The Movie Star Rescue

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The Movie Star Rescue Page 2

by Jenna Brandt

  Ross gave James a dirty look before turning his attention back to the women and shouting down, “Ladies, we’re here to help you. Just sit tight and we’ll get you up.” Ross pressed his button on his radio and spoke. “Command, this is SR 7, we’ve found the missing skiers. They’re on a ledge of a cliff near the second Black Diamond slope. Please advise how to proceed with rescue.”

  “Copy that, SR 7.” There was a brief pause, before the officer on the end continued. “SR 7, the snow in that area is prone to avalanches. Stand down and wait for assistance. We will be sending the helicopter to your location to assist with bucket rescue.”

  James didn’t like sitting at the top of the cliff with his hands tied. He also knew, however, rescuing them with the bucket would be easier than trying to do it manually with harnesses.

  “How are you two doing down there?” Ross called over the side. “The helicopter is en route and will be here shortly to help you guys out of here.”

  “Can’t you help us right now?” Ashley whined in a question. “I don’t like being down here. The snow keeps shifting around us and I’m afraid we’re going to slip off at any moment.”

  Warning bells went off in James’ head, knowing that if the snow was shifting, that changed the scenario. Rather than being able to wait, they needed to get ready in case the situation became too dangerous to await the arrival of the helicopter.

  James pulled his rucksack off his back and placed it on the ground. He opened the sack and pulled out two harnesses and rope.

  “What are you doing?” Ross asked from beside him. “You heard what command said. We’re supposed to wait for the helicopter to get here.”

  “We need to be prepared in case the snow under them gives out and they slide off that ledge. There’s nothing for them to hang on to, so their only chance will be for us to pull them up.”

  “If we try to pull them up, we’re going against a direct order.”

  “If we wait and that snow slides, they’re as good as dead,” James countered. “I won’t wait around and watch those women die when there’s something I can do about it.” James attached and secured the two harnesses to the rope, then started to send it down. “I’m lowering two harnesses. I want you both to take one and slip your legs through the holes and secure the harness around your waist.”

  “Are you going to pull us up?” Melanie asked with confusion. “I thought we were supposed to wait.”

  “If the snow is shifting around you, we need to be able to pull you up at a moment’s notice,” James explained as he attached the other end of the rope to his own harness after wrapping it around a nearby tree. “I want one of you to attach the rope to your harness, while we wait. You can unhook it once the helicopter gets here.”

  “If we have to go up on this rope, I’m going first,” Ashley said, jumping up and pushing her friend away from the rope. “I’m not dying on this mountain.”

  “Be careful, any sudden movements can cause the snow to shift again,” James warned from the top.

  “Too late,” Melanie cried out as she glanced around in fright. “I can feel the snow moving.”

  “We need to pull them up now,” James demanded as he dug his boots into the snow.

  Ross joined him and wrapped his gloved hands around the front of the rope. Together, they pulled in a quick but even pace. A few seconds later, Ashley was at the top of the cliff.

  “It’s about time,” she grumbled under her breath. “I’ve been stuck on that ledge for hours. I need a Bailey’s and cream, hot shower, and full body massage immediately.”

  “Let’s get your friend up first,” James stated as he tried to mask his disgust for Ashley.

  “Oh, right, her,” Ashley said with a shrug. “I guess I can wait to have my arm looked at until you heave her up here.”

  James held in the sigh that threatened to escape. What was wrong with this woman? Didn’t she understand her friend was in a life or death situation which was far more important than a broken bone?

  He quickly removed the rope from around Ashley, avoiding eye contact with the woman. He knew that if he looked at her, she would see how much he disliked her.

  “Hey, not so rough,” she said in anger. “I’m sore all over.”

  James didn’t apologize, but instead turned back to the edge of the cliff and lowered the rope down. “Melanie, it’s your turn.”

  “I’m scared,” she cried out. “The snow is fluctuating even more than it was before. I don’t want to move and make it worse.”

  “Listen to me, you’re going to be okay, Melanie. I know you feel like you can’t do this, but you can,” James assured her. “All you have to do is take the rope and snap it into the ring on your harness. Once you do that, the rest is up to us.”

  “Okay, I’m going to try.” Melanie slowly shuffled over and reached for the rope. Just as her hand grasped it, the snow started to give way. Luckily, she was able to attach the rope before the loose snow completely slid off the ledge. “Don’t let me go,” she cried out. “I can feel the ground going out from under me.”

  “I won’t let you go,” James promised as he looked down at her. “Ross, get over here and help me,” he shouted over his shoulder.

  The other rescue officer came over and grabbed the rope a second time. They started to pull her up, but they didn’t get very far before there was a loud cracking sound, followed by a “whumph.” James’s stomach seized with fear. He knew it meant there was an avalanche somewhere further up the mountain.

  “Pull faster,” James ordered with grave concern as he looked up at the mountain and saw a snowy torrent heading straight for the ravine. “We need to get her up here now.”

  They doubled their pace, but it wasn’t fast enough. She wasn’t even halfway up when the snow hit the ledge. It pulled the rope tight, nearly pulling James and Ross over with it.

