Sand & Clay

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Sand & Clay Page 10

by Sarah Robinson

  “Hello again, potential matches! We are at our half way point so let’s take a little intermission. Everyone get some drinks and mingle!” The host had a high pitched and overly excited voice. Caroline couldn’t help but find herself annoyed at the lady. Either way, she was glad for the break. She got up and walked over to Aralia, Jackie quickly joined them, and they headed for the bar.

  “So, how were your dates?” Jackie asked the girls.

  “Let’s just say that I would be totally fine with skipping out right now.” Caroline said.

  “I am close to feeling that way too,” Aralia chimed in, “but I am an optimist and I think it will probably get better. Probably. We saw some cute guys when we first came in! Eventually, they will have to sit at our tables, right?”

  “Logic hasn’t always been on my side.” Caroline chuckled. They all ordered refills at the bar and finished the drinks they had. The two cousins headed back to the tables after they picked up their drinks but Caroline lingered at the bar a moment longer. She sipped on her drink and watched everyone getting back to their tables, gulping her nerves as she scoped out the men and didn’t see anyone she was interested in getting to know further.

  “Can I have one more?” Caroline asked the bartender, finishing her drink again. She was feeling a little buzzed but she wanted more than that if she was going to sit through some more awkward dates.

  “Lawyer with a drinking problem, now who is the stereotype?” a voice from behind Caroline said. She turned around to see Turner, the Jewish accountant who had been her second date, smiling at her. She couldn’t help but laugh.

  “I guess you got me.” Caroline smiled at him and leaned against the bar to face him, “but can you blame me for wanting to be drunk when meeting some of these people?”

  “Oh heck yeah, did you see the girl with the rainbow colored hair and piercings? She has more heavy metal on her face than I have on my iPod.” Turner said to Caroline, gesturing to the area of the room that the woman was at. Caroline burst out laughing at his joke.

  “Well, I don’t know if that can meet my train conductor who was overly excited to tell me how he gets discounts at crappy motels.” Caroline made a grimacing motion at the thought of it and Turner raised his eyebrows in surprise.

  “Yeah, I think you got me there. Cheers to crappy dates.” Turner chuckled and lifted his glass to her, the two clinked glasses together and sipped their drinks looking at each other over the rim of the glasses.

  Caroline couldn’t help but feel a little flutter in her stomach which she couldn’t quite explain. Turner was sweet and funny but had a nose you could hang a hat on, a massive amount of curly hair, and what could be described as a beer belly at the very least.

  Only a few weeks ago, she had been in the arms of a man with chiseled, magazine perfect features and a negative percent body fat whose arms around her made her lose all control of her body, and her thoughts. Now she was entertaining the idea of Turner, a sweet guy who she felt pretty confident would never hurt her but instead be the romantic and sensitive lover she had always wanted.

  However, he was an accountant, quite nerdy seeming, and extremely clumsy- not exactly someone who comes riding in on a white horse in a shining suit of armor.

  “So, Ms. Caroline, are you hungry?” Turner asked her, placing his drink on the bar along with a few bills to pay both of their tabs.

  “I could eat.” She smiled at him.

  “Let's play hooky then.” He said and winked at her, extending his arm to her. She grinned, accepted his arm, and followed him out of the restaurant. Caroline knew that Aralia and Jackie would be mad at her but she really didn’t care. She was exhausted meeting so many new people after having holed herself up in her room for so many weeks.

  Turner and Caroline walked a few blocks down and across Manhattan’s busy streets until they stopped at a small red door with a flickering red sign saying “EAT” above it. Turner reached for the door and Caroline stopped in her tracks.

  “Uh, are we actually going in there? I pointed out like eight different places on the way here that didn’t look like a morgue.” Caroline said to him which made him laugh.

  “Yes, but none of them are going to be as good as this place. I can guarantee you that you will never see food the same way again. Do you trust me?” Turner said looking at her, he extended out his hand to her. She paused for a moment then gave a half-hearted smile and took his hand.

