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Sand & Clay

Page 11

by Sarah Robinson

  “I’ve never had bagels with lox before.” Caroline told him as she sat down in front of her plate and picked up the breakfast entrée.

  “Seriously? My goodness, Caroline, I am seriously beginning to question your upbringing. First falafels, now lox, I mean what is a man supposed to think?” He joked, mocking her.

  “I guess I have a lot to learn.” She teased back and started eating her breakfast. She chewed her first bite for a moment then looked at him with a nervous look on her face.

  “You don’t like it.” Turner said, watching her grimace as she attempted to swallow her breakfast. She shook her head no and grabbed a napkin, quickly spitting it out.

  “I’m sorry! Oh god, you are probably pretty grossed out right now.” Caroline said, quickly jumping up to discard her napkin.

  “Of course not, you could never gross me out.” Turner laughed at her and pulled the lox off her bagel, replacing it with another layer of cream cheese instead.

  “There, this should suit your tastes better, my dear.” Turner replaced her plate and she sat back down.

  “Thank you. I’m so sorry.” Caroline smiled at him sheepishly.

  “Nothing to be sorry for. Especially when you are dressed like that.” He told her, winking, and reached over to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. She smiled at him and he couldn’t help but kiss her after seeing her gorgeous smile. The couple kissed gently for a moment and then smiled and returned to their breakfast. About twenty minutes later, they cleaned up their breakfast and headed into the living room. Caroline briefly ducked into her bedroom to find a tank top and pulled it on before heading back out to the living room to Turner.

  “Not a fan of the new look.” Turner grinned mischievously at her from where he was sitting on the couch. Caroline stuck her tongue out at him playfully and then plopped down on the couch next to him. He had turned on the television and was clicking through different morning shows. Caroline tucked her legs up against Turner and lounged back against the couch, watching him.

  “Oh, awesome, you have all the music channels. High roller, huh?” He glanced at her and winked, she smiled at him. She was just enjoying being with him, it was easy and simple.

  “I love this artist, have you heard this song? It only came out a few weeks ago and has already topped like every music chart, which is pretty impressive for just a simple love song. Clay doesn’t usually have such mellow music which is probably one of the reasons it caught everyone’s attention, but I think it’s because it is so real.

  You can tell Clay must really love his girlfriend, I think its Jenna or something like that.” Turner was rambling but Caroline had frozen the moment she heard the song playing through her television’s speakers. She was glued to each word that she had already memorized because she had listened to Logan’s song so many times over the last few weeks.

  “Her hazel eyes over hazelnut coffee,

  her upturned nose, and her stubborn pose.

  She rules the roast as she scoffs into her cup,

  and rolls her eyes as if I’m not enough.

  She tossed my music, like she tossed my heart,

  her little button nose like a cupid’s dart.

  Can’t stand her mouth because her tongue is sharp,

  her words cut the strings on my harp.

  but she is the sour that made my day sweet,

  the prettiest lips I should never want to meet,

  and the shiniest eyes I never want to leave,

  through my heart strings, she started to weave.

  Those hazel eyes hide her chained up heart,

  but her play is over, now it’s my part.”

  “Caroline? Caroline? Earth to Caroline?” Turner was staring at her and she realized that he had been trying to get her attention for awhile.

  “Sorry? What did you say?” Caroline said, trying to choke out the words and keep from starting to cry.

  “I was saying don’t you think that Clay’s jump from his usual rocker playboy status to this love song means he is probably head over heels in love with his girlfriend, Jenna? It’s great to have role models out there for young guys that aren’t playboys.” Turner continued to talk.

  “It’s Gina.” Caroline interrupted.

  “What?” Turner paused.

  “Logan Clay is dating Gina, Gina Vile.” Caroline said softly and then burst into tears. She covered her face with her hands and tried to stop the tears from continuing. Turner sat up abruptly to look at her, concern and surprise covering his face.