  “We can’t hold onto her,” Ross called out. “The avalanche is going to take all of us with it. You need to release yourself from her.”

  “I can’t do that,” James yelled back. “I told her I’d keep her safe.”

  “She’s lost, James. You have to let her go, or you’re going to be lost too.”

  James couldn’t do it. Even though he knew Ross was right, he didn’t have it in him to let Melanie go. He could feel the rope pulling him forward and he knew at any moment, he was going to topple over the side.

  From the corner of his eye, James saw Ross pull out his knife. He sliced downward and cut the rope, causing the bottom half to slip over the edge and fall into the ravine.

  “No,” James yelled as he lunged toward the edge of the cliff. All that was below was a sea of white death. Melanie had been swallowed up whole, and James was left with the horrible knowledge that he’d failed to do his job when it mattered most. He didn’t save Melanie, and he was going to have to live with that for the rest of his life.


  “And cut,” Donald Henderson, the director for Nicole West’s latest movie, shouted. “That’s a wrap for scene fifteen. Good job everyone,” he said with a grin. “That’s it for today.”

  Nicole relaxed and pushed her blonde hair behind her ear before picking up a bottle of water from the nearby craft services table. It had been a long day and she was exhausted. She couldn’t wait to get back to Clear Mountain Resort, where the cast and crew for the movie were staying during the location shooting. Her bed was calling to her and she couldn't wait to fall asleep.

  “That was an…interesting choice for that last scene,” Tayla McCormick, the best-known crime drama actress, observed as she followed suit and grabbed a bottle. “Did you mean to make yourself tear up that way?”

  “And what way is that?” Nicole questioned defensively. She knew that Tayla had wanted to play Nicole’s character, and been forced to settle for the supporting role instead.

  “It was as if you looked like you were, well, for lack of a better word, constipated. I wasn’t sure if that was what you were going for, but if it was, you d
id a great job,” Tayla said with a smug grin. “I’m sure you’ve got more great moments like that for us tomorrow. I can’t wait to see what you have planned, as I’m sure the audience will be too, when they watch your performance.”

  Nicole looked down, making her blonde fringe around her face fall into her azure eyes. She wanted to tell the other woman to mind her own business, but the last thing she needed was for someone to leak to the media that she was fighting with her co-star. It was hard enough to prove to everyone that she could do more than simply play the lead role in a romantic comedy. “Sure thing, Tayla; I promise to deliver the best dramatic performance possible.”

  “We’ll see,” Tayla stated with a shrug. “But if it turns out that attempting to play such a diverse, dramatic role isn’t exactly in your lane, you can always go back to your slapstick antics in those adorable little rom-coms of yours. People just love watching you fall on your face. See you back at the resort.”

  The words stung, but Nicole didn’t want to let Tayla know that. She quickly turned away and rushed from the table, hoping to keep the other woman from seeing how much she upset her. Back at her makeshift dressing room in one of the unused rooms of the cabin, Nicole switched back into her personal clothes.

  Her cell phone buzzed, alerting her that she had a text message. She pulled it out of her purse and glanced down at the screen. She sucked in a deep breath and held it. Hank. Her ex-husband was the last person she wanted to talk to after the day she had on set. As she flicked the slider on her phone to read his message, his words made her freeze in place.

  I know you’ve been dodging my phone calls,

  but I need to talk with you.

  I’m here at the resort waiting.

  Let’s have dinner so we can talk about our future.

  Nicole’s fingers hovered over the buttons to text him back. What could she say to get him to leave her alone? She’d flown three states away, but still it wasn’t enough. Why couldn’t he just let her move on? When they had gotten divorced a year prior, she’d done everything she could to sever her ties to him. It was bad enough she caught him cheating, but the fact that the embarrassing information got splashed all over social media only made it worse. The paparazzi latched onto the demise of their relationship like sharks fed on chum, reporting every move they made and how the once Hollywood “It” couple had spent the past year fighting over all their assets.

  Letting out a heavy sigh, she responded.

  There’s nothing to discuss.

  I came to Colorado for work, not vacation.

  Three bubbles popped up, and after a few seconds, he texted back.

  Don’t be like that, Butterfly.

  We can work this out,

  if you’ll just give me a chance.

  Tell me what I need to do

  and I’ll do it.

  Frustrated, and knowing she needed to be firm, she stated it clearly.

  You need to leave.

  I don’t want to see you.

  Nicole watched the screen anxiously, but when he didn’t text her again, she felt her message came across. Satisfied the situation had been adequately handled, she set to work changing out of the outfit she wore for the movie and into her own clothes.

  Just as she was placing her movie wardrobe back on the hanger, her stylist, Britney Jones, entered the room, flipping her flame-red, curly hair over her shoulder. Dressed in her usual bright, outlandish outfit, she pranced over and wrapped her arm around Nicole’s shoulders. “I hope you know, you should just ignore Tayla McCormick. I’ve heard she’s awful to everyone on set, so don’t consider yourself special.”

  Nicole was relieved to see her friend, who always managed to distract her from her problems. “Thanks for that, but I know she doesn’t think I have the acting chops for this role, just like most of the crew. Sometimes I wonder why Donald gave me this role.”

