Home > Romance > BILLION DOLLAR DADDY > Page 30

by Stephanie Brother



  The crowd roars. The swell of support builds behind me in a way that feels almost physical. It’s our last game of the season. The most important for me and the team.

  What happens next will determine so much for me and for Hannah, too. The responsibility doesn’t scare me, though. I know that whatever happens, she’ll be by my side.

  For better for worse.

  Those words skim through my mind and I feel no fear. We’re not married yet, but I know, one day soon, I’ll ask her to grow old with me and she’ll say yes. I don’t know if there have ever been two people that fit together like Hannah and I. For all the difficulties life has thrown at us, it sure has blessed us too.

  It’s been a while since I drove out to her momma’s house to tell her she was making a mistake. It was impetuous of me, but I knew deep in my heart that I had to make her see sense. I felt, in part, responsible for the decision she had made. To hear what she had been through broke something inside me, but it also made me see her clearly for the first time.

  I knew she was beautiful the first time I saw her. I knew she was bubbly when I first heard her laugh in the cafeteria. I knew she was bright when she showed me her passion and knowledge at our first tutoring session. But it was only when she told me her story that I realized how strong she was, how selfless and kind.

  I know she’s up there cheering for me. I can feel her eyes on me. I can feel her love, even though she’s rows up from the field with hundreds of people between us. That love makes me feel as huge as a giant and as powerful as a king.

  I relish every minute of the game, feeling that connection with the ball that I’ve felt since the first time I held one. I play my heart out because I know that I have three people relying on me now.

  It might seem like a big deal to most college kids, but having a readymade family waiting in the wings is the best feeling ever. I have a purpose that is bigger than just playing ball and winning. It makes me focused. It keeps me grounded.

  The game is close, but I know we’re going to win. I can feel it in my bones. When the time ends the crowd erupts. My heart is racing but it’s not the exertion or adrenaline from the game. It’s knowing my girl is up there with my family, screaming for me. I take off my helmet and gaze up into the crowd, smiling so broadly that my cheeks hurt. Harrison grabs me around the shoulders, pulling me into a sweaty hug accompanied by plenty of back slapping.

  And after the celebrating is done, I take Hannah back to the pool house where we’ve been living pretty much since that day I brought her back to college.

  “I’m still buzzing,” she says, flopping onto the couch and slipping off her sneakers. She dressed comfortably in the way that I like. Leggings and a slouchy t-shirt, with some cute underwear that’s just for me. I toe off my own shoes and flop down next to her, throwing my arm behind her. I love how tiny she is and how big she makes me feel. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to keep this girl safe.

  “I’m buzzing too.” I nuzzle her ear, breathing in her scent.

  Hannah sighs softly and runs her fingers through my hair in the way she knows I love. I’m practically purring it feels so good. “We did it, baby,” she whispers. She sounds so filled with awe that I get a lump in my throat. I guess we’ve come pretty far and maybe that’s a surprise to her. I know how close she came to giving it all up, to giving up on herself. I know how tough it was for her to come back from that time. When you give up on the things you have been fighting for, it breaks a piece of you that has to heal for you to move forward. Letting me take care of her was a difficult step for Hannah. Accepting that she wasn’t responsible for what happened to her before Jenny was born was even harder. As days turned into months, I think she realized that I wasn’t going to let her down. I’ll work hard every day so that she never has a reason to doubt me.

  “We did,” I say, stroking a strand of her hair and tucking it behind her ear. Her eyelids go heavy, and when I kiss her, they close altogether. I know I’ll never get tired of the way she feels; sweet as butterscotch and soft as cotton candy. Her tongue touches mine and it’s like a jolt of electricity between my legs.

  She moves closer until she’s straddling my lap, hands on my chest, tugging at my t-shirt like she’s hungry for what’s underneath. When I haul it over my head and discard it next to us, her eyes are fixed on my chest.

  “God,” she says, stroking over the huge bruise I’ve developed since the game.

  “It’s nothing.” I shrug but she looks mortified.

  “It isn’t nothing. You’re hurt.”

  “No pain, no gain, baby.” I smile and stroke her cheek and she smiles gently.

  “I don’t like seeing you hurt.”

  “I know.”

  Her fingers trace over my skin, following the bruise, then down over my abs. My cock stirs, willing her towards him. It doesn’t matter what she does to me, it all feels too damn good to be true. Her breathing hitches when I take her hand and press it around my cock. I’m feeling greedy today. Impatient to get inside her and make her come.

  She moves her hand, rubbing over the fabric of my pants. “Is he hungry?” she asks and I smile.

  “Starving,” I say.

  “What for?” Her eyes are sparkling, the spread of her hair over her shoulders like an auburn halo.