  “Caroline! Are you okay? I am sorry, what did I say wrong?” He pulled her towards him and hugged her, she softened into his arms with her legs still tucked against her chest. Her sobbing slowed as she got a grip over it and tried to regain control. Turner was just hugging her, silently, since he didn’t know what was going on or what to say. After a moment, Caroline sat up and wiped her face.

  “I am sorry.” She said, standing up and heading to the bathroom to grab a towel.

  She wiped her face off and dabbed her puffy eyes with a freshly wet towel. After a minute or so, she walked back into the living room attempting to improve her previously tear-stained look. Turner didn’t say anything, but stood up and walked over to her, pulling her in for another hug. He had no idea what had just happened but his father had always told him that if a woman cries, he should just be quiet and hug her.

  She appreciated his hug and gently kissed him to show her appreciation for his kindness. He pushed the hair out of her face and kissed her again, wrapping his arms around her waist. The kiss started gentle but quickly jumped to deeper and more passionate as the two lost their surroundings to focus just on each other’s embrace.

  Within a few minutes, Turner had pulled her shirt up over her head and the two were stumbling towards the bedroom. Caroline fell backwards onto the bed and Turner unbuttoned his shirt, dropping it on the floor, as he climbed on top of her. The two quickly and loudly disappeared into the blankets together.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Dad, please don’t interrogate him. He really is a nice guy. There is no need for any of that.” Caroline said into the phone, talking with her father.

  “What does he do?” John Sanders, Caroline’s father, asked her over the phone.

  “He is an accountant at a really great firm here in the city. He can tell you all about it when you meet him.” Caroline told him.

  “What family is he from? Do they have any houses here in the Hamptons?” He asked.

  “No, I don’t think so. His family is from New Jersey but they own a chain of restaurants that are very successful and they are well known throughout New Jersey. But, Dad, that really shouldn’t even matter. Just give him a chance, okay? We will head up there Saturday morning and stay the weekend, okay? See you in a few days, I need to head to work.” Caroline said goodbye to her father and hung up the phone. It was Thursday and she was walking to work, about to head in to the Java Jolt for her morning pick up.

  George waved at her when she entered the shop and grabbed a cup, nodding to her that he was starting her regular drink order. She got in line and pulled out her wallet, counting out a few dollars as she reached the front of the line.

  “How is the boyfriend?” George asked her, smiling and handing her a cup of coffee as she handed over her cash.

  “Oh, Turner is great,” Caroline smiled, “we are headed to the Hamptons on Saturday morning for the weekend.”

  “The Hamptons? Does that mean what I think it means?” George said, his eyebrows raised.

  “Yep, he is meeting the folks. We have been dating for almost five months now, you know? It seems like it is time. At least my dad is insisting that it is time.” Caroline said, rolling her eyes.

  “You sound excited.” George said sarcastically.

  “Well, I am, I mean, it’s not that. I guess I just want the weekend to be over with,” Caroline smiled, “you should probably check back with me on Monday.”

  “Good luck, Caroline. I put an extra sho
t in your coffee to help you out.” George smiled at her.

  “You are a saint, George!” Caroline called back to him as she headed out of the coffee shop and continued on to work.


  “Where the heck is it?” Caroline muttered, shuffling around inside her purse on her lap. Turner glanced over at her from the driver’s seat in the car to see what she was doing.

  “Lose something?” He questioned her as he flipped on the turn signal and glided the car into the right lane. A sign up ahead said the exit for The Hamptons was only three quarters of a mile away.

  “I can’t find my comb!” Caroline said in exasperation as she started yanking things out of her purse and haphazardly strewing things around the car.

  “Your comb? What do you need a comb for?” He chuckled at her, “You are making a mess, what is going on with you?”

  “For my hair, Turner, what do you think?” She scoffed at him in irritation.

  “Alright, alright, no need to bite my head off, honey. You look great, you don’t need a comb.” Turner said, pulling off the highway onto the exit ramp. Caroline sighed and gave up, placing her purse on the floor by her feet. She sagged back against the car seat and looked out the window with her arms folded across her chest.

