Sand & Clay

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Sand & Clay Page 7

by Sarah Robinson

  “Fine! Just leave! Fuck you too! You don’t deserve me, you cheater! I own you, I can ruin you! I have your career in my hands and I can and will crush it! You can’t screw me over, you fucking jackass!” Gina screamed at him, continuing to throw whatever was around. Logan ducked from the objects and shielded his face with his hands.

  “Gina, what the hell?! Are you crazy? Stop it! It’s just one night, I need some space! Get a hold of yourself!” He shouted back at her, rushing towards her. As he got to her, he grabbed her arms and held her still. She struggled, trying to hit him. He kept a firm grip on her. The elevator dinged behind him and the doors opened. He pushed her firmly back slightly and then let go of her.

  “Stop it now, Gina. I will see you tomorrow. Just need some time away. Stop acting like this, I hate when you do this.” Logan turned around and walked into the elevator. As the doors closed, Gina crossed her arms and stared him down. He just stared at her blankly, too tired to do anything else. As the doors finally closed, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. This was his life. He had lived like this for years but until now, he didn’t realize how much he hated it.

  Chapter Nine

  “What are you doing here, Logan? It’s the middle of the night.” Caroline stood in her front doorway, sleepily looking at Logan leaning against her door frame.

  He had come here straight after his fight with Gina and it was obvious in his appearance. He looked like a mess with his hair ruffled, bags under his eyes, and a ripped shirt. He didn’t respond to her but just looked down at his feet and cleared his throat.

  He couldn’t believe it, but he felt tears welling up in his throat. He just kept looking down at his feet and pushed his hair out of his face. Caroline tipped her head down to get a better look at his face and saw the twisted look of pain pulled across it.

  “Logan.” She said softly, with a sadness in her voice full of tenderness and empathy. She reached forward and slipped her hand into his, pulling him into the apartment. She closed the door behind him and led him to her bedroom. She also closed the bedroom door behind them as well and then stood in front of him, facing him.

  He lifted his head up to look at her, taking in how beautiful she looked. Even when abruptly woken up out of her sleep, she still looked beautiful. She was wearing an extra large gym shirt that hung off of her showing off her long, bare legs. Her hair was down and a bit ruffled and her face was bare from makeup, but looked the most beautiful that he had ever seen her look.

  “I’m ending it.” He said simply. Caroline just nodded and then gently pulled his jacket off of him.

  He stood there and just allowed her to do what she wanted. She tossed the jacket on the small chair in the corner of her bedroom. Then she grabbed the bottom of his shirt, noticing several rips and stretched areas. She wanted to ask, but knew he couldn’t talk right now. She lifted the shirt up and he raised his arms to help her while she lifted it up over his head.

  She tossed the shirt on the floor and paused, looking at his bare skin, dark tattoos, and beautiful abs. She looked up at him and saw he was intently watching her. She ducked her eyes back down avoiding his eye contact. His gaze was so intense, she just couldn’t stare back, afraid she would get lost. She didn’t care why he was here right now, but she knew something was wrong and that he needed her right now as much as she needed him.

  Her hands moved lower and she pulled at his belt buckle, undoing it. She picked at the buttons underneath, finally undoing them and then pushed his pants down his legs, leaving him in only tight boxer briefs. He stepped out of the pants as she stood back up. She took his hand in hers again, flipped the light switch off, and climbed into bed, bringing him with her.

  The two found their way under the covers and Caroline laid her head down on his chest, curling up against his side. She quietly listened to his heart beat and gentle breathing, her hand resting on his abs.

  “I never wanted to be a famous singer. Did you know that?” Logan said quietly, his chest rumbling beneath her cheek. She nodded but stayed quiet, waiting for him to continue.

  “I wanted to be an artist. Paint things that people would travel miles to see. Written up in magazines as inspirational, phenomenal, one of a kind. Instead, I’m in every tabloid named a typical rock star. Pictures of girls I don’t even know on my arm, stories of scandals that aren’t true, and every other stereotype possible. I can make two million dollars in a single evening but somehow, I am still a dime a dozen.” Logan continued.

  “I never wanted to be a lawyer. Keep putting off taking the bar exam and just work as a paralegal to keep up the pretense. My dad wanted me to be a lawyer and I never had the guts to stand up to him and tell him anything different.” Caroline told him.

  “What do you really want to be?” Logan asked her.

  “I want to illustrate books, kids books or any type of book really.” she answered. He was quiet for a moment.

  “You would be amazing at that.” he said simply, Caroline smiled and squeezed her arm tighter around his abdomen. The two continued talking about their lives and sharing stories with one another. The attraction had already been there but now they were learning and loving who they each were inside.

  Logan couldn’t even remember the last time he had shared personal information like this with anyone or when he had ever stayed up all night just talking, never running out of things to share. It was several more hours until the pair finally drifted off to sleep and by then the sun was already beginning to peak up above the horizon.

