Kennedy is King

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Kennedy is King Page 4

by Cameron James

  “What?” I said laughing, his expression relaxed slightly, becoming almost shocked.

  “Sorry, sorry. They’re the Wolves. They’re the only team that can beat us, and it annoys me because they’re just a bunch of performers and musicians.” He said, I laughed it sounded like a bark.

  “Hey!” I stated, his eyes widened in shock as he looked at me. “Cassidy could run laps around you.” I said, he shook his head a low laugh, a disbelieving laugh. “Do you know how hard it is, to sing and dance at the same time? The stamina needed for that is extreme.” I said, he shook his head, “the Goldstein boys must be the fittest boys ever.” I said, Stephen almost laughed.

  “I mean, they’re alright.” He said, I frowned. “There’s one with curly hair and freckles. He’s nice to look at.”

  “What?” I said weakly, he smirked lightly.

  “Cassidy could run laps around me?” he said, I nodded.

  “Laps.” I agreed, because he could, Cassidy had the stamina of a racehorse and always had.

  “If he can, and I’m not saying he can, but if, why won’t he take part in… I don’t know our fundraising bike ride? To support your big brothers’ boyfriend’s charity.”

  “He doesn’t like getting sweaty.” I said then I pointed at him, “and that was an insanely low blow that Stephen.”

  “I see it.” he agreed, “I’m sorry. That was low.” He said scrunching his nose at me, “I profusely apologise. He doesn’t like getting sweaty?”

  “No.” I said shaking my head, “believe me, I have to hear about it.” I said rolling my eyes, he almost laughed and then he schooled his face, as if he didn’t want me to think I could make him laugh. “What are you doing here?” I asked, he looked behind himself down the corridor.

  “I was leaving Maths.” He said nodding. “Heard the saxophone. It was unusual I thought, because I thought orchestra was finished. I came to investigate.”

  “Nothing to do with you knowing I’m the only saxophonist in this school?”

  “Nope.” He said then he clicked his tongue. “Didn’t even occur to me.”

  “Right…” I said nodding,

  “Exactly.” He said,

  “Because you don’t trust me.”

  “Not at all.” He agreed, I rose an eyebrow at him as he came into the orchestra room. He looked intrigued as he looked around, he’d obviously never been in this room, but that wasn’t unusual, if you weren’t in the orchestra, you didn’t come in this room ever.

  He ran his fingers along the piano, the notes playing in a scale before he continued around and I just watched him. I watched as he brushed his fingers across the string of the guitar, as he flicked through the music sheets.

  “You’ve never played… anything?” I asked. He shook his head.

  “Mum tried. She wanted me to be cultured or whatever, but I don’t think I’ve ever had the patience to learn an instrument, you’ve always?”

  “Pretty much.” I said lightly, “learnt the recorder first, then I started playing the flute. I can play the guitar, at its bare basics. The piano, I started learning the sax when I was eight and out of them all, I loved it the most.”

  He stood in front of me, I smiled at him, he surprisingly smiled back.

  “It can’t be that hard.” He said, “I mean, you know the offside rule.”

  “So, you can play the sax?” I asked, he wobbled his head. “Go on then.” I said, lifting my strap over my head, and holding my saxophone to him. He examined me, taking it from me.

  I laughed as he almost dropped it, the weight obviously surprising him. I widened my eyes at him as I held the saxophone, until he had a firm grip on it.

  “That’s about seven hundred pounds – don’t drop it.” I said, he choked.

  “Seven… hundred?”

  “Yeah. Not my most expensive one, I don’t tend to use that for rehearsals.”

  “And how much is that one worth?” he asked, I blew out my cheeks as I pretended to think, but I knew full well how much my good saxophone had cost, I’d been talking about it for years, until my parents and Harrison had ultimately gave and bought me it for my sixteenth birthday as a joint present.

  “Two…” I paused as Stephen met my eyes. “Thousand." I said,

  “My god.” He said then fingered the keys. He smiled, it seemed satisfied.