  “I haven’t been home in awhile. I just don’t want to deal with all the crap I always get from Dad.” Caroline muttered, still irritated. Turner reached over and squeezed her knee and then grabbed her hand, holding it.

  “Babe, there is nothing to worry about. Your dad will be happy because you are doing great at work, you got that promotion to junior legal assistant and you are scheduled to take the BAR test in a few months. You are dating an amazing, hot guy that all parents fall all over in adoration. What could possibly go wrong?” Turner said jokingly, trying to lighten her mood.

  Caroline continued to hold onto her frustration but couldn’t help but smile at his attempts at humor. She squeezed his hand back and turned to look at him.

  “I know, they are going to love you. You are like the definition of exactly who they want me to be with.” Caroline chuckled.

  “Uh oh, does the rebellious teen in you not like that?” Turner grinned at her.

  “I’ll figure out a way to get over it.” She teased back.

  At this point, the car was in a residential area and the GPS was alerting the couple that they were approaching their destination. Caroline scrambled to reassemble her purse and smooth her hair in the overhead mirror while Turner pulled the car into a driveway entrance and started driving up the very long and winding driveway through a path of trees.

  After a few minutes, the trees thinned out and a large house appeared in front of a circular driveway with a few higher end cars parked to the side. The landscaping was impeccable as every tree was trimmed and flowers were delicately arranged in beautiful patterns. The house itself was a white brick with olive green shutters, a bright red door, and a wraparound porch across the first floor.

  As the couple climbed out of the car, Turner raised his eyebrows in admiration at the large, standard Hampton house in which Caroline had grown up. Caroline grabbed her bag out of the back seat and closed the door to the car. Turner met her at the front of the car and wrapped his arm around her. He grabbed the bag from her so that she didn’t have to hold it and grabbed his own bag as well.

  “You grew up in this house?” Turner asked.

  “Yeah, I know. It’s a nice house. Not really me though, my parents like to wear their money on their sleeves. I’ve always hated that they do that.” Caroline said as the two walked up the steps to the porch. Turner looked at her and opened his mouth to respond but didn’t get a chance because the front door swung open and a very tall, white haired, stocky older man stepped out. His eyes were glued on Turner and his face was stern, no hint of welcoming.

  “Daddy!” Caroline greeted her father and skipped forward to wrap her arms around him. She couldn’t help it, she would always be a Daddy’s girl. Finally a smile broke across the large man’s face as he responded to Caroline’s hug and squeezed his daughter tight.

  “My Carrie bear, it’s so good to see you.” He leaned down to kiss her cheek. A brunette, slender older woman dressed in a silk dress with a large, jeweled necklace and several bracelets adorning both wrists poked her head out from behind Caroline’s father. Her face was the exact opposite and was beaming with excitement. She stepped around and embraced her daughter.

  “Carrie, sweetie, you look so beautiful.” Caroline’s mother told her, hugging her again.

  “Carrie, are you going to introduce us to your gentleman friend?” Caroline’s father boomed in his deep voice while standing and staring at Turner, still no hint of friendliness on his face. Turner stood to the side of Caroline, clearly nervous, with a pensive smile on his face.

  “Oh, yes, of course. Dad, Mom, this is my boyfriend Turner Schwartz. Turner, this is my Dad, John Sanders, and my Mom, Elizabeth Sanders.” Caroline motioned to everyone during the introductions. Turner smiled and offered his hand to Caroline’s father.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Sanders.” Turner shook his hand and Caroline’s father looked him up and down suspiciously, not saying anything more than a grunt and a nod. Caroline’s mother rolled her eyes and gave her husband a little push to the side and took his place shaking Turner’s hand.

  “I am so glad to finally meet you, Turner. You can call me Elizabeth. Come, come, let’s go inside, it’s chilly out here.” Caroline’s mother told everyone and ushered them inside the large house.

  “Just leave your bags by the door, kids.” Elizabeth instructed, “Rosie will take it to your rooms.”

