Logan's Story: A Sand & Clay Prequel

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Logan's Story: A Sand & Clay Prequel Page 3

by Sarah Robinson

  In a flash, his mouth was on hers and she might have fallen back upon impact if his hand hadn’t already grabbed the back of her neck. He tossed his already empty glass onto the bar then used that hand to press her lower back forward, crushing her against his pelvis. She responded instantly, snaking her tongue against his and letting out a slight moan at the feeling of their hips pressed together. Just as quickly as he took her, he let her go and Gina stood there with a surprised look on her face at the sudden parting. He had taken a few steps back from her, but then quickly changed his mind and wrapped his arms around her, grabbing her hair and pulling her head back slightly.

  “Meet me outside after the show. You’re mine tonight.” He growled into the groove of her neck below her ear as he bit down, causing her to yelp, then following it with a soft kiss. Gina’s entire body was on fire as he let go of her and strutted back toward the stage. She leaned back against the bar and took a deep breath, trying to slow her pulse to normal. She doubted her plan for a moment, but then shook the thought from her head. This was the road she chose.


  The liquor, plus the surge of adrenaline from his encounter with Gina, had been just what Logan needed to amp up his performance during the second set. It was later in the evening now and the bar was full of twenty-somethings, downing drinks and cheering on the band. The atmosphere was lively and intoxicating, only feeding more into the band member’s excitement as they focused on their music and poured their soul into the notes.

  Logan was lead vocal as well as guitar and moved all around the stage, which gave him the perfect opportunity to scope out where the scout was sitting. He expected him to be a bit older than the crowd and there were a few possibilities in the crowd, leaving him unsure of which man it might be. He also kept a close eye on Gina who sat on a barstool off to the side, watching him, as she rested her chin in her hand and propped her elbow on the bar. She smiled and winked when their eyes met, but he didn’t acknowledge her back. At least not in a way anyone else could notice.

  He was just finishing up their third song when he saw Gina motion to someone at the door, hopping off her barstool to head to him. A surge of jealousy hit Logan and he cleared his throat in surprise, as he announced the name of their next song- Thief in My Bed. He smiled at the crowd and masked his emotions immediately, introducing the audience to his band members as they cheered for each one. He swaggered back to center stage and grabbed the microphone, belting out the first lines of the song as the band surged in with loud and intense harmony.

  Stole my heart just to throw it away,

  No explanation for the games you play.

  Am I just a Friday night to you,

  or are we going to see this through?

  Logan couldn’t help but glance over at Gina as he sang about a past unrequited love. She was sitting with an older gentleman now, chatting away and motioning toward the stage. He knew she must be talking about him from her body language, but he still felt pangs of envy tear through him as he watched her eagerly look up to the older man. He wondered what their relationship was, but quickly chastised himself for even caring. He forced himself to pull his eyes away and focus on something else in the room.

  Between our kisses, you said “forever”,

  but behind my back, you laughed “never”.

  So, I tossed the thief from my bed,

  but damn it all, she’s still in my head.

  Logan finished the chorus and then stepped to the side, pointing both hands at Dylan who immediately launched into a drum solo that had the entire bar on their feet in seconds. The rest of the band cheered him on as he skillfully banged out a rhythm on his set, sweat beading on his forehead as he concentrated on each hit. He was oblivious to the screaming and Logan smiled as he recognized the musician’s trance. Dylan Moore may be a jerk at times, but he loved his music just as much as Logan did, and that was what solidified their friendship.

  Dylan finished with several slams on his cymbals and then he stood up, his hands in the air holding his drumsticks proudly as he grinned at the crowd that ate up his performance. The rest of the band immediately jumped back into the song and Logan grabbed the microphone, facing the exuberant crowd. The energy from the audience and his friends behind him surged through him as he sang the final lyrics to the song with every part of himself.

  Even if I lock up my whole heart,

  you pierce your way in like a dart,

  now your reign of power’s through,

  I’m not the one you’ll come home to,

  Did you hear, girl, what I said?

  No more damn thieves in my bed.

  Did you hear, girl, what I said?

  Get the fuck out of my bed!

  Logan slammed his hand down on the strings with the last line and yanked up the whammy bar, causing an amazing sound that everyone could feel inside their bodies, shaking their inner core, and physically humming through their veins. The rest of the band was on their feet with the crowd, clapping for Logan, and whooping while fist pumping the air. Logan had been so intently staring at his guitar, focusing on that last note. When he finally realized the crowd’s overwhelmingly positive reaction, he allowed himself a rare moment of pleasure to soak in the applause.

  “Give it up for LOGAN CLAY!” Rock grabbed his microphone and screamed to the audience, elongating Logan’s name as the screaming became inaudible and the bar walls almost shook with the deafening noise. Logan grinned at his friend then turned back to the crowd and raised one fist in the air. He spotted Gina in the crowd, almost drowned out by the bobbing heads in front of her. Her thin frame was taller than the average woman and even some men, but the crowd still hid her well as people waved their arms and cheered.

