Kennedy is King

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Kennedy is King Page 10

by Cameron James

  He smiled at me, it was sweet and a lie, as his hand slipped into my boxers, he squeezed once. I gasped, he seemed delighted, and then his hand began moving quicker, his thumb rubbing over my tip almost absently but I truly didn’t believe he was doing that by accident.

  His smug as fuck expression proved that, especially as I grabbed for the collar of his dinner jacket, holding it tight in my fist. He gasped in my ear, it did nothing but turn me on even more. He kissed my ear, my cheekbones, my chin, he laughed as he worked over my neck, and then I shook my head.

  “I’m going to come.” I whispered, he looked up at me almost surprised, as if he wasn’t the one who was making me come. “Not in my boxers.” I managed to breathe, he laughed. But complied for me, tugging on my slacks and boxers, letting my dick free.

  I watched his face as he watched me come. He bit his bottom lip, and I groaned harder because fucks sake that was attractive. His eyes rose to meet mine, I must’ve blushed, or at least it felt like I blushed, so he kissed me. Holding my chin delicately.

  “Impressive.” He said quirking an eyebrow at me, I laughed in a deep breath.

  “What can I say, I’m a shooter.” I whispered, he laughed almost childishly. I pulled my boxer band back up over my dick, then looked towards the door as I guess we’d escaped most of Devon’s wrath.

  “Ah, ah.” He said, so I turned back to look at him. “What, do you expect me to do it myself?” he asked, I choked.

  “Please.” I said, he laughed shaking his head,

  “Not this time sunshine.” He said lightly, as he moved back, until he was sat against the headboard of the bed. “Maybe another time though.” He said nodding as if he was thinking about it, although he seemed to shake himself out of it quite quickly, and beckoned me towards him with his finger.

  I went, kneeling between his legs and kissing him, feeling him smile against me as he reached between us. Undoing his own slacks and pushing them down to his knees.

  “I…” I whispered, he nodded because, I figured he knew I was about to say I’d never done this before, because I hadn’t. I’d never gotten someone else off, penis or not.

  “You’re good at following instructions, right?” he asked, I swallowed, he seemed satisfied as he watched my Adam’s apple bob. He took my hand, stroking over my fingers until he was only holding two. “Okay?” he asked, I nodded watching as he pulled my hand towards himself. He ran my hand down his body before stroking him over his boxers. He nodded to me, his breaths getting a little headier, until he couldn’t take it anymore, and he slipped my hand into his boxers.

  His directions were simple, his arms wrapping my around my neck, resting his head against mine, watching my hand through his boxers as I stroked.

  “I want your fingers inside me.” he whispered, directly into my ear and I almost choked, but, complied as he rose his hips, and my fingers slipped inside him. He gasped. His eyes opening and looking straight at me, nodding to me, so I nodded back, increasing my speed. Enjoying his gasps and whimpers until he pulled on the back of my head, my hair wrapped around his fist as he tugged.

  A deep shuddery breath leaving his mouth and I felt it, all over my body. I slowly pulled my fingers out of him, and out of his boxers.

  “Oh my god.” I murmured, he laughed it sounded breathless.

  “Oh my god is right.” He agreed, rubbing his forehead against my cheek. “If you’re like that with one hand, what the hell will you be like with two.” He said, I laughed as he grinned at me.


  Chapter Twelve

  I went for the coffee with Cassidy when we’d woke up and Theo and Cody were unable to wake up. We decided to give them a few hours, and if they still weren’t awake to declare them dead and to move on.

  We sat in the off-campus coffee shop. Looking more identical than I think we had in a long time, both of us sat in a warm grey hoodie, a pair of jeans and Chuck Taylors. His was because he was hungover. Mine, because it was a Sunday morning, and Sunday mornings meant comfortable clothes.

  “You got kissed last night.” Cassidy said over his coffee, I think it was hazelnut, but I was about as sure as the barista had been when he’d offered the coffee to me instead of Cassidy.

  “I did.” I said but I was goading him. He scowled me, pretty much instantly.

  “You also danced.”

  “Was that, what that was?”

  “Kennedy.” He snapped, I laughed.

  “You’re always telling me to get off with someone.” I said, he nodded.