  “Blow.” I said, he laughed, it was almost dirty and then, he blew. The noise, was unearthly. Loud and crass. I cringed. He laughed. “Easy huh?” I said taking it back, he waved his hand at me, so I winked at him before playing Flight of the Bumblebee.

  He was impressed, definitely and he let it show on his face, it made me smile that he didn’t try and hide it away, or try and disguise the look on his face.

  “I guess it’s harder than it looks.” He said softly, I hummed.

  “Sax is easy to learn.” I said, then smiled. “Hard to master.” I said, talking as softly as he was. He ran his finger down the body of my saxophone, standing closer to me. He looked up at me, his eyes roaming over my face as mine centred in on his lips. I watched as his tongue darted over his bottom lip.

  He took a deep breath, as I moved my head a little closer to him. He was so close; I could feel his breath on my lips, and I wanted to close the distance. I wanted to…

  The bell rang.

  Declaring the end of the school day. He took a few steps back.

  “I better go, we’ve got the bike training, thing.” He said nodding, I nodded with him as I opened my saxophone case. “I’ll see you…”

  “At Caleb’s party?” I asked, he nodded.

  “Yeah I guess so.” He said, “Middle ground parties huh.” He said as he pulled his backpack tighter on his shoulder. He turned back to look at me just before he stepped into the corridor, smiling at me then disappearing into the lower years as they flooded the corridors.

  Most of my room was asleep. Or at least I believed them to be. I could hear a low snore from across the room which told me Cody was asleep. There was no light around Theo’s bed, so presumably he also was. It was just Cassidy I was worried about.

  He’d lay looking at me when it’d gone dark. Whispering to me about anything we could talk about. Complaining lightly about a joint text we’d gotten from our Mum who was prewarning us about a special dinner for Father.

  I had in turn complained a fair amount because shit I hated special dinners, but Cassidy had soon gone quiet. His phone above his head as he swiped right, and left.

  His phone had gone away when it’d died. Him reaching between our beds for his charger, and I presume he’d gone to sleep, but I didn’t want to query him, in case he hadn’t and it started a new conversation.

  Which I really didn’t want, because I really wanted to masturbate.

  It wasn’t like I’d never with Cassidy before, he was my twin brother after all and sometimes things just conspired that way. It wasn’t as if I hadn’t with Cody, or Theo, or in fact all three of them at the same time.

  We were horny teenage boys in a boarding school, it was going to happen at some point, and mostly no one judged. No one cared, because it was fun. Especially before we’d started having sex. Now though, I much preferred to do it alone, without the need to have to hide away in the bathroom, to quickly fist myself.

  I sighed, sitting up in my bed, lifting my pillows behind my back, then sitting and listening. Cody continued to snore softly; Theo’s sheets ruffled as he obviously moved in his sleep. Cassidy still didn’t make a noise. I watched him then sighed, leaning my head back against my headboard, closing my eyes as I stroked my fingers over my thigh.

  It didn’t take long, at all. I was almost ashamed at how quickly I hardened and how hard I in fact was. It was going to be quick, and probably messy.

  I sighed deeply when I wrapped my hand around my dick, giving it a dry tug and whining deep in my throat before clasping my other hand over my mouth because shut the fuck up Kennedy.

  When I trusted myself not to make any more noise, I to
ok my hand away, reaching for the bedside cabinet that sat between Cassidy and I.

  We had one each, on the other side of our beds for underwear and socks, but the one in the middle we shared between ourselves, and with Theo and Cody. It was full of condoms, lubes and a vibrator Cassidy had bought last year, and had practically forbidden me from using, whilst not informing Theo and Cody of it’s existence.

  That was fine, I wasn’t looking for that, I wanted lube and I found it. Fumbling with it until I could squirt some onto my hand.

  The sound I made when I touched myself with the lube on my hand was something close to a whimper, and then, I bit my lip because there was no way I was going to wake up anyone. I couldn’t be bothered waking up anyone, because I couldn’t be bothered being coy and acting as if I was embarrassed because I was not.

  It was quick.

  It was messy.


  I covered my mouth, laughing when I realised, I’d shot, cursing myself as I sighed and pushed back my sheets getting out of my bed and going into our bathroom.