  “Rooms?” Caroline asked, “Mom, I think I am old enough to share a room with my boyfriend.”

  “Not under my roof.” Caroline’s father huffed and then turned and headed into a side room which was the study. A plump, middle aged woman wearing a maid’s uniformed entered from the opposite side of the foyer and picked up their luggage.

  “Nice to see you again, Ms. Caroline, it’s been quiet around here without you.” Rosie greeted her. Caroline smiled and rushed over to hug her.

  “Oh, Rosie, I missed you! How are you doing?” Caroline asked, giving her a hug.

  “I am late on finishing dinner, Ms. Caroline, so I need to rush.” Rosie gave her a wink and then headed up the stairs with the luggage. Caroline turned back to face her mom, Turner wrapped his arm around her waist in an attempt to ground himself since he was still nervous.

  “Let’s go in the sitting room until dinner is ready, Rosie is making your favorite! Roast beef and potatoes.” Elizabeth explained as the couple followed her down a hallway and into a very bright sitting room with several couches. The décor could have been right out of a magazine or an upscale catalog. Caroline and Turner settled themselves onto a floral patterned couch, sitting next to one another. Elizabeth picked a seat diagonally across from them and continued to talk.

  “So, tell me about yourself Turner! We are dying to get to know the man who has stolen our daughter’s heart, she has never brought a boyfriend home before, you know.” Caroline’s mother gushed as Caroline turned bright red.

  “We liked it that way too.” Caroline’s father said, entering the room, having gotten himself a glass of scotch. He took a swig and then sat in a large chair near the fireplace and stared at Turner, who cleared his throat to ease his nerves.

  “Well, I am an accountant. I am Jewish as you can probably tell from the last name and the large schnoz.” Turner grinned, pointing at his nose. Elizabeth chuckled at his joke but John stayed straight faced. Turner cleared his throat again and then continued.

  “Well, my parents own a chain of four star restaurants throughout Northern New Jersey and I worked at several of those restaurants when I was growing up, but I love math and numbers so I went to Princeton for college and became an accountant a few-“ Turner was saying when John interrupted him.

  “You are a Princeton graduate?” Caroline�
��s father sat up straight in his chair, questioning Turner.

  “Yes, sir. Class of 2006, summa cum laude.” Turner nodded in pride, eager to have found something that softened her father’s face.

  “My boy, come on, let me show you my collection.” John stood up and finished his drink in a quick gulp, then motioned for Turner to follow him out of the room. “I am a Princeton man myself, class of 1982. Let me ask you a question, is Professor Stein still over there in the…”

  The men’s voices trailed off as they left the sitting room, excitedly chatting about their alma mater. Elizabeth stood up and joined Caroline on her couch, grabbing her hands.

  “My dear, Carrie, how have you been? Tell me everything now that the men have abandoned us.” Elizabeth chuckled, squeezing her daughter’s hands.

  “Everything is great, Mom. Nothing has really changed, still working at the firm and doing well there. Turner and I are doing well. Everything is great. Oh, Jackie and Aralia send their love.” Caroline gabbed.

  “Oh, those sweet girls. I miss them, tell them to come visit soon! I haven’t seen them in at least a year.” Elizabeth crooned.

  “I will tell them.” Caroline nodded. Elizabeth leaned back on the couch and sighed, a serious look coming over her face.

  “So, have you heard from Logan or has Turner completely eclipsed that romance?” Her mother asked her.

  Caroline startled in surprise at the mention of Logan’s name, just hearing it felt like a stab through her heart. Caroline forgot that she had told her mother about Logan shortly after their separation. She had been so down and depressed for weeks after Logan went on tour and the lovers split ways, she had turned to her mother for a few phone calls of comfort.

  Her mother had kept her confidence and not mentioned anything to her father, which was great because a rock star was not who her father had ever pictured her with. She didn’t need to hear that lecture too. Caroline shook her head in response to her mother.


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