  “I know, I want details.”

  “I don’t know who he was. He was wearing a mask.” I said, Cassidy laughed softly as he drank more from his mug. “Did you have anyone?” I asked, he nodded softly.

  “And then I got drunk.” He said, he sounded almost happy, it made me smile.

  “Cody slept with Myles.”

  “Go Cody.” He said laughing. “I don’t believe you for the record, that you don’t know who you kissed. I think you’ve got a secret Kennedy, and if you’re not even telling me it. Well, baby, it must be bad.”

  “Bad. No.” I said shaking my head, “not bad at all in fact.”

  “Good.” He whispered, then he groaned leaning his head back. “I shouldn’t have drunk that much last night.” Then he laughed. “Did you see what happened to Devon? My God I thought he was going to raise hellfire.”

  “What did he do?”

  “Went all Maleficent and rued the day, putting a curse on everyone’s first born’s, you know how the story goes.”

  “Wow, Devon totally is a Disney villain.” I said nodding, he hummed at me finishing his coffee then sitting back in the chair. He brought his legs to his chest, almost going into the foetal position, then he yawned, pulling his hood up over his head. He looked at me through tired glazed eyes. “You should go back to bed.”

  “You should tell me what else you did. You disappeared for a long time, there was definitely more than just kissing.” He grinned, “because, believe me I know these things.”

  “He got me off.” I said slowly, “I got him off.”

  “Oh.” He proclaimed happily,

  “Shut up.” I said pointing at him, he laughed as he hooked his chin onto his knees.

  “I. Am. Happy. For. You.” He said pointedly, clapping to punctuate his words, I wanted to laugh instead I buried my head into my hands, rubbing my eyes with my palms. I sighed deeply. “Did you know Marley has a piercing kink?” he asked, I rose my eyebrow at him.


  “Marley is who I slept with last night.” He said nodding slowly, so I nodded back at the same speed because he was obviously slowing it down because he thought his sleepy brain was mine. “He liked the skirt, but that isn’t important. We striped and he practically whined when he saw I had my nipple pierced. I’ve not ever had that reaction, but do you know what I found out last night?”

  “What?” I asked, although I kind of wish I hadn’t.

  “That I like people putting said piercing in their mouth and biting it, or sucking it, that, was awesome.” He sighed. “It was awesome.” He repeated, I almost smiled.

  “Is Marley now at your beck and call?” I asked, Cassidy grinned, it was playful.

  “He can be. He’s one of my theatre boys.”

  “Need only snap your fingers.” I said, Cassidy laughed as our phones vibrated together. I reached for it as Cassidy frowned at it. “Cody’s awake.” I said slowly, as I read the message, he’d sent all of us.

  “Tell him we’re going to Harrison’s.” Cassidy said, I nodded as I typed out the reply. “Do I look hungover?” he asked, I smiled.

  “You look tired.” I said, he hummed.

  “That’s, huh that’s okay.” He said, I laughed. “He can’t get down on me too much for that.” He smiled, I smiled back at him.

  Harrison didn’t live in as grand of a house as our childhood home. He’d moved out when he was twenty-five, moving in with Dom into a detached house, with four bedrooms,
a garage and a conservatory. He’d told us, when we visited one of the first times that he could’ve afforded more, with his salary and the loan Father gave him, but he hadn’t liked how lonely the big house had felt when he was growing up, and especially after his Mum had died.

  It had hit me, hard, because I’d never felt that, because I’d always had Cassidy. We used the big house to play, but it was always together. Harrison, I knew now didn’t have that privilege. He’d always spoke so highly of going to Boarding School, he’d loved the other bodies, the constant noise. He’d enjoyed the constant company.

  When, he and Dom started talking about adopting – as to them it was the only real viable option – Harrison basically told Dom that they were to have more than one. Dom had agreed without much persuasion and, now they had three kids. The eldest, Wesley was seven, they’d adopted him when he was four the year after they’d gotten married. He was a soft-spoken child who could cause hell if he wanted to, he was although we shouldn’t have, my favourite because he was clever and playful and always knew how to wiggle his way out of getting in trouble.