  “You guys have been great tonight! If anyone wants a CD, we will be selling them over there!” Logan pointed to a side table off the stage as he shouted into the microphone and then placed it back on the holder. He took off his guitar and sat it down, then high-fived his friends as they all congratulated each other on a great performance. Off stage and slightly to the side, Logan spotted Gina clearly waiting for him.

  He saw the bright smile across her face and her green eyes were swimming with excitement causing a warmth to spread through him, feelings of arousal he didn’t even question as he winked at her. He turned back to his band mates as he put his guitar away in its case and registered a surprised look on their faces.

  “Did you just fucking wink at the chick you were banging in the alley?” Rock started and Dylan pointed at Rock as if to agree with his question. Charlie just smiled at Logan, with a cocky look on his face.

  “Our little Logan is falling in love.” Charlie teased him, smacking him on the back. Logan pushed him away and raised his chin up in the air, sticking out his chest in defense.

  “What the fuck are you guys talking about? Keep your loud ass opinions to yourself. It’s just a one night kind of thing, maybe.” Logan scoffed at them as he put his guitar case with the other cased items to go to the van.

  “Yeah, sure thing, lover boy.” Dylan chuckled as he worked on disassembling his guitar. Logan rolled his eyes at them and stalked off stage, irritated. They had no idea what they were talking about.

  Or did they? Why the fuck did I wink at her? Logan thought to himself.


  “I told you that you could do better.” Gina grinned at him, leaning against the wall at the end of the stairs off the stage. Her legs were crossed and propping her up against the wall, showing her long silky skin traveling up to the hem of her short skirt. Her arms were folded across her chest in a way that highlighted her breasts, pressing up against the low cut top. He slowed down on the last few steps as he approached her, feeling wary of this woman who was causing changes in him he didn’t even know about yet.

  Her black hair was swept around to one side of her neck, showing off the neon colored highlights that hid beneath. He noticed a small red mark on her neck and felt a stirring inside as he remembered
putting it there. He reached the bottom of the stairs and looked at her squarely, putting one hand on the wall next to her head as he leaned closer.

  “You like to be right, don’t you?” He grinned, slightly conceding. The first time he had actually said something to her that wasn’t full of hostility. Her eyes lit up at the invitation and she quickly looked away, placing her hands down, fiddling with her skirt.

  “Everyone likes things that they are good at.” She looked back up into his stormy eyes and grinned, taunting him. He leaned closer to her, smelling the perfume she wore, and brushing his lips against her cheek.

  “Damn it, Gina, what are you doing to me?” He groaned softly in her ear, she smiled and turned to look at him, their faces inches apart.

  “Come on, you need to meet someone!” She kissed him softly on the cheek and took his large hand, pulling him away from the stage and into the crowd. He remembered that she had been talking to someone earlier in the show, but he didn’t have time to meet her friends right now. He had to find the talent scout which he had yet to spot.

  “Gina, I can’t. I’m busy.” He pulled back and stopped in his tracks, making her turn around to look at him.

  “No, you’re not. Trust me, this is what you are looking for.” She gestured her hand as if to wave away his concerns and then looped her arm around his, pulling him forward. He was easily stronger than her, but he allowed her to lead him since he was completely confused by what she had just said.

  “Daddy! This is Logan.” Gina came to a stop in front of a tall, older gentleman who shared Gina’s jet black hair and pale skin. He hadn’t noticed the similarities before when he had seen Gina with this man during the show due to the distance between them, but up close he knew instantly that this must be her father.

  Shit, is she crazy? Meet the parents already? Logan thought to himself, bewildered and unsure of what to do.

  “Great to meet you, Logan. That was quite the performance.” The gentleman stuck his hand out and Logan accepted the firm handshake.

  “Thank you, sir.” Logan replied, feeling uneasy and looking between Gina and her father. There was a slight pause in conversation and then Gina’s face lit up with understanding as she realized that she hadn’t introduced them.

  “Logan, this is my father, Garrett Vile. Daddy, this is Logan Clay. There! Official introductions over, I’m going to get a drink and let you boys chat.” She grinned at them and then winked at Logan as she flounced off into the crowd, leaving Logan wide eyed and anxious.

  “My daughter has always been a bit headstrong, but I knew when she first played me a recording of one of your songs that I had to meet you. I’m from New York New Music, I think you heard I was coming.” Garrett raised one eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest, assessing Logan whose face suddenly lit up in recognition. This was the scout! Gina’s father is the scout?

  “Oh, wow, Mr. Vile, it’s an honor to meet you. I’m sorry, I didn’t know the name of who would be coming from the label! I’m honored that you liked the show!” Logan gushed and tried to restrain himself, but his excitement was pulsing through him rapidly.

  “We like to keep a low profile until we hear a singer perform in person. Recordings never do justice to the real talent, nor do they show stage presence. Logan, you not only have excellent musical talents, but you owned the stage and the crowd. That’s the sign of a true star in the making. I want you to come to New York in two weeks and play for the higher level execs. Here is my card, set it up with my assistant.” Garret handed him a small business card and patted him on the shoulder, enjoying the shocked look still on Logan’s face.