  It may have only been a few days since Logan entered her life, but it felt like an eternity. Caroline was completely comfortable curled up next to him. This man had taken her on a week of emotional roller coasters but she didn’t even care. He felt so perfect next to her and there wasn’t a moment of hesitation in her mind. She wanted him there and he wanted to be there, and there was nothing else that mattered right now.


  The sun was super bright the next morning shining through Caroline’s bedroom window. She groaned as one of the rays landed right over her light, hazel eyes, forcing her awake. Blinking and sitting up, Caroline yawned and stretched her arms out. She looked beside her on the bed and realized that it was empty, she was alone in bed. Had it been all a dream? She turned and dropped her legs off the side of the bed, standing up and trotting out into the living room.

  “Logan?” Caroline called walking through the living room and heading to the kitchen. The kitchen was empty too. She turned back around and walked towards the bathroom. The door was closed so she knocked on it.

  “Logan?” Still no response. She opened the door to find that the bathroom was empty too. Confused, she walked back into her bedroom and looked around. She saw something on the floor of her room pushed to the side. She stepped over and picked it up. It was Logan’s t-shirt from last night, slightly ripped and wrinkled. He had been here, it wasn’t a dream. She had spent the night cuddled up against his handsome and strong body, breathing in his musky, masculine scent.

  But now he was gone and she was alone with nothing to show for her night but a warm dent in her bed and a tattered, dirty t-shirt. She just stood there for a few more seconds trying to figure out what to think about this. However, her alarm clock went off and interrupted her thoughts. She had to get to work on time today after having been so late yesterday. She quickly dipped through a shower, pulled her hair back into a bun, and slipped on a pencil skirt and button up blouse. About fifteen minutes later she grabbed her purse and headed out to work.

  “Hi Jeremy!” Caroline said, bouncing past her doorman so quickly that he didn’t even get the chance to respond. He just waved as she flew by. If she rushed, then she would have time to grab a coffee on the way to work and say hi to George.

  Chapter Ten

  “The usual today, Caroline?” George asked her, ringing up her normal drink order on the cash register.

  “Yes, please, but can you add a few extra shots? I did not get enough sleep last night for sure. P
lus I am in a rush today, I was so late to work yesterday and definitely need to make it up today.” She responded, George nodded in understanding.

  “Well, then tell me quickly about Saturday night! I still haven’t heard about the concert! What happened with Logan Clay?” George asked excitedly. Caroline tensed up, she had forgotten that she hadn’t been to the café since Friday so George didn’t know about all of the drama and changes that had enveloped her life in just three short days, or even what the last few hours of her night had looked like.

  “Ugh, George, you don’t even want to know. It’s been a confusing few days.” Caroline said to him and rolled her eyes. George smiled at her.

  “I still want to know anyways! Come a little early tomorrow and tell me all about it, promise?” George said, handing her cup of coffee.

  She nodded her head at him, being careful not to verbally say yes but instead just shake her head implying a yes. She definitely did not feel like sitting down and reliving her last few days through describing it to George. She felt bad since he was a good friend of hers but she just couldn’t deal with all that right now.

  She had to get to work and make up for being late yesterday. She really didn’t need to get fired on top of everything. She headed out of the coffee shop and chuckled at herself. Here she was so worried about losing her job and she didn’t even like it.

  Her dad wanted her to be a lawyer, which is why she was working as an entry level paralegal, but there was not a single bone in her entire body that wanted to be a lawyer. But as long as she continued working here, her bills got paid and her dad didn’t pester her so she figured that was a plus. Although he did check in with her at least once a week about when she was going to take the BAR exam and become an official lawyer, but she kept saying that she was still studying for it.

  That seemed to work for now, but she knew eventually she would either have to take the test or become a disappointment to her family. Caroline took a deep breath and finished her last few steps to the door of her office building, stepping inside for another day of work.


  Friday morning was one of Caroline’s favorite times of the week because it meant it was the last day of work before a weekend off. Most people in the law office left by 3pm at the very latest on Fridays, so usually she could escape from there a little early as well.

  She had been working so hard the last few days due to a large case as well as being behind from her late start on Monday. She also was trying to stay in her boss’s good graces since he did not take her tardiness on Monday well at all.

  Now after all the extra hours she had logged in the last three days, she was eager to get an early start on her weekend. She had been so busy that she had not even had time to go to the Java Jolt to pick up her morning coffee since Tuesday. Although, if she was being honest with herself, she was okay with that because she had been avoiding her conversation with George.

  However, today she had left a little early so she could chat with him. She hadn’t heard from Logan since he had spent the night with her on Monday night and she was completely confused as to what any of it meant. Her emotions went on constant swings from irritated to lonely to angry to confused.

  Today Caroline was sporting a gray pencil skirt beneath a breezy sheer pink blouse and pink camisole, along with nude high heels. She was feeling pretty confident so she wasn’t as anxious as she thought she would be as she entered the coffee shop. She quickly got into line and waived at George who had immediately spotted her. A few other baristas nodded at her as well with smiles, she was such a regular that everyone knew her.