  Turner opened the door and led her inside to a small restaurant no bigger than her apartment with small booths that were decorated with dingy, red checkered table cloths. They picked one on the right side and sat down.

  “Well, you certainly know how to wine and dine a girl.” Caroline said sarcastically with a chuckle.

  “Yep, that’s what makes me such a player.” He joked, stretching his arms out to act bigger than he is. The waitress walked up to them and looked like she was only a few years shy of one hundred.

  “What can I get you?” She asked in a hoarse voice. Caroline looked at Turner confusingly, they didn’t even have any menus yet.

  “We will both have the Hebrew special.” Turner said to her. Caroline didn’t say anything but wondered what she was about to be in for.

  “Drinks?” the waitress asked. Turner looked to Caroline.

  “Coke?” Caroline said. Turner echoed her choice in agreement. The waitress left their table and headed back through a swinging door into the kitchen, at least what Caroline assumed was the kitchen.

  “So, a Coke lady?” Turner said, “Most dates I have been on, the lady always orders a diet Coke.”

  “Coke tastes less like chemicals.” She laughed.

  “Brains and beauty. Why are you on a date with me then?” Turner asked.

  “One of life’s great mysteries.” She teased back. A moment later, their food arrived and Caroline inspected her food. She really couldn’t tell what it was, just a whole bunch of mystery ingredients and sauces in a wrap of some sort. Caroline bit into her falafel, as Turner had told her what it was. It was delicious even though she still couldn’t tell what was in it. She looked up at Turner with a surprised look on her face.

  “Oh, Turner, this is delicious!” Caroline quickly took another bite.

  “Told you to trust me.” He said while gulping his food down as well. The two finished their meals and chatted about their lives, leaving few pauses in their conversation. Caroline spent most of the time laughing since Turner was an expert at witty banter. The things he actually shared about his life were quite dull but his sense of humor made up for everything.

  He was an accountant living in a studio apartment who still did laundry on the weekends at his parents' house in New Jersey. He dreamed of owning his own accounting firm and living in the suburbs of Jersey with a white picket fence and a dog and a cat. It all seemed so easy and simple.

  The couple finished up eating and paid their bill, then headed out to the street. Turner hailed a taxi and the two hopped in. Caroline gave the driver her address and they headed back to her house, Turner was just going to drop her off and had kindly offered to pay for the cab. A few minutes later, the taxi slowed to a stop in front of Caroline’s apartment building and the couple hopped out. Turner handed some cash to the cabbie and asked him to wait for a few minutes.

  “Are you escorting me to my door?” Caroline asked him, blushing.

  “What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn’t?” He told her, smiling. He then extended his arm to her and she happily accepted, wrapping her arm around his. The two headed towards the door where the night doorman opened the door for them. Once in the lobby, Turner pressed the elevator button and then turned to face Caroline.

  “I am really glad I went to that event tonight. I didn’t expect it to actually work though.” Turner told her.

  “Expect what to work?” Caroline asked.

  “To actually meet a girl that makes me excited to wake up tomorrow just so that I can call her and ask to see her again.” Turner said so
ftly, looking down and then back up at her. Caroline leaned backwards against the wall and smiled back at him.

  “Well maybe she will wait by her phone tomorrow.” Caroline smiled back at him, looking at him from under her eyelashes. She couldn’t help but feel a stirring in her stomach like fluttering butterflies.

  Turner took a step towards her and placed his hands on her upper arms, pulling her towards him lightly.

  “Caroline?” Turner said softly, looking deep into her eyes. He was nervous and wanted to just lean in and kiss her, but his nerves were making him lock up.

  “Yes, Turner?” Caroline responded, leaning in, expecting him to kiss her. Instead, he pulled her to him, gave her a hug and then kissed her on the cheek. The elevator doors opened behind her and he pulled away, releasing her. She blinked in surprise, staring at him.