  The second eldest, Millie was five, they’d fostered her for a little while when she was a toddler, ultimately confirming the adoption when she was three. She was a little firecracker, who we all struggled to keep from bouncing off the walls. She enjoyed anything she could collect, LOL surprise dolls, stickers, trading cards, anything and we’d been told off a good few times for indulging this when we visited.

  Their youngest, and undoubtably Cassidy’s favourite, was Ryder, three months old as of this month. Adopted straight out of the womb. Granted, at three months his personality right now is minimal but Cassidy seems to thoroughly enjoy the fact that Ryder is a baby.

  His smile practically glowed when Dom answered the door to us, Ryder on his shoulder in an orange and grey striped jumpsuit. Dom smiled at us although he also looked as if he was trying to figure something out.

  “Kennedy.” I said raising my hand, Dom laughed.

  “This isn’t fair, you don’t normally wear the same clothes.” He said,

  “I have a broken elbow.” I pointed out, Dom looked at me then bowed his head sighing, it made me smile as Cassidy laughed, he held his hands out. Dom looked at Ryder, seemed content and passed Ryder into Cassidy’s arms.

  “Hello baby.” Cassidy said happily then he laughed as he straightened out the jumpsuit, a pumpkin was stitched onto the stomach, My First Halloween around it.

  “It’s November first.” I said, Dom nodded as he closed the door behind us.

  “I know, but he threw up on his clothes.” He said as he took the muslin off his shoulder. “I didn’t want to put him in his Sunday best, so to speak.” He smiled as Cassidy sat on their couch. Crossing his right leg underneath his left, resting his elbow on his bent knee and propping up Ryder’s head. Ryder for his part smiled up at Cassidy with such love in his eyes it almost hurt my heart.

  I stroked Ryder’s covered foot, smiling as he kicked out at me then looking up as Harrison came into the living room.

  “Did you two have a good night?” he asked, I nodded as Cassidy did without looking up at him. “Not hungover I’m impressed.” He added lightly, I smiled sweetly at him.

  “How wise do you think it’d be for me to get drunk with a broken elbow?” I said, Harrison laughed as he nodded.

  “Valid.” Dom said, we both looked at him as he smiled pleasantly at Harrison. “Halloween party?” he asked,

  “Halloween Masquerade.” I said, Dom gasped it sounded excited, we all looked at him so he shrugged.

  “I never went to boarding school, my parents are dentists. Let the peasant enjoy your lifestyles.” He said, I laughed as I stood from the couch, getting my phone from my pocket and opening up my gallery, showing him the numerous selfies and pictures, we’d taken last night. I’d sat in bed, surprisingly early this morning scrolling through the official photographs from the professional photographer Myles had hired, apparently with the job specification to take candid pictures throughout the night before setting up a photobooth style kiosk, that from the look of things, Cassidy had dominated – mostly.

  “You look fierce.” Dom said, Cassidy preened at him.

  “Thank you.” Cassidy said happily as Dom swiped to the next picture then looked up at me, I blushed because I knew exactly what picture he was on.

  Apparently, the photographer had taken a picture of Stephen and I when we kissed in amongst everyone dancing, he had also been so kind to blur out all of our surroundings, leaving just a perfect circle, leaving Stephen and I the only ones in focus. I’d saved it quite quickly, then felt a little embarrassed for saving it so quickly before sending it to Stephen – who I don’t think had woke up yet.

  “Huh.” Dom said, I bit my lip, he didn’t push. I knew I liked Dom for a reason. “Simple suit that Kennedy.” He said, I smiled.

  “I couldn’t go around upstaging Cassidy, now could I?” I said, Cassidy laughed, Ryder laughed back at him.

  “Oh baby.” Cassidy said fondly as he lifted Ryder by the armpits, cupping his arm under Ryder’s bum so he could sit on Cassidy’s arm. “You agree don’t you, no one could outshine Uncle Cassidy.”

  “I wish we’d had Halloween Masquerades.” Dom said as he passed my phone back. “We just used to go over to a mates, get pissed, wear Scream masks and go throw eggs.”

  “Oh you were naughty.” Harrison stated, Dom grinned at him.

  “How the other half live.” Dom said whimsically then he stood, “We’re having ham for dinner.” He said clapping his hands and going into the kitchen.

