Once Upon a Christmas Past

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Once Upon a Christmas Past Page 69

by Regan Walker

  “Then I should trust you?”

  “Aye.” His voice was so husky, she shivered. “I will leave you now to sleep.”

  As he started to move away, Noelle reached for his arm. He swung back around and looked down at her. “Please stay with me,” she whispered softly.

  Had Nicholas heard her correctly? “You want me to stay?”


  He studied her face, her cheeks wet from tears, and he saw the need in her eyes. “It would be most improper,” he said with a small smile.

  “I care nothing for propriety tonight,” Noelle admitted. “Tonight, I need your strength,” she said in such a tender tone that Nicholas couldn’t deny her.

  Nicholas removed his boots, then pulled back the bedding and helped her under it. He blew out the candles, then climbed into bed beside her. Nicholas pulled her into his arms, Noelle’s head resting on his shoulder.

  “It has been a long day,” Nicholas said with a sigh.

  Noelle placed her arm across him, her hand resting on his chest. “Aye. Thank you, Nicholas,” she whispered before she fell asleep.

  Noelle wasn’t sure how long she’d slept but the pain in her thigh had eased in its intensity. She was still snuggled against Nicholas, her arm and leg thrown across him in a very unladylike manner. Slowly, she removed her leg, so as not to wake him nor cause herself a lot of pain. Then she tilted her face up so she could see him. The glow of the fireplace bathed his features with warm colors, softening the harsh lines of his face.

  Nicholas was so different from anyone she’d ever known. And for some strange reason she trusted him though others said she should not. But Noelle had learned long ago to trust her own instincts.

  His face was so peaceful in sleep, giving him a boyish appearance when the rest of his body suggested anything but a boy lying next to her.

  She reached up and placed her finger on his firm chin; there was a bit of stubble where he needed to shave. Then her gaze traveled further up his face. She looked full into a pair of soft amber eyes that were open and gazing down at her.

  “Is something wrong?” Nicholas whispered his eyes never leaving hers.

  “Nay,” Noelle said with a smile. “For once, everything is very right,” she said in a very low voice. And then the truth struck her as a battering ram would hit a door. She loved this man. Right, wrong, or indifferent . . . she loved him, and she was beginning to feel as though her insides were melting with all the feelings she had stored within her.

  She knew what she had only suspected before . . . Nicholas was the one. He might not like the fact, but it had been predicted long ago by Merlin.

  He belonged to her.

  “What are you thinking?” Nicholas asked. “You are much too quiet.”

  “Are you certain you want to know?”


  Again she raised trembling fingers to his cheek. “I was just thinking how much I love you,” she murmured.

  “You know not of what you speak,” Nicholas said, harshly. She could see by the tightness of his jaw that she’d irritated him.

  That was not the response she’d expected. Then, she remembered that Nicholas wasn’t used to being romantic. According to the rumors, he didn’t have to. Women flocked to him like bees to the flowers. And now she was doing exactly the same as all the others, she realized.

  But it was different, she argued with herself. Merlin had promised her that she would know when the right man came to her. She struggled to remember his exact words, and finally they came to her . . . .

  You have already met your destiny, and ‘twill be up to you to figure your course. Choose wisely, my child. Remember, the greatest satisfaction in life is won and not handed to you.

  So, she would have to win Nicholas, Noelle remembered. She would have to melt the ice that surrounded his heart. Perhaps she could make Nicholas love her, but if he did not, it would matter not; he would with time. The only thing she knew for certain was that for now, she wanted to belong to Nicholas in whatever way he would let her. She wasn’t sure if Nicholas knew how to love, but maybe, he would learn if he were shown.

  Nicholas squeezed her shoulders. “You should not speak of love when it is merely gratitude that you feel for me.”

  She couldn’t pull her gaze from his wonderful golden eyes. “I know exactly how I feel. I have never felt this way before, but I know that the feeling is right. So don’t tell me how I feel, when I have waited all my life to find exactly what I am feeling now,” she stated. Her young body burned with a need that she didn’t quite understand, but she knew she wanted something more. And she was determined to learn what it was all about . . . tonight.

