The Government: Dark Days

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The Government: Dark Days Page 23

by Joseph Storm

  Joe looked out into the dark woods. “This day is meaningless to them. The quieter they are...the more nervous I get.”

  Gunner broke out the bottle of wine he was saving. “A little wine...with the fish.” He unscrewed the cap from the bottle. “Father...couldn’t you have spared a few more bucks for the corked kind? I mean...come’s for God.”

  “The cheaper the parishioners...the cheaper the wine, son.”

  “It’s Christmas Eve,” Becky announced. “Enough talk of governments and screw top wine. Since my day would normally consist of eating delicious Chinese take out and my mother’s crispy eggplant parm...let’s go around and see what everyone else would love on this day. One thing you really wanted for Christmas.”

  “Me first,” Stacey called out.

  “Nothing new there,” Gunner whispered under his breath.

  “Diamonds! The necklace I’ve been asking for...up to a year now!”

  “I hate to ruin the surprise...but, I bought it for you. It’s back at the house,” Robert told her.

  “You jerk! A lot of good it will do me there! Why didn’t you take it with you?”

  “Umm...I was sort of in a hurry.”

  “What did you get him?” Becky asked Stacey.

  “Have you looked at this body? I work hard on it all year. A hot wife...not a fat cow like most other wives. And to think I had a kid!”

  “That’s all a husband could ask for,” Robert said to her, as they kissed each other. “However, a fresh copy of the New York Times would make my day!”

  Gunner rolled his eyes. “My turn,” he said.

  “A six pack?” Becky asked.

  “A fresh copy of the New York Times,” he said in a serous manner.

  Robert Yale now rolled his eyes. “Can you read?”

  “Read it? I’ll wipe my ass with it,” Gunner said.

  Laughs came from the group, as the newspaper was the lead supporter of the current administration.

  “What do you really want?” Becky asked Gunner.

  “My family back,” he said, staring Robert Yale down.

  “Let’s not fight,’s Christmas,” Becky interjected. “Come on...anything. Food, gifts, people...anything.”

  Gunner was deep in thought. “Ah hell, you’re probably right...a six pack...cold. Actually, since it’s a holiday...upgrade that to a twelve pack.”

  Everyone laughed, as Becky turned her attention to Father Tyme. “Father?”

  “Peace,” he said.

  “’re supposed to say that. Be selfish for a moment! Just this once!”

  ‘I don’t suppose antibiotics will satisfy your curiosity?”

  “That’s a given,” Becky answered.

  He was quiet for a moment. “My church back,” he said with sincerity, as everyone looked down. “That old building was more than a place for people to visit on Sundays. It was my home. On this eve...before Christ was born...I’d like to go home.”

  “Very nice, Father,” Becky said.

  “What about you?” Joe asked Becky.

  “I already answered...My mother’s eggplant!”

  “Now who’s the one deflecting?” Striker asked.

  A serious look crept upon her face. She blushed with redness, fighting everything within her to say, “True love.”

  “A gift worthy of us all,” Father Tyme said.

  “And just what does the mighty Joe Striker want?” Gunner called out.

  “I can never get back what I want.”

  “It doesn’t stop us from wanting it,” Becky said, anticipating what he would say.

  Joe looked her in the eyes. “I want my wi...” he started to say, as his eyes darted from Becky’s to a flame lit apparition floating in behind her.

  “Wifi?” Gunner asked. “You miss the fucking internet?”

  Paleness filled Joe’s face, as he looked like he was gazing upon a ghost. He slowly rose, wanting to soak up the vision before it vanished before his eyes.

  Becky looked behind her, gasping in startled fright. Gunner gripped his empty gun, pointing it towards an incoming woman.

  “You see her too?” Joe Striker asked in amazement.

  “Of course, kid...I’m not that drunk. Who are you?” Gunner called out to her.

  “I’m lost,” the tearful woman said, as she stepped further into the light. Becky studied her, wondering why she had such an impact on Joe.

