Wreck My World

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Wreck My World Page 2

by Victoria Ashley

  “You’re lucky it was me and not one of the guys. Everyone is about to kill you. I’m doing your ass a favor. You owe me.” I hold the megaphone to my lips and turn it back on, keeping my eyes on the five racers eagerly waiting for the countdown. They’re all looking Stiles’ direction, revving their engines. Probably not a very good sign for him.

  I snatch the flashlight from Stiles and push him out of the way with my hip. Holding it up with the light end facing the racers, I begin the countdown. “On your mark, get set, go!” Satisfied, I flash the light and toss Stiles’ toys at him. “You’re welcome.”

  The racers take off and an instant rush of excitement courses through me as I hurry back over to my seat, while keeping my eyes on the track.

  Hope hits my arm in anticipation as soon as I sit back down beside her. “Did you see the way your brother’s mystery racer took off? Holy shit! Ben might have some competition after all. This is exciting.”

  “Yeah,” I whisper, while watching Mr. Mysterious take the lead.

  I’m completely intrigued by this man and somewhat turned on. I don’t even know what he looks like, but the confidence exuding from him is completely breathtaking and enthralling.

  He’s not dressed in racing leathers like the other four guys. Instead, he’s wearing a black leather jacket and a pair of faded jeans with boots. Getting hurt is the last thing on his mind.

  Five laps down and Ben is finally back in the lead again, but it’s neck and neck. Stiles shoves a slice of pizza in front of my face, but I push it out of the way, before walking up to the fence and wrapping my fingers in it.

  I’ve never watched a race so hard in my life, and my heart has never beat so fast during one.

  The other three racers don’t even exist in the same world as Ben and Roman’s mysterious racer. They’re the only two I see, and I don’t want to miss a second.

  The fence rattles beside me, before I hear my brother cheer on his secret weapon. “Fuck yes! You got this! Go!” He shakes the fence and then looks at me with raised brows. “Still going for Ben? I won’t tell anyone if you change your mind.”

  I turn my attention back to the track to see Ben is back in second place and isn’t riding as confident as usual.

  But like I said, I like to see a grown man sweat. Plus, I don’t want to give my brother the pleasure of going with his guy after he’s been so cocky. “Yeah. I’m sticking with Ben.”

  The closer we get to the end of the last lap, the crazier and more spread out the crowd gets, until I can feel bodies enclosing me against the fence.

  “Go, Ben!” I scream at the top of my lungs. “Come on!”

  My adrenaline is pumping to the point that I can’t stand still. My whole body is pulling me closer to the action. I push my way through the crowd and over to the opening in the fence just in time to see my brother’s guy win the race.

  Fifteen laps and he somehow managed to stay in front for at least nine of them. I’m completely impressed, and on the edge to see this man take his helmet off.

  My brother is the first one to rush onto the track to congratulate the winner, so I follow behind, taking heavy breaths as the guy on the black Ducati reaches for his helmet and slides it off his head with a confident smirk.

  My breath hitches in my throat and it feels like my windpipe is closing on me the second I see who the mystery guy is.

  Easton Crews.

  The person that took off and left without so much as a goodbye after my sister died.

  He wasn’t only my brother’s best friend. He was the one person he’d trusted since they were eight. Easton was family. To all of us. He was my friend too.

  To me, that meant he was supposed to stick around and be there for us in a time of hardship. Not just up and move, leaving his best friend without someone to lean on at his hardest time. I’ll never forget how much that fucked with my brother’s head and made it hard for him to let people in who wanted to be there for him.

  My breathing picks up as he moves into the light and climbs off his bike, letting Roman take it from him.

  His amber eyes land directly on mine as he slowly takes his jacket off and walks toward me with that confidence he always possesses.

  Without meaning to, I take my time checking out his muscled body, as if I somehow have no power over my actions at the moment.

  The white thermal shirt he’s wearing shows off his broad shoulders and muscular arms as he runs a hand through his dark messy hair.