  “As long as no one thinks it’s because you’re romantically involved with him, we’re golden,” Matt Gibson, Nicole’s long-time manager, declared as he joined the two women in the room. He looked polished-to-perfection in his three-piece navy blue suit, which looked amazing against his mocha skin. “I can have your publicist spin almost anything, but with the current atmosphere in Hollywood, that would be a blow we definitely want to avoid. Especially now that I can officially confirm your agent secured the offer for the lead female role in the next Ashton Kutcher film.”

  “Another one?” Nicole sighed, hating the idea of spending months on one more rom-com set where she had to act like the dumb blonde who clumsily fumbles her way through the movie while winning over the heart of the leading man. “I thought by landing this part, I might finally get some offers for some dramatic roles. What’s it going to take for everyone to see me as a serious actor?”

  “Nicole, I know you want to branch out, but don’t look a gift horse in the mouth,” Matt stated firmly as he scratched his black hair that curled over the edge of his ears. “Romantic comedies are your bread-and-butter. You shouldn’t alienate your core fans by refusing to do them anymore.” Matt looked down at his vibrating phone. “I need to take this call, but I’ll see you both back at the resort.”

  As Nicole watched Matt leave, she knew that he was right. She just wished she could find a way to make both her fans and herself happy. She’d grown as an actor over the past five years and wanted to challenge herself with new roles. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem like her fans or the press liked the idea. Ever since it was announced she got the starring role for the crime drama, she’d been getting consistent feedback that no one thought she could make the move from comedy to drama. Even her own manager worried she’d have a difficult time pulling off the gritty and intense performance.

  “Nicole, you are pure gold,” Britney stated with a smile. “Once they see how you shine on the screen in this role, everyone who doubted you is going to bite their tongue,” the stylist stated as she looked over at Matt with an arched eyebrow and a frown—making it clear she didn’t like how he was treating Nicole. “Come on, let’s head back to the resort and grab a couple of drinks at the bar. It’ll take your mind off everything.”

  “I’d rather just go to my suite and order room service,” Nicole countered with a sigh. “It’s been a long day and I don’t feel like fending off fans all night.”

  “Whatever you want,” Britney said with a nod. “You call the shots.”

  A half hour later, they arrived back at the resort. Nicole glanced around as she entered the lobby, hoping to make it through quickly without being recognized. What waited for her inside, however, was worse than any throng of over-excited fans. Hank’s perfectly white veneers were poking out from under his brown mustache—the very one he’d grown for a movie two years ago and left, even though Nicole had hated it.

  “There you are, Butterfly,” he stated suavely as he leaned forward to kiss her.

  She quickly turned her face away, causing his lips to land on the side of her cheek. “Why are you here? I texted you to leave.”

  “Oh, that? I didn’t take that seriously. I know if you just give me some time, we can work this all out.”

  “Time isn’t going to change this, Hank. No matter what you think, we’re never getting back together.”

  “You don’t mean that, Butterfly.” Hank reached out and put his hand on the side of her arm. “We’re the perfect couple.”

  “Of course we were; except for that whole fidelity thing you couldn’t manage to take seriously.” Nicole pulled away from Hank, giving him a dirty look. Even though he continued to swear he would change if she’d give him another chance, she couldn’t bring herself to do it after she discovered dozens of scandalous emails with other women. “I told you if you kept showing up at my house and movie locations, I was going to file for a restraining order. I know your manager wouldn’t want that, so if I were you, I would leave, right now.”

  “Butterfly, if you haven’t filed one by now, I know you’re never going to. Don’t make threats you can
’t keep.”

  “How about this, if you don’t leave now, I’m going to call hotel security.”

  “Really? You’d be willing to do that when all I’ve done is come to see you to try to fix our relationship? You don’t want to cause a scene, do you? What do you think our fans would think of that?” The way Hank said it, she could tell he meant it as a threat. He knew his image as a playboy tough guy could withstand it, but her own America’s sweetheart image would take a crushing blow from any kind of public fight.

  “Obviously, you know I don’t,” she whispered under her breath.

  “What’s that? Speak up, Butterfly.”

  “She said she doesn’t want you to cause a scene,” Britney stated firmly, stepping up from beside her friend and moving in between them. “And she might be too afraid to call security, but I’m not. No one cares what I do, so your threats won’t work with me. I suggest you hurry along back to Hollywood.” Britney gestured with both of her hands towards the exit of the hotel. “Shoo now.”

  Hank didn’t look like he appreciated Britney getting involved, but he must have known she’d follow through on calling security. He turned around to leave, but over his shoulder he vowed, “This isn’t over, Butterfly. I’m not giving up on us.”

  “Thank you for that,” Nicole said as they continued to head through the lobby. “I don’t know what it’s going to take to get Hank to leave me alone.”

  “Nicole, you need to have your attorney file that restraining order. He’s not taking ‘no’ for an answer. And how creepy is that when he calls you Butterfly. I mean, I get that you co-starred in a movie about butterflies, and that’s how you met, but it’s just a little too much, you know.”


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