. This time, his lips are strong and consuming. His hands are everywhere and not enough places. Lifting my tank over my head, he tosses it aside and ever so gently slides his tongue across my nipple, the sensation sending a pool of desire between my legs. I could come from this feeling alone. He moves his attention from breast to breast and I throw my head back, ecstasy overwhelming me. It’s like an out of body experience, this man nestled between my legs and his glorious mouth sending me to new heights. When I can’t take it anymore, I begin tugging at my sleep shorts, trying to pull them off.

  Understanding my need, Taylor lifts up, and in one swoop pulls them off along with my panties and throws them in the direction of my tank top. The realization that he’s seeing me naked. My post baby body has more marks and loose skin than it did months ago, sending my hands instantly to cover as much as I can.

  Not having it, he tugs my hands from where they’ve fallen and slowly slides them up above my head, his fingers interlinking with mine. Leaning down, he kisses me. It’s sexy as hell and slow enough to drive me crazy. Unhurried, he drags it out until my body relaxes and then he says, “You are beautiful and amazing. Never hide yourself. Every part of you is perfect.”

  I don’t bother stopping the tear that falls to the pillow. I don’t know if it’s possible but, in this moment, with those simple words, he holds all the power with my heart. Whether he heals me or destroys me, I am his.

  Nodding in understanding, he quickly stands and discards his shorts before pulling open the nightstand. I watch as he sheaths himself and give myself time to peruse the vision before me. Tall, chiseled, and perfect, his body is a work of art. The actual artwork on his chest almost shines in the moonlight, and I itch to touch it. As he slides back on top of me, my hands slide across his chest and I lift my head and place my lips over his heart. Repeating the movement on the opposite side, I look at him and it’s then, in the darkness of the room, that I see the blue chips in his gray eyes.

  Slowly he slides into me and I throw my head back. As a moan begins to make its way out of my mouth, I tug a pillow from the side of the bed and cover my face, letting the sounds fall freely from my lips. Laughing, he pulls it from my face and kisses me. “I’d rather swallow your moans than have you suffocate yourself. But don’t worry, you feel so fucking good I’m about to embarrass myself.”

  He moves his hips, rotating them a little as I lift my own to join the rhythm. The feeling of him inside me is more than I can take. My orgasm builds quickly, my breath hitching as I fight it off to no avail. A whimper escapes as he buries his face in my neck and follows me over the edge.

  Our breaths are quick and in tandem as he lifts his head and kisses me slowly before looking me in the eyes. “Are you okay?”

  “I’ve never been better.”

  Chapter 26


  Being here, nestled between her legs with her naked body spread out beneath me, I’ve found the heaven everyone talks about. Her heart shares the same beat as my own, and I can’t stop myself from kissing her. I’ve done everything i
n my power to not follow through on my desires. On the attraction I have for her. The overwhelming need to touch her, to kiss her, to beg her to be mine. I lie here, wondering why I was so determined to avoid this. Why did I think neither of us deserved this moment?

  Scarlett shifts her legs, and I realize I’m hardly holding any of my body weight off her body. “Shit, I’m sorry. Stay here, I’ll be right back,” I promise before dropping a quick peck to her lips and moving to the bathroom. I discard the condom and wash my hands before grabbing a towel and returning to the bed. Scarlett is standing over Nicholas’s bassinet, and I pause. She’s slipped her tank top back on, but she’s bottomless as she lifts her eyes to mine. With a smile, she walks toward me.

  “I was just checking on him. He’s still out like a light.”

  “I grabbed you this . . . in case . . . I mean, I didn’t know if . . .” I reply awkwardly, holding the towel out before me. Jesus, I’m like a fucking teenager who just dry-humped the popular girl on the couch in my parent’s basement. Muttering and talking about a fucking towel.

  “Thanks. I’m going to clean up. I’ll be right back.”