  He has his sleeves pushed up past his elbows, displaying his armful of tattoos he didn’t have when he left, which I can’t help but notice.

  Breathing heavily, my gaze slowly moves up to his full lips, focusing on the black ring as he speaks.

  “Hi, Kota.”


  Considering the fact I took off almost three years ago without so much as a goodbye, the look of anger and confusion on Dakota’s face doesn’t surprise me one bit.

  She’s looking at me as if she wants to rip my beating heart out with her bare hands… as if my very presence both pains and angers her.

  Would it be wrong to admit that seeing so much emotion and hatred from her makes her completely fucking beautiful in this moment?

  Her lips purse as her gaze meets mine again. Those intense gray eyes burn into my soul, scorching me as she speaks. “Really? It’s been three years, Easton. Three damn years since we lost Quinn and you took off without even saying goodbye. Hi doesn’t even begin to make up for it. You should’ve just stayed gone.”

  Guilt washes over me as Dakota pushes past me with force and disappears through the crowd without even giving me a chance to speak.

  My eyes fight to keep sight of her, but it’s no use. Everyone around me are cheering and congratulating me, excited to see me after so long, making it impossible.

  Yet, the rush and excitement of winning doesn’t come close to the adrenaline I feel coursing through my veins right now. The feeling I have in this very moment after not seeing her for so long will haunt me forever, reminding me why I left to begin with.

  Dakota may find it hard to believe, but I had my reasons for leaving when and how I did. Even if it did pain me. And it did. More than I could ever put into words.

  Her older brother Roman was my closest friend. One of the only people I could fully trust other than Dakota. Taking off was one of the hardest things I’d ever done.

  Roman pulls up beside me and jumps off my bike, distracting me from my thoughts. “Shit. I can’t believe you’re back. Happy to have you, brother.” He admires my Ducati, completely unaware that my head is somewhere else right now. “This bike is sick. Ben didn’t stand a chance tonight.”

  “Happy to be back, man. You have no idea.” I pound his fist, before turning back to the crowd in just enough time to see Dakota rush over to a Harley and straddle it.

  With a clenched jaw, I walk toward the fence and watch her take off as if she can’t get out of here fast enough. I can’t help but think that maybe her hating me is the best thing for us both right now.


  Exhaling through my nose, I turn around to the sound of Hope Myers’ voice and do my best to pretend I’m not affected by Dakota’s disappearing act.

  “Wow! I can’t believe you’re back. It’s been so long. It’s so good to see you.” She roughly throws her arms around me and squeezes. “You just smoked Ben’s ass out there. I don’t remember you being able to ride like that before you left. I’m impressed, Crews.”

  “It’s good to see you too, Hope.” I smile down at her when she pulls away from our hug. “Yeah, I’ve had a lot of frustration to release over the years. You know I’ve always loved racing.”

  Sadness washes over Hope’s face as she grabs my hand. I know what’s on her mind and I don’t want to hear it. “I’m sorry about…”

  “Please stop.” I release her hand and look up, inhaling a deep breath, before slowly releasing it. “Let’s not bring it up. Not now.”

  “Right. Sorr
y.” She gives me an apologetic smile and begins walking backward to catch up with a few people that called out for her. “See you at the pub for a few drinks?”

  I give her a nod.

  “Great!” She turns on her heels and pushes through the crowd, looking around as if she just now discovered Dakota is gone.

  Apparently, I’m the only one that noticed when she left, because Roman is looking a little confused himself now as he follows me out toward the parking lot.

  “Where’s my sister?”


  I look toward the road, watching as other cars and bikes begin pulling out. I know where they’re all headed, and I can’t help but to wonder if Dakota will be there as well.

  Roman slaps my back and shoves my helmet into my chest, catching me off guard. “She must be at the pub already. Let’s hurry and get there. Mae is holding down the place by herself right now. I gotta beat the crowd or it’s going to be ugly.”

  Nodding, I reach for my bike. “I’ll meet you there in a few.”

  “All right, man.”

  What the fuck am I doing here?

