Omega - Part One: Owned

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Omega - Part One: Owned Page 2

by D. J. Heart

  Evan shakes his head no, though he doesn’t really agree. He has his own opinions, likes, and dislikes. The idea of his own preferences and ideas being dismissed out of hand, just because he’s an omega, is depressing.

  “Are you hungry?” Chad asks him after a few minutes of silence, pulling his phone out of his pocket, “I’m going to call down for some dinner. I’m starving.”

  “I’m a little hungry,” Evan replies, his stomach rumbling to corroborate his story.

  “What are you in the mood for?” Chad asks, dialing a number and looking at him expectantly. Evan has no idea how to answer, accustomed to eating what he’s given. He can’t remember ever having a choice. He says the first thing that pops into his mind, “Eggs?”

  “What kind?” Chad asks, shooting him an amused smile.

  “Scrambled?” he asks, Chad nodding with a little laugh.

  Evan listens as Chad orders what sounds like enough food for ten people, wondering if the alpha really intends to eat everything he’s ordered.

  “So you don’t have any stuff, huh?” Chad asks him, looking at his suit. It’s pulled tight across his chest, and the pants are digging into his waist.

  “No,” he replies, looking around the room. He didn’t have much at the center that was his, but he’s going to miss his sketchpads, pencils and clothes.

  “Peter’s already ordered a bunch of clothes for you, but not much else. We weren’t really sure what you’d need,” Chad says the last part almost like a question, inviting Evan to voice whatever needs he might have.

  “Thank you,” he says, not sure what he’s allowed to ask for. Chad just smiles at him, shaking his head a little.

  “You want to see your new clothes, maybe change into something more comfortable?”

  “Yes, please,” Evan replies, smiling. He hopes that the clothes aren’t too uncomfortable, but if Chad thinks they’ll be more comfortable than the suit, then that’s a good sign.

  “Come with me,” Chad says, rising from the sofa. His movements are fluid and predatory, muscles bulging beneath his golden skin. He’s huge, and watching him tower over him, Evan is suddenly nervous. Chad must sense what he’s feeling, because his grin widens, gaining an anticipatory edge. “Don’t be nervous,” he adds, “I don’t bite. At least not until Peter says I can…”

  Evan shudders, the idea of Chad biting him - marking him - sending little jolts of pleasure down his spine and making his soppy hole clench down tight. He rises from the chair, unsteady and clumsy, Chad grabbing his arm to steady him. The sudden contact makes him whine, low in his throat, the sound needy and hot. Chad smiles and ignores it, pulling him along before he has time to drop to his knees and press his face into the alpha’s beautiful bulge.

  Brand steers him through the living room, past more floor to ceiling windows looking out over the city, and down a wide hallway to a large master bedroom. Evan stares at the bed, wondering how many of his beds at the center he’d be able to fit on it. Ten, at least. It’s huge, a sprawling monstrosity covered in silky, soft cotton. Evan has an impulse to reach out and touch, but before he can act on it, Chad has pulled him to the other side of the room.

  “Through here,” Chad says, pushing open one of two sets of doors. Inside Evan finds a large room filled with clothes and shoes.

  “This wall is for your clothes,” Chad points, showing him the smallest wall on the other side of the room. Evan stares at the clothes, all of them in his size. There’s nothing scary, though, just what looks like regular clothes. He looks around, taking in the other two walls. They obviously belong to different people. One is about half athletic wear and half suits, shirts and ties, while the other is just suits, workout gear and leather. Evan looked at the leather pants, jackets and shirts hanging almost by the door, the size of them too big for them to belong to Chad. The idea that his second alpha - who is apparently bigger, stronger and more bossy than Chad, likes leather, is extremely intimidating. Leather often means bondage and fetish play, and Evan has never had any fantasies that stray in that direction. No, when he’s jerked off in the past his mind has always conjured up the standard alpha jock - muscular, tall and beastly - smothering him with his heavy body as his hole is stuffed and knotted tight.

