Tangled Bliss

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Tangled Bliss Page 6

by Airies, Rebecca

  Chapter Nine

  Once inside the building, Gallagher led them to an interview room. Chelsea settled into a chair. Alex probably wouldn’t let her out of his sight for the rest of the day. The chief seemed to realize it, too.

  Alex sat beside her. Chelsea glanced at Alex. The sight of him sitting there, without any sign of pain, sent a surge of relief through her.

  “What happened, Alex?” Gallagher sat in the chair on the other side of the table.

  “I needed to change clothes before we went over to her mother’s house.” Alex slipped his fingers over hers on the table. “I got out and walked around the car. I looked for anything out of the ordinary or a sign someone waited for us. Found nothing. I thought it was safe to get her out of the car. The arrow hit as I headed for her door.”

  “Did either of you see the person who shot it?” Gallagher asked.

  “No, I didn’t see anyone in the area.” Alex shook his head.

  “I looked when we arrived and then watched Alex, but saw no one. After that arrow hit him, I kept my head down and rushed to get to him,” Chelsea bit her lip. She wished they had some clue about who did this.

  “Did you vary your times arriving home and the routes you took?” Gallagher looked to Alex.

  “Yes, this is the first time this week that we’ve been home before dark.” Alex nodded.

  “Well, this stalker has a lot of time to wait for you if he staked out there and waited. He was behind some bushes in your neighbor’s yard, by the way.” Gallagher exhaled. The long, slow breath spoke of his frustration.

  “He staked out my house?” Alex frowned.

  “Or he knew you’d be there first today. It could be the latter because he hadn’t been in that spot long. We found no sign in either of your neighbors’ yards of any other spot of surveillance.” Gallagher drummed his fingers on the table. “Is there any way he could know you’d stop by Alex’s house first?”

  Chelsea thought. How could anyone know? Joy had told her when she was in her office. There hadn’t been anyone else in there with them. Her eyes widened as she remembered the door.

  She glanced at Alex. She could be partly responsible for what happened to him. “There’s a chance someone heard Joy and I talking about you coming to get me. She’d reminded me that Mom had wanted to discuss the party so I mentioned we’d be there after we swung by the house.”

  “How do you think someone would know what you and Joy were talking about?” Alex’s head tilted to the side.

  “We were in the office, but the door was open. I didn’t think anything of it at the time, because no one passed by at all while we were talking.” Chelsea bit her lip. Her eyes went to his bandaged arm. Goddess, she felt guilty.

  Alex frowned at her. His eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched, but he didn’t yell. “For your own safety, you need to remember that someone is after you. They will be interested in your comings and goings. On the other hand, I don’t want you shutting yourself in a room with just anyone.”

  “But if someone did listen outside your office, doesn’t your company have cameras in the hallway?” Gallagher inserted before Chelsea could reply.

  “Yes.” She nodded.

  “I made sure of that before I left her alone in that building. She’s safer there because of all the people. On the other hand, it is someone who knows her. I wanted to make sure she’d have a camera on her just in case.” Alex squeezed her hand.

  “Good. While we investigate whether this person laid in wait or perhaps overheard it at Chelsea’s office, you two will stay somewhere safe. Don’t worry about anything. We’ll get clothes and whatever you need.” Gallagher looked from Chelsea to Alex.

  “What about my work? Should I go to work?” She could take the time off if needed, but she didn’t want to risk others around her.

  Gallagher’s head tilted to the side and he appeared to be giving it serious thought. “It should be safe for you as long as you stay in the building. Don’t leave unless someone’s with you.”

  She nodded. She suspected they were still trying to draw the stalker out while keeping her safe. Well, at least, she could keep busy. She couldn’t ask for more than that. She’d go out of her mind if she had to sit at home until they figured out how the person found them and if he was caught on camera.

