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Jack Page 30

by A M Snead

  “He-ey! Jack!” Lucas grinned and patted the cushion next to him. “Plant that sexy ass right here.”

  Jack smiled uncertainly and approached the spacious sofa. “Why did Gideon call us in here?” He sat down beside Lucas, glancing between him and the others.

  “No worries, baby.” Derek winked. “We’re not in trouble.”

  Zachary sighed and stretched his arms over his head. “Too bad.” He smirked. He was a very “fetching” boy. “I was kind of hoping we were…and we would get to spank each other.”

  “Fuck,” Lucas laughed and nodded. “I could get with that.” He wrapped his arm around Jack’s neck and crushed him against his body. “I call first dibs on Jack’s hot little fanny.”

  “Fine. Be that way,” Derek sneered. “I’ll take Zach’s ass. It’s got a nice little bounce to it. Perfect for slapping.”

  Shaking his head, Zach leaned forward and looked at Jack. “Maybe they need the spankings. Ya think?”

  “Oh, hell yeah.” Lucas grinned, hugging Jack harder. “Smack my ass, baby.”

  Derek nodded and wriggled his eyebrows.

  Jack snorted. “Something tells me it wouldn’t be a punishment.”

  “Shit,” Zachary laughed and leaned back again. “Something tells me you’re right.”

  Gideon entered just then, catching the tail end of their banter. “All right. Enough. No ass smacking.” He smirked. “Not yet, anyway.”

  “Ahh,” Lucas chuckled and leaned against the sofa, stretching his arms out along the back behind both Jack and Derek.

  “Garrett will be joining us in just a few,” Gideon told them. “He had something to take care of first, so we can fill him in when he gets here.”

  Jack stiffened instantly. Garrett? He was going to be there as well?

  Licking his lips, Lucas smiled and held up his hand. “I call dibs on filling him in.”

  Gideon just looked at him, shaking his head. “Boy, what did I do to deserve you?”

  Lucas grinned and shrugged. “Don’t know, boss. But it must have been pretty damn awesome.”

  Exhaling heavily, Gideon scratched his temple and cleared his throat. “Mm-hm.” Jack and the others laughed as Gideon shook his head again and chuckled. “Anyway. Onto business.” He retrieved the director’s chair from its place by the main camera and dragged it over, sitting before the boys. “I want to do a promo of our upcoming videos.” He looked at Jack and Lucas. “The pool skit.” Then shifted his focus to Derek and Zachary. “And the Friends shoot.” He glanced at Jack. “You did say you wanted to be in on that one, right?”

  “Yes. He did,” Derek spoke up, grinning. He pointed a finger at Jack. “No backing out, baby.”

  Jack laughed softly. “I’m in.”

  “But I get you first,” Lucas reminded. He smirked. “And after you’ve been had by me…” His lips twisted, and he snickered. “Everyone else will come in second—figuratively and literally.” He chuckled smartly.

  Derek chuffed. “Whatever. Zach and I will eradicate all traces of you.”

  Jack grimaced. “I’m already feeling the soreness.” He laughed.

  “Nah.” Zachary winked. “All you’ll feel is heaven.” He grinned. “Most likely, I’m the one who will be sore.”

  No details had been relayed to Jack as to what, exactly, Zach’s “special request” was—just that Derek asked Jack to help him “fulfill” it.

  Gideon sighed. “I swear, I need to gag you all.”

  “Kinky.” Lucas winked. “Gonna tie us up, too? Bring in the whips and chains? Is there a little Dom hiding in there, boss?” Lucas chuckled when Gideon groaned. “Sorry. Continue.”

  “Thank you.” Gideon smiled dryly then laughed low. “Sometimes it is exhausting just being in the same room with you boys. Especially you.” He looked at Lucas.

  “Be alone with me in my bedroom.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “I’ll show you exhausting.” He grinned. “Just ask Bailey. He’s still unconscious.”

  “Anyway,” Gideon continued. “We will do a series of sneak peek shots, just enough to tease and tempt the viewers, feed them a few tidbits to whet their appetite for the full meal.” He shifted in the tall chair, hooked his heels on the foot bar and leaned forward, elbows on knees. “I want to run the promo on the website for about a week before the videos are posted. Give the viewers a chance to spread the word to their fellow porn enthusiasts that there are upcoming new releases.” He cleared his throat. “We’ll also do some quick intro pieces where each of you gives a brief summary of the theme of your video.”