  “Have a good night.” Turner answered. He smiled at her and then headed towards the door to the waiting taxi outside. Caroline turned around and stepped into the elevator, her face was puzzled as she tried to figure out what had just happened and why he hadn’t kissed her. The doors closed and she hit the button for her floor. She sighed and shook her head. She couldn’t believe the luck she was having with men lately.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Turner hopped into the taxi that was still waiting for him out front and gave the driver his address. He sat back in his seat and sighed, silently smacking himself in the head for screwing that up. He saw the confused look on her face when he had walked away. She had definitely expected him to kiss her, so why had he doubted that and chickened out at the last minute?

  “You look upset, mon.” The cab driver spoke to Turner in a thick Jamaican accent, looking at him through the rear view mirror as he weaved through Manhattan’s streets.

  “Yeah. I think I just messed that up.” Turner said, pushing his curly hair back with his hand.

  “I don’t know about that, guy, the lady looked like she was really feeling ya, know what I am saying, mon?” The driver responded.

  “I wish I had realized that about three minutes ago.” Turner sighed again.

  “Ah, well, mon, I think there is always another go with the ladies. It ain’t never too late, you know? You just gotta make it up, you know the ladies, mon, they like the big gestures and romantic stuff, you know?” The cabbie said as he pulled up to Turner’s apartment building.

  Turner thanked him for the advice and paid him, then headed up to his apartment. His building was definitely not as nice as Caroline’s and didn’t even have an elevator. He huffed and puffed up seven flights of stairs until he got to his door and let himself inside his small studio apartment. He quickly undressed and got into bed. He closed his eyes but all he could see was her face.

  Her soft and pale face surrounded by those wavy locks falling past her shoulders, the piercing hazel eyes peaking out under dark, long eyelashes, and her gentle blushing cheeks turned up by her red, smiling lips. He fell asleep smiling for the first night in a long time.


  “What the hell, Caroline?” was the first thing she heard when she picked up the phone the next morning.

  “What? Who is this?” Caroline asked, confused. She sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes, yawning.

  “It’s your best friend that you completely left stranded with a bunch of weirdos last night without as much as a wave goodbye.” Aralia barked into the phone, clearly ticked off.

  “Didn’t you get my text?” Caroline said.

  “Uh, no, because you didn’t send a text! You just up and left and the bartender told me you left with some guy.” Aralia responded.

  “Alright, well I didn’t send a text but I thought about sending one. That should count for something.” Caroline said, trying to lighten the mood. Aralia paused for a second, then laughed.

  “Jeez, stop it. I am trying to stay mad at you.” Aralia said.

  “But you love me and you are at least slightly proud that I left with a guy last night. Admit it.” Caroline got out of bed, tucking the phone between her cheek and her shoulder, as she got dressed.

  “Well, that is true, I guess. Okay well you better tell me all about it then! Spill.” Aralia demanded.

  “Well, his name is Turner and he is an accountant. He is a little nerdy but he is so sweet and he has the best sense of humor ever. He kept me laughing all night.” Caroline beamed into the phone, recalling her night.

  “Oh, Caroline, that sounds perfect for you! Your dad would definitely approve.” Aralia laughed.

  “Yeah, I know, that is the only down side.” Caroline said sarcastically and the two girls laughed in response.

  “ Tell me you didn’t sleep with him though.” Aralia asked.

  “Gosh, Aralia, who do you think I am? Of course, I didn’t. He just walked me to the elevator.” Caroline responded.

  “And?” Aralia pushed.

  “And nothing. He didn’t even kiss me. I thought he was going to but then I just got a hug and a peck on the cheek. Not sure why, I think he just got nervous. He said he was going to call today though. I think he might actually be what I need right now though. After Logan, I just don’t think I can handle that kind of whirlwind romance anymore.

  I need someone just steady and average and who will be there for me. I think that Turner would be that kind of guy, I feel like he would be the kind of guy that would never hurt me.” Caroline started explaining.

  “Well, I guess that is good then, right? At least that is good for now. But I wouldn’t give up on that whirlwind type of love. You never want to settle, you know?” Aralia told her.

