Wreck My World

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Wreck My World Page 27

by Victoria Ashley

  I take a seat at the bar and smile when Easton grabs a beer from the cooler, unscrews the cap, and slides it in front of me. “Who says I want a beer right now?” I bring it to my lips as he smiles and crosses his arms, clearly proud that he knew I’d want a beer and not some fruity cocktail. “I hate you sometimes.”

  “I doubt it. You love me and you know it.” He watches me take a drink before he grabs it from me and takes a drink himself, smirking as he sets it back down. “You ready to get that tattoo?” He glances down at his watch. “I’m off in ten. I’m driving.”

  “Wait… who said you’re going with me? I said I was getting a tattoo. I didn’t say please Easton drive me there and hold my hand because I’m scared.” I reach for my beer and take a long much-needed drink. “I can drive myself. Besides, isn’t Quinn meeting you here soon?”

  My stomach twists into knots as I wait for him to respond. You’d think by now that I’d be used to him and my sister being an item, but even time hasn’t made seeing them together any easier.

  “I don’t know. She mentioned going on a hike to get some photos. I told her I was going to stay back this time and let her enjoy it. You know me, Kota. You and I are one in the same. She takes like a hundred pictures of the same leaf to ‘get the right shot’. I can’t stay still for long.”

  I smile and look down at my phone when it vibrates in my hand with a message from Stiles. “Yeah. We’re a little too much alike. It’s scary sometimes.”

  “Tell me about it.” Quinn’s voice says from behind me, before she throws her arms around my neck and kisses me on the cheek. “I sometimes worry about the two of you.”

  “What does that mean?” I ask nervously, gripping my beer bottle as she sits down beside me. If she knows how I truly feel about Easton, I’m going to die right here on this dirty, old stool.

  “Sometimes it feels like I’m dating my own sister, because you two are into the same stuff.” She flashes a pretty smile Easton’s way before she grabs the front of his shirt and pulls him in for a kiss.

  An ache hits me in the chest at seeing them kiss just like it does every other time. It never gets easier, and I hate myself for it. I have no right to be upset with her every time she kisses him, yet I am. Talk about being a shitty sister.

  Once they break the kiss, Easton’s eyes land on mine for a split second, before I turn away, not wanting him to see how I feel. Knowing him, he’ll be able to see right through me when it comes to them and I can’t have that. I’ve been fighting too hard and too long to slip up now.

  “Any plans for tonight, baby sis?” Quinn sits back down and loops her arm through mine. “Because if not I was thinking you could come with me and we’ll take some pictures together. It’s been too long since you’ve come with me. We could use some sister bonding time.”

  I grab my beer and flash her a nervous smile. Maybe I did need this beer after all. “As awesome as that sounds, and that’s not me being my usual smartass self, I can’t today. I have an appointment with Stiles to get a tattoo soon.”

  Her eyes widen as she reaches up to fix her ponytail. “You’re going in for your first tattoo?”

  I nod and finish off the rest of my beer before speaking. “Yup. I’m crazy for letting Stiles be my first, right?”

  Easton’s face hardens for a split second, before he walks away to help a customer on the other side of the bar.

  Quinn laughs. “Yeah, maybe just a tiny bit.” She glances down at her watch. “Want me to skip my hike and come with you for support? I don’t mind changing plans. Then maybe you can come with me next time?”

  “I’m fine, Quinn. Don’t change your plans for me. It’s just a tattoo. I’m sure I’ll live to tell about it.”

  “Are you sure? I feel bad that you’re going alone for your first. I heard they’re painful.”

  “She won’t be alone.” Easton comes back over with another beer in his hand and sets it down in front of me. “Looks like I have an appointment with Sid now.” He winks at me and claps his hands before rubbing them together. “We just have to leave right away, because Sid has an appointment in less than two hours. Take a few drinks of that before we head out.”

  He walks away in a hurry, most likely to find my brother, and I stare at him, my heart racing at the knowledge that Easton is getting his first tattoo at the same time as me.