  Lucas flipped his hands absently. “Sounds like a blast.” He leaned over and nipped Jack’s neck. “Does this mean we’re allowed to get our hands a little dirty today?”

  “I kind of like the idea of a dirty mouth.” Derek grinned.

  “A little bit.” Gideon nodded with a smile. “Don’t get carried away. Save the really good stuff for the videos themselves.”

  “I’ll take what I can get.” Lucas winked and laid a smacking kiss on Jack’s cheek.

  Jack laughed and rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I can see you controlling yourself.”

  “He will,” Gideon chuckled.

  “Or what?” Lucas cocked an eyebrow.

  “Or.” Gideon looked at him challengingly. “I’ll cast Jack with someone else for the pool skit.”

  Lucas recoiled. “Ouch.” He smirked. “You don’t play fair.”

  “I don’t have to,” Gideon informed. “I’m the boss.”

  Lucas smiled and flicked his fingers. “Touché.”

  “Lord, my burden is indeed great,” Gideon mumbled as a soft chorus of laughter swept through the boys. He straightened and leaned back in the chair, eyes on Jack, continuing on. “I also want to include a promo piece for your upcoming scene with Garrett.”

  Jack’s good humor evaporated, and tension squeezed his gut. He hadn’t mentioned to anyone that Gideon was setting up another shoot between him and Garrett.

  His hand sliding slowly over Jack’s shoulder, Lucas leaned forward. “What’s this I hear? Garrett gets another scene with you? So soon?” He shook his head and cocked an eyebrow at Gideon, lips quirking. “I swear you favor that guy.”

  “Oh, quit your whining,” Gideon mused. “Your skit with Jack will be longer than both of Garrett’s scenes combined.”

  Leaning back, Lucas nodded and smiled. “Well, all right then.”

  Jack remained rigid next to him, heart pounding. He had been trying to psyche himself up for the scene, but it wasn’t for at least a week. He wasn’t prepared for this, not today.

  “Jack?” Gideon was looking at him. “You don’t have a problem with it, do you?”

  Of course, he did, but what could he say? “Uh, no.” He cleared his throat. “No problem.”

  Gideon smiled. “Good.”


  “Come on,” Mickey urged when Marcus rolled away from him and buried his face in the pillow and groaned. “It’s such a nice morning. Let’s go outside.”

  “I’m tired,” Marcus moaned and hugged the pillow as if it were an anchor to prevent Mickey from dragging him out of bed.

  Mickey smiled and hooked his chin over Marcus’ shoulder, and slipped his arm around his waist, teasing Marcus between the legs. “Then let’s go to the hammock,” he whispered seductively. “You can sleep there.”

  “Uh-uh.” Marcus smiled though his eyes remained closed. “You won’t let me sleep.”

  “Sure, I will.” Mickey grinned and nibbled his earlobe. Marcus giggled and scrunched his shoulder, his member growing stiff beneath Mickey’s fingers. “Come on. We can play a game.”

  Marcus opened his eyes. “What kind of game?” Marcus loved playing Mickey’s games.

  “You could be the King Fae,” Mickey murmured and dropped kisses across Marcus’ shoulder as he slowly wrapped his hand around the boy’s growing erection. “And I could be a wood faery who adores and worships you, brings you gifts…” He shifted and kissed Marcus’ shoulder
blade as he slid his hand up Marcus’ hardening cock. “…do all kinds of wonderful things for you…” He kissed the center of his back and stroked him with added firmness. “…to you.”

  A shudder rushed through Marcus and he threw off the blankets. “Yes.” He grinned, fully awake now. “Let’s play that.” Mickey released him as he turned over and wrapped his arms around Mickey’s neck, kissing him as only Marcus could. “I love your games.”

  I love you so much. It was the same thought that raced through his mind every single time Marcus gazed into his eyes, all aglow and eager to just “be” with Mickey. He wrapped Marcus in his arms and pulled him tight against his body, both aroused. He kissed the boy deeply, letting it linger as soft moans sifted up their throats and mingled with their kiss.