  A few minutes later she was finally at the start of the line and handed her money over to the cashier, who was a new woman that she didn’t recognize. George signaled to her that he would talk to her over at one of the couches in the corner in a minute. So, she finished up her transaction and took her coffee over to the lounging area. George followed a few minutes later and plopped into a large chair across from her with a soda he was gulping down.

  “So, did sparks fly?” He said eagerly to her. Caroline smiled at him, trying not to blush.

  “Oh, goodness, I don’t even know. It was wild. The concert was great, obviously, you have heard his music.” George nodded in agreement, he liked his music even though it certainly wasn’t his favorite genre since he liked softer, easier listening.

  “We went backstage after the concert and had a lot of fun. There were definitely sparks happening and I thought something was about to happen but then he told me he had a girlfriend.” Caroline explained. George looked surprised.

  “Yeah, that was my reaction too. He wasn’t acting like someone who had a girlfriend. So, then nothing happened obviously but then he came to my house on Sunday. Which you know, since you gave him my address. Thanks for that by the way,” Caroline said sarcastically.

  “Sorry! I didn’t know he had a girlfriend! He seemed so infatuated with you. I wouldn’t have even guessed otherwise.” George defended himself.

  “Well, he said things are over with the girlfriend. That really it's more of a professional relationship since she is also his manager. He says he can’t really end things because of how wrapped up she is in his career, but there is no romance left between them. At least, that is what he claims. He also claims that he wants to be with me and figure out how to end things with her, but then I haven’t heard from him since he spent the night at my place on Monday.” Caroline continued.

  “Oh wow, so I was right then! There is chemistry there.” George said proudly, patting himself on the back and smiling.

  “Yeah, there is.” Caroline sighed, “Ugh, George, I don’t know what to do. I am not the kind of girl that dates a man involved with someone else. I don’t want to be some side fling. But he swears things are ending with her, so I don’t know what to do.”

  “Well, if it is meant to happen then things will work out. I wouldn’t stress about it that much. If you know that you don’t want anything to do with him while he has that girlfriend than just tell him that and stick to it, make him have to raise the bar in order to be with you. But from what you described, he sounds like a man in love, and not with his girlfriend.” George said smiling, standing up to head back to work since his break was almost over.

  “Yeah you are right. That’s what I will have to do, I guess. If I ever hear from him again, that is.” Caroline said to George, but something suddenly caught her attention off to the side of George. His eyes followed hers to see what she was looking at. The café had several televisions and one of them was near George and on a morning talk show where Logan’s face was smiling back at her.

  The two stared at the television for a moment reading the closed captioning since the volume was turned off. Logan was being interviewed by two cheerful hosts smiling back at him. The camera panned out for a moment though, which was when Caroline realized that Gina was sitting next to Logan.

  “Is that her?” George said to Caroline, turning back to look at her as he pointed at the television.

  Caroline couldn’t speak, but just nodded in confirmation, her eyes glued to the screen. Logan’s arm was relaxed across Gina’s shoulders and the words scrolling at the bottom of the screen were discussing an upcoming tour.

  “It’s going to be six months long around the globe and it is going to be jam packed, international and east coast to west coast finally ending in Las Vegas. Then I will be back home and sleeping because I will be exhausted.” Logan was saying to the host, jokingly.

  “And you know what they say, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.” Gina chimed in, winking at the cameras, her hand patting Logan’s knee.

  “Will we be hearing any Vegas wedding bells?” The host asked, laughing.

  “I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise!” Gina replied smiling at the host and leaning over to Logan where he responded by kissing her. Caroline jolted back in her seat at the sight of them kissing. Logan was smiling, he didn’t even look phased. He looked perfectly happy to b
e with her, cuddling up on the couch in front of the world. George turned back and looked at Caroline, a worried look on his face.

  “Looks to me like they are not as done as he said.” George told her.

  “Apparently not.” Caroline said, her teeth clenched together. She looked away from the television, she wasn’t going to watch the rest of this. She couldn’t. She stood up and took a gulp of her coffee.

  “I might as well head into work early, no point in torturing myself by watching this.” Caroline told George.

  “Sorry, Caroline. I am sure there is an explanation for it though. Try to keep an open mind.” George called after her as she headed towards the exit. She appreciated the advice but she was tired of being open. Her heart had been open and he just kept hurting her. She wasn’t going to be open anymore.

  Chapter Eleven

  Logan was stomping off of the set of a morning talk show with Gina at his heels.

  “Why are you even upset?” Gina said to him.

  “You practically just announced to the world that we are engaged, Gina! I don’t know about you, but I don’t remember proposing.” Logan responded, irritated.

  “Yeah, but it’s only a matter of time. We wanted this whole tour to go through before we thought about anything else. So, we can announce our engagement officially after the tour is over.” Gina said, shrugging and tossing her hair over her shoulder as she grabbed her purse and followed Logan out of the studio.

  “Gina, that is my point. I never said anything about getting engaged. It’s like everything is a business arrangement to you. Marriage isn’t a business, getting engaged isn’t a public relations move. It’s like my opinion doesn’t even matter to you.” Logan said, walking a little faster so that she would have to speed up to keep up with him.


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