  “Like I said…” Quinn stands and tightens my messy bun with a smile. “You two are so much alike that it’s scary. I love it though. It makes me happy that Easton is always there to look out for you when Roman and I aren’t. It only makes me love him that much more.”

  I nod, not knowing what to say. My chest feels heavy whenever she talks about how much she loves Easton.

  “I need to head out before it starts getting dark. I have about an hour, maybe a little more.” She plants a rough kiss on my cheek and begins walking backward. “Tell the boys I said bye, and I better be the first one to see yours and Easton’s tattoos. Not even Roman gets to see them first. Promise?”

  “Promise. I’ll send you a text the moment they’re done.”

  “Or just meet me here when you’re done and show me in person. Love you, sweets.” She blows me a kiss before hurriedly pushing her way out the door.

  A few minutes later, my brother and Easton come from the back and Easton clocks out, then slips into his jacket.

  “You’re trusting Stiles with a tattoo?” My brother laughs and leans against the bar. “Good luck with that.”

  “Stop trying to stress me out, Roman. I’ve seen his work and he’s good.”

  “Yeah, but it’s Stiles. I don’t know…” He crosses his arms and smirks. “I’d be a little worried. You might end up with a hairy dick on your body. Just saying.”

  “Ha. Funny!” I slide my empty beer bottle to him. “I’ll send you a picture of my non-dick tattoo when it’s done.”

  “Ready?” Easton walks out from behind the bar. “They’re expecting us in ten.” Easton slaps the bar. “Call me later if you need backup, cool?”

  “I’ll be good. Mae is coming in soon.”

  Easton nods and places his hand on my lower back, guiding me to the door as if he’s in a hurry.

  “What’s the rush?” I ask once we get to his truck.

  “If I want to get a tattoo with you then we need as much time as we can get.”

  “Okay.” I smile and lean back in the seat when he takes off in a hurry. “Any idea what you’re even getting?”

  He smiles. “Not a damn clue. You?”

  “I’m thinking a little crown on my side. Something cute but not too feminine.”

  “Good. I’ll get one too then.”

  I laugh, confused. “Why would you get the same tattoo as me? Isn’t that a couple thing?”

  He shrugs. “Doesn’t have to be, Kota. You’re the person I’m closest to, and I’d like to think it’s the same for you when it comes to me.” He looks over at me once he parks. “Am I?”

  “Yes,” I admit. “Are you sure though?”

  “One hundred percent. If it’s going to be our first tattoo together, might as well make it count.” He smiles and yanks the keys from the ignition. “Let’s go.”

  Stiles is sitting at his station when we walk in, a smile taking over when he notices us. “Hey, pretty girl. Take a seat.” He nods at Easton. “Hey, man. Sid will be out in a minute.”

  “Okay cool.” Easton grabs my hand and pulls me over to the tattoo chair at Stiles’ station. “Need me to hold your hand?” He lifts a brow with a half-smirk.

  I pull my hand from his and roll my eyes. “Take a seat, big guy. I can handle this on my own.”

  He shrugs and walks over to sit in the other chair when Sid joins us. “You sure? Last time I’m offering my hand to squeeze.”

  “I’m sure.” I pull my earbuds from my pocket and smile. “I’ll be fine.”

  An hour later—at least it feels like the damn needles have been poking me for that long—Easton pulls the earbud from my left ea
r and begins singing to Hurricane by Thrice.

  I grin and push him away from my ear. “Is Stiles done?”

  Stiles gives me two thumbs up and winks. “Hell yeah, pretty girl. Take a look.”

  Easton grabs my hand and pulls me from the chair to guide me over to the full body mirror. “That looks awesome. Almost as awesome as mine.” He smiles, running his fingertips over the ink.

  “Move your hand so I can see.” I laugh and slap his hand away to get a better look. My eyes widen when I see Stiles’ artwork on my side. “Wow. This is so much better than I expected, Stiles.”

  “You’re welcome.” Stiles says excitedly, ignoring the shop phone when it rings. “Tell your brother to suck it. I’m good as shit and he knows it.”

  I laugh and turn to Easton, who is standing shirtless beside me. My pulse quickens as I look him over, admiring his body like the shitty friend and sister that I am. “Are you going to show me yours now or what?”