  “Try this and this,” Chad says, interrupting his racing thoughts, grabbing a pair of tan pants and a white t-shirt and handing them to Evan.

  He takes the clothes, looking around for a place to change. Chad looks around too, as though he’s wondering what Evan is looking for. It’s slightly mocking, Evan’s stomach curling with humiliation.

  “Do you need anything else?” Chad asks with a questioning lift of his left eyebrow. Evan stares at him for second, hands coming up to the top button on his shirt uncertainly.

  “Should I just change… right here?” he asks, already knowing that the answer is yes. Chad smirks at him, licking his lips, leaning against the dresser behind him and crossing his arms.

  “Sure. I don’t think Peter will mind if I just look. I’m just not allowed to fuck you.”

  Chad’s pupils are big and his breathing is shallow, nostrils flaring with each breath. There’s something aggressive and cruel about the way he’s holding his body, making himself look bigger by puffing out his chest and spreading his arms out from his sides. He’s acting like a caveman, and though it’s weirdly hot, it’s also pretty scary.

  “Come on, change,” Chad growls, taking a menacing step forward.

  Evan moves his hands up to his collar, feeling exposed and uncomfortable. He slips the button of his white shirt out of the buttonhole as Chad watches his hands hungrily. He undoes the row of buttons down to his lower stomach, slipping the suit jacket off before slipping the now open shirt off his torso. He reaches down to pick up the new shirt, but Chad stops him.

  “The pants, too,” he rumbles, bare foot reaching out to step on the shirt, dragging it towards himself. Evan hurries to obey, pulling his pants down quickly, standing before Chad in his underwear and socks, looking up as he reaches down for the pants. Chad shakes his head no. “Take it all off. I want to see.”

  Evan blushes, taking off his socks first and then reluctantly slipping his underwear down his thighs.

  Chad licks his lips, hand gripping the bulge in his sweats, stroking his cock through the material. Evan waits for permission to get dressed, hands covering his cock.

  “You can get dressed,” Chad says after a minute, sounding wrecked, hand moving away from his package with a quick jerk. Evan pulls on his new pants, the slick material soft and cool against his skin. He’s never gone without underwear before, and the way his erection is pressed against the seam of the pants feels incredibly weird. The shirt is even softer than the pants, perfectly fitted but not too tight. He feels much more comfortable than he had in the suit. When he catches sight of himself in the mirror he gawks. The pants hug his ass tightly, showing off the firm globes to perfection, while the shirt is almost translucent, his pale skin showing through. He looks better than he’d ever thought possible, and when he turns to Chad with a smile, pleased with how well his new alphas have outfitted him, he freezes at the other man’s look.

  Chad’s lips are pulled back, teeth bared and alpha fangs lowered. He looks like a predator, ready to pounce, and Evan does what his instincts demand. He runs.

  It’s a mistake. He’s barely made it two steps before he’s caught and pushed to the ground, landing hard with the breath knocked out of his body. Chad grabs him by the back of his pants, ripping his fists apart and splitting his brand new pants down the middle, yanking down his sweats to expose his cock. Evan can feel it, huge and hard, bumping into his ass as the feral alpha tries to find his hole. After a few tries, the wet, blunt tip finds his sloppy hole, pushing forward and…


  The new voice instantly penetrates the fog of arousal that had fallen over both Evan and Chad, the words snapped out like the flick of a whip. The alpha on top of him freezes, whines, and is suddenly gone. Evan stays wh
ere he is, breathing hard as his heart hammers so loud he can hear it rushing in his ears.

  “What do you think you were doing?”

  The new voice, obviously Peter, is silky and dangerous. Evan shudders, glad that the new alpha’s attention isn’t focused on him. He can feel Peter’s power, making Chad seem like a rowdy pup in comparison. It’s heavy and oppressive, filling the room with a choking weight that’s unlike anything Evan has ever felt before. It makes his body feel small and vulnerable, makes him want to show his belly and submit, except he’s frozen to the spot. He couldn’t move if his life depended on it.