  They ate carry out from a nearby restaurant while they waited to be taken somewhere safe. She needed some time alone with Alex by the time Gallagher drove them to a home a few blocks away from the police station. The two story house with a detached garage sat on the corner of the block. Gallagher pulled into the garage.

  “You’ll be staying in the garage apartment. It’s furnished. There are sheets and blankets in the closet in the bathroom. A patrol officer will be driving by periodically, but we weren’t followed here. You’ll be safe. Someone will bring you some clothes in the morning,” Gallagher said. He looked from one of them to another.

  “Thank you.” Chelsea smiled. She knew this was his home.

  “No problem. We’ll discover who’s behind this soon.” Gallagher’s head lowered once in acknowledgement and handed over a key.

  Alex led her away from Gallagher and to the stairs leading up to the apartment above the garage. They climbed the stairs hand in hand. She opened the door and stepped inside the house just in front of him. As soon as they shut and locked the door, he stepped in front of her.

  She hid a smile at the protective move. The fact that no one other than Gallagher knew where they were didn’t matter at all. Alex wouldn’t relax until he’d checked every room in the tiny apartment.

  As Alex led the way, she glanced around at the apartment. It was done in neutrals, beige and off-white, for the most part. The furniture was nice, stylish and sturdy, but not cheap.

  She kept her fingers on his back until he stopped in the bedroom. While he stood there, she went into the bathroom to find sheets and a blanket. She put the sheets on the bed and turned to grab the blanket.

  “Chelsea, I need you.” Alex put a hand on her arm.

  “You can’t put any stress on that wound.” She frowned at him.

  “I don’t have to. I want you to ride me.” Alex guided her to the bed.

  The idea stirred her interest. She wanted the contact with him. After seeing that arrow in his arm, she desperately needed the reassurance that he was alright. Only one thing had stopped her from pushing him against the wall after he’d searched the apartment. He was hurt.

  “You’ll tell me if I hurt you?” She looked up at him.

  “If you touch it or it aches, I’ll tell you, but I won’t be in pain. I’ll be on my back and the only part of me that will move is my hips.” He guided her back toward the bed. “You want to.”

  “Always and especially after seeing you with that arrow in your arm. I’ve wanted to touch you and see that you were alright.” She ran her hands over his chest. The heat of his skin seeped through the fabric of his borrowed shirt.

  “Well then, let’s get these clothes out of the way so I can watch you make yourself wild.” Alex grinned.

  “Make myself wild? You don’t plan to help even a little?” She raised an eyebrow, but began to unbutton her shirt.

  “Maybe I’ll help, but I did say I wouldn’t move anything except my hips.” He grinned.

  “You’ve still got one good arm and I know how good your fingers are.” She dropped her shirt on the floor.

  He folded his clothes and put them on a chair near one wall. She noticed the habitual action, but focused on getting the rest of her clothes off. Her teeth nibbled at her lower lip. She tried to control her grin.

  As much as his one obsessive tendency amused her, she wanted him too much to tease him about it now. She waited at the bedside until he climbed onto the bed. As he settled onto his back, she eased over next to him. He lifted his hand and trailed his fingers across her stomach.

  “Don’t tease.” Alex took her hand and tugged gently.

  She had no intention of making either of t
hem wait for the pleasure they craved. She eased one of her legs over him, straddling his hips. He kept the hand of the injured arm on the bed. The other smoothed over her stomach.

  “What do you want me to do?” She had more than a few ideas of her own, but she wanted to give him what he needed as well.

  “Play with your breasts. I’ll tease your pussy, although I might want to watch your fingers at work between your thighs.” His fingers drifted down to the mound of her pussy.

  She lifted her hands to her breasts wanting to give him a show. Just the thought had the hunger tightening in her belly. She cupped her breasts, lifting them and molding her hands over the curves.

  As she drew her hands down revealing her hardened nipples, she kept her eyes locked on his face. He watched every move she made. Her breath locked in her throat at the intensity in those molten brown eyes.