  I stand still, looking around as my old friends hop into their vehicles, everyone eager to get to the next spot of the night and be together.

  This was the life.

  These people.

  This place.

  This town.

  The pub.

  I left it all behind, and now here I am, trying to trick my mind into believing I haven’t missed out on so much by leaving when I know that I have.

  After taking a few deep breaths, I slide my helmet on and straddle my bike, mentally preparing myself for what may come of the night.

  My nerves calm the instant the cool air hits me as I speed down the street, passing up vehicles and weaving through them. I’ve always been one to seek out a rush. A little danger gets my blood pumping. Nothing seems to calm me more.

  Within minutes I’m pulling up at The Sit-Down Pub. As expected, the parking lot is full, and I have to find two vehicles to squeeze my bike between.

  As I’m getting off and hanging my helmet, I feel a hand grip my shoulder and squeeze.

  I turn around to see Ben Logan grinning at me. He’s giving off the impression he’s happy to see me, but his narrowed brown eyes give him away. He doesn’t want me back here. He’s always seen me as his competition and an obstacle in his way. “I really should hate your ass right now, but damn, it’s good to see you, Crews. It’s been too long.”

  He reaches his hand out for me to shake, so I take it and match his glare. “Sorry, man. I know the track has been yours since I left. I almost took it easy on your ass, but didn’t feel like being the good guy for a change.”

  He lets out a humorless laugh and takes one last drag from his cigarette before tossing it at a car like an ass. “No one ever does. Shit. Come inside so I can buy you a drink. Loser buys. Rules haven’t changed,” he adds.

  He’s still wearing his two-piece racing leathers, but slips the red and white jacket off and drapes it over one shoulder, before pulling the door to the pub open.

  Word on the street is that Ben Logan hasn’t lost his last twenty races. I’m sure me showing up after so long and beating him has only given him more reason to keep his eye on me. I just hope the dick enjoys what he sees.

  The noise as we enter the pub brings me back home, reminding me of what nights like this used to feel like.

  People talking over each other, passing around shots, and still talking about shit that happened weeks before.

  It’s that small town love you miss once you’re gone.

  My eyes instantly land on the six tables pushed together in the middle of the room.

  Stiles waves us over and slaps the chair at the head of the table. “Easton fucking Crews!” He slaps it again. “This seat is for you, buddy. The winner’s fucking chair. Seat of the champion. The top dog...”

  “All right, we get it, Stiles.” His sister Blake slaps the back of his head and smiles. “Come on. Shots are ready. No one drinks until the winner does. That means you should probably hurry up and get your gorgeous butt over here, Easton.”

  I catch Ben’s jaw clench from the corner of my eye as I walk toward the winner’s chair, while he takes a seat at a random one at the table. It’s something he’s not used to and it’s easy to see he’s pissed.

  Picking up one of the shots, I hold it up and look around the table. All eyes are on me, waiting impatiently for me to give them the go. “Cheers.”

  Everyone clinks glasses together, Roman sliding across the bar-top and jumping over to join in at the last second.

  Tossing back my victory whiskey, I can’t help but to notice Dakota isn’t amongst the group at the table. Talk about feeling like an asshole. There’s no denying I’m the reason for her absence, and that is a shitty feeling.

  I set the empty glass down and look up from the table, releasing a deep breath. Blake’s green eyes catch mine, before she stands from her chair and walks over to squeeze in between Roman and I. “You’re looking great, Easton.” She checks me out, making it very aware she’s into what’s under these jeans. “Glad to have you back. I missed you.”

  I pull my eyes away from hers and look toward the door, showing my disinterest. The last thing I want to do is make it seem like she has a chance. Blake’s had her eye on me for as long as I can remember. Even when she was with Roman. That’s not my style.

  “Thanks, Blake.”

  Roman begins piling the empty shot glasses in his hand, holding them out so he can whisper in her ear. “Yeah, he still doesn’t want you, babe.”

  “Screw off, Roman. No one asked you.” She gives Roman’s shoulder a shove, before storming over to the other side of the table where Ben is seated.