  Slipping past me, her hand grazes my stomach and my dick jumps at the contact. It’s only then I recall I’m standing bare-ass naked. I step aside and let her pass before I walk to the side of the bed and slip on my shorts again. Before sliding back into bed, I flatten the sheets and rearrange the pillows. I’m pulling the covers to my waist when she climbs onto the bed.

  With about a foot of space between us, she lies on her back, sheet pulled to her chest, hands folding properly on her stomach. Slowly, I slide my hand across her chin, cupping her cheek, drawing her attention to me.

  “You okay?” She nods. “You also planning to sleep way over there?”

  “I wasn’t—”

  “Come here,” I say, nudging her my direction. She turns, her back to my front, and I wrap my arm around her waist. Kissing the back of her head, I whisper in her ear, “Sleep, baby. That little guy will be up in less than two hours.”

  Sighing, she relaxes into my hold, and its only seconds before her breaths even out and she’s asleep. I don’t have the same luck. My body is exhausted, but my mind is in overdrive. I won’t even talk about my heart or conscience. Both are bursting, and it’s a conflict I’m not sure how to quiet.

  Like most nights when I can’t calm my mind, my sleep comes in spurts. Each of those fragments of sleep are interrupted by a nightmare. Usually, my nightmares are flashes of memories. Moments in the desert with rapid gunfire or explosions. Screams and crying. Tonight, it’s different. Instead of the fear and anxiety those dreams usually bring, I’m filled with guilt. Nothing but guilt. Henry came to me, his anger and hurt laid out before me like a mat. I assume the mat is a metaphor for his heart. I’ve stood on it, stomped it, and left it alone as I walk away.

  Jarring awake, I feel the warmth of Scarlett’s body still pressed against mine. Her hands are still linked with my own, and I try to calm my racing heart. My mind is in a desperate battle with my feelings for her, and I’m not sure what to do. I feel so strongly for her, wanting to protect her, to care for her, to make her laugh, and listen to her talk about nothing and everything. I want to be for her what she’s been for me. My salvation.

  Then I remember. I remember who she is. Who we are. How can I fall for my best friend’s wife? How can I look at his son, hold him to my chest and love him like he’s my own? I shouldn’t. Yet, I can’t seem to stop myself.

  Making love to Scarlett was absolutely one of the most intense moments of my life. Each caress of her skin, the way her body molded to mine. It was more than I’ve had with another woman. Scarlett stirs a little and I tighten my hold on her. She softly hums before relaxing again. Placing a kiss to her shoulder, I think of the words I spoke at Henry’s funeral, “. . . live the life we want, the one we dream of, and make it our reality.”

  Maybe it’s time I take my own advice for a change.

  The smell of freshly brewed coffee wakes me. Or rather, the sunlight filling the room wakes me, but it’s the coffee that has me standing from the bed before slipping a T-shirt over my head and heading to the kitchen. As I enter the living room, I hear the music of the baby’s mobile on his bouncy seat and Scarlett’s voice. She’s talking to someone, so I glance around looking for a friendly face. When I don’t see anyone, I clear my throat and she turns her head, cell phone pressed to her ear. Smiling wide, she turns back around and opens a cupboard, pulling a coffee mug down to fill it. Walking up to her, I place my hands on her hips and bend to place a soft kiss to her shoulder. She giggles and then slides out of my grasp.

  “Sorry, Grant, what were you saying?” Her gaze shoots to mine, eyes wide in warning, as she hands me my cup of coffee. Taking a sip from the cup I notice her eyes follow the cup as I pull it back from my lips, a blush creeping across her chest. Me drinking coffee makes her blush, duly noted. “Yep, he just walked in. Let me hand you off. I’ll talk to you soon. Tell Connor he better be watering my lawn, or I’ll make him clip it like Mr. Stanton—on his hands and knees.”

  Setting my cup down, I take the phone from her extended hand and hold it against my shoulder. Without a warning, I grab her by the waist and tug her to me, her body flush with mine. Capturing her lips, I savor the taste of coffee and maple syrup on her tongue and moan. Fuck, I’m hard for her already, and it’s been less than a minute of seeing her. Pushing off my chest, she points her finger at me before waggling it like I’m naughty and walking toward her son.