  “I’m sorry, Peter. He just smelled so good, and I just… I didn’t fuck him. I promise.” Chad doesn’t sound scared, but his tone is submissive and deeply repentant. Peter ignores him, shoes clapping on the floor as he steps forward, bringing him closer and closer to Evan’s body, ass still naked and on display. Despite everything - the fear and the oppressive need to grovel and submit - Evan is still horny. His ass is leaking slick and his cock is hard, a pool of pre-cum wetting the floor under his groin. He feels sticky and hot, and he doesn’t have a clue what he’s supposed to do. How he’s supposed to act when his new alpha is so obviously displeased.

  He holds his breath as Peter comes to a stop next to him. A shiny dress shoe nudges his upper arm, flipping him over onto his back and giving him his first view of his new alpha.

  Peter is… big. Tall, wide, and muscular, it’s obvious even though he’s wearing a suit that this is an alpha you don’t mess with. Evan forces himself to breathe, looking up at Peter’s imposing form with a strange mix of arousal and unadulterated fear. Peter is the kind of alpha who exudes dominance. An uber alpha. Evan has heard the term bandied about as a joke, but there is no doubt that that’s what Peter is. An alpha who can make even other alphas submit. How the hell is Evan supposed to deal with someone like that?

  “Hello, Evan. I’m sorry I couldn’t be here to greet you when you arrived. Please find a new pair of pants, and then you may join Chad and myself in the dining room for dinner. Do you understand?”

  Peter looks down at him, a kindly expression on his face. He has a square jaw, high cheekbones and a jutting chin with a deep cleft running down the center. The kindly expression looks wildly out of place on his rugged face, like it’s a mask he seldom has reason to wear. It’s… nice, that he’s making the effort. It makes something in Evan’s chest unclench. Peter doesn’t want him to be scared. He tries to calm his breathing, feeling silly.

  “Yes, sir,” he answers, sounding breathy and ruined. Peter just smiles at him and turns back to where Chad is waiting. He stands a few inches taller than the other alpha, and when he reaches out and grabs Chad’s neck, holding him like he would a pup or an omega, Chad doesn’t balk or complain at all. Evan stares, not really surprised that Peter can demand that level of submission, and watches as the new arrival marches Chad out of the big walk-in closet.

  Alone, the room seems much bigger than when it had housed the two alphas. He rises to his feet, thighs trembling and hole wetter than ever, pulling off his ripped pants. He folds them haphazardly and leaves them on the floor, finding an almost identical pair in charcoal gray and slipping them over his legs, pulling them up over his ass. The slick leaking out of his hungry hole wets the back, making him feel dirty and uncomfortable, but there is nothing he can do. There’s no way Peter had missed how wet and ready he is, and so getting the pants dirty isn’t his fault. He hopes.

  He wonders what would have happened if Peter hadn’t barged in when he did. If Chad really would have lost control and knotted him. He finds himself almost wishing that Chad hadn’t been interrupted. Maybe then the arousal burning through his veins would have been satisfied and his hole not feel so desperately empty.

  Dressed for the second time, sweaty, leaking and hard, Evan walks out of the closet and into the bedroom. It’s just as imposing as before, the four poster bed huge - though having seen the size of Peter he guesses that they’ll need a big bed. He shivers as he notices the rings drilled into the wood framing the bed, imagining himself bound and spread open for his alphas as they use his body to satisfy their desires. To satisfy his.

  He walks out of the bedroom, hole wetter than ever, wondering how the hell he’s supposed to find the dining room in the maze of an apartment.


  Chad knows he’s screwed up, but Peter doesn’t seem too mad. Not as mad as the time he’d ignored his orders and gone back into the field after his friend Mick, anyway. That had ended with his early retirement and months of possessive, impossible behavior. Right now Peter seems more amused than anything, and Chad hopes that he won’t be punished too harshly.

  He’s an alpha, for fucks sake. If anyone had told him back when he was eighteen - cocky and popping his knot in any hole he could find - that he’d be in a relationship with an alpha who was dominant to him… well, Chad would have punched them and laughed.