  Gunner moved closer, holding the weapon. “What are you doing out a time like this?”

  “My name is Jane. I’m from Front Royal...they’ve taken over it completely. I was evicted from my be relocated to the city-center! I ran...had no where to go!” she cried.

  All of a sudden, a hand was placed on Gunner’s weapon, lowering it down to the ground. It was Joe Striker’s hand.

  “What the hell are you doing? I’m trying to feel her out!” Gunner yelled.

  Joe ignored Gunner’s rant, almost as if he were in a trance. He continued on towards the tearful girl, placing his hand on her face, caressing every inch of skin. Striker wiped her tear with his fingertip, letting the wetness absorb his skin.

  “What’s gotten into you, kid?” Gunner asked.

  “Are you all right?” Becky wondered in a concerned manner.

  Jane looked scared, as Joe leaned in and kissed her lips. He felt the same pillowy texture as Jenny once had. In fact, she was identical to his deceased wife. Her jet black hair, brown eyes, length of eye lashes, smoothness of skin, etc. It wasn’t only her perfection which mirrored the woman, it was the tiny imperfections: a birth mark on her upper eyelid, dimples in her cheeks, eyebrows which slightly merged into one. Joe Striker was convinced. “Jenny,” he said in disbelief.

  “Would somebody get ahold of him, before we officially have to commit the poor bastard!” Gunner called out.

  Becky approached Joe, gently separating him from the scared girl. He was led away, back towards the fire.

  Jane was welcomed to the group with open arms, given the remaining food, and basked in the remaining moments of a warm flame. Joe kept his distance, watching her from afar. He was almost spooked, as if a ghost walked amongst him. Becky approached, seeing the confusion on his face. “You must’s not her,” she said. “No matter how much she resembles your wife.”

  “It’’s...what are the odds? She’s like a carbon copy...even sounds like her. It’s as if someone plucked her from heaven...placing her before me. I’ve been granted a second chance to save her.”

  Becky exhaled, realizing that whatever she and Joe had built, came crashing down for a total stranger. She was even more concerned about his instant loyalty to a person who hadn’t earned his trust.

  “Promise me, Joe. Promise me, you’ll be careful. I mean...she may have Jenny’s looks...though you loved her for her compassion...her kindness. Let her earn your Jenny once did.”

  “I have to talk to her,” he said, getting up, ignoring the valuable words that Becky offered him.

  “Don’t make this harder on yourself,” Becky called out.

  He moved towards Jane, arriving at her side. “Can I join you?” he asked.

  “Please do,” she said.

  “I’m...I’m sorry for before...I don’t know what’s gotten into me?”

  “Don’t be sorry...there are worse things than being kissed. Have a seat.”

  Joe sat down, locking upon her face with his eyes. “I’ve only seen a face as beautiful once in my life.”

  “Who?” she asked him.

  “My wife.”

  “Where is she?”

  “She was the men you’re running from.”

  “I’m so sorry to hear that.”

  “Just know...I won’t let them hurt you. Even if I have to sacrifice my own life.”

  “I didn’t know your wife...but she was clearly a lucky woman to have a man like you,” she told him.

  Joe placed his hand on top of Jane’s. He quickly re
moved it, “I’m sorry...I just can’t get my mind straight.”

  She took his hand and placed it back on top. “I’ve been alone and scared for weeks. I could use a comforting touch,” she said, leaning into his chest in an embrace. Joe inhaled deeply, smelling the familiar scent of Jenny’s rose pedal perfume. The anguish and emptiness that he felt since losing her, vanished in a moment. Jane could see Becky staring her down from afar. The two shot each other looks of untrusting suspicion.

  Something isn’t right here, Becky told herself.


  The phone ringtone blasted a slow hand cranked alarm, similar to the Hanoi Hilton. Xavier jumped up from his Pentagon office couch, having still been in town for Judas’s wedding. He managed to nod off for a few minutes of rare sleep. The untrusting man never slept for more than twenty minutes at a time, wanting to make sure that he maintained control of his surroundings.