  When they drew apart, Marcus panted and began to lay warm kisses on Mickey’s neck. “Before we go,” Marcus whispered, a soft rasp to his voice. “Do you wanna…?”

  “Cum?” Mickey grinned.

  Marcus’ sweet laugh aroused Mickey all the more. He pushed snug against Mickey’s eager body. “Mm-hm.”

  41 “The Accidental Witness”

  The soft sounds of passion coming from the twins’ room slowed Scotty’s steps. He glanced down the hallway. It was empty. Scotty moved closer to the door. Marcus’ gentle moans ebbed against the door, rising and falling like a craft on the open water. Breathless whispers of professed love weaved through the moans.

  Scotty stared at the carpeted floor, vision swimming; Marcus had never made love to him. He had never “loved” him. Scotty had fallen alone. All he’d ever been to Marcus…was a friend. But Scotty had felt so much more for the boy and wanted to make love to him. If Marcus had just taken that step, Scotty would’ve known he really did love him. But he hadn’t.

  Moving away from the door, Scotty wiped his eyes and cleared his throat. It had hurt so bad to lose Marcus, but there was just something about Marcus that kept Scotty from resenting him, or even truly being angry with him. Deep down, he knew Marcus was with the right boy. Mickey was his soul mate. It wasn’t that Scotty begrudged them their love…he just wished he had a soul mate, too. Someone to love him the way Mickey loved Marcus.

  But no one would ever look at him that way, feel that kind of love for him. Marcus was beautiful. An angel. Everyone loved him. And Mickey, too. Nobody saw an “angel” when they looked at Scotty. Rather, a fucked-up guy to be pitied…or looked down on.

  He walked toward the staircase then hesitated at the top step when Bailey came out of Lucas’ room, looking like he just woke up. Bailey yawned and ran his hand through his hair and spotted Scotty before Scotty could slip down the stairs.

  “Hey.” Bailey smiled and approached him. His smile faltered as his gaze swept over Scotty’s face. He could surely see the wetness that Scotty still felt in his own eyes. “Are you okay?”

  His lips pressed tight, Scotty averted his gaze and nodded.

  “Where you going?” Bailey asked.

  “For a walk,” Scotty mumbled and started down the staircase.

  Bailey followed along casually. “Want some company? I could use some fresh morning air.”

  “No.” Scotty left him at the bottom of the stairs and headed for the narrow hall that would take him to the rear door of the house. He could feel Bailey’s eyes heavy on his back until he was out of the man’s sight. He shoved through the back door and out into the sunlight, squinting against the brightness until his eyes adjusted, then took the path that would lead him deep into the woods…to the only man who claimed any shred of love for him.


  “We’ll open with a group intro here,” Gideon said and indicated the sectional sofa that Jack and the others were seated on. “You will each briefly introduce yourselves, mostly for the sake of any first-time viewers, and then explain which ones will be starring together in which videos. You’ll do some casual, light bantering before inviting the viewers to take a sneak peek at the upcoming scenes.”

  Jack was doing his level best to pay attention as his eyes repeatedly darted to the doorway with uneasy anticipation of Garrett’s arrival. He couldn’t calm the fluttering in his stomach and insisted to himself it was anxiety brought on by the dread of his upcoming interaction with Garrett. Yet he was having a hell of a time denying the fact that if felt an awful lot like the butterflies he would get around Garrett before everything had gone to shit between them.

  You are not looking forward to this. You’re not. Surely, if anything, he was just anxious to get up close and personal with Lucas, Derek and Zachary. Every one of them was fucking hot—why wouldn’t he be anticipating some cock teasing with them? His sudden nervous excitement had nothing to do with Garrett. Nothing.


  “Huh?” Jack blinked when Gideon spoke to him directly. “I’m sorry. What?”

  Gideon looked at him and it was clear in his eyes that he was aware of just “where” Jack had been. “I was saying…after the group intro, we’ll do a mini-scene with you and Lucas first, down by the pool.”

  “Mini,” Lucas mused. “Doesn’t sound too flattering, does it, Jack?”

  Shrugging, Jack released a nervous laugh as he fought the frenzied butterflies whisking his gut into a knot.