  “I’m going to take you places, son. Seems my girl has a bit of a thing for you though. Have to put on my dad cap when I tell you not to hurt my little girl. Understood?” Garrett stepped in closer to Logan and his voice got lower.

  “Oh, hell, of course. We just met tonight. There isn’t anything going on.” Logan fumbled on his words, not sure if he was lying or not because he still had no idea what was going on.

  “Good, well I will see you in two weeks then.” Garrett stepped back and the smile returned to his face.

  “Yes, sir! I can’t wait to tell the guys! They are going to be so excited!” Logan clamored, still staring at Garrett’s business card like it was his golden ticket. Garrett’s frame suddenly froze and Logan looked up at him to see why.

  “Logan, uhm, this offer is just for you. Don’t bring the rest of the band.” Garrett said, a bit uncomfortably. Logan blinked in surprise and looked toward the stage where his friends were still packing away equipment.

  “Mr. Vile, sir, we have always played together. I was under the impression it was for us as a band. I don’t think I can just leave these guys. They are really good and they’re also my friends.” Logan stammered, feeling embarrassed and confused.

  “You’re right, they are good. But, Logan, you are great. I only deal in great. And call me Garrett.” He patted his shoulder, trying to ease the blow, knowing that this was never a fun part of his job in the music business.

  “I am going to have to think about this, sir, I mean Garrett.” Logan shifted his weight from one foot to the other and pocketed the business card.

  “Well, the offer expires in two weeks. You are either there or you are not. I won’t be coming back again. Make the right choice for you, Logan.” Garrett finished with a nod and then turned and walked away, leaving the bar.

  Logan continued to stand there even after Garrett had left the bar, unsure of what to do or what to say to his friends. Gina waltzed up to him at that moment and slipped her hands around his waist, standing in front of him.

  “My dad just offered you a chance at fame, but you look miserable.” She stated, staring at his face in confusion. He looked down at her, finally realizing that she was there.

  “It’s nothing, I just have a lot of decisions to make.” He said, his voice trailing off as he was lost in thought. Gina stood up on the tips of her toes and brushed her lips against his jaw, running up toward his ear.

  “How about we get out of here and you let me make the decisions tonight?” She purred softly for only him to hear. The instant flame that cut through his body brought him back to attention and he looked down into her dark, green eyes that were thick with desire. He just smiled back at her and let her take his hand, heading out of the bar. He wasn’t ready to talk to his friends, and he couldn’t even say goodbye without them knowing something was off. Gina had just given him the out he needed. At least for tonight.


  Gina’s back slammed against the door as Logan’s mouth crushed down on hers, feeding on her desire and excitement. She was unsuccessfully fumbling with her keys in the locked door to her apartment, so Logan just grabbed them from her and slid it in himself. She wrapped both her arms around his neck and with a slight bounce, her legs were around his waist as he held her with one arm around her supporting her bottom.

  The door fell open behind them and Logan just tossed the keys randomly into the apartment, hearing them hit the floor somewhere. He wrapped both his arms tightly around her, pressing her as close to him as possible. He relished the feeling of her legs wrapped around him, leaving his member prodding at the edge of her skirt. With one fierce kick, the door slammed shut behind them with a resounding thud.

  “Bedroom?” He asked, between kisses, trying to catch his breath. She pointed toward a hallway to their right and he immediately charged in that direction, entering her bedroom only a few seconds later.

  Her bed was in the center of the room and was at least a queen size, if not bigger, covered in a plush brown comforter. Logan grabbed her waist with both hands and pried her off of him, causing her to whine at the sudden loss of contact. As if she was light as a feather, Logan’s strong arms tossed her onto the bed and she fell on her back, giggling at the display of strength. All the heavy lifting at work was certainly paying off.

  He didn’t leave her alone on the bed for long, quickly undoin
g his belt and stepping out of his pants, he pulled his shirt over his head and climbed over her now completely nude. Her eyes were wide as she took in the sight of his muscular, toned body. He quickly captivated her mouth again with his and hooked his thumb into the waist band of her skirt, ripping it off with one pull and throwing it off the bed. He sat up slightly to grab her shirt and slip it over her head, leaving her in only her matching black lace bra and panties.

  “Fuck, woman, what are you getting me into?” He growled at her as his eyes raked her almost naked body. She smiled at him and crooked her finger, motioning for him to come to her. He was happy to oblige and quickly pounced on her awaiting, trembling figure.

  It had been awhile since Logan had paid any attention to women, so seeing Gina’s beautiful body beneath him was a feast he was gorging himself on. He knew he wanted to take his time, but he also couldn’t wait. He didn’t understand what it was about this woman that grabbed his attention and sucked him in like a drug, but he was hooked. He would admit it right then and there, he wanted Gina, and he wanted all of her.


  Logan slowly pulled his arm out from under Gina’s back, causing her to moan slightly in her sleep. He froze to listen for signs of waking, but she was still snoring lightly with her head tucked into the pillow. Finally untangling himself from her, he crawled out of bed and searched in the dark for his clothes. Finding his boxers, he yanked them on quickly and searched for his shirt and pants. A minute or two later, he was fully dressed and sneaking out her front door, quietly closing it behind him.


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