  Xavier answered the phone. “Commander Sin speaking...did we get them?”

  A guard spoke from the other end of the phone. “Sir, we have located the enemy’s firelight. Upon appears their numbers have grown. Our teams will take time to re-coordinate...but the targets are asleep. Should we attack?”

  Commander Xavier Sin thought for a moment. “No...tell the men to back off. Stay ready to be called upon at a moment’s notice.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The commander hung up the phone, then dialed another number. “Drone force,” the voice answered.

  “Are the napalm drones completed yet?” Xavier asked.

  “They are complete...though have not received a test run.”

  “Then there’s no better time than now. Get it fueled up...and loaded.”


  “They’re coming for you!” a ghostly voice sounded throughout Striker’s head. He bolted out of his sleep.

  Frantically looking around, he searched for someone, anyone, knowing that it was Jenny’s voice. No one was around.

  Joe pulled himself together, turning to see the spot next to him abandoned. It was the one occupied by Jane. Disturbed by what he still saw as his resurrected wife, Joe searched for her trail, finding footsteps leading into the woods.

  He ran forward, searching every inch around him. Finally he located her. She was facing away from him, leaning towards a tree. “Jen!...I mean...Jane?”

  The nervous looking girl waited a moment before turning around. “Yes?”

  “What were you doing out yourself?”

  “I was...using the bathroom.”

  “Oh...we designate ensure safety and non-contamination. It’s on the other side...I thought Becky told you.”

  “I forgot...hard to remember everything.”

  “I understand...wait,” he said, focusing in on a sound.

  The humming of a jet engine sounded from the skies. He looked upward. “We need to move now!”

  “Why?” she asked.

  “No time to explain,” he said, grabbing her by the arm. She reluctantly went with him, causing a little resistance.

  Joe and Jane returned to the group, as Striker called out at the top of his lungs. “Everyone up now! Enemy plane in the sky!”

  Everyone was startled, though used to picking up fast. “How do you know it’s a government bird?” Gunner asked.

  “They’ve banned all other air traffic!” he said.

  “Looks like Christmas won’t be so damned merry after all,” Gunner yelled out, as he started to move.

  Joe turned to Jane, who was standing next to Becky. “Stick close to me, don’t leave my side!” he shouted.

  “Ok,” Becky and Jane answered simultaneously. Joe turned to Jane, almost as if she was the only woman that existed.

  Becky lowered her head for a moment, until the sound of a circling plane took over her thoughts. “Run!” she yelled.

  In just minutes, the group was in full flight from the area.


  Commander Xavier sat in a control room of the Pentagon. He was joined by a pilot, who operated the drone by remote.

  They watched the scene unfold on a monitor. It provided virtual real time, as only a delay of seconds existed.

  “We’re arriving at the coordinates, sir,” he said, zooming in on the infrared glow of the night vision cameras.

  “They’re in sight!” Xavier called out, seeing the frightened people in flight. Joe separated the group in two halves, avoiding the creation of a massive target to be struck with one blow.

  “Drop the first payload,” Xavier ordered.

  “Dropping, sir,” the guard said, as he pressed a simple red button.


  The drone cruised through the moist air, opening its bay doors. The sleek, aerodynamic machine dropped twenty flaming napalm bombs onto the first group.

  Little sparks floated from the sky, like a storm of fireflies and fairies. To the average person, it almost portrayed a ballet of beauty. Each firelight sailed through the sky with such grace, one would expect the sounds of Tchaikovsky to accompany it. The first group of people stopped running. They gazed upward. Not expecting the administration to take such drastic measures, they were entranced and puzzled by the sight, each person basking in the mystery.

  “Flares!” one of the men called out.

  Joe was in the second group, leading the way forward. He turned his head back, seeing his people gaze into the air. Striker looked upward, catching the deadly sight which owned their attention.

  “Napalm! That’s deadly!”