  He smiles and turns to the side, lifting his arm up so I can get a good look at his King’s crown that matches my Queen’s crown. “Looks pretty good together, right?”

  “You got the one that matches mine?” I swallow nervously, my feelings beginning to take over, and read more into this situation than necessary. “I thought you were just getting a crown. I didn’t know it was going to match my design.”

  He backs away and lets Sid cover his tattoo, before he slips his shirt on and looks me in the eyes. “Why wouldn’t I get mine to match yours?”

  I turn away and hide my emotions as I let Stiles cover my tattoo, before sliding my shirt and bra back down. “Do you have your phone? I want to send a picture to Quinn in case she’s not done hiking yet, but my phone is dead.”

  He pats his pocket in search of it. “Nope. I must’ve left it at the pub.” He smiles as if it’s not a big deal. “It’s fine. Quinn is most likely there waiting on us by now. I’m sure she can wait another ten minutes to see it.”

  After talking to Stiles and Sid for a few more minutes about the aftercare for our tattoos, we head out, excitement taking over, because I can’t wait to show Quinn.

  When we pull up at the pub minutes later, Roman’s SUV is already gone, and Quinn’s Jeep is nowhere in sight.

  “That’s weird. I thought my brother had to work until ten?” I hop out of the truck and Easton meets me by the tailgate with a shrug. “And it’s already dark. I figured Quinn would be here by now.”

  “Let’s go inside. Maybe they left a message with Mae.” He places his hand on the small of my back and guides me to the door, my heart speeding up just like every single time he touches me.

  Not only did I just get a matching tattoo with my sister’s boyfriend, but now, here I am wishing that it was because it’s a couple thing and not just because we’re so close like he pointed out.

  When we walk inside, Mae is nowhere in sight, so I take a seat at the bar and Easton grabs us both a beer, before taking a seat beside me.

  After screwing the tops off, we sit here in silence for a few seconds before Easton turns to me. “There’s something I need to talk to Quinn about later.” He swallows nervously, before bringing the bottle to his lips. “I just need you to promise that—”

  “What are you guys doing here?” Mae asks, sounding on edge. We turn away from each other to look at her. “Have either of you talked to Roman?”

  “No.” I set my beer down and sit up straight, feeling a bit on edge from the way she’s looking at us. “We just left the tattoo shop and came here. What is it, Mae? Is everything okay?”

  “To be honest, I don’t know. Your brother got a call about thirty minutes ago and took off in a hurry, yelling at me to tell you guys to go to the hospital if you show up.” Her worried eyes meet mine. “He mentioned something about Quinn having a fall or something. I couldn’t understand what he was saying, because he was talking so fast and heading for the door at the same time. He seemed really worried.”

  My heart stops at the mention of Quinn falling. Falling? What the fuck does that mean? Panic sets in and I can’t think straight. There’s only one place I can think of where she could’ve fallen, and that wouldn’t be good for anyone. “No,” I whisper. “She didn’t go there.”

  Before I know it, Easton is jumping to his feet and pulling me to mine. “Thanks, Mae. If he calls, tell him we’re on the way.”

  My feet are moving through the bar and then the parking lot, but I feel as if I’m not the one controlling them. Before long, we’re in the truck and Easton is peeling out of the parking lot.

  “Where was Quinn going?” I can feel my heart trying to burst from my chest as I turn to face him. “Did she tell you where she was going on a hike? Tell me!” I scream.

  He squeezes the steering wheel and glances my way, panic clear on his face. “Some special place in the park. She said she discovered it a few years ago and has been wanting to go. Why?”

  “Shit! Shit! Shit!” I grip the seat below me, the panic I was feeling growing more chaotic as a million scenarios play in my head. “Drive faster, Easton. Don’t stop!” I yell when we come to a red light.

  “Fuck!” He presses on the gas and flies through the light, swerving when we come close to hitting a passing car. “You’re going to get us killed, Kota. Tell me what the hell is going on. What was this special place?”