  He instantly scoots his chair out and pulls her into his lap. It’s always been like Ben to take what he can get. He’s not looking for more than a quick fuck and most of the girls don’t seem to care. I doubt that will change anytime soon. Although from the way he’s looking around the room in search of someone it’s easy to guess it’s not Blake he wants in his lap tonight.

  I clench my jaw at the idea of him still being into Dakota. Makes me wonder if she’s given him the time of day yet. Just the thought of them together makes me want to choke his smug ass.

  I hear Stiles talking in my ear now as he scoots my way, but my attention is focused at the bar, where Dakota has just walked in and snatched up a bottle of vodka. She doesn’t bother looking this way as she pours two shots and then a third, lining them up.

  Mae notices, and jumps to snatch the bottle back before Roman can see. He’d flip his shit, and if I see her do it again, I will too. But unlike Roman, she’ll probably kick my ass for it.

  Mae says something I can’t make out and then goes on to make Dakota a mixed drink, emptying two of the three shots into the glass.

  “Where are you staying, man? I have plenty of room if you need to crash.” Stiles grabs my shoulder to get my attention.

  Of course, it has to be right when Dakota finally looks my way, so I speak, without giving him my full attention. “With a friend a few minutes outside of town.”

  Doesn’t matter, though, because Dakota pulls her eyes away the second they meet mine. Apparently, she can’t even stand to look at me. That fucking stings.

  “Here’s that shot I owe you. Enjoy, Crews.”

  Clenching my jaw, I grab the shot that Ben slides my way and watch as Dakota grabs her drink and walks over to pick a song on the jukebox.

  I toss the shot back and lean back in my chair, observing as Dakota tilts her head back to the sound of Fade by Staind. Her long, dark hair almost reaches past her ass, swaying as she moves her head back and forth, and then takes a sip of her drink.

  Listening to the lyrics, I swallow back the pain and close my eyes, taking in her message. I know her well enough to know it’s meant for me.

  I get it. She was in a dark place and I wasn’t there when she needed me. My being
back in town is only bringing up the memories of me leaving. It’s enough to make me pissed at myself for leaving that night.

  My eyes open to the sound of someone calling my name, before everyone starts yelling for another round of shots and talking to me all at once.

  Even though I’m not in the mood for celebrating, or chatting with my old friends, I accept another shot and tilt it back, along with everyone else at the table.

  I get pulled away after that, tons of questions getting thrown my way, causing me to lose sight of Dakota.

  A while goes by before I see her again. She’s in the back corner with Hope, Stiles, and Reese, playing pool.

  I stop talking to Mae and grab Roman’s shoulder as he walks past me. “That Reese guy seems to be getting real fucking cozy with your little sister. Are they dating?”

  Roman lifts a brow and looks toward the back, laughing as Dakota bends over the pool table. Reese is checking her out, but his looks are flighty, as if he’s scared to get caught. “Dude is afraid to make a move on her. She’s not interested in pretty boys like him. You know how my sister is.”

  I used to…

  Still, it bugs me to see the way he’s looking at her. His eyes have barely left her ass since she bent over to focus on her shot.

  Not giving a shit what Dakota might do to me, I walk over to the pool table and lean against it with my arms crossed. My narrowed eyes meet Reese’s.

  “Hey, man,” he says, uncertain. “Congrats on winning tonight.”

  “Thanks,” I say stiffly. “It felt good to be on the track again.”

  Dakota looks up from concentrating on her shot. She’s been taking an awful long time to figure this out, which tells me she’s had too much to drink already. “Look who’s still here. Coming to say goodbye this time? Well, goodbye. You can leave now.”

  “I’m not leaving yet.” I hold her gaze. “So, hate me all you want.”

  She growls and tosses her cue stick down on the table, before reaching for the jacket I gave her on her eighteenth birthday and slipping it on. “Then I’ll leave. Being in the same room with you sucks.”

  Pushing past me, she takes off through the crowd, shoving the door open.


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