  I hesitated as I went to leave, as Cassidy laughed.

  “Pent up, were you?” he said, I groaned as I headbutted the bathroom door.

  “You weren’t asleep?”

  “I was.” He almost whispered, “you woke me up, I decided to let you be.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  “You want sex?”

  “No.” I said quietly, as I sat back on my bed. “No, I just…”

  “Horny.” He said, I nodded.

  “Horny.” I agreed, he laughed it sounded tired. He lay back down, moving his pillows so he was cuddling one.

  “You’re not going to wank again, right?” he asked, I groaned at him as I also lay down.

  “No.” I said simply, he laughed as he pulled his tongue at me.

  “You could get off with someone at Caleb’s party.” He said, I shook my head.

  “I don’t know.” I sighed. “Maybe.”


  Chapter Five

  Caleb’s house was alive. Every door and window open, colours flickering through the house, music thumping. Our entire year was here, I knew that for sure, but it looked a bit more like the entirety of Sixth Form was here. The house almost looked as if it didn’t have any more capacity.

  “Good?” Cassidy asked squeezing my elbow, I turned to look at him, seeing as he smiled at me, so I nodded as I examined what he was wearing. He looked relaxed, his shirt was red gingham, long sleeved and looked a size or so too big for him, he’d tucked it into jeans that were tight around the hips and turned up at the ankles. Matched, of course with a pair of black Chuck Taylors.

  He looked like he hadn’t tried, at all, which I knew was a facade because it’d taken him hours to plan his outfit and get dressed before we’d left the boarding house, but for all the effort, to look effortless, he looked cool and I marvelled in how he could look so damn cool, all the time.

  He had shaken his head at me, tutting lightly when I’d stepped into a pair of ripped drainpipe jeans and matched it with a white t-shirt. He had shunned me for having a lack of imagination, and had despaired when I’d put my Alexander McQueens on, and shrugged on a leather jacket.

  He’d tried to get Theo and Cody on his side. He was successful in getting Theo to support him, but had gotten distracted quite quickly when he’d seen Theo’s yellow and navy blue thick striped t-shirt and similar jeans to Cassidy’s combo, and had started complimenting him relentlessly. I felt like I’d gotten away with something akin to murder, Cody had also, and had somehow managed to continue to avoid Cassidy’s criticisms that were worthy of a reality series.

  “You look hot.” Cassidy said nodding as he tugged on my jacket,

  “No, I don’t.” I whispered, he sighed it sounded soft.

  “Yes. Yes, you do. Now have fun Kennedy my love.” He said fondly before kissing my cheek. “If you need me come find me.” he said, I nodded as he grinned then walked into the house. Linking arms with Theo just before they stepped through the door.

  Cody smiled a sympathetic smile as I walked towards him. We stepped into the house together. We both had a beer in our hands within a matter of minutes.

  “Hey Kennedy, you alright mate, want another beer?”

  “Hey! Its Kennedy. THE KING HAS ARRIVED.”

  “Looking good man.”

  “Oi, oi it’s the King.”

  “S’up Kennedy.”

  “Another beer? I can get you another beer.”

  “If I remember correctly, you drink JD, right?”

  “Hey Kennedy.”

  I turned my head towards the voice, smiling at Myles, a guy from the theatre as he prowled around me. I nodded to him as he grinned running his hand down my lapels. “I didn’t think you’d be here tonight.” He practically purred at me,

  “You happy I came?” I asked, he smirked.

  “I will be, when you do.” He teased, then kissed my neck. I shivered lightly, raising my chin as his lips travelled up towards my ear. He bit my earlobe turning my head until we could kiss.

  I let it happen. I let him lead it, his tongue licking my lips begging for entry, that I gave him.

  I’d kissed before. In fact, I’d kissed a lot before. My first, when I was nine our next-door neighbour Maddie, she’d kissed me, then Cassidy. Told us we were both really bad at it, then proclaimed she was off to kiss some girls. We’d have probably been hurt, if neither of us wanted to go off and kiss some boys, but we did, so we weren’t hurt.