  And she wanted Nicholas to be the one to teach her.

  Noelle’s words slammed into Nicholas like a lance. He felt things for Noelle this night that he didn’t want to feel for anyone. Noelle was so young and naive, he thought as he stroked her velvety soft shoulder.

  She was also much too tempting.

  Could he take her and use her as he had all the others? Nay, he could not. For she stirred something deep within him that no other woman ever had.

  “I am unworthy to love,” Nicholas ground out bitterly. “You had best choose another.” Her eyes were so trusting that Nicholas knew he needed to say more. “I have never been faithful to any woman,” he admitted, then added, “I do not want to hurt you.”

  “So I have heard,” Noelle said and watched as Nicholas arched a brow.

  “And still you tempt the beast.”

  “Aye,” Noelle said as she looked at him with her liquid green eyes. “Maybe you have never found the right woman.”

  Desire exploded in Nicholas. He had never known that he could feel anything as much as he did at this very moment. He felt himself losing the coldness that had always protected him, had always kept him focused.

  This was absolutely mad.

  He could control men with a single glance, and yet this small woman had him completely enchanted. He should get out of bed right this very moment, he thought, as he drew Noelle up close to him so he could kiss her.

  Aye, he had always been a man of stone who could handle any situation. Except, it seemed this one woman who had started a raging fire within him.

  He could kiss her. Then turn away.

  He had control of his destiny.

  He had a wager with the king that he wanted to win.

  He could not . . . would not give up all that he sought!

  Then he made the mistake of looking at the beautiful Noelle who he held protectively within his arms. Her lips were soft, full. She moistened them with the tip of her tongue as if she were waiting for him.

  He groaned. God help him; he was a drowning man.

  His vow of chastity made so foolishly before the king shattered. He could no longer deny what his body yearned for. And then he smelled the roses . . . those damned roses. Sir Nicholas the Dragon had just crossed into the valley from which there was no return.

  “Noelle,” he whispered achingly. “What have I done to deserve you?”

  His lips met hers and lingered as he tasted her intoxicating essence. He explored the softness of her mouth. But he wanted more . . . .

  He wanted her body, her soul.

  He drew back just enough to coax her lips to part so he could deepen his kiss. Her mouth was sweet and she innocently knew how to please him with her tongue when it tangled with his. He could see in his mind’s eye his tongue traveling over other parts of her body.

  Oh, how he was going to enjoy showing Noelle how to make love. He deepened his kiss as a hunger in him took over, and now that it had, he couldn’t wait to touch Noelle’s delicate, soft skin. He began to tug on her clothing until he’d removed it all.

  Accidentally, he touched her wound, and Noelle groaned. “I’m sorry, my love. I had forgotten your injury.” He felt like an animal, too crazed to stop though he knew he should. Nicholas forced himself to speak. “Do you want me to stop?”

  She s
hook her head and reached to draw his face closer to hers. “Nay, I want to kiss you.”

  Her sultry words made him throb with desire. He glanced at her skin, now bared to him. “You are so very beautiful,” he whispered hoarsely. Her body was perfect—her waist small, her hips large enough to bear many sons.

  Suddenly, he felt like a wild man. He had to have her, to possess her, to make her his own. There would be no stopping him. His tongue explored her mouth while his hand cupped her full breast. His hot kisses trailed down her neck, pausing at the soft spot on her throat. He heard her moan, and he was pleased that she responded. He wanted her to enjoy every minute of their time together. His kisses moved lower until he found what he desired. His mouth was on her breast, pulling the fullness into his mouth, then sucking the tip until her moans of pleasure grew louder. His tongue flicked both nipples until they tightened into firm little buds, and Noelle writhed beneath him.

  “Nicholas, I-I,” Noelle whispered.