  “Your mouth and your pussy.” She blushes, which is so damn cute, but she’s not shy of him really. Maybe just the dirty talk. “Take him out,” I tell her and she does, her hand looking almost doll-like against the size of it. She told me it kinda blew her mind when she saw my dick for the first time, but she’s used to it now. She slides off my lap to kneel on the floor in front of me. I shift forward to make the angle easier and watch as she leans in to kiss the tip.

  There is something so sexy about seeing a woman on her knees for you. Not in a derogatory or misogynistic way. She might be in the submissive position, but she has all the power here. I’m like putty in her hands as she wraps her lips around me, bobbing her head and using her hand to mirror the action. Her mouth is so hot and smooth inside, but it’s when she looks up at me and holds my gaze while she licks me like a lollipop that I almost come. I can’t take those eyes on me, watching me come apart, but at the same time, I can’t do without them. I see pure love there, warmth and affection and passion. I see my future with this woman who can floor me with her strength and turn my heart inside out with her vulnerability.

  I reach out to stroke her cheek and she moans around my cock, the vibrations making me grip the fabric beneath me. As good as this feels, I don’t want to come like this. I want to get inside her. I want us to be joined so I can give her pleasure too.

  “Come here,” I say and she sits back and smiles.

  “You’re very bossy today. You got a bucket of testosterone left over from the game?”

  “You have no idea,” I say. It’s true. I feel amped up. Euphoric and relaxed, all at the same time.

  Hannah stands and undresses slowly until she’s completely naked in front of me.


  Since she gave up her job at the club, she’s filled out a little and I love her soft curves. Across her belly, I see the stretchmarks that came from carrying Jenny. She’s not shy about her body. Not at all, and that makes me happy. I stand because as much as I like fooling around on the couch, what I need is gonna take a bed. She looks up at me, eyes lazy with arousal and that’s it. I scoop her up and carry her to our room. She doesn’t giggle, just gazes up at me with awe in her eyes. I know she gets a kick out of my size and strength. Sometimes, when we’re fucking I let her call me Big D and it gets her so hot. When she says it, it makes me feel good. All the shame from the past has been washed away by my girl.

  The bed is made up like something from a home decorating magazine but right now I just want to mess it all up. I put her down then stalk her toward the bed, pushing my pants and boxers down as I go.

  “Oh,” she gasps as the bed hits the backs of her
legs. She shimmies backward, and I move quickly to kneel between her thighs, pushing them open roughly, just the way she likes it. I lean down to taste her, breathing in the scent of her pussy that gets me so high. Hannah Star is like a drug I can never seem to get enough of. She moans when I press a kiss onto her slit, then lick and lick and lick until I can see her shaking and her stomach clenching. “Don’t stop,” she gasps, but I’m not feeling like getting bossed around today. She’ll come sometime soon, but not until I’m ready.

  I sit back, using my fingers to part her labia, spreading her open so I can see it all; pink and pretty and so damn soft. She’s watching me through half-closed eyes, her chest rising and falling fast. I touch the tip of my finger to her entrance and her whole pussy spasms. She wants me to fill her with my fingers. I start slow, pushing one in just an inch and drawing it back out in a slow rhythm that has her hips shifting, chasing me. I push in a second, deeper this time, enjoying her moans and the sight of her little hole stretching open. I know if I add a third and keep going like this, twisting just slightly, that I can make her come. I torture her some more, enjoying her moans and how wet she’s getting. I fist my own cock slowly, keeping the same tempo, frustrating us both.

  When she reaches down to touch her own clit, I lose all my restraint. I’m up and over her in a flash, letting my cock slip in her wetness, nudging, nudging, nudging until he finally pushes inside. I’m big and she’s little, but we’ve been doing this long enough that her body’s gotten used to mine. It’s smooth and tight. The perfect combination.

  “You feel so good,” she murmurs and I lean in to kiss her plump lips.

  “Baby,” I say as Hannah shifts her hips and hooks her feet around my ass. I grind harder, making each slam of my hips hit with more impact. Each thrust knocks the air from her lungs in little gasps that make my cock swell. God, I love this girl. So much I wanna crawl up inside her and never leave. When she touches my face, stroking my cheekbones, I get a fucking lump in my throat. “I love you,” I tell her, kissing her again.

  I feel her tighten around me, watch as she closes her eyes and grabs onto my shoulders for purchase. Her body arches as she comes and I hook my arm beneath her, pulling her to me so there’s no space between us.

  It’s how I want us to always be.


  United in mind, body and soul.

  I’m not far behind her, needing only a few more thrusts before I push deep inside, and as I release inside her she tells me she loves me too.

  And I know that’s all I’ll ever need to make me happy.