  I’d kissed Theo, when we were eleven, Cody, when we were thirteen, in fact, I’d kissed most of the band when I was thirteen, at a party on a bottle spin, or a dare, or through want.

  I’d kissed most of the theatre boys, but they were always guaranteed to be on heat. If you wanted a snog, or a quick fumble you went to the theatre. I’d never fumbled, not really, but like Myles, many of parties have equalled many of opportunities.

  I’d only ever kissed Devon from the choir.

  I wanted to kiss Stephen.

  So, I turned my head, stopping the kiss with Myles, and breathing deeply as he began to work on my ear again.

  “No, no.” I said softly, because I didn’t have to be rough, he heard me and he stopped. His eyes meeting mine for the briefest of moments then he nodded. He bit his lip, a smirk quirking at the corners.

  “Maybe later.” He winked as I laughed and nodded, watching him disappear back through the party, so I continued on. A few other of the theatre boys tried to make their move on me. Smiling devilishly, their intentions clear.

  I played with some. Others, I shook my head and went on my way until I stopped and I stood, watching as Devon stalked his prey. Rubbing himself up against the boy, who I believed to be one of the many technicians. He seemed pleased with the attention, even I could tell he had an erection and I was halfway across the room.

  I scowled lightly as Devon turned him so his back was to me, and then, he kissed him. It seemed excessive, far too much tongue and lips and teeth.

  Devon opened his eyes, not breaking the kiss as he looked at me over his shoulder, it was evil.

  He pulled away the kiss, winking at me before looking back at him. I turned away took a deep breath, placing my empty beer bottle on the kitchen counter before escaping into the garden.

  I rubbed my palms over my forehead, not feeling nearly drunk enough. I figured there must be weed somewhere, maybe a bong but that somewhere would be with Cassidy, and Cassidy was occupied, so instead, I walked down the garden.

  It was a big garden. A summer house sitting near the end, the lights off and presumably the door locked. There was a pond, a little pagoda sat at the top, loads of small stones scattered around, natural lily pads floating on the top. It looked exceptionally like a show garden and I almost felt guilty for trying to find somewhere to piss.

  But, the need to was far greater than the guilt, so, when I came across multiple trees in the far corner, I reached for my jeans whilst sighing in relief.
Leaning my head against the tree bark, until I heard someone come up behind me. I looked over my shoulder. Trying with all my will to cut the stream off so I could refasten my jeans but that was just not happening. Stephen laughed.

  “We’ve got the same idea.” He said, as finally the longest piss in the world came to an end. I turned as I zipped up my jeans.

  “You came down the garden to pee.”

  “Judge me all you like, so did you.” He said pointing at me, I kicked the grass as he laughed. “Cover me…” he suggested, I nodded meekly, trying to keep my gaze away from him as he undid his jeans, then he walked past me. “You were getting a lot of attention… I noticed.”

  “You’re making small talk?” I said, he laughed. “I… wasn’t really wanting the attention.” I muttered,

  “Really? You could have anyone at this party.” He said as he came and stood next to me, I shook my head.

  “I don’t want anyone.” I said, he looked up at me, “I mean, sure some are easy shags. Theo is always up for it, but I’m just not…” I shook my head. “Aren’t you getting any?”

  “Some.” He said softly, “I don’t know whether I’ll take them up, or not.” He added, I tried to keep the frown off my face.

  “You get, a lot?” I asked, he smirked.

  “Why?” he asked, I shrugged. “I get enough.” He began to walk down the garden, I grabbed for his arm, he turned without much resistance.

  “Stay… let’s talk.” I said, he frowned at me, it was harsh.

  “Why not just come down the garden with me? I’m going to get a beer.”

  “I… I mean…”

  “Oh.” He nodded once, “I get it.” he said, I shook my head. “Kennedy, the King can’t be seen talking to a peasant, and not just a normal peasant, a peasant of the football team.” He laughed; the sound rough. “Wow… I actually had a brief moment of consideration that you weren’t as much of a dick as everyone said.”

  “Everyone?” I whispered, he narrowed his eyes at me, I looked at my shoes.

  “I can’t believe I was so stupid.” He said simply, pulling his arm out of my grip.


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