  “Just a moment now, my love,” Nicholas said huskily as he left her to remove his clothes with great speed. When he turned back, he saw that she gazed lovingly at him. Her eyes had grown wide, and it made his manhood grow longer and harder and thicker.

  My God, was all that Noelle could think. Nicholas was so big, like one of her brother’s stallions at rut. She’d never imagined that anything could be that big! Her breath caught in her throat as wild pleasure shot through her. Could she handle him? Would he fit? She thought to ask him, but was afraid he’d laugh at her.

  The light from the fire caught the blond in his hair, and his gold eyes glowed, making him look fierce, like the warrior she knew he was. Like a predatory animal. She shivered in anticipation.

  He lowered himself carefully to cover her and returned his attention to her breasts. Noelle instinctively arched to his mouth as her fingers tangled in his hair. She had never imagined that anything could feel so wonderful, so right. Heat engulfed her, and a strangeness that she couldn’t quite name was in the pit of her stomach. Then Nicholas began to move, sliding lower across her stomach until his mouth was at the juncture of her legs.

  Noelle gasped. What was he doing? She squirmed to get away from him.

  “Don’t,” he commanded, then added, softly, “let me show you pleasure you have never imagined.” She could feel his breath on her thighs. “Let me love you, Noelle.”

  She stopped moving and allowed Nicholas to kiss another part of her body. He licked her tender parts as the most delicious passion pumped the blood through her body, causing her to want and hurt all at the same time. He was driving her wild. “Nicholas,” she rasped between parted lips.

  The surge of tenderness that Nicholas felt for Noelle at this moment was overwhelming. He’d never expected to feel anything like this for her ... for any woman, but he did.

  God help him . . . tonight he felt something other than pain for the first time in a very long time . . . and it felt good. His body craved the feeling.

  He took her in his arms and captured her mouth in a long kiss that made her grow dizzy.

  Noelle kissed him back with a wild, primitive need. She knew she wanted more of him, but she wasn’t sure what to do. She ran her hand along the length of him, feeling the thick hair on his broad chest, across his belly, and lower. He sucked in his breath as her hand moved along the tender skin of his inner thigh.

  What was she doing?

  Noelle knew she should stop now. Nicholas would only break her heart as he had so many before, but she was helpless to end this closeness that she sensed was meant to be.

  Nicholas pulled her back up to his mouth where he kissed her senseless.

  “I-I do not know what to do,” Noelle whispered. “I want to please you.”

  “You will, my love,” Nicholas said as he covered her. “You are doing just fine.” He parted her legs with a nudge of his knee. “This will hurt a bit, but I promise if you trust me it will only last a moment.”

  “Will it hurt as much as the last time you promised me it wouldn’t hurt?” she asked with a teasing frown.

  He chuckled. “Nay.”

  She nodded her consent, and Nicholas shifted into position.

  He poised his throbbing shaft at the moist spot between her legs and positioned his hands beneath her hips, lifting her to fit his hot hardness. He eased in until he felt the tightness all around him. He knew the time had come, and he plunged into her with such force that she gasped calling his name.

  Nicholas stopped. He hadn’t wanted to hurt her, but it couldn’t be helped.

  “What is wrong?” Noelle asked.

  “Nothing is wrong, my love.”

  She moved beneath him. “I want to feel you move. I want to feel all of you inside me,” she murmured.

  With those words she robbed Nicholas of all reason. He began to proceed slowly in hopes of not causing her further pain, but it could not satisfy his urgent need. He increased his rhythm, all the time watching her face to see if there was discomfort. Then he drove full-length into her. But what he saw was not pain. He saw pleasure.

  He saw love. He saw trust.

  His breath came harder now as he stroked and pushed harder and harder until his shoulders ached and his heart felt as though it would burst. “You are mine, Noelle,” he cried triumphantly as he climaxed with a shuddering explosion that rocked him to his very core.

  Ecstasy ran through Noelle’s body as stars exploded before her eyes. She seemed to be falling, yet floating at the same time. She tightened her arms around Nicholas as he collapsed on her, almost knocking what breath she had left from her. After a moment, he eased himself to the side but drew her over in his arms.