  His cock nudged against her buttocks, the hard ridge proof he wanted her. When she drew her fingers over her nipples, she focused on teasing them both. His fingers pressed between the lips of her pussy. She pushed down into them eager for the stroke and press over that sensitive flesh.

  He laughed, the sound sly and soft. “Play with those nipples, baby. I feel some of your cream, but you don’t want me enough yet.”

  She tugged at her nipples. The small pulls didn’t feel anywhere as good as his mouth, but they sent tingles straight to her core. She imagined his mouth there, his teeth applying pressure on the tight buds. The one thing missing was the wet warmth. She swiped her thumb back and forth.

  When his fingers began circling her clit, her legs tightened trying to hold it where she needed it. The solid muscularity of his thighs kept her open for him. She rocked her hips trying to get more friction on her aching clit, but he pulled his hand back. She moaned in frustration.

  She caught the smile on his lips. Such a bad man. He was teasing her. She dropped one of her hands and clasped his wrist.

  “Play nice or I’ll have to take over. If I do, I might not wait for you,” she warned.

  “You want my cock filling you.” He lifted his hips.

  “Yes, I do, but you want to be inside me, too. Waiting until I’m ready again would be torture for you.” Her hands braced on each side of his shoulder. She leaned down and brushed a kiss over his lips.

  His mouth opened beneath hers and his tongue thrust against her lips. She welcomed the kiss. She relaxed into it, enjoying his taste and the press of his lips against hers. His fingers curled upward, stroking over her clit. She moaned. Her hips rocked into that contact.

  His hand slipped downward. Two fingers thrust into her pussy. Her inner muscles clenched around the thick digits. Her hands gripped the covers. She savored the fullness. The sensation wasn’t as good as when his cock pushed deep. She wanted that.

  The kiss deepened. The hunger within her began to flare out of control. She tore her mouth away and lifted her hips. The tension within became almost unbearable. All teasing aside, she didn’t want to come until he was inside her.

  He reached between them and held his cock while she lowered onto it. When the head nudged into her, she bit her lip. Her body tightened. Pleasure swelled within her, moments from an explosive release. She was so close. A shiver ripped down her spine. She took deep breaths and tried to regain more control.

  “Take me all the way.” His hand gripped her hip, but he didn’t urge her down. “I love how your pussy is clenching around my cock, but I want to feel you move on me.”

  She sank onto him. Even though she wanted to hold onto her control, she couldn’t stay still. Her hips rose. She began a desperate rhythm and sought the pleasure. It seemed so close, but she couldn’t reach it. Tension tightened her body even further. The sweet release remained just out of her reach. She ground down into him.

  The corded ropes of his muscles began to stand out. His hips lifted against her. Her body burned. Even the movement of the air against her hypersensitive flesh sent tingles straight to her core. When his fingertips brushed over her nipple, she cried out. Her hips drove down. His fingers pinched and tugged. The sensation streaked through her, along a direct path to the ache in her pussy.

  Her fingers tightened on the sheets as she moved over him. Her inner muscles clenched. A shiver ripped up her spine, a prelude to the orgasm building inside her. When his fingers gave a sudden pinch to her nipple, pleasure exploded through her.

  Alex gripped her hip, guiding her. He thrust upward. He let out a harsh groan as he came. His other hand came up to wrap around her, bringing her down on top of him. His hips continued to move as if trying to capture every moment of bliss.

  His hands stroked over her back. Two hands slid over her hot skin. She lifted her head and frowned at him.

  “You were supposed to keep that arm still.” She pushed up to her elbows and stared down at him.

  “You expected me to resist for the entire time, baby? I don’t have that much control.” He smiled and turned his head and glanced at his arm. “Look though, the wound didn’t open.”

  “Luck.” She shook her head at him.

  “Let’s get some sleep. Perhaps tomorrow we’ll discover who is behind the stalking.” Alex lifted her from him and put her beside him.

  She turned onto her side, curving an arm across his stomach. She closed her eyes and savored the closeness.