  “Yeah, I know. I know what you are saying.” Caroline sighed, brushing her hair while looking in the mirror. “The truth is that I miss Logan. I still do and I know I shouldn’t and that I should just move on, and maybe dating someone like Turner is the only way to do that.”

  “Yeah, I can understand that.” Aralia agreed. “Well, I guess since I know you are safe now and not chopped up in lying in a ditch somewhere, I will let you go.”

  Caroline laughed at Aralia’s sarcasm and said goodbye and the two girls hung up the phone. It was Sunday morning and Caroline was enjoying having slept in a little bit and having the full day off to renew her energy before another long week at work. She clipped her hair up into a loose bun, ran a washcloth over her face, and slipped on some old jeans with a rip at the knee and tears in random places.

  She then put on her sports bra and headed into the kitchen to make something to eat. Her apartment was a bit warm, so she was enjoying the breeze of not wearing a shirt which was pretty normal for her anyways. Anytime she would go work out, she would just wear a tight sports bra.

  Caroline was pouring coffee beans into her coffee grinder as she heard a knock at her door. She knew it was probably Jackie since Aralia had most likely just told her about Caroline’s night and now Jackie would want to hear the whole story herself. Jackie was always coming over for brunch because Aralia was the night owl but Jackie was the morning bird. Caroline put down the bag of coffee beans and trotted over to the front door, tossing it open and then heading back into the kitchen.

  “So, Aralia called you? I mean I just got off the phone with her.” Caroline laughed as she turned on the coffee grinder. “Word travels fast with you two!”

  “Well, I don’t know who Aralia is but I am sure she meant to catch me up on all the juicy details.” Turner was standing in her kitchen doorway smiling at her. He was holding a white paper bag with a bagel shop’s logo on it and awkwardly shuffling his feet.

  “Turner!” Caroline spun around to realize who she had just let enter her apartment.

  “I am sorry, I wasn’t expecting you! I thought you were my friend, Jackie.” Caroline explained and pulled her ground up coffee beans out of the grinder, dumping them into the coffee maker.

  “I hope it is okay that I just showed up like this.” Turner told her, placing the bag of bagels on the counter.

  “Of course, I am glad to see you.” She paused wh
at she was doing and leaned against the counter to look at him. She surprised herself realizing that she really was happy to see him, very happy actually. He smiled back at her and took a step towards her.

  “I realized last night that I completely forgot something.” Turner said, his hand running down from her shoulder to her elbow in a gentle caress.

  “What’s that?” She smiled shyly at him, looking up at him through her eyelashes. He was a bit shorter than her, so that wasn’t super easy to do but she did it anyways, trying to look flirty. He leaned in a little closer to her and her breath quickened.

  “To ask you for your share of the bill for all those drinks and dinner.” Turner said, inches from her face, grinning. Caroline pulled back and furrowed her brow at him.

  “What?” She asked surprised. “Seriously?”

  “Am I ever serious?” Turner said and then pulled her tight up against him, his right arm wrapping around her back and his left hand cupping the side of her face, pulling her toward him. His lips touched hers gently and Caroline’s tense body began to ease as she let go and enjoyed his kiss. She slipped her arms up around his neck and leaned into his body, allowing him to hold her up.

  He dipped a little and she realized he wasn’t strong enough to hold her entirely so she regained her balance. She smiled as she kissed him because she had never imagined herself with someone smaller than her who couldn’t even hold her or look her level in the eyes. It didn’t matter though because he was a good kisser, he was funny, and he was so sweet to her.

  Turner pulled back from her after a few minutes and broke their kiss, putting some space between them.

  “Alright, lady, control your hormones. I am not some play toy, you know.” He said smiling at her and she laughed in response. He grabbed the bag of bagels and held them up.

  “I see you made the coffee and I have the bagel and lox, it’s a perfect match.” He grinned and grabbed two plates off the dish rack and laid them out on the kitchen table. He began pulling food out of the bag and preparing their breakfast on the plates. Caroline grabbed two mugs from the cabinet and poured the hot coffee into them, added some cream and a bit of sugar and brought them to the table.


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