  Lifting the phone to my ear I say, “Mornin’, Cap.”

  “Morning, Sugar. You slept late.”

  “Yeah well, I haven’t been doing many closing shifts so last night kicked my ass. I was fucking exhausted. How’s it going?”

  “Not too bad. I hadn’t talked to Scarlett for a few days; thought I’d call and check on her. She sounds good. A lot better than last week. I guess she’s getting into a routine.”

  “Something like that,” I agree, never taking my eyes off the woman in question. She’s bustling around the house humming to herself. It isn’t until she pulls on the baby sling that I realize she’s heading out for a walk.

  “Hey, Cap. Let me call you back from my phone. Scarlett and the baby are heading out on their walk, and she needs to have her phone with her.” I tap the end call after he agrees and walk toward her.


  “Hey,” she says shyly. Which is funny since she wasn’t shy last night.

  “Here ya go.”

  Taking the phone from me, she slips it in her pocket and says, “I’m only walking down the street, it’ll be fine.”

  “Never leave home without a way to call someone if you need it. It isn’t safe, honey.”

  Sighing, she shrugs but doesn’t argue. She knows there’s no point in arguing with me when I’m right. We haven’t talked about the break-in, and while she hasn’t said anything, I know she’s still getting those calls and hang ups, because a few days ago when she silenced the call during dinner, I grabbed it from her and checked the history. She attempted to scold me for violating her privacy, but the moment I scrolled the call history and looked up at her, she stopped and shrugged. Twenty-seven calls from the same number and another dozen from various others. Solicitors my ass.

  “I was thinking of having Addy come over around six, will that work? Let you feed Nicholas before we head to dinner.”

  “Oh, you still want to go to dinner?” she asks.

  “Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”

  “I wasn’t sure if—”

  Slipping the sling over her head, I toss it on the couch before wrapping my arms around her waist and bending my knees, so we’re eye-level. I search her eyes, looking for a glimpse of what she’s thinking. Her brown eyes are wide, and if I’m reading them correctly, full of worry.

  Sliding a hand up her back, I wrap it around her neck and pull her closer, kissing her slowly. After a few swipes of my tongue, she melts into me and
opens her mouth. It’s not a long kiss but enough that she knows I’m serious.

  “I want to go out for a nice dinner with you. I want to laugh and talk and be together. If you want that, of course.” Her eyes glisten with unshed tears as she nods slowly. “Good. Now, go on your walk, and I’m going to call Grant back. I’ll run by the bar and check on a few things and get in a workout before we get ready.”

  “Okay. We won’t be gone long.” I pick up my coffee and take a sip while watching her as she settles the baby into the sling and pulls her hair from where it’s tangled in the strap. It’s these little moments, the ones that are so domestic, that give me pause. It’s nothing I ever expected to have in my life, but damn if it doesn’t all feel right.

  Tapping on Grant’s name, I wait two rings before he answers. “I thought you forgot about me, I was about to bake a cake.”

  “Fuck off. I had to get some damn coffee.”

  “Is that what we’re calling it?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. So, anything new with the cameras?”

  Sighing, I hear rustling in the background and assume he’s settling in on the couch. If he’s getting comfortable, this can’t be good. He clears his throat and stuns me. “I told you it’s been days without any action. I stopped by there this morning and checked the one we moved to that new spot in the backyard. The memory card is full.”

  That has my attention. The trail cameras he and Connor put up work on motion sensors and will only take pictures if there’s movement. The one facing the front of the house has been a dud, only offering a few shots of what may be a person lurking around the house. And cats. A lot of neighborhood cats.

  “Did you check it yet? Able to identify anyone?”

  “Not yet. I will make it a priority this afternoon. I’m already late for an appointment but will get on it first thing when I get home.”

  “Let me know as soon as you do. Those fucking calls keep happening. I’ve respected her wishes and tried not to make a big deal about them, but that’s about to change. My gut says this is all connected, and something is off. Someone is fucking with her.”


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