  Chapter Ten

  Chelsea sat in her office chair and stared at the computer screen. Paperwork. She hated the drudge work. When she was out in the field, she put it off for as long as she could. Some of the measurements and facts she entered came from her observations in the field. It made her want to get out of the office even more.

  The soft tone of an email popping into her inbox caught her attention. With a sigh, she let herself be distracted from the entry of yet more data. She popped up the interoffice email and glanced at the unread messages.

  There were several that she hadn’t yet opened, because a few were memos sent out to the entire staff. She ignored those once again in favor of the one addressed to her. She recognized her sister’s address.

  Come see the new hybrids we’ve created. Joy

  She knew Joy had been working with a few others to create a new hybrid orchid as well as new marigolds. They also experimented on a rose hybrid, but she knew they weren’t satisfied with the color on that one yet.

  Chelsea looked around her office. A trip down to the greenhouse couldn’t hurt. She’d still be in the building. Well, technically, since the greenhouse attached to the office. She’d be with her sister and a couple of the other people on hybrid team, even if they were in one of the sectioned off areas of the greenhouse.

  She sent a quick response to her sister. Be there in a few. Chels

  Chelsea put her computer to sleep so that it would require a password to activate it again. She didn’t want just anybody to be able to access her email or the programs she’d been using. With a lighter step, she headed down toward the greenhouse connected to the building. The thought of being among even the plants in the experimental greenhouse made her feel lighter.

  She longed to hear the buzz of the insects out in the fields and feel the sun warming her skin. With a groan, she pushed open the heavy door connecting the greenhouse the office building. Anticipation at perhaps getting her hands into some soil bubbled through her.

  They needed to catch that stalker. She craved the freedom of going where she wanted without having to worry.

  The smell of the flowers and the rich soil hit her first. She inhaled, savoring both the sweet and the underlying earthy smells hanging in the air. Rows of tables were filled with plants. She expected to see people working among the flowers even out here in the area reserved for those plants ready or almost ready to be put into normal planting.

  She checked her watch. Not even lunch yet. People should still be working. A person could always find something to do here.

  In some areas, moisture and temperature were monitored in minute detail. Almost every day, workers neede
d to place ready plants into box containers so that they could be taken to either another greenhouse or the field.

  The situation began to feel distinctly strange. None of the normal sounds greeted her. No quiet murmur of conversation, no whirr of misters. Tools lay on the long planting tables, left there as if someone expected to be back quickly.

  She moved deeper into the greenhouse, closer to the walled sections where the fertilization and first stage hybrids were kept. As she walked, she swept her eyes over the rows of plants. Her muscles tightened. The silence in the big building began to stretch her nerves taut. Maybe this hadn’t been such a good idea.

  “Chelsea, I’m surprised to see you here. Especially alone. I don’t think I’ve seen you anywhere without someone with you over the last week or so.” The male voice behind her caused her to jump and hold back a scream.

  She took a deep breath before she turned around to calm her racing heart. He’d scared her. She didn’t want to snap at the man just because he’d managed to startle her. She hadn’t noticed Jeremy Deek’s among the plants. The man probably didn’t realize that.

  She frowned. Where had he come from? The door from the office building made a loud noise regardless of how carefully someone opened or closed it. Since it didn’t make noise, he came from somewhere in the green house. Where could he have been in the open building that she didn’t see him when she came in?

  “Hello, Jeremy, you know how it is. Busy with work, busy with life.” She shrugged. Her questions about his sudden appearance and the empty building raised her suspicions. “Have you seen my sister?”

  “Not in a little while. I’m sure she’ll be back soon. I heard you’d started dating one of the newer men in town. Are you still with him?” Jeremy eased a little closer.

  “Yes.” She edged a little farther down the table, but tried to make it look like she wanted to check the roses near the end. He hadn’t done anything overtly strange, other than appearing out of nowhere. Still, she should stay out of his reach. “Alex. He’s a member of the police department.”


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