  My phone buzzed in my hand, so I looked down at it.

  Text Message 16:02

  Stephen: Huh, we look good ;)

  I laughed then looked up as footsteps thudded down the stairs, Wesley appeared first, gasping and running at me, he went to jump on me but just stopped short, when he saw my arm was in a splint, he cocked his head at me.

  “Huh Dad was right.” He said,

  “Right?” I repeated, he nodded.

  “He said Uncle Kennedy had done something stupid.” He said, I laughed in a gasp then reached for him, putting him very loosely in a headlock, he gasped and laughed trying to scramble his way out of my grip. Hitting my stomach over and over until he went limp, laughing as he draped himself over my body. “I give. Kennedy, I give.” He said in between his laughs, so I let him go.

  He stroked down my splint then he looked up at me, eyes wide.

  “Did it hurt?”

  “So much.” I said nodding, then looked behind him as Millie ran into the room, bypassing me completely and kneeling on the couch next to Cassidy. It had always alluded Dom that Wesley and Millie could tell us apart without any prompts. Granted, right now I had a splint which was a pretty big giveaway but Dom had always marvelled at their ability given most of the time Dom struggled, and we’d caught Harrison out more times than he’d like to admit.

  I mean, okay, Cassidy and I didn’t help, the moment we knew someone was struggling with which of us was which, we did everything in our power to make them struggle eternally, hence turning up for Sunday lunch wearing the same outfit. We were dicks like that, but our Niece and Nephew never seemed to come into any issues when identifying which of us was which.

  We sat in their conservatory with cups of tea, following dinner. The rain pattering against the glass roof making the room far more comfortable than I could’ve ever imagined a conservatory to be. Ryder was asleep in his Moses basket that swung leisurely at the end of the couch.

  Wesley was upstairs, apparently doing the homework he’d been neglecting for the last week, and Millie had been put to bed apparently asleep. Cassidy and I had a curfew in two hours, but we weren’t in any real rush. Cassidy sat, his head on my shoulder blowing lightly on his tea as we listened to stories of married life. Until Harrison’s phone alarm went off. He shushed at it, glaring at it, as if it was totally the phones fault that he’d set an alarm on it, and it had gone off whils
t Ryder was sleeping. He stood from the couch, stroking over Ryder’s tummy smiling before he went into the kitchen. He came back with a glass of water.

  He passed a pill to Dom, Cassidy sat up with a gasp then he covered his mouth.

  “You’re… not?” he said then sighed, “sorry, that was so rude.”

  “I’m not.” Dom said softly. “No, no I’m not and I’ll take it as concerned over rude.” He said, Cassidy pointed.

  “I like that, I really do.” Cassidy said, I gasped.

  “No, no don’t give him ammo to be nosy, he’s bad enough as it is.” I said, Dom laughed then took the glass of water from Harrison.

  “No one is celebrating that I’m down to one pill a day here.” Harrison said, I whooped unenthusiastically, Harrison flipped me off.

  “So, my concern is asking, what are you taking?”

  “Your nosy.” I said simply, Cassidy pulled his tongue at me.

  “PrEP.” Dom said then finished the glass of water.

  “Huh I heard about that.” I said then I frowned at Harrison, “but, I thought you’d have to take it. I thought it’d stop you passing it on.”

  “Not quite.” Harrison said as he sat back beside Dom.

  “I take it, to protect me from contracting HIV.” He said,

  “Ah.” Cassidy and I said at the same time, then Cassidy scrunched his nose.

  “Ew.” He added, Dom laughed,

  “He’s clever.” He said to Harrison as he laughed.

  “I don’t get it.” I said slowly because I wasn’t really sure I wanted to get it.

  “You’d take PrEP before you have sex, to reduce the risk.” Cassidy explained,

  “Ew.” I said, Harrison laughed.

  “No, I take the T’s and S’s, four a week on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday because we’re married now, our sex is so very unpredictable.” He said dramatically.

  “You poor lamb.” Cassidy cooed; Dom laughed happily.

  “Hey if me taking four pills a week reduces his anxiety then I’m here for it, especially given he used to take four pills a day, I figure I can do this for him.”


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