  But Peter is… Peter is everything Chad wishes he was and knows he’ll never be. Just being Peter’s… Peter’s, is an honor and a dream come true. Nobody makes fun of him for his relationship with the older alpha. Not after they’ve met the man, at least. He’s happy, and he knows that Peter has no need for an omega, and that Evan’s presence is just for him. It makes him feel a warm in the bottom of his belly, that Peter is doing this to take care of him. To make him happy.

  “So you like him?” Peter smirks, waiting for Chad to serve him. Chad grins, taking the tops off the food that’s been brought up and filling a bowl of stew for Peter before taking some for himself. There’s a ton of food, Evan’s toast and scrambled eggs ready for him on his own heated plate. Chad has no idea why the omega would order something so breakfasty for dinner, but then again he’s never known any omegas. At least not well enough to know what kind of food they prefer.

  “Yeah. The way he smells… He’s perfect. Thanks.”

  “You don’t have to thank me, Chad. He’s not just for you.” Peter starts eating, giving Chad a stern look. “But tell me about him. What’s he like.”

  Chad stares at his bowl of stew, bringing a spoonful to his mouth as he wonders how he’s going to answer. He hasn’t really spoken that much with the young omega. They weren’t alone for all that long before Peter came home, anyway.

  “He doesn’t seem to know what to do with his instincts. He seemed a little surprised, actually, by how affected he was by me. A little skittish, too, but not more than you’d expect,” Chad answers, wondering if there is more to say. There isn’t anything he needs to warn Peter about, he doesn’t think.

  “Good. Give him a few minutes to get it together, then go get him. Unless you’ve given him a tour of the apartment?” Peter smirks, looking devilishly handsome. Chad shakes his head that he hasn’t, eating a few more bites before getting up to go find the new member of their little family. It’s going to be nice, he thinks as he flexes his neck, not to be the lowest man on the totem pole any more.

  He finds Evan peeking into the large sunny room they use as a gym on the other side of the apartment. The omega catches sight of him, freezing as his scent goes sour with fear. Chad feels bad for him, holding up his hands in a non threatening manner and smiling.

  “There you are, Evan. Do you need some help finding the dining room?” he asks, his cock getting hard as Evan’s pupil dilate, his nose rising and sniffing the air carefully. He looks adorable and fuckable, and Chad has to suppress the urge to rush the kid, tackle him to the floor and mount him. He must not have hid his desire very well, because Evan’s eyes widen and he takes a small step back, though the smell of sweet omega slick thickens in the air. He forces another smile, knowing that it has too much teeth, holding out his hand.

  Evan nods, stepping forward. He takes small steps, ducking his head as he reaches out his hand towards Chad’s big mitt. Chad closes his palm around the omega’s hand, holding him tight, turning and walking back to Peter before he does something he’ll - well, not regret - but be punish
ed for.

  Evan walks a little behind him, hand clammy and hot in his, and before Chad even realizes he’s done it he’s swung back and lifted the boy up into his arms and pressed his nose into his neck, breathing in the scent of omega. Evan first goes stiff, freezing as Chad noses up along his throat, but then he goes soft and pliant, tucking his head down on Chad’s shoulder and scenting him back.

  Chad pulls it together, walking back to - Peter, Peter, Peter. He fixes the alpha in his mind, forcing himself to obey his dominant mate. It’s terribly hard, made more so by the way Evan pushes his face into the crook of his neck, but he manages. He steps into the bright dining room, Peter chuckling at the sight of him. When he tries to put Evan down, the omega clings to him, fingers bunching in the flimsy cotton of his tank top before scrambling for purchase on his skin. Chad groans, cock making an obscene tent in his sweats, but it’s Peter’s, “Evan,” stern and demanding, that has the omega letting go, dropping his arms and almost falling to the floor. Chad catches him, guiding him to the chair and removing the cover off his plate of scrambled eggs.

  Evan sits still as a mouse, looking forlorn. He whispers, “Sorry,” head turned down and not eating.


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