  The school is so quiet that it’s almost unnerving. During class hours it’s a bustling place, filled with vibrant kids and passionate teachers. Exactly the kind of place I imagined teaching in when I started college, all those years ago. I pack up my bag with the books I’ll need to grade when I get home, slip my arms into my coat and start to make my way outside.

  It’s Friday night, and I smile as I open the exit door to the lot and see Dominic’s truck. It’s all shiny and new. Totally perfect for him. I finally managed to convince him to get rid of the old one he’d been driving for more years that anyone could remember. With all the money he’s earning since he went pro, we’ve got no worries in that regard. I kinda love that about him. That even though he could afford to splurge on a Ferrari he chose to keep his old, familiar vehicle.

  He lowers the window as I get nearer and whistles. “Hey pretty lady,” he calls loudly. “You wanna get in my truck and go someplace nice for dinner?”

  I smile because his eyes are sparkling and his grin is totally goofy.

  “Nah,” I say. “I think I’ll pass.”

  “Mom,” Jenny calls from the back. “You gotta come with us.”

  “Yeah, Hannah,” Bethany shouts. “We’re going for pizza.”

  “Pizza, well okay then.”

  Dominic jumps out and heads around to open the door for me. I love that he’s such a gentleman. Every day he shows our girls exactly how they should expect to be treated by the men in their future. I hope that they never settle for anything less than a man like their daddy. Before I climb up into the truck, I hook my hand around the back of his neck and pull him in for a kiss. He’s been away all week and I missed him more than I ever wanted to miss anyone. I guess that’s the thing with love. The deeper you fall, the more that person becomes a part of you. When Dominic’s gone, he takes my heart with him, and when he comes back, I feel whole again.

  “Hey girls,” I say, turning to look into the back at our little family. Jenny looks just like I did when I was her age, and Bethany has Dominic’s coloring and his dimples too. “How was school?”

  “Good,” they say in unison, and then laugh. “Jinx,” Bethany shouts and Jenny sticks out her tongue. I love to see them messing with each other. For two complete strangers, they became firm friends in a day. A bit like me and Big D.

  “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m famished,” Dominic says, starting the truck.

  “Me too.”

  As he drives, he rests his hand on my thigh, the heavy warmth of it grounding me.

  It’s in moments like this, when I feel true happiness, that a sliver of darkness from my past can creep in. I hate it when it happens. Sometimes I feel weak for not being able to forget. Sometimes I feel resentful for the things that hurt me when I was so young and vulnerable. Most of the time, though, I take a deep breath and remember that I need to be grateful because sometimes it’s our biggest tragedies that lead us to our greatest blessings.

  We go for pizza, choosing a huge UFO-like family special, with wings and garlic bread on the side. The kids end up with tomato faces and we’re all stuffed by the time we’re finished, but it’s not the food that makes me feel so full and satisfied, it’s the company and love of my family.

  And later, when the girls are tucked up in bed and sleeping, I slip into the arms of my husband and exhale, because I know that whatever happens in the future, that as long as he has breath in his lungs, Big D will be by my side and I’ll be by his.

  I think back to that note that read, ‘Stars can’t shine without darkness’, and I guess it was true for me. Sometimes it takes going through the worst of times to truly appreciate life’s blessings.

  The man I thought was a dumb jock turned out to be my shining star, and I’m going to spend every day of the rest of my life showing him just how bright he shines for me.

  About the Author

  Stephanie Brother writes scintillating stories with step-siblings and bad boys as their main romantic focus. She’s always been curious about the forbidden, and this is her way of exploring such complex relationships that threaten to keep her couples apart. As she writes her way to her dream job, Ms. Brother hopes that her readers will enjoy the full emotional and romantic experience as much as she’s enjoyed writing them.

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  Also by Stephanie Brother

  Amazon Bestselling HUGE SERIES

  HUGE – A Stepbrother Romance

  I didn’t mean to see it. It’s his fault for leaving his door open while he was getting changed.

  HUGE X2 – A MFM Ménage Stepbrother Romance

  There are rumors going around about my stepbrothers. Huge rumors.

  HUGE X3 – A MFMM Ménage Stepbrother Romance

  Imagine getting a chance to live out your filthiest fantasies. Would you take it?

  HUGE X4 – A MMFMM Ménage Stepbrother Romance

  I’m thinking naughty thoughts about the best men.

  It’s my sister’s wedding and I know I shouldn’t be fantasizing about the identi
cal twins who are standing next to my brother-in-law-to-be, but I can’t help myself.

  ESCAPE – A Stepbrother Romance

  The last person I expected to see in a police interview room was my estranged stepbrother…

  ARRESTED – A Stepbrother Romance

  He’s a good cop, but a very BAD BOY…




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