  Nicholas gently rubbed her arm as he waited for his body to calm down and his sanity to return. As it slowly did he wondered just what he had done. When his usual custom was to get up and leave, he found he had no desire to leave this bed nor this woman.

  He really could never remember such a contentment and it was not a feeling he disliked. But what to do about this woman? Unfortunately, he still lacked his answer.

  “I am sorry, Nicholas,” Noelle said and felt him tense, and she knew that he misunderstood her apology. “I do not mean that I am sorry that I mated with you. I’m sorry that you will lose your wager with the king”

  Nicholas relaxed, but asked, “How do you know about such?”

  “Guinevere told me when she warned me about you.”

  Nicholas dipped his chin down and smiled without humor. “Our queen warned you?”


  “Yet, you did not listen.”

  She finally looked up at him. “Nay, I did not.”

  His brows drew together in puzzlement, “Why?”

  Noelle had known there was something special about Nicholas from the very moment they had first met at the pool in the woods, and now her heart told her this was right. “Because I love you.”

  Nicholas didn’t know how to respond to her softly spoken words. “We have a far more weighty problem than just the wager,” Nicholas said. “You are promised to another.”

  “I do not love him.”

  Nicholas’s cheek rested against the top of Noelle’s head. “I’ll not let him have you,” he murmured fiercely, and then he grew quiet as he fell asleep with Noelle still held in his arms.

  The next morning Tristan stood just outside of Noelle’s chamber, trying to wipe the smile from his face. Finally, with an effort, he resumed his stern expression.

  Tristan had been told last night that Nicholas had returned, having rescued Noelle. Tristan had wanted to go and see her right away. Instead he’d stayed away purposely. Noelle had told him that Nicholas was the one, and Tristan wanted to give her a chance to find out before she married another.

  However, if Sir Nicholas was the one, what were they going to tell the king? Not a pleasant thought, but Tristan would deal with that matter later.

  Now, if his hunch paid off, Noelle had the time to find out if she’d finally found “her”

  If she had Christmas might never come to Camelot when King Arthur heard about Noelle’s liaison with Nicholas. Tristan could just imagine that the king’s ire would be far, far worse than Noelle’s stubbornness.

  Tristan took a deep breath, and shoved Noelle’s chamber door open.

  The door to Noelle’s chamber flew open and Tristan burst through. “Noelle. Are you—” Tristan stopped. He still wasn’t prepared even though he thought he was, to see his sister in bed with a man. He frowned. “This is your idea of rescuing my sister?” Tristan demanded. “You have broken your oath, sir? She is promised to another.”

  Nicholas sighed. “I broke many things last night,” he said with little remorse as he sat up in bed.

  “Do you have no shame, Noelle?” Tristan asked.

  “Nay,” Noelle admitted.

  Tristan finally smiled. “Then he is the one?”

  Noelle nodded.

  “And you would marry him?” Tristan asked.


  Tristan was frowning again. “Who is going to tell the king?”

  “I will speak with Arthur,” Nicholas said as he slid out of bed taking one of the blankets with him. “Leave us now so we may dress.”

  “Well, I cannot say I am unhappy, though Sir Gavin is a good knight as well. But I cannot say the same of King Arthur. I believe he will be very angry.”

  Nicholas smiled grimly. “I do not anticipate the meeting with the king to be pleasant. He cares nothing for having his orders disobeyed. Of course, he will be glad that he has won his wager.”

  “What wager?” Tristan asked.

  “It is between the king and myself.”

  Tristan turned to leave. “What do you think King Arthur will do?”

  Nicholas thought a moment. “He could very well have me put to death. Or relieve me of my title and banish me from the kingdom.”

  When the door had shut, Noelle protested “Nay! This is not all your fault. I will explain to our king.”

  Nicholas reached over and placed his hand on the side of Noelle’s face. “I will fight my own battles. I don’t want you fighting them for me.”


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