  “The scenes we do for the promo will be inserted into the full videos,” Gideon said. “So, keep that in mind. But also remember, the purpose of these preview scenes is to titillate the viewer only as far as necessary to convince them to buy the full video. Give them too much of a sneak peek and we’ll end up with a barrage of freeloaders who just want to scour our previews but have no intention of buying the videos.” He smiled. “I’m all for offering freebies from time to time, but we have to make a living here.”

  Derek nodded. “Damn straight. We work hard to entertain them.”

  Lucas’ hand shoved into Derek’s crotch. “Damn hard,” he affirmed and squeezed the guy’s junk.

  Derek grunted from the unexpected “grab” then grinned. “That’s what I’m saying.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Gideon chuckled and stood up. “We’re not going to get the entire promo shot in one go, so today we’ll focus on the group intro and the pool scene.”

  He wouldn’t have to do his piece with Garrett today? Jack began to relax, yet somewhat troubled by the splinter of disappointment that punctured his heart.


  Marcus squealed as he and Mickey tumbled into the hammock. Mickey kissed him and grinned, playing with his blond strands. A consuming love flowed between them, continually overwhelming Mickey. Their recent display of passion still tingled Mickey’s skin, still had his heart racing. He touched his lips to Marcus’ brow. “I believe my king is missing his crown,” he said quietly. “Your loyal and adoring wood faery shall fashion you a crown of wildflowers from the forest.” He kissed Marcus on the lips. “Just lie here, my king, and let the warm sunlight worship your beautiful body until I can return and take over.” The hammock swayed as Mickey crawled off.

  “I order you to be quick,” Marcus commanded playfully, eyes shining. “Your king shall be lonely in your absence.” Leaving Marcus’ side for even a moment took effort. But Marcus loved these games and Mickey would do anything to keep that sweet smile on his cute face.

  Leaning over, Mickey kissed him softly. “Wood faeries are quite spry. I shan’t be but a moment.” Marcus laughed when Mickey dashed away—doing a spirited dance down the path and into the trees.

  His heart pumped faster, and the air felt thinner as he put distance between himself and Marcus. The boy was his air, and he could never quite breathe right when they weren’t together. But he was enjoying this. He would find Marcus the loveliest flowers for his “crown.” Mickey wished roses grew wild in the area—Marcus would look so beautiful adorned in roses.

  The path through the trees was well cared for and the underbrush kept cleared away from the trunks of the trees. Gideon did a lot of scenes in the woods; he said he liked the imagery of nude bodies in nature—as it
was originally intended to be. Mickey liked it, too. He loved performing out among the trees. It made him feel free in a way that one could never experience while clothed and amidst “civilization.” Not that any of the guys at the house were necessarily civilized. He laughed softly and thanked God that his “brothers of porn” were a little on the wild, crazy side. How boring would it be otherwise?

  Mickey was well out of sight of the hammock and the house, deep into the trees, as he began to wonder if he was going to find any flowers. He would have to make a suitable crown out of something. He couldn’t return empty-handed, how sad that would make his beautiful king. A smile played across his lips as he imagined Marcus lying on the hammock, so lovely and serene as he basked in the sunshine and awaited Mickey—perhaps daydreaming about all the ways Mickey would “worship” him.

  A pleasant tingle tickled Mickey’s crotch. Making love was his and Marcus’ favorite pastime, and they did it all the time. But it never became mundane. Every time they touched it was like fireworks exploding, rockets going off. And it excited them to share it with the other boys. And it was especially fulfilling when they could use their love to comfort and heal, as with Jack. He put on a brave face most of the time, but both Mickey and Marcus could see and feel how sad he was inside. And not just Jack either—

  He halted suddenly as voices drifted down the path from up ahead. Mickey knew where they originated from. Gideon had shot scenes in that spot, and some of the boys sometimes came out here to…

  Lips tightening, Mickey glanced back down the path and wondered if he should go back. If a couple of the guys were out here, they wanted their privacy. But he hadn’t found any flowers yet and he knew some grew around the fallen logs in that area up ahead. He moved forward uncertainly. If he got closer and heard them making out, then he would leave. If they were just talking, then they wouldn’t care if he quickly grabbed some flowers.


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