  Before his words could penetrate their brains, the twenty napalm bombs crashed down into the cold dirt. They exploded with vengeance, landing in clusters throughout the group. Screams of horror filled the air, as walls of flames shot up, out, and across, flowing its way through the crowd.

  “No!” Striker yelled. He ran towards them, only to be knocked back by the searing heat. Becky joined him, covering him up, using herself as a human shield. Jane watched from afar, not attempting to block Joe’s path into harms way.

  “It’s too late!” Becky yelled to Joe.

  Gunner joined them. “Kid...we’re up next! No time for grieving! Go!”

  Joe Striker stumbled to his feet, watching in sickness as the twenty separate bombs merged into one deadly disaster. Separate flames united, melting mounds of innocent flesh to the ground.

  The cries had gone silent, as one last body leapt from the graveyard of fire, crawling towards the group. There was no way of telling who it was or what sex it once was. The hair had been burned off, as the skin slid from its skull. Joe watched in horror, as the body of only bone finally went still, crumbling to nothing but ash. The drone began the re-circling pattern, preparing to complete its mission.

  Joe Striker pulled himself together, rejoining the fleeing group.


  “Bulls-eye!” Commander Xavier cheered out loud.

  “Direct hit, sir. Making the pass for round two,” the guard said.

  “He should have joined us...but instead...he’ll pay the price!” He didn’t know if Striker was dead or alive, though either way, he would be dealt with soon.


  “It’s coming back!” Robert yelled, causing each person to run, emptying of cold breath fast. Most of the group stopped, choking in exhaustion. They didn’t have anything left.

  “We need to keep moving! Don’t create a target!” Joe Striker huffed.

  “There’s no fleeing this one,” Gunner said. ‘For what it’s worth, kid...we gave it one hell of a shot.”

  The two shook hands, as Father Tyme hacked up some phlegm and joined them.

  Gunner turned towards Francis, “Hey father. How about one of them miracles?” he asked.

  “Don’t worry...I’ve already put in a request.”


  “We have them in sight,” the guard announced. “Awaiting orders.”

  “End them,” Xavier demanded.

  “Yes, sir.” The guard lined up the grou
p members inside the digital target sights, placing his finger to the button.

  Suddenly, the picture went dark. “Who turned off the lights?” Xavier asked.

  “It must be a cloud burst...storm clouds dimming the visibility,” the guard answered.

  “Drop it! Damn you! Drop it now!”

  “But sir...this is our one shot.”

  Commander Xavier pulled his pistol from its holster, pointing it at the man’s head. “I will not have them slip through my fingers on account of some clouds. Do it or die!”

  “Yes, sir,” the guard said, unleashing the spray of small fire bombs in intervals through the air.


  The members of the group closed their eyes, crying out in fear.

  “The’s erratic!” Striker said in a surprised tone. “Stay still! They’re not on target! Hit the ground!”

  The group dove to the ground. Rounds of napalm dropped through the air, missing the massed individuals, landing in different areas of the forest around them. The group members rose to their feet, thankful to be spared a direct hit.

  “It appears our request was accepted,” Father Tyme said.

  “I gotta give you that one,” Gunner replied.

  The group hugged, turning their attention away from the deep sea of red flowing through the forest. It ignited the trees, forming into a complete firewall around them.

  “Wait! We’re trapped,” Striker yelled. Again the group screamed out in fear, as each person was offered a glimpse of what hell looked like. The flames flowed like waves in the ocean, spreading to every inch of wooded ground like a creeping myst of fog.

  There was no where else to go.


  “Did we hit them?” Commander Xavier asked.

  “A whole front of clouds have descended on the area...but...there’s a break!” the guard said, as he moved the joystick, aiming the cameras at the ground. The group still stood intact.

  “Damn incompetence!”

  “They are surrounded by fire, sir...will be burned alive. That’s as good as a direct hit.”

  Commander Xavier shouted into his radio. “I want every team available to descend upon those coordinates! I want the ashes scooped up and brought to me still steaming!”

  “The’s about to consume them!”


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