  “I don’t know. Some place she took me to years ago.” I look down at my dead phone in my hand, feeling more impatient by the second. “I don’t remember the hospital being so far away before. Why is it taking so fucking long to get there?”

  “We’re pulling up now,” Easton reassures me, reaching over to grab my hand to comfort me. “Just let me find a spot to park.”

  “I can’t wait, Easton. Meet me inside.” He barely has time to slow down before I’m jumping out of his truck and rushing to the emergency room door, slamming my shoulder into the glass when it doesn’t slide open fast enough for me to get inside.

  I look around, barely able to breathe as I search for my family. Once I realize they’re not in the waiting room, I rush to the desk. “Quinn Brooks! I need to know where she is. Now!”

  “Are you family?”

  “I’m her sister.”

  The lady takes a moment to check the system before she looks up again. “Looks like she’s in the O.R. Go through these doors and take the first elevator to the left to the second floor. Then take the hallway to the right.”

  “The O.R?” I question. My heart somehow manages to beat even faster. “The fucking operating room?”


  Her words trail off, my brain unable to process what else she’s saying. The moment Easton’s hand presses against my back to let me know he’s there, I take off rushing for the door with Easton following.

  “Where is she?” he questions as I repeatedly hit the elevator button to call it. “Why are we going up? That’s good, right? That she’s not in the emergency room.”

  “No… no it’s not, Easton. It’s bad. It’s really fucking bad.” The elevator doors open and I rush on and hit the button to send it to the second floor, cussing under my breath when it takes a lifetime for the door to close. “Close, dammit!”

  Easton reaches around me and hits the door close button, before pulling me into a hug and kissing the top of my head. We stay this way, me holding onto him for support until the elevator doors open and we both rush out and head for the hallway that leads to the waiting room.

  Trying to mentally prepare myself for what’s to come, I shove the door open, my entire world coming to a stop when my eyes land on Roman on the floor with his back against the wall, his face buried in his hands. But what really confirms my fears is when my mother’s sobbing rings through the room and I look over to see her in my dad’s arms, his embrace the only thing keeping her on her feet.

  “Where is she?!” I scream, the tears already falling, because I don’t need them to tell me she’s gone, despite the crying I know can’t be a result of anything like a s
imple surgery. The sinking feeling in my gut wouldn’t be there if she was okay. “Tell me where she is, dad. Please,” I whisper, my voice breaking.

  My dad turns to look at me and that one look brings me to my knees, Easton catching me from behind and holding onto me as I hit the floor. “There was nothing they could do. She had too much internal bleeding by the time they opened her up.” Easton struggles with holding me up for a second, before he drops to his knees and cries into my hair.

  “No, no, no,” I cry out, barely able to breathe through the pain. “She was fine two hours ago. She was laughing… She can’t… How could this have happened? She said meet her at the pub, and now… I should have gone with her.” A sob tears through me and before I know it, Roman’s arms wrap around me too, and we all sit here on the ground of this hospital and cry, trying to make ourselves believe that a part of us is gone forever.


  I held Dakota’s hand through Quinn’s memorial two days ago, squeezing it once in a while to make sure she was okay and remembering to breathe. She sat there in a daze, barely taking her eyes away from the casket at the front of the room. Even when it came time to say goodbye, she just sat there, staring until everyone was gone. Losing Quinn has been hard on all of us. It’s still hard to believe that she’s no longer with us, and I think Dakota is trying to stay numb to the feeling of her absence. It’s like she doesn’t want to feel anything at all, and seeing her that way is almost as hard as losing Quinn.

  “Hey, man.” Roman pulls out the chair beside me. “You going to eat?”

  We’ve been at the Brooks’ home for the past hour, everyone gathering to eat in memory of Quinn. I don’t get how anyone can stomach food at a time like this. Having a gathering two days after burying a loved one isn’t enough time to make food sound appealing.

  I shake my head.

  “Me either. I haven’t been able to eat in days. Too nauseous.”

  “Has Dakota eaten?” I question, concerned, even though I haven’t eaten in days myself and have no desire to. I already know Dakota hasn’t, but she needs to.


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